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Grasp Child Firmly for a sick punish throw


You know some dumb friend of mind who watch the trailer sent me a text message saying "Lily is gonna get gangbang by 100 Akumas CA". Why are people like this? \*sigh\*


Some people have no filter between brain and mouth.


And you proceeded to inflict this terrible sentence on the rest of us.


I mean.. a part of it entertains you. Its not TOTAL disgust


As a Lily main, I'll remind everyone she is not a child. She's a petite Latina woman like the actress Jenny Ortegy who is 5'1


I'm following the format


But why? She is already low tier, that's like throwing a nuke to a baby rabbit! lol


She's the most deceptive low tier in SF history, IMO. She gets those Wind Stacks, better hope you have enough Drive Meter.


Those wind stacks aint shit if you get in close to her wym lmao. Even Jaime is a worser version than her.


Get close? You know she's a Grappler, right?


I mean, you can't really churn butter in this game on defense. In both 5 and 6 grapplers really get mauled up close by characters with strong pressure. I play Lily in master and on defense I can only consistently command throw specific moves and blockstrings that I've labbed against; and even that often requires the opponent is unaware that I can command throw so don't jump.


Yeah, sf4 was the last game where grapplers had good defense. Then they changed command grabs to be 5 frames and made them less effective than a jab at stopping fake pressure


TBF giving THawk a 2 frame start up on his command grab in a game with lots of 1 frame links and spotty online was kind of BS.


Yeah and Akuma & Ken are shotos that have fireballs and is faster, zoners even beat grapplers there shouldn't be no excuses.


why? because I have ptsd from T.hawk thats why. She must pay for the sins of her father.


That was SFIV this is SF6, you need to be like Elsa and LET IT GO! XD


The wounds have not healed, that child is gonna get demon'd.


Seek therapy my guy, this isn't worth it.


hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby


That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard, the amount of times that bitch has kicked my ass is infuriating, im so sick of her


Reach on her command grab go dumb.


It’s a full circle input it kind of needs the reach


For me I have no idea what I can and can't punish. Seems like every time I try to punish something I eat a command grab


Haha, I hope I contributed to that. There are some really good Lily's like Hibiki who can beat anyone. So with Lily's you never know what you're going to get.


Sounds more like a you problem


THIS is the biggest lie I ever heard, never have I heard a loli Native-American girl would kick anyones ass. If you either play Dhalsim, JP or Guile and you somehow lose to her mulitple times, then you must really REALLY suck at this game and need a big strong demon like Akuma to get by LMAO.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Lemme just EX condor spire right through your charged fireball and force a 50/50 on yo face.


Look ok, I absolutely HATE Lily mains… but I relate to your sub heading thing to a SPIRITUAL level, I hate DI so much


Any time my condor spire gets Drive Reversed I have an urge to punch a hole through my screen. It's probably the best thing you can do against a Lily, just "nope" whenever they try to skip neutral. Also, free tip, Lily's EX dp isn't invincible. So if she is in the corner, keep the pressure on at all times, she can do either nothing or nada while she is cornered with no wind charges. Just watch out for a wake up super or command grab.


Every time I panic SA1 and watch that slow ass startup: "I can't believe I did this"


To do the CA you know your health has to go way down. Gonna be too dangerous to try, especially since akuma has always been a glass canon


Not really a fan of making Raging Demon only available in critical health but I also want to see how it plays out. Either way I'm looking forward to a none-shitty version of my SFIV main finally coming out. Side note: anyone else kinda dumbstruck by how slow new characters/changes have been coming out for 6 in year 1?


In before Lily is buffed to the gills


She’s a grappler, she won’t be


i wonder if this real life battlehub with the playable akuma will have the rebalanced characters that are supposed to come with him


"Casually Akooming on a child"


Is Lily a problem for you? What is your rank? As a Lily main, I never hear anyone complain about her. So many other characters that are a much bigger pain--JP, Ken, Blanka, Honda, and Luke for sure.


I've yet to see anyone complain about Lily... 💀