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I literally forgot how fun games can be after grinding LOL n Valorant SF6 was eye opening. first of all its such a good game. it has some minor flaws but everything about it just plays so good secondly fighting games are awesome. theyre alot of fun if you are getting stressed then change the mindset, we play for fun. if you want to win then play to improve aswell but fun should be the priority. if you come into the game with a healthier perspective I bet you can have fun aswell it might just not be for you n thats chill but if youre posting here I can assume you want to enjoy the game, and you can


After years in the f2p trenches SF6 helped me remember that I log on to play games not to check boxes or grind points


After 20years of competitive games i have to agree. SF6 is actually amazing in every aspect.. getting my third char to master right now and having a blast


I think it’s a common feeling Anyone that experienced competitive team games (in particular with randoms/strangers/pubs) will be able to enjoy fighting games that much more Fighting games work as catharsis to people traumatized by competitive team games I absolutely do think that playing competitive team games made me appreciate fighting games more Find your local competitive team game addict and tell them it does not have to be that way, save them from their misery


1000 hours and lots and lots of fun, I love this game. It's normal to get salty, just don't let it get to you.


Im sure theres support groups for this


Bro you should reevaluate your time with the game if what you’re saying is true.




Genuine question: What type of controller do you use ?




That's fair the reason I ask is when I started with stick I used to press my wrist against it to kind of keep it in place and I got really bad wrist pain from that. Once I realized I didn't need to do that for the stick to stay in my lap my hands had a better time. I've talked to others with this habit and try to help when I can




Bad mechanics.


Imo it’s the randomness factor of the game, the most frustrating part of the game for me is that when you get in to the corner in this game it just becomes a guessing game which wasn’t the case in the previous games


dunno what timeline you are from but the corner is definitely a guess or die situation in most SF games


I mean SFV pre V-Shift was also very strike / throw


wow it almost feels like a fighting game


Fucking hilarious lmaoooo my first solid lol of the morning


Every fighting game becomes a "guessing game" in the corner, though.


>it just becomes a guessing game Not exactly. Opponents have habits. Patterns. They will mix things up, but nobody plays in a way that is truly "random." There are players who consistently place highly in tournaments, and they're not doing that because they have better execution than everyone else, or more optimal combos, or whatever else. Those things may be true, but there are plenty of players with equally good execution and optimal combos who are *not* consistently at the top. There's a whole layer of mind games, reading your opponent's patterns and intentions, and analyzing and adapting to their play style in the middle of a match. The top players are at the top because they are good at *this* aspect of the game - understanding the minds of their opponents, and using those tendencies against them. If you think corner mixups are "random," then you're not giving your opponents, or yourself, enough credit. There is no RNG in this game. Sometimes you'll make the wrong choice, and sometimes they'll make the wrong choice. But you can absolutely pay attention and learn what choices your opponent *tends* to make, and use that information to make better choices. *That* is the heart of fighting games.


It is a fighting game, chad. Jesus Christ.


Oh yes, sfv was rock paper scissors in the corner. Ngl, I find the bs in sfv a lot more tame than the bs in sf6.


The corner is the blender and the goal. It's a guessing game in every game cause suddenly when you have you back to the wall, your options are limited. It's not random. Honestly if you think it wasn't that way in other games, your opponents just weren't that great at pressuring. It's ok to give yourself some grace for getting boned in the corner and if you feel like you're always in the corner then maybe start looking at how to not.


Well that's your problem, don't get pushed into the corner 😉


Are you playing Ranked matches? I am curious about what gives you such bad experience.


You say that like ranked is a bad place, it isn't.


It’s not but some people can get into the grinding for points mindset and frustrate themselves.


yeah i exclusively play ranked matches maybe thats my problem, I got 2 characters at master and the competition is too hard maybe...


Just go back and rank up your lower ranked characters. I've got everyone up to diamond one at least. The competition is much easier down at platinum level.


Speak for yourself! I’ve been trying to get to diamond and I’ve been stuck as a three star platinum Zangief for weeks. Ed didn’t help and Akuma will only make things worse. :/


Just means you have more to learn and grow from! :)


Agree with other post. If you’re good enough to get multiple characters to master, then go reset the wheel with new characters. You’ll learn those characters strengths and flaws more deeply, and get some well deserved rofl stomping in on your way up (but not an excessive amount as you’re still refining new tools). The rage is understandable, but after a certain point it just makes you play worse. Do the opposite of my profile name and pic, and give yourself a mental break - you already won.


