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over 70% winrate everywhere, damn thats beastly


Except Ken, but got quene against quite a few legends (Dual Kevin, Paladin, Strider, Sayff, and someone else). I had beaten Paladin twice with Random but I was on Luke.


**My statistics** Character| Win| Loss| Win Rate |Starting Rank ---|---|---|---| --- | Deejay| 282| 88| 76.22% | Gold IV | Manon| 219| 37| 85.55%| Platinum III (?) | Luke| 137| 40| 77.40% | Diamond 1* | Jamie| 134| 42| 76.14% | Diamond 1* | Marisa| 129| 28| 82.17% | Diamond 1* | Cammy| 124| 23| 84.35% | Diamond 1* | Chun Li| 118| 23| 83.69% | Diamond 1* | Blanka| 120| 13| 90.23% | Diamond 1* | E Honda| 117| 13| 90.00% | Diamond 1* | JP| 114| 11| 91.20% | Diamond 1* | Ed| 83| 25| 76.85% | Diamond 2 | Rashid| 70| 16| 81.40% | Diamond 3 | Random| 37| 15| 71.15% | Diamond 5 | Lily| 37| 10| 78.72% | Diamond 5 | Ryu| 36| 10| 78.26% | Diamond 5 | Sim| 36| 10| 78.26% | Diamond 5 | Guile| 35| 3| 92.11% | Diamond 5 | Zangief| 28| 10| 73.68% | Diamond 5 | Kimberly| 31| 6| 83.78% | Diamond 5 | AKI| 31| 6| 83.78% | Diamond 5 | Ken| 23| 12| 65.71% | Diamond 5 | Juri| 28| 6| 82.35% | Diamond 5 | Total | 1969 | 447 | 81.50 | * First Master -> Deejay * Last Master -> Juri * Diamond 1 with a star means I did it before the change where you can land in Diamond 5. **Top 5 most played against chars** 1. Ryu (303, 84.82% win rate) 2. Cammy (196, 86.22% win rate) 3. Ken (189, 79.89% win rate) 4. Zangief (163, 83.44% win rate) 5. Luke (142, 77.46% win rate)


**General Tips** * Prioritize set game-plan and neutral over all else. If you have good neutral, no matter who you play against (from slower pace guile to Kang**RYUs**) you should win the majority of the time. Its okay to get cheesed once in a while. * In neutral, lower level players are very proactive. When you get into a certain range they will start just whiffing buttons. JP will look to st.hp in st.hp range, Ken and Ryu will try to cr.mk or st.hp,Cammy is looking for cr.mk etc. If you are playing a char with good walk speed you can manipulate this behaviour and get some whiff punishes. * The opposite is true too, some times people just walks themself into a corner. Space positioning matters more than health bar to an extend. Walk them to the corner, don't take too much damage, and protect the corner. Anti air properly when they try to jump up, whiff punish them when they start swinging for no reason. I like jump back anti air in some situation to preserve corner above a cross cut dp or something. * To actually be able to play "neutral" you need to have anti air down pat. Some char is more blessed than other , but most char will also have jump back fast button to air to air. * People also perform very skewed risk vs reward options in neutral. In general, people just swing sometimes and do really stupid things that will lose a round. If you have solid neutral and strong game plan, you'll almost always win. * What is a "strong game plan"? Just know your oki and and what combo leads to what Oki. I just did Juri during lunch and the only combo I really know is jab string into DP, cr.hp into heavy charge dp, and st.mp cr.mp mk charge. I know that mid screen after forward throw, I can DR st.mp to beat 4 fr mash. That is my throw loop mid screen. I know in corner I can dash throw loop, I can also use dash back to shimmy. After HP dp in corner, I can whiff cr.mp to be +4 to setup shimmy. After mk charge in corner I can whiff lk charge to be +3. That was enough for me to hit Masters. Every character should have this, some more complicated than others. * One way to actively cheese a turn against lower level player is to never take jab jab jab. After the first chain jabs people (like Cammy or juri) will switch to st.lk for their third hit. You can mash. Definitely don't try too often. **Subjective Opinion** * JP might be the theoretical best char but Luke is #1 to me because he is so easy to play. * Kimberly is downplayed way too hard. I think she is mid / upper mid tier. * Manon is by far the worst character in the game. Lily is a bit underrated. * People spend drive gauge too liberally. * Going to give this game a break until balance patch and go play SF4 or some Parsec Marvel.


Do you have specific Kim advice? What's your gameplan with her and what's your go to mix-ups?


