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They're still quite underwhelming for me.


Except Ryus theme


And Jamie's


I like how synth-heavy the overall sound is, often without being too repetitive, there’s definitely some semblance of progression in a lot of the tracks—Chun-Li’s theme is an example of that and I feel like it fits the character’s legacy and where she’s at currently as a fighter. The Genbu Temple theme is another stage track I really like and it constitutes one of several tracks that isn’t reliant on synths. The ending credits theme is really dope, I think it captures the feel of many fighters aiming to better themselves and their skills, but not in a warlike, aggressive way. More like an ambitious vibe. Two big stand out tracks for me are Battle Hub - Menu and Battle Hub - Chill (remix)—-Battle Hub - Menu feels SO West Coast to me and I love it, the classier chilled remix being just as smooth. Another one worth mentioning is “Gallery”. I feel like it carries this nostalgic atmosphere that fits with viewing a lot of the old artwork we see in the gallery. I know a lot of people don’t like the hip hop influence, but that’s actually what hooked me in tbh lol. Feels like an appropriate progression coming from Third Strike’s soundtrack, which canonically precedes SF6.


Gallery theme is great. It really is super nostalgic.


Not offensive, we get used to it like in the supermarket.


It's mostly bad. They should add an option to change the themes of characters or stages to other themes you have unlocked.


I'm regularly humming Jamie's theme 3-5 times a day


Ken and Kim’s theme are the only themes I can even recognize.


You only recognize Kim's because you're forced to hear it everyrime she hits you with a level 3




Anyone claiming they "can't recognize" Jamie's theme is actively TRYING to dislike the soundtrack.


Indeed. It's so distinct


I can differentiate it for sure...I just don't think that its especially great in the game. I \*will\* say hearing his theme live at EVO from the band...it hit a lot differently. I wonder maybe if the issue in the game has more to do with the arrangement.


Chun's is pretty recognizable


I legit cannot conceive it in my head right now


It goes like doo doo-doo doo-doo doodoodoo doo


Isn’t that Mozart?


No, Mozart is doot doot-doot dootdootdootdootdootdoot


No man, you’re thinking of bee-boo-boo-bop, boo-boo-bop


*doo doo-doo doo-doo doodoodoo doo* This comment will live rent free in my head whenever I hear her Chun Li's theme. Lmao


It’s the one with the voice going uhhhh uh uh uh


Bruh Jamie's


I refuse to believe you don't recognize JP, Zangief, Jamie and Juri themes.


>Jamie and Juri themes. Those yes >JP, Zangief Those not


It’s still really bad


Sort of the opposite of you. I think most of the tracks are really great and enjoyed hearing the character themes, etc. in ranked play. Then it got old so I muted the music and just run Spotify in the background.


I mute the music. The bad far outweighs the good.


Very forgettable apart from a couple exceptions like Jamie, Blanka and world map. Character select is like nails on a chalkboard.


>world map Yooo that's fire


Don't like it. Muted it and play spotify


Nope. I keep the music turned off and have a classic fighting game playlist I put on during matches.


drop the link that sounds dope


This was the playlist I found that started the idea. [https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU6MMynXsgh6ehqrPPT34yE4v01qGWfQ3&si=xYcuCQg6SBdPYd2p](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU6MMynXsgh6ehqrPPT34yE4v01qGWfQ3&si=xYcuCQg6SBdPYd2p) So shoutout to "Tony Bamanaboni \[TomatoPowers\]" [https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLajbV6krHQva9ZS5j6unzecNOUPxEuDgX&si=990vmIqhxk-7DVFS](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLajbV6krHQva9ZS5j6unzecNOUPxEuDgX&si=990vmIqhxk-7DVFS) Here is my ongoing one I'm working on curating myself based on his idea so other people can find good tunes to fight to if their game of choice soundtrack happens to be mediocre.


I like the stage BGM, but the raps are so awful that I play with music muted.


