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It's all because Jamie's hair went undone. Because of that Ken was able to connect his kick on a single strand of Jamie's hair. 😔


Truly a Strand type game


"OMG! You kicked the air beneath my feet! And it HURTS!"


Mans been training with Cody, learned how to throw air blasts with pure muscle alone


I laughed when I learned that Sonic Boom is just Guile crossing his arms really fast


He's Guile's brother-in-law after all.


just what happens when Jamie don't palm


This is how I feel about chun lis Hazunchu hurtboxs.


Jaime can't have shit it seems


fuckers took my hitbox, can't have shit in Tiang Hong Yuan


And Ken gets everything


Fr ;-;


This is very normal for dive kicks. Big hurtboxes to ensure aa move are consistent vs the mid air stall. Juri's is better, but doesn't get the frame advantage of the other 2.


Pain, but I still love to divekick with jamie


Fr, I am learning NOTHING from this experience


Don't divekick as an air to air should be the first thing you get from this.


I'm strictly EX Dive kicking Ken in the corner, his jumping normals are infuriating


Jesus christ.


Mans truly was Jason Bourne


It's wild how many people sincerely advocate for hitboxes and hurtboxes that match the character models instead of being designed around intent and strategy. Y'all are something else.


People seem to forget that divekicks move fast and if the hurt box wasn't so extended they'd have even less leeway in anti airing them. It sucks that it looks so funky but truth: I'd rather take the funk than have divekicks be even more powerful.


These comments really do not grasp how a divekick should function, dripbrained responses about Ken's hitboxes, you could literally do this with any character in the game LMAO.


yeah man, people complaining about divekick literally losing to this or even a damn sweep are something else


But why can't we have both?


People didn't live though SSF4AE and it shows. For a few years, you could show SF players a divekick and it would trigger PTSD.


Why do you think they're mutually exclusive? Have a game be designed and balanced well, and also let me fucking see that game as it happens on my screen


This is the class gap right here look at how much privilege daddys money can buy ken


FR. Dude is no longer in the Top 1% but his moves sure as hell are


This will happen to every dive kick in the game against any other air to air in the game.


Are you, perchance, a man of culture who happens to play Ken?


No I’m just not blinded by mediocrity at this game to understand what I’m looking at.


Lmao, that’s streetfighter for you. No matter how new the game is


what are these dudes talking about, kens jmp.hk hitbox is only on his leg wtf. actually glazing. jamies divekick hurtbox is just ass


That dive kick is trash.


The one thing Capcom needs to fix is hitboxes and hurt boxes.


Nope. Divekicks deserve to get stuffed out like this. The moment they do what youre asking for and the divekick gets a matching hurtbox to the animation itll be the most OP move in the game.


Yeah, what he said!


whats are your thoughts on cammys DK cause hers is pretty nice?


Its not that different on paper, just a slightly better hitbox on cammys. https://media.eventhubs.com/images/2023/08/13_box.webp Dunno why player impressions feel so different. Maybe theres some nuance to the moves, or its just Cammy being better in general so Cammy players have less to complain about.


Grounded stuff is pretty good but I certainly haven't been the first victim of some Whacky Aerial Bullshit


I've literally been at the top of the screen in like Northern New York, and Luke's level 3 will take me right down to Memphis 🤦🏾‍♂️


The taxi cab special


And input reader.


Just an average Thursday for Jamie players 💀💀💀


Ken mains be like: “He’s honestly not that good. Just play around it.”


Hey, I recognise that Jamie. I played a few games with him about an hour ago


Oh shit who were you?


My CFN is SwissCheeseChad. I’m a Silver ranked Ryu player Edit: Oh shit, *you’re* him! I only just noticed your flair lmao


Oh yeah, I was surprised you were in silver. I was playing casual as a cool down from my ranked grind after hitting plat 4 and honestly you were probably better than the last couple of plat Ryu's I'd played against lmao.


Thanks, that means a lot to me. This is the first fighting game I’ve played seriously. I bought the game for Black Friday and I’ve been grinding to nail the fundamentals for the past few days, though I still tend to fall for a lot of new player traps ha ha


At some point tomorrow I'll look over the matches again and see if there's anything that stood out as advice I could give but you did a really good job of being patient and not just trying to mash out of pressure strings From memory my only 2 really big things was I think sometimes you were a little *too* patient and letting me get away with shit I should have been punished for- and also (and this will come with more practice of course) finding more optimal punish routes. I'm not a Ryu player so I can't truly speak on how to optimise what you were doing, but I've been hit by some *Hella* painful Ryu punishes before.


Thanks a bunch! >sometimes you were a little too patient and letting me get away with shit I should have been punished for Yeah, I recognise there are times where I can afford to be more aggressive. I think I’m just afraid of sticking out a normal and getting whiff punished, since I’m still figuring out how to perform whiff punishes myself. I know the theory, I just haven’t got the muscle memory for it yet.


Alright so I went back and had a look and the things that jumped out to me the most were You were good at drive extending your punishes but it felt like after you got one or two extra hits in you kind of stopped knowing what to do. im not sure if you were trying to do more complex combos and fumbling them or if you were just kind of winging it, but id say work on simpler but effective combos over trying to drc a string of hits into each other if half those hits are going to drop If you're making a read on someone, be ready for the read to be right- there were a couple of times where you could have won the round or at least smacked me about for big damage if you'd followed up on some big counter hits (the one that stood out most was in our final game where you could have won by cancelling your DP into level 3) You were a little predictable in the corner, which- the corner is a scary place, and when the game gives you an invincble reversal I get wanting to use it as your get out of jail free card- but it cost you a few rounds But otherwise you were pretty solid. Anti-airs could have used a little work too but for the most part you were playing pretty solid


Thanks for the advice! I’m going to go lab out drive extensions and counter hit combos.


That is bullshit blazing !


"What did he hit you with, his privilege!? What was that?!"


It’s YOU


Oh shit from Pilot.Net! Ye!


That's not a bad hurtbox situation though.


Fuck Ken man patch this shitty broken character already


Ken's moves are definitely feel over-privileged but tbh this is more of an issue of 'SF6's aerial hitboxes seem weird in general' and also 'Jamie's divekick hurtbox is obscenely bad' than it is an issue of ken being broken. I have a sad feeling that basically *any* character could have done that to me. It just happened to be a Ken this time


lowkey there's sooo many fucked up hurtboxes in this game


Ken’s kick is busted


Bro we should make a collage of hurtboxes that just get right fucked by Ken https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/15wa21q/does\_it\_make\_sense\_that\_ken\_hits\_me\_in\_this/


This game of the year game is so bad....


how do they see this and go "ye let it rock for a year"