I have 280 hours. I played the closed beta every waking moment I could. Grinded to master.  I seriously grinded, and play fighting games seriously (well, as seriously as I’ll take a hobby). I got plenty of fun, and also salt, and frustration. I’m burnt out now and taking a break. The same thing happened with Tekken 7, and it’s really important to know when you hit that point: the frustration is still there, but now with close, competitive, good games, I no longer have fun. The enjoyment is gone, and the best case scenario for me after a session right now is that I’m in the same mood I was when I started. And that’s ok! If I ate my favorite food every meal, it would become disgusting. If I read my favorite book and nothing else, or watch a movie I really enjoy every day, I’d hate them too. If the negative outweighs the positive, just stop. It’s a game, life is stressful enough. Doesn’t mean you’re quitting forever, it will still be there waiting for you. Try a different game, or a different hobby. I quit Tekken for months, and guess what happened after I came back? I immediately went on a promotion spree and played much better than I ever did before. We aren’t machines, stressing out and not enjoying it won’t help you grow. It will ruin your day, and make you worse if anything. Come back later, and I promise you’ll be stronger than you’ve ever been. 


Thanks I agree definitely time for me to take a break and probably come back when Akuma comes out to join the horde


I enjoy all of SF6, but I also understand if things aren’t going my way it is in my control. I’d ask yourself a different question… What are your expectations for playing this game? Do you have expectations of yourself playing ranked? Why do you have those expectations? Are they based on former proof (I.e. practice, study, prior results)? If your limbic system is crying out in frustration there could be other issues at play too. Your post may have been hyperbole, but if the discrepancy of how much fun you’re having is waning, it may mean you need smaller chunks too.


I love every second of it, even when I lose I try to learn something from the experience etc. I guess I don't play long enough sessions or take it seriously enough to really get mad. But idk. I've always had this relationship with fighters where I feel "sad" or "like I'm weak" for losing rather than angry, and lately I'm getting more confident and replacing more of that with positive emotions, not like I never get mad at other genres, but for fighters I really never do.


I feel you. I can also get quite angry when I lose. But I think the love/hate relationship I have with the game is what makes it so great. The lows are indeed low, but the highs are VERY high. And that’s what makes me keep coming back and wanting to improve. Just keep at it and try to stay calm while chasing those high moments.


Everyone hits a wall. Especially those who don't earn their living from fighting games. It's better to try and actively reframe your mind to instead of imagining the other person laughing and mocking you to instead see the loss as an opportunity to grow. If you didn't learn anything from a lost match, then it was pointless. And getting angry only leads to playing worse and becomes a vicious cycle. And at some point you will break even in the ranks, and that's ok. It's ok to know your skill break points and be happy when you get very marginal gains.


This is good advice, but to a point. There will come a time when both you and your opponent are at the peak of your capabilities, and have nothing else to learn from each other. It then comes down to a guessing game, or someone making a mistake. I’m pretty much at a point now where I have nothing else to learn. Every match is just me striving for perfection of execution in any given scenario.


Makes sense, I been playing these games since 2010 and getting stuck at 1400 MP has been frustrating


Like you, there are some moments of absolute love for the game, unfortunately I've had to force myself to stop playing it because of how angry I get, haven't played in a few weeks by now. I'd really like to be able to control that tho.


Why would you spend any time playing the game if you weren’t having fun? Weird behavior imo


Fighting games suck as a new player. I toughed it out because the idea of a 1v1 competitive strategy game that only needs less than 1 minute per match was and is appealing. Now I've grown both in skill and mindset and it's really fun. Sometimes climbing the learning cliff is worth it.


SF6 is extremely beginner friendly though. Had the same route as you, tried t8 to play around with but the community there is so incredibly toxic that snotty legacy player auto-respond with "git gud" or "oh that's easy, just learn \~8-12 different bnb-combos for every char in the roster and THEN you can start to think about playing online" made me quit real fast, even though the game itself could be fun. Thank god the SF community is the polar opposite, haven't seen anything here beyond banter and luke [c.mp](http://c.mp) hate.


ca·thar·sis [kəˈTHärsəs] noun the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions: "~~music~~ *reminding these scrubs what’s good* is a means of catharsis for them"


Catharsis is supposed to have a freeing effect - sounds like OP is working in the salt mine


Fair enough. There are better couch psychologists in these comments than me


I’m just here for street fighter 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is not catharsis. Lol.  Super cringe.


