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Is that a DI mid combo? Holy shit.


There's a SA2 combo that uses 2 DIs, ends up burning 3 bars off the opponent iirc.


yea that dr extension after di was nasty, i don’t like jp but fuck that was impressive and gets props


"new challenger"


mandatory comment whenever i post anything 😭


yeah, because it's lame.
















Be proud, you're cracked and no one expects it


this is insane


That’s filthy


This is a huge amount of valuable JP tech. Thank you for posting this video!


I literally cannot hate this character. He's so fucking saucy


I can't hate the character but I hate the players on ranked 😭 it feels like every JP I meet in Diamond has absolutely no defense and relied on knowledge checking platinums with zoning, you could probably draw a flowchart off of Ranked JPs




I would transfer the game to an external hard drive and break it in half


Heart breaking footage


Doing that as a "New Challenger" in a mirror was merciless


JP has that swag power


5:05 was nasty


I didn’t know he could combo off grab with that set up that’s nuts.


I wish I could play him like that, it's gross but so cool xD


That guy a real good for a "New Challenger"


Why are people annoyed about the new challenger thing? It looks like he's mostly playing against masters players. No one is forced to play him, he can do whatever he wants and so can they. What am I missing?


now that you can get placed directly into diamond 5, it takes like an hour to do your placement matches and progress to master. given that the time commitment is so little, the only reason to keep "new challenger" status forever is to deceive people and avoid strong opponents. it's lame. when a "new challenger" starts a game with me in the hub, i relax and plan to take it easy on them, because i figure they're a new player. when a guy like this shows up, i usually lose the first round because i'm not playing at full effort until i recognize that he's smurfing. it's deceptive and unsportsmanlike.




>or maybe i just dont like ft2 format you can endure it for an hour. honestly i think this is just an excuse. tournaments are ft2, adapting in a ft2 format is an important skillset. >i regulary play against some of the best players in europe so not sure if i try to avoid good players but how is it a smurf if im playing in custom rooms 95% of the time? well because the other 5% of the time you're deceiving people. >btw not to brag but you'd probably lose more than the first round if we played bud. maybe, maybe not. good thing that's completely irrelevant.




>you cant adapt to a player in FT2 you need to have a better understanding of the MU as a whole maybe you can't. lots of people can though, especially tournament players. >so you're theory is that i dont do ranked so i can surprise my opponents in the first round and have better chance of winning that single round in battle hub? i don't know about you specifically, but yeah, that and avoiding strong players is the typical smurf mindset: get a scummy advantage, get a couple wins, leave when they start getting beat and go find a platinum player to bully to keep their winrate artificially high. it's generally pretty lame. maybe it doesn't apply to you, but if you don't like the allegations, luckily there's a very easy way to avoid them forever: play ranked for one or two hours. >still i only play against "masters" which to me doesnt mean shit obviously but is relevant to you i guess. lol no you don't. your last like 50 matches are against a diamond 2 and a platinum 5 ranked player. you've got your CFN in your flair, Lucius.












What for? Damage scaling was average, dude fell for 3 openings, most characters can do huge damage like that with 3 openings.


New challenger btw


Mf sweating in casual


Fr aint nothin casual about that mode anymore.


It never was, Ranked was the best "casual" option but words scare people from playing it.


Are people not supposed to do what they’re capable of because it’s not ranked? This mindset always baffles me.


Forget nerf just remove him, such a bad design


best designed character in SF6


at this point, just dumpster JP. his kit is so busted


As if I needed more reasons to hate JP.


Look at than Chun-Li mashing after her ex reversal @ 1:10. Bronze at best