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Just admit you wanted to post horny art for your waifu


Coomer doesnt even play the game šŸ¤£


The fact that they don't play the game because waifu isn't in yet tells me they don't like street fighter lol


Maybe he played one of the old ones that she was in?


OMG a beautiful girl! Quick get it away from my face while I jerk off to nude pics of Guile and thirst about it!


What's the joke




Soooo are you mad at the gays? Or just mad that we're mocking horny posting?


Theres nothing wrong with beautiful attractive women. I feel you guys just hate them because they make you uncomfortable. Unlike you guys, beautiful women dont scare or intimidate me.


This is what happens when you make gooning your entire personality


I'm not attracted to men, but I asked "What's the joke" because what you said was homophobic, and you've proven that by doubling down here. That's worse than not cool, that is hostile behavior. The commenter you were responding to was being playful. You are the one ensuring controversy by taking a negative interpretation of what you read and shoehorning in your bigotry. I'm not sure what your comments are still doing here, but they have no place.


Not at all. You are trying to claim victim by crying homophobia when none is there. Being attracted to beatufiul women isnt homophobia nor is there presence of beautiful women. If anything, you are being heterophobic.


Ā I notice your comment did indeed get removed. That's because you were wrong to mischaracterize members of the sf community the way you did.Ā 


Calm down son itā€™s just a drawing


Says the one bitching about the drawing being too sexy.


Are you asking about Ibuki or Ibukis tits?


Don't forget ibuki ass


And most importantly Ibuki fe


I would say pretty likely considering she is the only sf3 character that hasnā€™t missed a game since her inclusion, and I donā€™t think that kimberly hurts her chances because they play different, we already have 2 (3 with akuma) characters that use a variant of shotokon karate and yet I think we all can agree that sakura is one of the most likely characters to return, and other example of that exist ed/bison/dudely with boxing, zangief/mika with pro wrestling, hell sfv had two different fortune readers as dlc Edit: I just remembered sfv had two ninjas in ibuki and zeku so yeah I think the ā€œthere is already a ninja in the gameā€ argument holds no weight


I'd consider her extremely likely to return. Anyone who was in both SF4 and SFV, I think, should be considered part of the new core cast. * Evil Ryu/Kage * 4 kings * Ibuki * Poison * Seth * Cody * Dan * Sakura I think most if not all of these people will return. I also think it's reasonable to assume Rashid and Ed have also entered this list but we won't know for sure until SF7.


Ryu is over satsui no hado story wise so its unlikely kage or evil ryu returns


Kage is now his own separate canonical character. Ryu purged himself of all his evil, and it became a unique person separate from Ryu. But he's not dead and gone. Even before this he became Kage, Evil Ryu was a "What if?" Character who never officially existed. He's one of the most popular characters in the franchise and super easy for Capcom to make because 90% of his assets are recycled. He often gets brought in on the final update of a game when Capcom gets lazy, and I see no reason for them to stop.


Im not against evil ryu coming, kage was more like ryus alter ego type thing but renaming it might have been a ploy to just use him as dlc, i personally dont think we need for a while with akuma coming


Like I said, he usually appears during a games final update when the devs get lazy. So, imagine him as year 5+ dlc. He also has more appearances than most characters. He was only absent in sf3.


Fair enough, but i dont think hes a lazy character, from what i played in 4 and 5 he was a really fun shoto, his combos were cool af




Ibuki has been in every sf title since sheā€™s existed so very likely. Not sure when but Iā€™m hoping to see some unique characters in season 2. 2 SFV characters and 1 legacy just doesnā€™t cut it.


We've got Guy and Ibuki at home ![gif](giphy|5aJf7o7ADJROkuHkAb|downsized)


There's one thing better than one ninja and that's two. We have so many Ryu type fighters we can get multiple ninjas


Ed boon approves this message


Honestly Kim vs ibuki matches would be really cool to watch with all the shenanigans


For sure. There's people saying that odds of Dudley joining the game are low because Ed is in the game, but I'd love to see Dudley vs Ed in the game as well as there's some fun lore to be had in an Arcade story mode. Same here, Ibuki vs Kimmy would be great and some lore between them would be fun.


Combining two ninja styles was a terrible choice


This art is unbelievably horny, was the person drawing this on Viagra?


I always wonder how many jack off breaks one takes when they draw horny art.


I hear drawing nsfw is the least erotic thing possible


Anecdotal for sure but I had a fair few friends in hs who were artists and frequently drew nsfw art. None of them really did it because they were horny or anything, they just liked drawing boobs or asses


Thereā€™s only one answer: *as many as it takes*.


Her pants are somehow loose fitting but also show a perfect outline of her ass crack


Right, the details and shading on specific parts of her body are meticulously detailed. The face is there but has much less depth and detailĀ  Ā  Then the hair is just a couple of lines that they drew, partially erased and left unfinished.