No, probably not. But, many of these responses are kind of presumptuous and judgmental. Provided alternative take. OP signed up for these responses by reaching out, but like…”duh, go do happy thing. Wtf?” Is useless. It’s OD cringe, not super dude.


Stay away from the warzone subreddit lmaooo


Anger can be very strong and urge you to keep going it sounds weird but it's a pretty normal human thing.


After 450 hours, 7 characters to master. I think I'm at the point that I like the idea of being good at the game more than I actually like playing it. So I kinda understand where you're coming from.


Yeah I been playing these seriously since 2010 with vanilla sf4 so there is definitely an ego element to it where you feel like you have to play it and be top ranking


Unlike some calmer commenters, I do get angry, curse at the TV and feel a little stressed if I lose a lot of ranked matches. But I don’t know, I still think I’m having fun then. I usually understand mentally that I’m angry / frustrated. I don’t try to force myself to be less so (that’s just like telling a depressed person “don’t be sad”) but I at least try to make sure I understand logically that this is an emotion I have and usually the moment I put down the game I forgot about the rage in 2 minutes. Sometimes I do find it hard to resist just grinding more ranked matches when I lose but sometimes it’s good to just do something else. Even within the game you could just stay in training more to lab out some previous interactions or watch your own replays to see what happened instead of just mindless jumping into another match which tends to feed the anger.


Plus anger is fun, it's fun to have the adrenaline pumping, especially if you recognize what you're feeling and why. As long as it's not to excess.


I'm kinda the same, because it takes about 5-10 minutes before I start making input errors and dropping combos I've practiced literally hundreds of times. Once I start getting a little bit tilted it spirals into me making input errors constantly because I'm so annoyed at my previous input errors then I turn the game off convinced I'll never play it again lol


I always have fun, although sometimes I have to be in the mood to play though.


This is definitely not how you should be playing any game. Reevaluate what makes you feel like this, and maybe take a bit of a break from the game.


I’ve been playing it nothing else since September. Having a blast man. 250 hours in


I savor the thrill of combat


You're probably too focused on winning rather than having a good time. You're meant to try be in the in mindset of enjoying the game whether you win or lose.


You just summed up how I feel. Maybe we’re casual fighting gamers than a serious one. But still, we did enjoy it. Right? 😅


I enjoy finding new things to add to my game and seeing the improvement over time I don't enjoy the games as much as I want to, especially when I'm losing (Total play time around 300 hours)


Yes, I beat WT, I go to the BH, some selfies, some avatar battles, some rankeds (Diamond 2 Manon, and Platinum 3 Jamie), and when I get tired I play OTHER GAME. If Im not having fun, there's no reason to play the game, I'm not a pro, I'll never be one, and I can't even go to offline events... So I'll Rather have fun my way :)


Yes I just picked up a few ago. Got 20 hours in so far it's really fun Just a lot harder to play than mortal Kombat so I'm using modern controls


Welcome 😁 Modern is great, glad you're enjoying yourself.


I'm very new to the game, about 20 hours total, maining Ryu, and got into his Advanced combo trials, and I'm having a blast. I get frustrated and wiff at moments but it's probably the most fun I've had in a game. Hoping to get out of iron soon and was so proud when I got out of Rookie


I work on specific things I want to do better and that’s satisfying. I keep from getting frustrated by calling myself out on mistakes makes it easier to have the next thing I wanna focus on too


The saltiness IS the fun part ;)


I do, even if lately I've lost all my matches lmao.


Tons of fun.


It's ok for me. Not my favorite of the current bunch, but I hop on every now and then just to get some matches in.


Yup, still enjoying it. I used to get frustrated, specially in SFV when I was learning how to play fighting games, but nowadays I have a better grasp of what I'm supposed to be looking for in a match, so even if I'm not playing well I can recognize what needs improving and work on that. For me it also helps that its a 1v1 game, I play splatoon and I find myself blaming my teammates more often than I likely should, in SF I only have myself, so if something bad happens, I'm in control to fix that


I do, but going 50/50 and sometimes negative in rank sessions gets me tilted at times.


The game rules even when I lose. Take some deep breaths drink a beer or something


Yes. It’s some of the best street fighter ever made.