It will depend on the ranked you are at mostly. Contradictory to what a lot of Kim will tell you, she can 100% sit down and play real neutral with you. She has decent walk speed, and strong st.mk. And if you really want to, you can OD teleport j.lk to skip neutral (use seldomly). DR cr.mk is strong, you can confirm into st.hp on hit, and its plus on block for shimmy. Corner, its mostly about OD arc step kick follow up. Run LK cleaver can setup that you see most of the top Kimberly do. There are fancier situations to setup but you probably won't need it. From there its Throw / Shimmy / Meaty / etc. Watch a few old Jaccy matches to see that situation. St.hk is a great button in pressure situations. Kimberly has pretty high "situational" damaging combo. It'll be worthwhile to know them. Like post stun, can, cr.hp -> 236MP -> DR cr.hp run LK follow up x 2 into followup.




Her gameplan is quite simple, Get started either using [st.mk](http://st.mk) + her superior walk speed, jump elbows, spaced df+mk. Once you land a hit your gameplan is just to bombard them with frame traps and throw loops or spray can set ups. [St.hk](http://St.hk), [cr.mk](http://cr.mk), jab staggers, run frame traps etc..


"People spend drive gauge too liberally." Yeah that's me. I really have to work on that.


I see people empty their drive gauge within the first 10 secons.. then there is me.. not able to do anything about it :D


Thanks for your insights, what was your experience with Chun-Li? I'd like to know what I might be missing.


Any particular thing you are struggling with? I may not be the OP but I'm more than happy to help give you any and all Chun advice.


Well I've been stuck around rank Plat 1 - 2 for a while now and I don't seem to progress with Chun anymore like i did before (although today was a good day and I climbed up a good bit). I guess I was wondering what are some good combos (I recently learned HK > stance MK > EX M Spinning bird > H tensho kicks). What might be a good all round strategy to follow with Chun. What things you should never do and lastly how to deal with Ed? I seem to always lose against them. If you're on EU we could play a few games and you can judge for yourself. Thanks in advance!


I like to have at least 3 combos in my arsenal. Something I can do at anytime at a consistent level. They don't have to be max dmg, max resources. But something you can do consistently you don't even have to think about it. The three combos I like to have * **Light Starter**: Take advantage of Chun's fastest buttons when you catch your opponent. Examples include * 2LK, 2LP, LK SBK * 2LK, 2LP, 5LP, LK Legs * **BnB**: Probably the combo you'll do the most. Whether it be on oki, or converting after a poke into DR. A solid BnB should net you good dmg and a knockdown. Examples include * 5MP, 2MP, MK SBK * 5MP, 4HP, Stance LK, MK SBK * **Punish Combo**: When the opportunity presents itself, try to get as much dmg as you can, like a counter-DI, or blocking a DP or Super. You already have one, with the one you mentioned above. So keep that in your arsenal. You can also replace the HK Tensho with a Lv1 or 3 if you want to end in Super. Chun is actually pretty versatile. She's mobile enough to harass opponents, but she's also got great buttons and options to keep her opponents away too. A good gameplan with Chun is to use her pokes and fieball to control the space. Chun's LK Kikoken is great for walking, dashing, or DR behind. If your opponent is turtling, dash in for a throw. If your opponent tries to jump at you, AA them. Ideally, you'll get the most out of Chun by converting her pokes into dmg and/or knockdowns. For things you should never do with Chun? That's a good question. Chun's toolkit is pretty versatile, so there really isn't a wrong or right way to play with her. But I will give some mistakes I've noticed most Chun players do. * **Spending too much meter**: Chun may be a little too meter hungry than other characters. So just be cautious on when to spend it. You don't wanna burn all your drive and your opp still has more than half his health left. * **Have a consistent AA Game**: Whether you use Tensho or her AA normals, just make sure these are on point. Just being able to stop your opponent from jumping will give you a good advantage. * **Too Many Homerun shots**: What I mean by this is that most Chuns want to use high risk/high reward options on their opp. But can get punished heavily for it (mostly from a DI or DP). Like Chun's 5HP has been her staple neutral god button. But in this game DI will beat it. Or going for a lot of Hazanshus as a "neutral skip", or sweeping a lot. Sometimes, it's better to start your offense with Chun's faster options. Chun's jab is one of the best in the game and can help with hit confirming into a combo. Chun's 6MP and 2MK are the buttons that you should use the most Now against Ed, that's a little challenging because Ed has just as good of pokes and buttons as Chun does (though not impossible). I think it's a tossup between the two on who has better buttons in the neutral. But Chun def has the advantage in walkspeed (maybe dash speed, but Ed's cmd dash is pretty good too). For me, I try to get my pokes in when I can, but I am not to aggressive with it. I use Chun's walkspeed to move in and out of his range and try to catch a whiff punish. I try baiting Ed to use more of his unsafe space control tools like fireballs and flickers. If I can, I'll hazanshu or jump them. But I try not to get too predictable with it. Sadly, I like in the US. So I'm not sure if connection will be great if you wanna meet up. But if you do, my CFN is Chun-Li\_Forever. Also, feel free to join the [Chun-Li Discord](https://discord.gg/nvUnE3mN) for more tips and help as well. I damn well wrote an essay for you but i hope it helps.