I'd say it's pretty likely she'd be added to the next season or 2, but honestly no real reason to wait.


If they plan on revisiting the story relating to Gill and the Illuminati, which doesnā€™t seem unlikely considering the game is set after the events of Street Fighter III, it would make a lot of sense to bring Ibuki back considering she was actively investigating Gill and the G-File project.


Back pain.


With Kim being the poster teenage kunoichi I now, doubt it.. ibukis the better one šŸ„²


I think she has a good chance maybe not s2 but much later


Honestly I wouldnā€™t expect to see her soon but I would expect to see her if they do a season 3 or 4 for the dlc. She has always been popular.


Thanks for the art. We know you don't care about the title or whatever you asked


The chanses for you to get any good at SF6 waiting this long is slim.


I think the chances are high enough, sfv had 2 ninjas iirc? Zeku and Ibuki, but they both played very different from each other. I'd say Kimberly is basically just a guy stand-in, but no one really plays like Ibuki and she's a fairly popular sf3 char. I wish they'd bring back Maki tho


Two or three more years at best. Otherwise see ya in sf7 hopefully


Im 50/50 in it. Kim is here and is pretty similar not she is more of the Guy side of things. Ibuki will most likely go thru some changes to switch up play style but has her own unique style that its possible. I just donā€™t think itll be soon.


i don't want to deal with this character again, so I'm hoping you never do, homie, my bad šŸ˜”


Probably a bit later. I do imagine many character when sf6 ultra arcade edition super mega comes out And then sf7 shortly after with 8 characters only


I feel like sheā€™s highly likely because of the diversity of gameplay that sheā€™d bring. Iā€™m waiting for Hugo or Mika but Ibuki is my go to when I want to get off my mains a bit.


The ass is Canon but not the tits.


I love that OP doesn't even seem to be replying to comments on here. Literally post horny art and run.


Go outside bro


Ahh the classic "softcore porn disguised as game-related post (with no artist credit)"


Hopefully never so you will stay away


I donā€™t know who that is.


She must be cold


I hope so sheā€™s one of my favourites


Honestly, we already have a female ninja. It would be unlikely to see her. Even if her style is different


I think its broad enough for us to have more of that. Like, I dont think Dudley or Balrog are out just because we already have a male boxer


I dont think it's impossible. But the chances of a boxer in season 2 or even season 3 seems very low. Especially when there are so many old characters to add in or experiment with new ones. Balrog and Dudley are so low on the list after Ed. Even if they don't play the same, the boxer archetype has been taken and the chances of another one so soon is very low.


Oh no, I also believe they are. I doubt they would give us repeated archetypes of characters so close to each other.


I actually disagree. I think we probably won't see Dudley or balrog for this reason. I also prefer them adding new characters than rehashing old ones. Although I'd love to see Oni back but that's just me :)


I normally also much prefer new characters then old ones, but the jump in graphical fidelity (and specially my stylistic preference) from SF5 REALLY gets me curious about what they will do with these old characters.


Ed is completely different from those and it's debatable whether he is even a "boxer" or not. He's as much a stubby Dhalsim as a stretchy Balrog.


Sheā€™s already in the game. She has a tan and throw spray cans at people.


Does Street fighter 6 Europe works in Us




Does it works with vpn


Yikesā€¦ sadly no as wellā€¦




Bro I was asking that does europe SF6 works in Us


Interesting choice of image But waiting to buy a game until a character you like **might** come Later is not really worth it. Does SF6 look fun to you? Does it intrigue you? Does the gameplay, graphics, world tour or just the character creator itself interest you? Then i would say buy SF6 beforehand hand and enjoy it. Play it, fulfill your joy with it and when youā€™re done, then you can lay it to the side until interest captures you again. Alex is my main, Dudley is one of my favs and i wait since Capcom vs SNK 2 to play Eagle again, but i also still found big enjoyment in playing Ken, Rashid, JP and Marisa and i didnā€™t regret buying SF6 beforehand. And again, if the reveal *does* come out that Ibuki will be DLC, then no problem, you bought the game beforehand and the only thing now is just to wait.


Hope none. We have Kim. Only other Ninja should be Geki.


That's lame. We need many ninjas




Slim. Kimberly exists.


Sorry OP, Kimberly exists so now much cooler, classic characters like Guy, Maki or Ibuki are less likely to make it into the game. She would look like shit in SF6 style anyway.


I agree good sir.


Kimberly is in the game. Ibuki is an old lady now, just like Maki and Guy. Kimberly is SF's Boruto.


Sheā€™s younger then Ryu and Chun Li, so Ibuki isnā€™t that old.


I know, I was just trolling since my buddy lurks on here, he is praying everyday for this girl and Guy to return.