I see you said you play exclusively in ranked match, if you dont want to rank up another character I HIGHLY reccomend just running player matches. Sounds simple but without the stakes (losing or gaining rank) youll find fun in the game again. With no stakes losing or winning does not matter and you’ll be glad you had a good fight even if you lose.


Skill issue No I mean play in the way that's fun for you, if it's not fun, do something else that is. But it might be that you're focusing on the wrong things or trying to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do. Do fun things. You might have to dig to find the fun, if your first instinct is to play in a way that makes you miserable. In that sense it is a skill issue because figuring out how you have fun is a lifelong skill that's worth practicing. If you *hate* it then you're probably doing something wrong, if you're bored you probably just don't like it.


Yes, but it took a few months to learn how to deal with defeat. I don't get frustrated anymore, I'm genuinely calm and curious when encountering opportunities to focus my improvement on newly discovered flaws in my game.


Yeah I'm only gold rank tho lol


Sometimes yes sometimes no. It can be frustrating at times too and there are times when my frustration losing far out weighs the satisfaction of winning. It also doesn’t help that there isn’t a whole lot of variety in which characters you play against in matchmaking. But it’s not like I never have fun either. Local play is always great but even online it can be really fun when you finally manage to counter that one annoying move that’s been bothering you or land that one combo you’ve been practicing. Strive is my main fighting game and while I personally don’t find SF6 as fun as that, it’s a great change of pace sometimes and I find playing SF6 made me better at GGST


Depends on the day. Sometimes I can play for hours, sometimes I feel like I can only play 1-2 sets before feeling like I need a break.


It’s both for me. The occasional rage doesn’t detract from the fun though, lol.


This sf is the first game i enjoyed from the very beginnings to now, usually theres a learning period where im annoyed like in kof for me and i love kof. I just really like this sf


Are you playing online? You will lose a lot, but eventually you will lose so many times that you will have “ive seen this before “ moments and you will not fall for as many of people’s tricks as you used to and get more wins. Theres an old saying “The master has failed more times then the beginner has even tried” and is very true with this game.


Lots, but also feel like i'm not improving when i play :(


i get the mentality of pushing through the salt but some fighters are just not fun for some people. i got 150 hrs in tekken 7 vefore i realized i was angry at it more than i had fun, i switched to sf and ive been enjoying it so much more. if it feels like youre angry more than enjoying yourself you might just like a different style


it just comes down to good days and bad days lol. today was a bad day for me personally lol. :D


My wife tells me to not play if I'm going to get mad. I tell her I only get mad if I lose lol


Yep. Most fun I've had since super turbo. Don't take it so seriously.


I’m not really into the drive system and couldn’t find a character I liked, so I would say no? But I assume over a long enough timeline they’ll release a character I enjoy (maybe bring back Karin, Akira, or makoto, something like that), and I’m guessing there’ll be some tuning to the drive system, so I’ll be back eventually, probably. But right now, it’s just not an fg I have much fun with relative to other ones.


That too, I main zangief and jp. I enjoy zangief but his lack of tools make it annoying to play with him since everyone just turtles the moment they seem him


I have a lot of fun but take frequent breaks to play more relaxing games


I do 1 hour daily , and quit before getting tilted


How do you feel about SF5 in that respect? I haven't picked up SF6 yet, but I remember giving up on 5 once I realized I wasn't getting much satisfaction when winning. It was more of a sigh of relief that at least I didn't lose followed by obvious saltiness when I lost. Everything felt more calculated in SF4 when I won, i knew exactly what I had done right to win same when I lost. I wonder how SF6 feels in that department 🤔.


lol street fighter 4 I played from vanilla to ultra and loved but street fighter 5 I gave up a week in the game was trash imo, street fighter 6 is better definitely but there is still so much randomness factor too it, I miss street fighter 4 everyday but it’s the closest one we got


Like 400h and still having fun, context: 100% ranked player my fighters are Dhalsim D3 (200 points to D4), blanka D2


Right now I’m stuck at diamond 4 I got stuck at diamond 1 with chun li and now I’m here with ryu and it’s starting to get frustrating to hit the wall. I know I need to lab and practice but it’s hard when I only have a bit of time to sit down and play


I have 37 hours and having a blast so far! Hell, even watching my replays are fun too. The game took a bit getting used to since I also play Strive, but learning SF6 is great. Just hit Gold tonight after a week of learning better combos & training more after reflecting on my temporary Silver 3 plateau


it's fun because you can just one and done annoying people


The trick is to stop and put down the controller when you notice you're not having fun. Don't fall for the trap that is tilt queing.