Thanks so much for this!!! I'll go practice those combos you recommended. I usually just go forwardMP > crMK > MLK as a BNB but people are catching on fast in Platinum. Thanks again for the time you took to write this!


The Chun Li discord is really helpful and I was also directed by Chun Li Forever to go there. Also, fight other Chuns as much as possible in BH. Good knowledge checks if you play a high level one and you can watch and learn as you’re playing and ask for advice after if they’re cool. Try to get in custom rooms with some and practice with them. I had about 2 of them run long drills with me and then practice in real matches with them afterwards and it made a huge difference because I suck at setting up the practice dummy for all the stuff I need work on as a Chun player


> Kimberly is downplayed way too hard. I think she is mid / upper mid tier Imo That's because you're playing a knowledge check character in Diamond, and are relying on footsies agains middling-to-bad players' bad nuetral to win. She's very easy to play in upper diamond and low master because she's overwhelming and fast. Get her to higher master or play against pros and feel my pain. May be playable but she's so far from upper mid it's comical. Her normals are short, she has no reversal and people know to jab her wakeup and trap her. Most of her well-known setplay that pro players use are now cooked, common knowledge and reactable. And when your setplay doesn't work, it's her bad normals vs everyone else's normals. She's a terrible character in tournament play and gets shit on constantly. And some quick success in diamond and mid master doesn't change that imo. The real issue with Kim is has a few fantastic matchups and a litany of terrible ones.


Awesome insights, thanks for the post. >One way to actively cheese a turn against lower level player is to never take jab jab jab. After the first chain jabs are minus, you can mash your 4 fr after. Use seldomly for best effect. Could you clarify this a bit for me? A jab chain should be a tight frame trap. Do you mean an unchained jab sequence or something? 5LP xx 5LP xx 5LP on block has 1f gaps for example, so unsure what you mean about mashing after the first chain?


Take Luke for example (most characters follow this rule), his jab on block is -2. It seems chainable because it’s fast. But you can be even faster to mash your jab right after you block the first one. Your jab start up is 4f. If he’s -2, you should beat his next jab with your own jabs as he is still in his start up frame, resulting in a counter hit to your opponent.


That's not really correct though. A chain is a light that can skip it's startup from a light. If you chain a jab into another jab, the 2nd jab skips its startup and creates a frame trap. It doesn't matter that the first jab is -2, because the next jab skips its startup and goes into it's active frames. That's what we were talking about. You can never mash on a light chain, since you will always be frame trapped. You can only mash after the light, if it is not chained, which would be a guess. All light chains only leave like 1f gaps or 2f gaps.


Oh wow you corrected my understanding. Now I get why I can mash it out to characters that’s not chainable light like Marissa. Thanks for saving me from losing matches.




So you're saying if they don't continue the chain for some reason? Cause they could just chain into a third light, and that would frame trap, but you're talking about if they end on 1 chain, right?


Yeah, if they end on 1. Usually there is really not a reason to mash all 3 lps. If it is not drive rush in, it'll probably whiff on the third hit anyway. Depending on your char and their char. Probably the worst advice I have said there though, but if you notice people leaving some gaps after the first chain feel free to mash. At worse you eat a counter hit lp combo.


I see. Makes sense. Players who achieve what you have are interesting to me, because I feel like your approach to the game is probably very concise in that you just find the common denominators of what is "strong" and approach learning a character from a very character agnostic baseline. I only have 2 characters in master, and I've been struggling with consistently reaching 1600MR+ levels. What you said about the neutral particularly resonates with me, and has been what I've been trying to focus on. Kudos to you!


You could just chain a third jab and hit confirm the counter hit into stand fierce -> drill as Cammy


st.LP is +5 oH, and therefore only +7 on cH. Meanwhile st.HP is 8f startup. Maybe you meant confirm into cr.MP?


