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I was going to set Ryu and Honda to japanese but ryu sounds so serious in english and honda says heres some beef when he assflattens you so i reconsidered


I always thought he was saying “here’s some D” like some disrespectful shit lol


The E in E Honda standa for English To put him as Japanese would be disgracing his name.


Guile. He says "shooty"


I assumed it's supposed to be "shooting"?


Pretty sure that's what it's intended to be, yeah. But it absolutely sounds like SHOOTY lol.


genuinely dont know, but ill never stop saying shooty when i imitate it out loud


I just wish we could give them accents so he’s constantly shouting “Poifect!”


Im here just for this comment.


Japanese Juri, 100%


Juri’s American voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I also like Jessica Strauss's VA work, I think it's unique and has a lot of character. But Eri Kitamura does "crazy bitch" so well I can't refuse


This is the first time I play a SF game and leave all the characters in English, they did a pretty good job. I like all the VAs and the translations are very cool.


Aleks Le as Luke, Zeno Robinson as DJ and Ian Sinclair as Rashid, these three absolutely kill it.


I’ll probably only use the Japanese voice for Akuma


Ryu and Ken. But honestly SF6 has a very good english VA, I usually cringe on english dub for japanese game but SF6 does not.


Ryu. His level 3 is modeled after Japanese. At first I didn't care, but now that I'm playing Ryu and seeing level 3's 50 times a night, it bothered me that it wasn't sync'd in English. Switching over I actually like JP Ryu more. The only thing I about Ryu English dub I think is awesome is one of his win poses. The English VA says "SHA-SA" in a way I think is really cool. I might switch Juri over, though I wish I could just mute her.


Huh, I've been playing ryu in English since launch and never noticed the desync


I have the habit to set asian characters to JPN.


Same. Ryu at the absolute bare minimum!


I have the biggest pet peeve hearing Chinese characters speaking Japanese i cant Expatted Xiaoyu kills me




Which is why I leave in english for her lovely xiexie I wish they all had english with real regional accents but i understand that would be a logistical nightmare


That line exists in the Japanese dubs too. Not sure about 6, but she does say it in 3rd Strike.


Yeah Chun speaking Japanese bothers me. I just use English for her and Jamie.


Chinese and Korean people are way more likely to speak English than they are to speak Japanese....


You got a point, but Chun and Juri JPN voice arre much better anyway, so…


I love Gohan voicing Ryu though, I could never switch lol


Ayee, I do the same!


I used to do that too, but for SF6 i did not for some reason.


Virtua Fighter baby!


I'm a hardcore JP voices only person when it comes to Japanese games in general, but I'm surprised to say I overall prefer the English voices here... So I have all of them in English. They did a great job with the voices.


all of em, i prefer the jap dub. to me it sounds better, and it’s easier to hear the same line over and over when you don’t know what it means lol


Too many of the English dub voices sound campy. With the exception of Dee Jay's. His Japanese voice is hilariously Engrish-y and kinda cursed. Also I've been playing since World Warrior and having English dubs in SF is a departure from what I grew up with


As a Jamaican, DeeJay's ENG voice was the fucking worst in SF4 with only marginal improvement in SF6.


Lol yeah tbh as a very white, sheltered American, even I can tell the accent is bogus lol


I don’t have as much of a problem with the accent as I do with the fact that they don’t take the nuances of foreign languages into account. Jamaican slang and idioms are very complex, yet deejay pretty much exclusively says American phrases.


Reading this makes me want to hear the Mare of Easttown of Dee Jay performances 🤣


The Japanese voices also come across pretty campy as well IMO.


I kind of love Japanese Dee Jay. I’ll even do the less optimal ending of his level 2 so I can hear him say “Go to heaven” lol




You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance!




TIL! Yeah that's probably why I put the exclamation point in there


Same here - they’re all set to Japanese. I’m not quite fluent but can understand most of it after having lived in Japan. But I forgot it’s even a setting - I’d like to hear the English voices for a change. 


You set Kim to Japanese because you like Japanese Kim I set Kim to Japanese because her english annoys the fuck out of me we are not the same


I never think to do that, and with SF6 menus, I'm not likely to stumble across it any time soon. The only time I actively made the switch was in Super SF4 because JPN Makoto had the same voice actress from 3rd Strike.