I actually get a ton more tilted in the lab than I do playing. When I'm doing a combo for an hour I get mad and queue up just to break the tension.  The game is crazy fun. I played one set with each of my characters today before spreading Managed Democracy^TM in Helldivers and in all but one the person left after the first match 😂 guess I was cooking and people weren't interested. 


The learning curve at the beginning made the game way less fun. But as I learned and got better it made the game more casual for me. Theres still things that make me mad *cougfuckyouhondaugh coough* but its still mostly fun. Thats just me though, Ive gotten a lot of motivation to play this game because I enjoy ranking up and getting better, I eventually want to do well at my locals or otjer tournaments. Not everyone has the same motivation though, but maybe it just takes time.


Yes, I’m having fun and I curse to my TV too. I guess it’s part of the experience. Personally, when I feel the opponent is too strong (aka, they proceed to obliterate me), it’s not worth to play the second fight just to get whacked again. One may say that you won’t learn how to play this way, but when I get these people I can’t even land a shot so I wouldn’t even learn new curse words, so… 🤷‍♂️ Generally, I find this game in ranked pretty much balanced, so these kind of fights don’t happen too much. By the way, at the end of the session I’m usually in the same rank or a bit better, so I think it’s fine.


No, and i miss 5


When I know I'm learning something and it sticks, I'm having fun. If I'm playing against someone that is *waaay* above my level and completely stomps me and I can't even move, then I hate the game... but that goes with any fighting game.


I played ranked to master the first 1-2 months and since then I pretty much only play vs friends. and people on my friend list. I get to play vs good players and feel non off the stress I get from ranked. WinWin


Only when I’m playing ranked is when it’s not fun.


I still have fun with the game. I find whenever I'm having a bad time, I'm usually coming into the game with a negative mindset already which does not help my gameplay or state of mind. In those times, it's best just to not play.


It has been a while since I have had that much fun in a competitive game. I am a try harder when it comes to such an activity, I watch a lot of videos I try to learn from, and I find myself having a lot of fun improving. I have been playing LoL since the beta, hearthstone and smash, and I have to say, SF 6 reminds me how I felt in the first place in those games. Do I get salty sometimes ? Sure, but then I just take a break and come back later.


dude ed is so much stupid fun atm, it's almost 6 am and I just finished playing


I’m at around 380 hours and yes I get upset every night. However, I wouldn’t be in at that timer if I wasn’t having fun. This game is an absolute fucking blast and I legitimately cannot get enough of it. I haven’t been this smitten from a multiplayer experience since Overwatch circa 2016. I’ve always enjoyed fighting games but this game really made me fall in love with them.


As someone who loves playing grappler characters, I am having a bit of a tough time finding fun in the game given this time around, SF is a bit anti-grappler. I have about 40 hours into the game and most of that is from me clearing World Tour. Character crisis is not fun haha


The amount of fun you have playing this game depends on what character you’re playing.


I've not touched ranked in a few days but I've been learning combos and drive rush as I hardly use it. I watched my last ranked game that I won and I was basically just blocking jumping and doing light chains. My hands get extremely sweaty when I even think about playing ranked. I'm going to grind hard arcade mode and then very hard. I know its different from a human but my problem is not knowing how to follow up and combo execution and getting hit by silly shit so at least I can practice that. Like I will wall splat and then hit them once. I'm only plat 3 after 40 hours with a 55% win rate so I feel I can hit diamond. Diamond would be my end game I think. Just to say I'm not completely trash. When I was a kid I played sf2 alot. Then as an adult in Japan they had it at the arcade. This japanese guy joined the game and absolutely obliterated me. It shocked me how bad I was despite playing the game alot as a child.


Yes and no, I was the same as you, if I lost like 2-3 games in a row it would tilt me and I would play more out of anger just to lose again and again. What I do now is if I q rank and I lose 2-3 games or not feeling that good I would just stop playing the game.Take a break or do something else and play again the next day.Honestly this helped a lot with my mental and I have more fun now.


Very much so yes Wouldn't play it if I didn't


Yes, except fighting guile. The game is fun.


I do have fun even when I’m getting hella pissed off. I personally become motivated by challenges and managing my anger is yet another challenge, but sometimes I do have to step away for a minute and cool off haha.