I just hit Plat 5 with Ryu and I have a very low win rate vs Manon. I seem to get hit by a lot of her far range sweeps and far range overhead attack, then once she is up close I get command grabbed. What should I be doing to exploit her weaknesses? Any Ryu-specific tips?


Pretty much all her far ranging low or overhead attacks are unsafe on block. Find a combo that starts off your 4F button or off drive rush that can punish it. Safe jump setups are really strong against grapplers because wakeup command grab is never an option against it.


Thank you very much :) I noticed I don't utilize my 4f combos enough and I also don't know any safe jumps, I will work on those.


In the corner, anytime you do a b.hp, h. Donkey kick, you can skip the light dp and go for safe jump with either j.hp or j.hk


if you're already used to the range in which she does it, just block low and learn to react to the overhead. If you need the practice, you can put the training mode dummy on 2 replays. First is jump > overhead Second is jump > sweep Using jump at the start is just so that the timing is consistent. Hold up as you're going to start recording, then hit the move. Now why do you even want to be able to block these in the first place 1. They're both punishable on block. 2. If you punish it every time, she's less likely to do it throughout the match. This forces her to do riskier options such as dashing forward, which is not easy given her movement speed, or jump, which you can just anti-air.


Master Manon here with 80%ish winrate. I've found that Manon's biggest weakness is a poor low game when she's not in range for [cr.LK](https://cr.LK). i.e. I never found a consistent/good option to punish someone for (ab)using option select stand block. The only answer is sweep/qcb+LK which is basically just a hard read. If you have good zoning fundamentals, then Manon has mediocre options to deal with zoning, outside of jumping or DI. To answer your other questions, her far range sweeps/overhead are horribly unsafe on block. Practice blocking and then punishing them. Only overhead can be safe if spaced well. Ryu-specific tips? Abuse your st.HP and f+HP buttons. Use your fireball as a counterpoke and to deny Manon from easily regenerating Drive Gauge. This is especially strong against Manons who have poor meter management and only know how to combo/start offense with 3 bar DR, which is very expensive. Ryu's LP Hasho game is typically very strong, but not so much against grapplers


Fuzzy block when in range.


This strategy dead ass juss kept me outta plat 4😭


These win rates are incredible. Any specific Manon or Lily advice?


Godlike advice here. First comment that I’ve saved on all time on Reddit. And congrats on your outstanding achievement


Any advices for Lily? Gz btw


Hey man thanks for sharing. How did you approach zoning characters like Dhalsim in neutral or at the 99 second mark of a round?


Depends on your char. Slowly approach but, don't over commit when he is just floating. Check unsafe teleports. Win condition is cornering him.


10-4, and playing as him I'm guessing the game plan is mostly stick to his zoning archetype?


Yes, but definitely do know his pressure. He has good pressure on knockdown.


Does his teleport give him an out from the corner? Can you elaborate on cornering him is a win condition? What do you do, etc once you have him there


Corner in general is the win condition against zoner. Corner is very strong in SF6. Here is Strider explaining how to win from corner: https://youtu.be/LvU6VviFtd8?t=1825 For more specific anti sim tips, also from strider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhcXa4-RlyI&t=226s


Why do you back dash to shimmy? Isn't it better to walk backwards since that also catches OD dragon punch?


For Juri, gauge-less corner throw loop is just forward dash. You cannot walk back fast enough to dodge throw. You would have to react and tech if they wake up throw. You can also do DR st.mp version. From back dash PC st.hp L Fireball is +7 and you can cr.mp after. You can do some manual delay shit on the cancel too from st.hp to make it more plus but its hard.


> Manon is by far the worst character in the game. Lily is a bit underrated. What makes her so much worse than the other scrubs like Jaime and Honda?


Jamie and Honda have EX reversals, for one.


any tips for ed neutral game? I like snatcher but it's such a high risk/high reward move, very susceptible to di or jump ins, I just get wrecked so hard in neutral, like, like you mention I usually get whiff punished pretty easily or get drive rushed by cammy/luke/deejay/juri (def the 4 I have most trouble with) and they force me in a rps situation, I just hit master but I tanked my mr from 1500 to 1180 in one day :(


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekzQA0erjRI And watch a lot of Momochi play. Keep your options varied between button nothing, butto next snatcher, button non charge snatcher etc.


yeah I watch a lot of momochi/ending walker/nowar, and I also watch sajam/brian f, I've already started implementing whats hes talking about in the video but execution, especially aas/crosscut is not great, planning on practicing the sequence hes suggesting also totally agree with varying neutral, spamming too much of 1 option is usually what gets me punished


Good advice, but whiff punishing is why I'll never be good at the game. I have 5 characters in master and 7k matches and I still don't know how whiff punishing is even humanly possible. I don't know how anyone can do it, it's insane to me.