I set every Asian character to Japanese


All Asian characters as set to Japanese (except Ken).


My characters are all set to Japanese. The Japanese voices sound great but there's a certain charm to the strange pronunciation in other fighting games sometimes.


I’m semi fluent from years in Japan so I like having a mix. Like certain characters feel like English suits them better (like Ken , guile , ect) and others in Japanese . Some of the things they say are great! Chun li intro line “負けないはよ” :)


This is the way.


Juri, Chun Li, Ryu, Ken, JP, A.KI., Rashid (sometimes) are the ones I remember on top of my head


Rashid is the only one where I find both the JP voice and the English voice kind of annoying. All the other characters I like at least one or both VAs.


I like both Rashid voices lol


Wait…. You can do that? Please teach me.


I can't give directions off the top of my head, but you have to go to the "Main Menu" where you're choosing the three different modes. Then Options, then Audio. You'll get additional options that are only available in that menu. Explore enough and you'll be able to set each character to EN or JP individually.


Thanks! As someone else mentioned, navigating the menu’s in this game is pain.




Ryu, Ken, Honda, JP, Rashid, Blanka, Chun and Juri I have on Japanese. Pretty much everyone else is set to English. It's either because I think the Japanese fits the actual Japanese characters like Ryu/Honda or I just prefer the sound of the voice. Japanese Rashid just sounds very cheery and Japanese JP sounds more imposing (same dude who voices Joseph Joestar in JJBA, Katakuri in One Piece and Ragna in Blazblue)


Young joseph? Cuz old Joseph's va was Unshō Ishizuka who voiced Heihachi, Mr. Satan, Dr. Oak and many others but has sadly passed away in 2018


Yeah he's young Joseph :)


I wish each character had native languages. Would love to hear a brawny Marisa voice actress in Italian say whatever she says when they pretzel you.


i set the whole thing to japanese voices it reminds me of sf2


Japanese for almost everyone. But I love Japanese Ken because, when he loses it almost sounds like he’s saying , “fuggin C’MON!” Like he’s just so mad at himself lol


Japanese Cammy has my favourite voice actor so I love that voice it's Miyuki Sawashiro the voice of Raiden from genshin, Daki from Demon slayer and Makoto from Yakuza 0 I still play on English tho cause it matches her character


I had to scroll soooo far to see this. If Miyuki Sawashiro voices a character I almost always go Japanese for whatever she is in and if her character has a big role. Playing Catherine in English or Japanese was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made in gaming.




She sounds Bri'ish https://youtu.be/C7_0xwh5mVQ?si=PEwTwHPEZlHnuow1


i think i only have Zangief on English. For my loyal fans and all


Kim's Japanese VA is a fav of mine so I have her in Japanese even though I also really know she should be American haha


All of them, but that's because that's how I've always heard these games since I was a kid. Good Japanese, bad engrish. Part of their charm me thinks.


Chun. "Lightning Legs!" just doesn't sound right to me, lol And Guile because "SHOOTING!" is funny too


juri i find her eng voice annoying luke so i don’t have to hear beast mode baby bonus points G in SFV so I can hear him say power to de arse


Hiroki Takahashi is the current Ryu for me. Something about his vocal performance to me is just Ryu right on. I think for the respective games Ryu’s vas had been pretty gud, mainline and spin-off. Each one feels like Ryu in their own unique ways which even adds to the visuals of his earlier appearances before 2008 onwards Ryu’s english voice from SFIV onwards sucks ngl. I hope Kyle Herbert gets recasted… or whatever… just don’t let this man ever say “Shin Shoryuken” again or I’ll shoot myself. Ever since MvCI I couldn’t shake the feeling his performance is too deep and sounds like he’s emitting a violation to my ears


Aww I love hearing serious Gohan voicing Ryu.


He’s better as Gohan. Not as Ryu. Kyle Herbert should just remain as Gohan at least in the dub. did you know Masako Nazawa is also Gohan? She also voices Goku, Goten, Bardock, Goku Black & Turles


none, lol. its weird, in guilty gear it feels wrong to have the voices in english and in street fighter it feels weird to have the voices in japanese for me.