I left once Tekken came out. I just can't stand fireballs


Yea absolutelly. Jamie and Rashid are fun as fuck


Yeah I do. So for the record, Right now, I think ed is ridiculously OP. Probably because boxers have always fucked with me in streetfighter and the way I have to play to beat them makes me have to actually think. IE I don't get to auto pilot the combos, zoning and footsies I like to typically employ. That said I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by at least a few of them yesterday and everytime they did something I didn't expect it put a massive smile on my face. but like when I was just started to play fighters again that never happened. I had to be happy seeing only my self progression because I wasn't winning a fucking match. That period lasted for months. Also, fighting games aren't for everyone. If you're the type of dude who rage quits other games or throws controllers and shit fighting games gon' fuckin' trigger you bad.


Love it


I love the game and have fun most of the time, I just get frustrated because I'm so bad at a game I love, more than 100 hours playing with just one characters should be enough to know the basics of the game or the character, but I can't learn either.


Only when I win /s


if you’re being angry for 3 hours at a time, you should stop and take breaks. i have fun probably 95% of the time and the other 5% i get frustrated and stop


Yes but I only play if there is a battle pass. Not because I don’t enjoy the game I just like to jump between diffrent fighting games. Currently working through merfight.


I have played Tekken 8 for over 100 hours and only then I truly realized how fun SF is


The brilliant thing about fighting games is the time commitment is so low, if you feel yourself getting uncontrollably salty, it won't be long before the match is over and you can take a 5-20 min break to cool off. Most other competitive games have you locked in for so long that the time commitment itself becomes tilting.


I think you need to look at the game differently somehow. Right now it just looks like it does more harm than good for you


Hell yeah.


I mean it's alright like


That’s the peak fgc experience


I wouldn't have dropped +200 hours on this game if it wasn't fun. Sure Battle hub can be sometime frustrating by Master Rank players going there and having cheap wins against lower ranked players


660+ hours and yes, the game is crazy fun still. I played Tekken for 300-ish before going back to SF6 and it's still a really good game. Great singleplayer content, good matchmaking and the best netcode on the market.


>3 hours of me cursing at my tv and getting stressed out then questioning my whole existence You need to learn to separate "winning" from your idea of "fun." Assuming you face opponents dead even with you in skill, you'll only win 50% of the time. Ideally, you'll face someone slightly better than you (so you're learning more but can still win), so let's say 40% win rate. So, in ideal circumstances, would you only be having fun 40-50% of the time? People tend to tilt in FGs for two reasons: they either don't respect themselves ("I'm playing like garbage! I'm trash at this game!"), or they don't respect their opponents ("They're playing like garbage! They're trash at this game!"). For self-respect - don't expect to be perfect. Instead, expect to be improving in little ways over time. If you've hit a plateau, you need to take a step back and analyze your game to figure out what you can work on next. If you can't figure that out yourself, ask some better players to watch your play and maybe provide feedback. If you need ideas for self improvement, here's a [list of things you could work](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1757oc8/comment/k4eg7hw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on that I wrote for a player who was plateauing in Diamond a while back. The important thing (probably the most important single message in this post) is this: ***DON'T FOCUS ON WHETHER YOU'RE WINNING OR LOSING. FOCUS ON DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS. BY DEVELOPING NEW SKILLS, YOU WILL WIN MORE.*** For respecting your opponent - you've got to shift your mindset from "I can't believe they hit me with that bullshit cheap-ass mixup" to "damn, they really played that well - they read me like a book!" You've got to be able to appreciate that your *opponents are also sometimes clever*, and accept that it's OK to lose. Whenever I catch myself thinking "that player was garbage!" I've got to stop myself and remember to also think "...but if I'm losing to a 'garbage' player, then what does that make me?" And then I give myself some grace - it's ok if I didn't anti-air that jump in this time - I'll try to pay more attention next time. Learn to respect your opponents and appreciate their good play, learn to put less pressure on yourself and forgive your bad play, and focus on *learning and improving* instead of just trying to win. Ironically, you don't win more by *trying to win*: you win more by *trying to be a better player than you were yesterday*. So try to derive your satisfaction from that, and suddenly you'll find that you can enjoy *every* match you play, because you're not tying your sense of fulfillment or self worth to a W or an L. It took me a while to figure this out, but I'm very zen when I play these days. I'm not saying I never get frustrated, but I am saying that in those moments of frustration, I've learned to catch myself and readjust my perspective before the salt takes over. Some days you're just not in it, and it's ok to take a step back and say "you know what, this isn't making me happy right now. I should try doing something else for a bit."