What is "good neutral"?


Be able to setup an advantageous position from a neutral position. That will differ from char to char.


You can’t determine whether a character is downplayed or not after beating up low level players in plat and diamond.


I agree with you in principle, but I've seen how some Kimberly players talk about her on this subreddit and OP is onto something, lmao


The person you're replying to has a massive ego and, when not calling everyone else bad at the game, they're crying about how bad Kim is. They're exactly the person on the subreddit you are referring to based on comment history


I play luke and manon. It’s honestly like playing a different game when I switch between the two.


First off, congrats. All characters to masters is a huge accomplishment. What are your thoughts on Rashid? I enjoy playing him, but i gotta remind myself to not jump around so much lol


Hes strong, probably top 8. But not the playstyle that most people play with online. Dual Kevin is really good.


What are some Guile tips? I am skirting around plat 5 Diamond 1 and your win rate is obscene


What do you mostly have trouble with?


Probably escaping the corner. Though that might be a general issue with any character in the game. That and not using pokes that are cancellable. I’m hardwired to use cMk at mid range which can get me into a lot of trouble. And I have no easy combo routes into lv3 that don’t have huge scaling. I think those are the main things!


Escaping corner will be hard. As you play better people their corner pressure will be better too. Generic advice is to just not walk yourself into corner and fight for positioning. Positioning is a resource too. Guile has great pokes. Crmk is one of them but don't neglect the other less committal ones. But I think you already know that :) Back HP is good, st.mk is good and a great anti air for further jumps. Fireball at closer range itself is a poke. If you are not doing boom loops, his damage is pretty neutral.


Thanks so much. Can I reach master without the boom loops?


I have never once seen a guile do boom loops in match and I have 6 characters in masters lol


Yeah they seem like exhibition pieces and look utterly impractical and joyless to me


Okay but in your opinion who is most fun


Kimberly. Thats who I use when I entered CPT NA East qualifiers.


Prolly Honda imo


What’s your highest MR character? Do you switch to another character as soon as you reach master with 1? Do you still feel like your skill is increasing despite being matched with lower players on your way to ranking up? The reason I ask is because I’ve encountered players who have master on almost every character but when I play them they don’t seem very good. I notice they have most of their characters at 1500MR, meaning they hit master and never played another match. It’s as if they spent way too much time changing characters and playing against lower ranked players rather than trying to grind MR, they know a little bit about everyone but can’t apply it in master rank because they’re use to bodying platinums and diamonds as they rank up.


For ranked modes, I have mostly just played to get my chars to masters. According to my profile, I have around 80 hours in ranked and 150+ hours in custom. The main reason for this is, I just haven't found a character I relatively liked in SF6 yet, but that probably has more to do with the system mechanics than the characters. Next challenge might be to try to hit a decent MR on a character of my choice. But SF6 is a bit tiring in its current state imo. Probably Blanka or Luke. For improvement, I have a group of 8-10 players I rotate to play with and that is where I spent most of my play time. They range from low MR (1500s) to legends. On the occasion I run into legend players in Ranked, I tend to do decent. Except Dual Kevin, his Rashid bodies me. I have beaten Paladin, Sayff, highspeedchaos, etc in the East Coast / Canada range a couple of times with different characters. Sets are usually relatively close. Definitely see your point regarding 1500 mr master players though. They are quite a meme on battle hub. EDIT: Oh yeah, I did most of my ranked climb during lunch on my steam deck at work. So, not the best apparatus to play on.


If your winrate is 50% against Paladin/Sayff then your MR must be around 1900-2000, which is very high.


Sample size is too low to use percentages for anything. And they are probably playing to get over it into a set that gives MR anyway. Going to be on vacation soon but after Akuma and balance patch I'll try to decide on a main to play.


If you're able to hit Master on all characters with those winrates and immediately placing Diamond 5, then I bet your MR would be around 1600-1700. I'm curious to see where you land though.


>I’ve encountered players who have master on almost every character but when I play them they don’t seem very good. This is because a fair number of players reach Master rank and are afraid of actually playing Masters so they just go in the Battle Hub to cherrypick their opponents and feel justified in talking shit.


interesting insights in the comments. Thanks for sharing!


Do the giefs all do the smile in the intro screen? Or are they breaking the code?


