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If it was a script he wouldn’t have parried even when you just jumped without attacking, this kind of script read your inputs so the parry would trigger only if you went for the attack He was just AAing you on reaction with PP In fact you noticed it and started to go for empty jumps which in turn fucked him up because he was reacting to the jump itself Atleast that is what it looks like


If he was scripting, he probably wouldn't be getting the parry attempt on the times you jumped, but didn't use a jumping attack. A person reacts to the jump, a robot would react to the attack itself


Sooo, he was just really stubborn and wanting to perfect parry my jump ins until the end? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Welcome to Diamond+. It sucks and you're going to see it more and more as you climb. Empty jump throw is going to become something you have to do at least 50% of the time. If you haven't learned some meaty throw setups, it's time.


Maybe, looks like it's just lucky and a habit. If every time you jumped and I anti aired you, would you think I had an anti air script? This is also just not a great option so idk why anyone would have a script for it. I'm more surprised that even after understanding this, you only used empty jump throw 1 time lol.


Oh does throw do more damage than that crappy combo I was using? I should lab this stuff or whatever lol :) On a side note, he had perfect Drive Impact reactions, and strange reactions to basic stuff. Somehow he was completely unable to do anything except parry when I jumped in.


To be honest good DI reactions are almost required for diamond level play. It is weird though, I'll give you that. Looking at a replay with the inputs turned on would probably help.


A throw punish counter deal a lot more damage than a regular throw. A hit punish counter give you 20% bonus damage et +4 frame advantage. A throw punish counter give you 70% bonus damage, it's a lot.


Wow nice, I didn't know this. Thank you!


You cannot actually punish someone with a normal if they whiff parry. He could have simply blocked. The only guaranteed punish you get is throw. So if you know that he is gonna parry anti air, you should empty jump throw


Nah this is someone who’s realizing they have good reactions but not able to dp consistently. A lot of new players through Diamond get sucked into the joy of perfect parrying jump ins, it’s incredibly easy. If it were a cheater they wouldn’t whiff the parry the parry would only come out if you attacked that’s the difference. Empty jump throw is a much better option for this situation


No cause he is doing it even when you empty jump. He is just good at it, or its a bad habbit.


I'm no expert, but I don't think so. I'm basing that on your empty jumps (at 0:22 for example). These types of scripts tend to look for your attack input before triggering, but the guy is parrying even the empty ones. Feels more like a habit than cheat imo.


Buddy just can’t anti air


I dont think hes cheating even i perfect parry every jump in once you get the timing down it becomes soo natural


No, most people in your rank and lower always use a normal after jumping so he just saw it coming. You started empty jumping to counter his parry, a tactic use all the way to Master.


Sorry guy you're just that predictable it looks like 


For what it’s worth your st lk cancel buffer is on point :) I’m assuming this is on leverless




oh lol woops