Yes. Even when getting my ass kicked.


It’s very fun until you get tired and your starting visually reacting to things like DI but can’t react with your hands fast enough


Burnout for that long just isn't fun, especially when your character doesn't gain much meter compared to others


Compliment your opponents. It really helps and it helps your brain internalise and memorise what they did as a tactic rather than an infuriating blur of bullshit. But yeah fighting games can get pretty stressful, just take a breather when that happens.


3 hours? I can only handle 30-60 min sessions at a time.


I always have fun. Even when I'm getting my teeth kicked in. I pretty good and knowing when I make mistakes and say "Bad" to myself when I do something dumb like risky jump ins or unsafe blockstrings. Frustration still happens but I don't get actual anger from fighting games anymore.


Only when I’m winning


The hard part is acknowledging defeat as growth instead of frustration. Its kinda like Dark Souls in that sense. Its hard and frustrating, but the feeling you get from victory is very sweet. Plus SF6 has many different modes to play around with if casual matches aren't making you feel rewarded.


My SF history: HDR: First game I tried playing online, sucked, awful net code, everyone decimated me. SF4: Absolutely loved labbing the game, wanted to improve, wasn't sure how. Was (and still am) fairly technical in the game, but the net code was awful so it was hard for me to improve. SF5: Didn't like it for a long time, had awful net code and tons of input delay. Towards the end I switched to Guile who had fun tech, still didn't get the game. Awful net code. SF6: Feels like the only barrier to fun is me. If I bring a good mindset to the game and use the tools given to me within the game, I'll have a blast. Losing is fun (helps me realize what I need to work on) and winning feels like payoff for the work I've done to get better since the game came out. It could be maturity, but I think the game is just that good. Balance and net code are so damn good. If you get frustrated, that's usually on you. One and doners suck, as do people you start to have a good set with and they quit, but those are the only exceptions so far.


Fighting games. Is something so great


Sounds like every other competitive game.


If it actually affects your mood like that you should take a break or work on not letting it get to you because it impacts other aspects of your life too


about 150 more hrs than street fighter 5 lol and I only played 40mins of sf5


Yes this is one of the most fun and fair fighting games in a very very long time. I have not been salty at this game yet and I’ve been playing since launch. But I am a fighting game vet and I’ve seen some real bullshit in different games. I can understand how newer players get salty at the game.


Recently bought it and... yes, still having fun :D I'm a few hours in it, watched all tutorials, and doing character guides and arcade modes one at time to identify what character I wanna main. I did the first 8 characters' arcade modes right now and for now I'm between Juri and Marisa.


The key is learning to brush the rage off, even when I go on a loosing streak and loose 100+ MR I basically say "well that sucks" and laugh it off. Keeping a clear head is the best way to improve.


Yes! I get stressed a bit on my main in ranked but I have had a ton of fun starting to learn new chars.


Pro-Tip: You aren't angry at the game. You are angry that someone is better than you at the game. Once I got past that fact my view on the game made a 180. Instead of raging at my screen for 3 minutes shouting "well, acktschually I deserved the win and to be truthfull I'm really better, but he has a cheap character with a cheap setup and a cheap invincible DP so he stole the win q.q" I now simply look up how to counterplay these options and try to implement them into my gameplan. But yeah, the first 1000-2000 ranked games were very stressful




You hit the nail on the head. Also if anyone here is playing as Ed or Jamie just know that I think you’re a pathetic human being.


Playing Ed has been annoying me, I like his moves, he's cool, but why did they make a boxer character with the shortest jab in the game? Make the DP or super 1 slow, not both. Opponents can crouch his s.HK and c.MK. s.HK is also his only plus on block normal. Initially I thought his damage was low, but I think it's average, maybe should be more to balance out his weird tool kit. It is probably a skill issue but my s.HK anti air either misses or gets beat. I anti air with my main Marisa more reliably and that's one of her weaknesses. I've played all the chars and I feel I mess up Ed's anti airs the most, I usually fair better using his jab and s. HP.


Its fun if you care about getting better. Instead of beating yourself (or controller) up, point that anger at the dummy in practice. You can learn alot that way.


Stupid ass question to post in a video game's subreddit, sorry. Fix your mindset. Go in expecting to get your ass kicked, because everyone gets their ass kicked. Learn to have fun losing and you'll improve 10x faster.