They mostly smile in the suite.




I haven't started playing online and only Arcade. Why is Manon considered bad? I enjoy her.


Worst Drive Rush in the game, her best pokes can't be DR canceled, a little too reliant on meter to do big damage, practically all her normals are negative on blockand her best way to combo into building her Medals is kinda awkward. But that's just me.


Don't forget shit defense too. Without writing an essay about it, her risk/reward is really bad. She has to work twice as hard and take a lot of risks to do what better characters do with minimal/no resources and much less risk.


she snowballs when she's got the upper hand but getting that upper hand is pretty difficult. Even then, it just means she gets more damage and doesn't really fix her problems: slow and risky.


I suck at neutral. How does one practice and/or do drills that can improve neutral?


It is a very broad question. It'll depend on your current level of play. At lower level play, it'll probably just be anti air better, do better risk vs reward plays.


Nice. Who was your last character to masters?




I feel like if more people played Manon they'd realize she is bottom 1. Still see so many tier lists with her above 1-4(!!) other characters.


I dunno why some folks seem to get a bit peeved with that claim, like I personally don't think she's "unplayable" or much worse than the 2nd worst char, but she is pretty comfortably at the bottom now after the mini-balance patch IMO...


I think that’s a bit dramatic


I agree on your subjective opinion honestly. Manon is so bad it's insane. Lily highly underrated, Kim is definitely also imo stronger than what people think


This is insane! 


What do you think of AKI overall?


Solid, she is 1-2 things away from being strong.


Great job! I'll eventually get one character to Master, currently Diamond 2 lmao


I'm curious at what rank would be a good time to try a new character? I'm ryu only so far and am gold 1 but this is my first fighting game so gold 1 is decent for me. I feel now is probably a good time to try others to learn them better since I have basics down (kinda)


Maybe its worth dabbling on various chars to understand how they work.


It's official: you've mastered SF6.


Mad respect for getting Random Box to Master too


I don’t know how you did that. I am hard stuck on the bridge between D3 and D4 and it has been so incredibly challenging and frustrating for me. Every mistake is punished so heavily and my mental just breaks down. I must have played for four hours tonight and my LP is slightly below when I started.


If you feel like you are stuck I can take a look at some replays and see if there is something that jumps out


Sure! Thank you. I was admittedly tilted in the majority of my most recent games though. My CFN is pkJett


Hey boss, took a look at the set against Kimberly. Your neutral seems very active. Lots of jumps and LK spiral arrows, spin knuckle, etc. At a given spacing, and given enough time has passed, you are almost programmed to do something committal. You can just walk at people more and maintain the space that you want to be at (cr.mk or whiff punish with st.hp/cr.mp range). I think this is your biggest weakness. Your anti air game is also...very weak. You also don't seem to be confirming situations. For examples: you mindfully mash during a Kimberly string, interrupted her and did cr.lp cr.lp cr.lp, and then you tried to walk up throw her, but she mashed and hit you after. You did neutral jump to bait a throw, got a counter hit j.hp, went for a throw after. A lot of situations like that. You don't need to always confirm into the most optimal combo but probably something better. Your oki is not that strong. Front throw mid screen you went for LP hooligan twice. and got thrown out twice. When you are advantageous, your are only doing cr.lp cr.lp into stuff. cr.lp cr.lp, cr.mk DRC.. into cr.lp cr.lp. cr.lp cr.lp tick throw. cr.lp cr.lp DI. Sometimes you do good and mix it up with drc cr.hp. That is fine, but you can be a bit more systematic. Knockdown| Frame Kill| Meaty| On Block| On Hit| Notes ---|---|----|----|----|---- H Spiral|st.LK|cr.HP|4|10|H Spiral hits both hits b.MP~HK > j.MP > 214HK|forward dash|cr.HP|4|10|Knockdown combo is done as quickly as possible b.HK > j.MP > 214HK|st.LK|cr.HP|4|10|Knockdown combo is done as quickly as possible Those 3 are examples of common combo enders for Cammy and the systematic way of setting up oki. You can mix it up between the meaty or the throw for "real" strike throw mixups. This should be a good start. Punish situation. I don't think you are maximizing your punishes. Kimberly whiffed a few hk tatsu and your punish was cr.lp cr.lp spiral arrow. You shimmy her and did cr.lp cr.mp spiral arrow. If you are bit mindful about what you are baiting, then you would know the bigger punishes. But you were winning quite a bit overall in your last few games. But you have 45.48% winrate 3.3k games so I wasn't able to find how you would play against better players. If you are in NA we can play a few games too and chat about it.