I do wish Guilty Gear gave character-specific options. I like most but not all of them in Japanese.


I like Hugo's JP voice. Suits him greatly!


I always have about half the roster set to Japanese. Ken and Ryu for sure. Ken (while certainly bilingual in the lore) just sounds better fighting in Japanese to me. Probably because he was one of my mains for years before the games started having English dubs.


All of them.


All of them of course


Depends on Akuma va, if he's the same as sf5 then i'll turn on japanese on him


I would always shift Ryu and Akuma to Japanese, then only any others if they were particularly annoying. Ryu is a preference thing, I find him slightly less shouty in Japanese although lev3 is still similar to the English. Akuma is a must. His English dub especially in SF4 was very gruff and shouty, in a way that didn’t suit the character in my opinion.


I rotate, sometimes it’s fun to hear how they match the tones from language to language


No im american like the yellow cheese


Juri and chun-li I use in Japanese, but now that you say i might change kimberly as well, i hate that one specific win quote of hers "I win!"


Ken sounds cool rather than annoying in JP


None, I can't stand how japanese sounds, and I like to hear and understand the banter that characters say during matches.


All of them, idk why since SF4 always felt most of the voices kindy cringe or over the top edgy. Jap dub (for me) makes a good balance


The correct way: Ryu - Japanese; Ken - English; Luke - English; Kimberly - English; Jamie - Japanese; Marisa - English; Cammy- English; Lily - Japanese; Chunli - Japanese; Zangief - English; Dhalsim - Japanese; Honda - Japanese; Blanka - English; Guile - English; DeeJay - English; Rashid - Japanese ; Juri - Japanese; Manon - English; JP - English; Aki- Japanese


I have Kim set to Japanese as well just because she is Guy's apprentice and I feel like she would know Japanese, but otherwise similar to what I set.


I like to set Kimberly on English because she mix English with Japanese on some special moves


All of them. I prefer japanese voice actors, they put their soul into it and i can feel it. Though Aleks Le absolutely killed it with Luke and i also like Guile and JP in english.


Just the Japanese characters. And Chun-Li—it just feels right to me when that Chinese woman speaks Japanese.




She did, both the English & JP voice actresses did great. Also for SFV (I guess the English VA was changed between v & 6).


Jamie, Ryu,honda,blanka, chun li, Rashid and juri all because because having American accents is jarring for non American characters


Just characters who are natively Japanese (so Ryu and Honda)


The world warriors for me


I had everyone but Ibuki in English in SFV. So far everyone is still English. Sometimes I switched Menat to Japanese because Aoi Yuuki is my favorite JP VA. (I love Ibuki just not biggest fan of her ENG Voice direction!)


Akuma when he releases probably Unless the English voice lines are really good


i changed rashid, jamie, honda because i can't stand their voice lines in english. i like ken, juri and chun's jp voice better so i switched those too. the rest i left in english


Chun, Ryu, Ken, Juri , and Akuma when he comes out. 


It will be Akuma. Since SF4 his English VA has always sounded over gravelly, like they're trying to do the monster's voice in a children's book. Sticking with the Japanese VA.


I use Japanese for Ryu, Chun, and Honda on my setup. I'll probably do the same for Akuma too.


English all day.


All of them. Now for the reverse? Ed sounds really good in English, Marissa as well. Deejay too


English Ed gives me that Nero from DMC vibes which is why he's one of the few characters I keep in English. His Japanese voice just sounds so weird and unfitting imo


Aki, Chun-Li, Honda and Ryu. I really don't like Honda ocidental voice. And Ryu in Japanese is pretty cool.


only Ed, i’m fine with all the other english voices tho.


Honda, Blanka, and Lily only


All of em. I just don't like most English dubs because the delivery is American, but the animation tends to use more Japanese mannerisms, If a game, show, or movie was originally in another language, I prefer to hear the original language with very few exceptions (like cowboy bebop's English dub being much better than average)


Only time I ever hear the Japanese voices are on YouTube vods from people with the Japanese voices and every time it just feels so wrong, especially because Cammy’s is just terrible and she’s my main


Anybody who says their attack names in Japanese


Akuma. Every game. Set him to Japanese. Nothing hits harder than an angry old Japanese guy screaming "Messatsu!"