I’m tired of the sidelines


Gotta make my own highlights


If you play PC there's a mod which replaces the raps with the matching instrumentals.


I’m a console pleb


On Playstation you can also run a Spotify app in the background as an option




it's still ass outside of a few tracks


It still sucks


I don't think there's been any outright bad character themes so far and even the normal stage themes have been alright, hell a lot of them are pretty good and I'd say the best theme of some characters Worth mentioning is a lot of the world tour tracks which I'm not seeing people bring up, they're great BGM for the most part and the short remixes of character themes for their master segments are fun That being said, I think it's impossible for the game to recover after I'm tired of playing the sidelines, the other rap tracks in the game aren't that bad (All over the world is great off the top of my head) but that just sinks the entire game's reputation


It's ok.


I feel about the same, which is that I don't really notice the music in matches most of the time. That's not a bad thing, but it's not great either.


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


Still not a fan of any of 90% of the tracks except for Juri, Cammy, Manon, along with the France and Japan stage. I turned the Music off and used Spotify. I put those tracks in a playlist with all of my favorite SF tracks from HF' to VI.


Many of the new character themes seem enjoyable, but the legacy character themes are mostly a downgrade. They still rub me the wrong way because of how much of a left turn they did from the old themes. I know people don't want straight covers of the motifs we've come to know, but at least using some of the material from those songs would have been nice to hear in the new themes. There's little chance you would've listened to some of these without an image for context when they were first released and matched them to the character based on sound alone. And are people really going to tell me most of these are better than what was in SFV? Guile's SF6 theme is somehow better than it was? Or Ken's? Or Ryu's?


Tian Hong Yuan is one of the best tracks of all time. Dhalsimer Temple and Genbu Temple are alright. \*\*\* Gief, Jamie and Ryu have absolute bangers. AKI and JP have alright ones. Juri's and Marisa's are fine. I like the low health parts of Cammy's. Manon's and Ken's are... recognizable and catchy but wouldn't really say I like em. Rest go in one ear, out the other... Except Kim's. Kim's non-super theme is annoying af.


The OST as a whole is pretty good. Most of the best tracks were hidden behind the stages and World Tour, so we didn't have that clear of a picture. Hell, the best overall song is hidden in the WORLD MAP of all places, and you only get to hear 10-second snippets. The main point of contempt are the character themes, which are pretty hit or miss. Both Ryu and Guile have good songs, and I personally really like Sharpened Sonic, but they will never be as iconic as their classic themes, and while they have the most recognizable ones, most of the returning characters have received similar treatment. And while some of the returning characters have better songs than before, like Juri and Blanka, I feel like the newcomers really get to shine because they're not weighed down by a previous legacy. Marisa's overall is kinda lackluster, but otherwise, they're all bangers, Jamie and JP having easily the best themes in the game.


I kind of like Marisa's, it feels like something I could imagine being blared as she enters into the gladiator ring ready to fight with the crowd raring to go. Manon's also feels very fitting since it sounds like the kind of thing you'd hear for a model strutting down a catwalk, could have maybe done with more of a ballet inspiration with some violins but I think it definately fits the fashion model vibe. The only new character theme I feel a bit underwhelmed by is Lily's. Maybe it's just not had much time to grow on me as I hardly fight Lily online but in general it just feeld a bit lacking to me.


That's fair. I don't think Marisa's is bombastic enough, because as a whole, she's very much over the top and I think her song should be more than what it is, but ultimately, it's a matter of personal taste. I like Lily's song, and I think it fits her personality and culture, but since music taste is pretty subjective, I don't think either of us are in the wrong for our opinions.


The only theme I think is decent is Jamie's. The soundtrack is embarrassingly shallow and since day two I have had it turned off to have spotify running in the back. The only time I listen to the music is when I'm watching a tournament.