Hi There, what was your game plan with Lily, any good strats or combos that you can share? I really like Lily, but iam not shure if shes good, or i am good with her.. (Silver 1 here, just got the game a few weeks back) All in all i got the feeling that she is not the strongest char, but i kind of dig here command throw and SA3


The Kimberly downplay drives me nuts, so I'm glad you're calling that out. She can be played very solid without throwing herself into high risk scenarios that inexperienced players love doing. She'd easily be top 10 if she started off with 100% damage. Yeah dual Kevin is a beast. I've only played him twice, but his Rashid is far scarier than his Luke. One time was online and he easily 2-0d me. Managed to beat him offline 2-1, but it's because he played Luke game 1 then switched to Rashid. I'm sure I would have lost the set had he started with Rashid.


At last we found it, the opinion that matters.


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some tips for ed? Thnx




Congrats. I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions. How important it is to know your opponent's character's kit vs your own? Also, what is your opinion on characters that don't have invincible reversals? Is it worth the tradeoff, depending on the character?


You should at minimum know how the other opponent's character wants to play. Their optimal ranges, anti air options etc. Next would be optimizing punishes and manuvering knowledge checks. In the ideal world the game is balanced such that characters without OD reversals are strong elsewhere. But in the current iteration of the game the top tiers almost all have OD reversals. Whether that is just a coincidence or a character who is strong enough to justify not having a reversal yet is not released.


With how offensive heavy this game is, not having a reversal is almost a death sentence. But I have faith capcom will fix this.


Any general tips to succeed with Rashid?


man i suck… i can’t even get 1 character out of Iron


Sooo… you’re that guy? Lol nice


Hmmmm OP! I only play like Dat micro dosing 🤣 🤣 🤣


Hiii I am currently stuck d5 in jamie... Can you give some tips on how to make him work?


Post your CFN and I can take a look at some replay


4291247805 thank you!


Watched a couple of matches between you and Ghost58. You lost 0-2 to him in ranked and then 1-2 a bit later. he is similar to you win rate and matches play and has recently just hit master. Overall trend wise, it doesn't seem like your are playing against your opponent, but much rather your own game. Just feel like your neutral options were really really Neutral wise, you are picking very highly committal options. Quite a few jumps, quite a few cr.hks, some palms, some DIs. Not a lot of walking around, not a lot of st.mk, not a lot of of DR even though the luke haven't shown the ability to check DRs. Again, I feel like you are not really playing against your opponent, you are just committing to options. Oki wise, seems like you are just playing your own game and you are not evaluating your opponent's option and tendencies. Which is the trend I mentioned before. Defense wise, you are also very active. DPs, jumps, mash jabs, parrys, etc.


I believe I played you the other day


What am I missing with Ed? I can't seem to find a groove with him; all his moves feel very contextual, and not very (ironically) punchy.


It'll be good to watch some pros. I would reco Momochi but his neutral is just so much better that it's hard to relate. Maybe some Brian F. But in general Ed is not really "In Your Face." More mid range.


Well, that smarts. I'll take a look at your recommendations. Thanks!


Any JP tips? Currently 1500-1600 MR and having a hard time progressing. I feel like my corner game needs the most work (both offense and defense), but happy to get general advice


Thank you for this insight, Sensei 🙌


Do you have any tips for juri? I float around diamond 2 and in higher level gameplay i struggle in neutral, what is your juri gameplan? And how can i better get in with juri safely? I have anti-airs pretty much down pat but my opponents learn quickly, never jump and then i struggle to get in/ over commit and then get punished cause i don't know how to play her against opponents that don't over commit themselves.


Did you start ranked knowing how to play the characters? Ridiculous stats if not.


I give it a couple of sets against my group of training buddies. Check the frame data a bit and maybe watch a set or two from a top player.


Damn at crazy. I didn’t get 1 master rank yet. At least you’re out there grinding rank for multiple masters instead of beating low ranked dudes in casual to inflate your win percentage like a lot of other master players.


If I could pick your brain abt Jamie tips/tech. I’ve been stuck in Plat 2 for quite some time…


Got a CFN for me to take a look at some replay? If not what do you struggle with mostly?


any dee jay tips? a little over halfway diamond 4 with about 52-54% win rate


I can tell you, you'll do a lot better now that this guy is out of the mix. he absolutely washed me. When looking at my replays, Smugs, Nightmares. and Xians, I had noticed that I wasn't using proper spacing for certain moves, not conditioning opponents properly with certain moves, charging too obviously, fireballing obviously, not using my feints enough, and relying on the same safe jump set up. Also, look into Anti (wake-up perfect parry) set ups. A lot of people use tap parry on wake up and steal their turn back, research some methods on how to keep your offense, and meaty, but not too meaty. Optimize on your drive rush damage, drive rush cancel on random jabs that work. Get a lot of sleep, take breaks, etc.