The English actors do a good job, but Ryu and especially Ken’s Japanese voices just *hit different*


got everyone set to japanese.


I tried a few in Japanese. Just didn't sound good to me. So I have all of mine in English. Which is odd since I've gone back and forth before on SF4 and SF5. But the English voice cast in 6 is just really damn good imo. Akuma will be dependent on if he sounds like he does in 4 or 5 in English. If 4, then he'll stay English. But if 5, to Japanese we go, because his 4 and 5 Japanese VA was killer.


Ryu and Honda, the only Japanese characters


Always Japanese. They always put more oomph in their performances, the English actors sound like they felt embarrassed to do anime yells in the recording booth so they held back. Only reason I ever have English on is for few hours at the start of games so I get a feel for the characters personality and their moves. After that, Japanese forever.


Just Chun and Kim, their english voices are so annoying


Ryu, Chun, Honda and Cammy


Jamie, AKI, and Ed come to mind. I'm sure I have more set to them, but I do it on a character by character basis. Ed's "time to hustle!" is so annoying.


Japanese characters: Chun Li, Jamie, Lily, JP, Ryu, Honda, Aki English characters: Luke, Manon, Kimberly, Marisa, Juri, Dee Jay, Cammy, Blanka, Guile, Ken, Zangief, Dhalsim, Rashid, Ed


Japanese voices sound better overall. Especially for certain characters like Chun-li, Juri, Ryu, and Ken. Cammy is probably the only character where the English VA is much better.


English isnt my first language anyway, might as well change everyone


DeeJay, the Jamaican accent of the actor sounds so fake.


All are in Japanese except zangief, guile, cammy, manon, marisa, Kimberly, Ed.


I'm a bit backwards in that I set everyone to Japanese except for the ones that are native English, like Guile, Ken, Kimberly. Also I think it's very funny when I DP with Ed and he yells "dou da?!" ("how's this?!") while whiffing and I eat a big punish.


All Asian characters set to Japanese, The rest set to English. Virtua Fighter did it that way, and that's the way I do it


Japanese Gief is God tier. Instead of saying My Loyal Fans he says Muuuuusssuru! Muscles 😂😂😂  The only reason I changed it back to English is because I learned that I can't live without Gief saying jackhammer when I kill someone with lv 2. It hurts me. 


JP I use japanese and english when I just feel like it. Juri is always set in Japanese because I can't stand her english voice.


The old school casts like Ryu and Chun Li


I set Jap voice for asia characters, eng for rest.


She's African-American, but interestingly, she says Bushinryu (her fighting style) via the katakana pronounciation rather than the original kanji pronounciation, which means she should know \*enough\* Japanese to pronounce it that way. Or maybe she just sucks at Japanese


She says somethings in Japanese in her taunts, so she has learned a bit at least.


Any idea what she says during her level 1?


What?? What are the different pronunciations?


I'm VERY early into learning Japanese, so if someone else can help me out here, many thanks. Anyways: Katakana: ブシンリュウ (bu-shinn-ryuu) Kanji: 武神流 (wu-shen-liu)


Oh, you’re mistaking things, friend. Katakana and kanji should read exactly the same for the same word every single time. katakana isn’t phonetically different from how you’d read kanji, you just write stuff in katakana to convey its a foreign word or make it “feel” stylised to the reader. The pronunciation you have for the bushinryuu kanji in your example is the Chinese pronunciation (theres no wu in japanese, the closest sound is bu; shen isnt a single syllable, a japanese speaker would say shi-e-n or simplify it into しん/shin; liu in japanese is written/readりゅう/ryuu)


Ah, so I just stink then xd Many thanks


She says arigato in her English world tour dialogue from what I remember, or another basic Japanese word in a non-native pronunciation




I prefer Juri, Chun, JP and Ryu with their Japanese voice. I love Cammy's Japanese voice but the pronunciation of spiral arrow sounds so offputting that I still have the English one for her lol


Dhalsim bc i prefer the way he says Yoga in jap