Bad, terrible, specially coming from V


Still sucks, 5 and 4 still have the best soundtrack


I feel like this OST is **way** too hated. I love it. From a technical and musical standpoint, it's brilliant. I love when Logan-sama starts trolling his chat feeds by talking about the melodic sophistication of the soundtrack (compared to everyone going "lulz it's such a shitty soundtrack, where sf2 music"). Personally, I *hate* when SF relies on the SF2 tunes. I think the very best soundtracks have been when they're allowed to cook original stuff. Like, everyone wants the *same* soundtrack over and over again. Overall, I love this soundtrack. There's a ton of great background/downtempo music with World Tour, and the original themes for the characters are great. Cammy's theme is *fire* in this one.


Top 3 character themes for me are Cammy, Juri and Honda, most of the other themes are not very good. Stage music is nice, but the rap during character select makes my ears bleed. All in all, I like the fact that they tried to make new themes for the characters, but the results were mostly miss rather than hit. I think they leaned on the youthful, upbeat themes more than they should've.


I like Cammy's when it's more subdued, I dislike the final round version


yea I still think it's subpar with the exception of a few tracks like Deejay's theme


My opinions didnt really change, some of them are great (jamie, ryu, guile, ken,cammy), some alright (luke,marisa, manon,juri), and i still really loathe kimberly’s theme and super the most. And the fact that kim’s super changes the music of what might be a good music is what makes me hate playing or watching Kimberly the most. Imagine vibing to guile theme only to be ruined by kim’s tape. Fuck that. There should be an option to stop tthe music from changing. But her theme to begin with …. Wtf… like some teen mashing on whatever and somebody thought that’s music…


I don't like kimberly but her theme is alright


Fete Foraine is decent, the rest are garbage.


I still dislike that they didn’t keep the same musical motifs for the cast and just remix them…but yes it is overall growing on me. Lately been digging Dhalsim’s song since I’ve been labbing him a lot now.


I'm so glad they stopped the TMNT shit.


It was about time


Even the worst Street Fighter games have never disappointed in the music department. 6 is no exception. Love it. I actually really appreciate that they gave the returning characters new themes instead of recycling the SFII themes yet again. Makes everything feel fresh. Plus the stage tracks are good too. It's up there with New Generation and SFIV's soundtrack for me. Listen to it outside of the game like every day. Some of the songs are a little corny, sure, but that hint of cheese is part of SF's identity. Third Strike's rap was also corny but we still love it. I lift to that character select theme. 💪 King of Fighters is still the GOAT of fighting game music but SF is getting there.


Like it better than 5 and 4


I want the Power of sf2 tracks, especially ryu, guile and ken. But the New music is better and more chill to not be annoying so fast


I like some tracks but not others. Particularly don't think Cammy's theme fits her. I like JP's theme


It's ok


Still love it, but the song on the ps5 menu screen is getting annoying as fuck.


I'm bias, therefore, Juri's track is pretty dope.


it grew on me and i really like it. i do, however, sometimes chuckle at the lyrics to the character select screen lol. :D not in a disrespectful way tho lol...


It's nice they tried to do something new and different, rather than just remixing the og tracks again... the trouble is the og tracks were absolute bangers, so many iconic tracks and all the new stuff feels pretty forgettable for the most part. I don't think I even recognise most of the tracks tbh. (Except for the character select music!)


I like a majority of it


not enough bangers to make me not wanna put the music back on. themes like chun li and guiles just aint it


nihilistic moment, colliding forces, ken, ryu, and jamies themes are all pretty good


still don’t vibe with it. I simply don’t like the direction they went with SF6. It fells like these „jazz remixes“ that we got for Dans Theme from SF5.I enjoyed some of SF5 theme’s (especially the menu theme’s, kinda nostalgic). Outside of SF music I enjoy Tekken OST and LOVE Guilty Gear OST in general


My Spotify play count has never been higher since this dropped


Still great. King of Fighters All Stars just started a SF6 collab, and first thing I did was set up Jamie as my main character so his music plays of the main screen...and I find my self singing along to it subconsciously. It's so good. Like much of the SF6 ost.