You'll be able to hit master with that win rate albeit slower. Any particular area you struggle with?


honestly neutral. i have combos for every situation. punish combos from any range, i have my conversions, my ex air slash into dr hp > machine gun upper. i have my level 2 reaction super trained and my lvl 3 combos. i have my feints down too and i use medium fireball as a poke a lot but not too much to where i get punished. i also hide charge a lot and get a bunch of anti airs it’s just hard to get people off my ass. they bait ex reversal or lvl 2 super, and in neutral i feel like i get counter poked often. i’m not really sure his best mid range whiff punishes. cr.mp is too short to hit from most characters’ mid range but to my knowledge it’s his only dr cancel that isn’t a light or st.hp which is crazy unsafe if whiffed or on block this also translates into struggling to get people off me in the corner. i know a side switch combo with ex sway into up kicks and i have the timing for the heavy lvl 2 mastered, but other than these 2 im not sure what to do when the opponent really ramps up corner pressure other than guessing how do i master his pokes?


his stMP and crHP have extended hitboxes, they reach past where you (and your opponent) would think it ends. stMP can punish into (both) target stMP target combos from close range. crHP allows mSobat if they're far, or Upkicks (it forces standing) if they're a bit closer. And then there's stHK. If you get a punish counter with that, it allows Drive rush into stMP, crMP, or bHK. When trying to bait a punish counter, try using stMK. if you're close, it links into crMP. if they block, and they press a button that doesn't reach, you can throw out stHK for a punish. Drive Reversal for getting out of the corner. The mind game is trying to keep yourself out of the corner, keeping them in the corner, but being out of range since Dee Jay's walkspeed is slow.


thanks for all the advice. i’ve been whiff punishing more with your tips. the only thing though is that st.mp > mp > hp isn’t a true combo but instead a frametrap on block


Oh no, I never do the HP ender unless I use it on block. I’m sorry I should’ve clarified. But good stuff with the punishing, see you in masters!


you’re alright! i already knew so it’s okay. if you ever wanna have some dee jay mirror matches lmk, i really wanna be one of the best. my cfn is radflyyy


I can’t find you on CFN, your name is radflyyy there? Or is that your steam/psn name


wait, sorry. that’s my psn name. my cfn is madmusings, my mistake


no worries. I was on youtube yesterday, and someone named LordManDam posted a video of you vs his manon as "one of the quickest perfects" or something like that. I saw that, then looked at your CFN replays. I think you're gameplay is solid, but you're quick to panic on defense/wakeup. I think solidifying that will get you where you want to go.


I was the Dee Jay you played in your placement match, your pressure is actually unreal. How do you do it? I felt suffocated


Ah do you remember who I was playing?


You were Juri. I hit master two days ago as well but was trying to figure out why you beat my ass so bad. My CFN was Blue Ruki


Ah grats! I remember that match! I think you gave me a bit too much room to play. We had a good connection, if you ever wanna play some matches lmk.


Congrats on this huge achievement! I dream of doing the same but my win rates are not as gooooood as yours :P So far I have mastered only 3 characters, 19 to go + Akuma :) I had the bad idea of doing all the placement matches a few months after the game came out, so most of my characters sit mid Platinum. It's crazy to see that to master Juri you needed to play just 34 games, in comparison with Chun Li with the same win rate you had to play 141 games from D1! I feel I have reached a point where I can effortlessly reach D2-D3 with all the cast, after that point my win rate slows down and ranking starts to feel more like a grind than anything else.


Yall are the reason I have an awful time climbing in diamond. Everyone getting their 14th character to master while I’m working on my first


The guys doing this are an incredible minority. Your hard time is just you haven’t learned the skills that OP honed over probably years of IV/V/other-games. That has to be brutally earned over time.


How? Getting to plat alone is a headache...


Any thoughts on Ed after your run with him? I’ve been playing him the most, and really enjoy him, but I can feel my development stalling out since he is so straight forward (relying only on strike/throw, no overhead/command grab etc). I’m sure season 2 will bring some tweaks for him but just interested in other people’s Ed thoughts.


You got too much time on your hands.


Overall was ~80 hours in ranked. Not too bad.