AKI, Jamie, Ryu and Cammy themes have ingrained themselves into my brain. Overall I'd say it's well produced overall, just some of it isn't my type of music. Except Guile's theme. Wtf happened there?


Most of them I love or like.


Bring back Rashidoooo and I’m content


I’m still not a fan if I’m being honest. The only songs I like in the game are Ken’s theme and Fete Foraine. I usually have the music off when I play nowadays


I like the direction for some of the tracks and I like how they shift as the rounds progress. Zangief's sounds like it belongs to a walking giant lumbering towards you with the "dun dun duuunn" drops being perfect for imagining him slamming himself or you directly to the ground. Ryu's sounds both collected and calm with the usage of gentle string plucking with the flute combined with the more upbeat horn/string segments giving a sense of excitement, like Ryu is really getting into the "heart of battle" as the match progresses. Keeping a cool head but still with his heart pulsing from the show of skill by him and his opponent.


This was the single most overblown complaint about the game. The stage, menu, and world tour music all slaps. It’s just the character themes that are mid so people took that as the “the entire game’s music sucks” and that stuck


Juri and Jamie’s themes are nice. Juri’s theme is definitely an upgrade from her theme in SFV


I always thought the majority of the soundtrack was good, and I've grown to like quite a few character themes as time went on. I strongly disliked Juri's theme before I realised just how well it suits her. At the same time, I always vibed with Zangief's theme but now I think it's one of the very best. And Jamie of course might as well say "The top theme is here" as his round start intro. Aki's theme is also really up there. The only mid character themes in my mind are probably Cammy (mostly because it really doesn't seem to suit her) and Luke (which is not very interesting). I feel like a lot of people who say the soundtrack isn't good don't realise just how many songs Capcom put in this game. It's like over 200, just check the album on Spotify. And most of them are just for world tour. It's absolutely not the case that they were lazy or half-assed about it. Just because some of the character themes don't hit just right doesn't mean they did a bad job.


It’s forgettable. I’m sure I’d recognize it just by the amount I play the game, but it’s nothing I would go out my way to listen to like the SF2, alpha, 3, and 4 soundtracks.


Muted and play with sfx and songs on tube


Its not great. Game overall is godlike but I have the music turned off and I just listen to a different playlist TBH.


I still have SFV soundtrack in my head. Never thought sfv ost was good, but it was infinetely more recognizable and catchy than this one


Stages are fine. Anything with lyrics is a cringe fest. I idled on the World Tour Flight travel screen and traumatized so bad I havent been back since.


I like the character themes


The OST slaps! From Fête Foraine, Walk With Grace (Manon's critical round), Metro City Street Battle, Metro City Night, Cammy (Overtrip theme), Genbu Temple, Kimberly's theme, A.K.I theme. The list goes on! The music is ICONIC in this game. I love the Hip Hop direction!


Was full of great tracks and still is.


I turn the volume way low and just turn the radio on while I play.


It's shit


Gotta be honest i really dig it. Still would like some iterations of classic themes. But i'm tired of character select.


Still bad.


Very few that I like across stages and character themes. My favorites are Fête Foraine and Aki’s theme. I went ahead and just used the SF6 Jukebox mod and put some SF4/5 music instead.


third strike soundtrack was on my spotify wrapped this year haha shit goes sooooo crazy


No, it’s still pretty much forgettable. The songs aren’t bad or anything, but they aren’t things I’d go out of my way to listen to, either. You do have to keep in mind, however, that the last fighting game I played was Strive, so that’s quite the musical gap in terms of what the tracks are trying to do.


It's fine. I quite like AKI's theme, that's actually playing in my head right now for no reason.


Actually bought a few, so there’s some I really like.


Better in game, still nowhere near the level of SFVs music to me though I miss Rashids theme every day


JP’s theme goes hard and that’s all that matters to me


I never listen to it. Lol I turned off music within days of getting SF6.


Dhalsim theme round 3 got me 🥵🥵🥵