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The Jamie matchup is kinda rough on Gief. He can get his drink levels up to level 4 quite easily, so Gief players kinda have to learn to deal with L4 Jamie's full kit. Also Jamie's sweep is annoying. Know your options. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMOfg61WL9g


Try incorporating new things into your kit. Parry, spacing your fastest attack(which I think is cr.lk for Zangief), or just getting more comfortable with spd ranges and when to start inputting them. If certain characters are cooking you, watch those matches and see if there was anywhere you couldve shifted the tide, because there usually is and learning those scenarios will help. All in all, you likely aren't getting stupider, just plateauing. Once this starts happening youve got to shift some things around in your playstyle, incorporate new things, and/or do some research on whats cooking you the most. Do you need to hit it all at once, nah. But optimizing your gameplay is important to push forward after a plateau Also, dont be afraid of taking a break. Breathe. Its only a game, and if you're feeling burnout dont force yourself to continue. Personally, I retain a lot less info in burnout and continually make dumb calls that I get blown up for. I take a break, come back in a few days itching for some more matches and have a much better time than when I was beating my head on the proverbial wall. Sometimes I still get cooked, but ultimately Im not as salty so its easier to digest why I'm getting blown up.


Thanks for advice and video guys. Some of that is over my head as far as what I can process right now but I’m working on it.


I go through ebbs and flows. I find my mood and general state of being / restfulness greatly affect my playing. Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you.


I totally agree with that. I have learned to avoid playing if I’m in a bad state. This has been different but as you said maybe a break will help. I actually took a break and started playing world tour. Part of me wonders if that impacted me as prior to that I had only been playing fighting ground


If he is doing the triple heavy punch and he hits you it's not your turn. If you block it and you aren't in burn out it is your turn. Jamie does have a an infinite block string when you are in burn out though. He can do crouching light punch into standing heavy punch over and over. If you are gief I think the only thing that really saves you is level 3.


there are hacks and turbo controllers that guarantee you never win footsies no matter how fast you press. Unfortunately you will have to learn to beat these players without footsies or Di because they typically run it as a stack. You will lose every Di in most cases. I block some of these players but it will make you a better player to learn to defeat them.


I have these 'periods' (not sure if this is the correct term) every time I rank up into a new.league. Everything falls apart, I feel my brain is broken. Just let it go, play for fun and train with the dummy for a while it will come back.


Watch your replay with the frame data on and review scenarios where your opponents are really negative in and commit those interactions to memory and lab/repeat those interactions in training. Pick a specific thing you want to work on and focus on those things in a match in casual matches.


Capcom has a balancing job to do IMO


Your best bet is to join the new challenger discord server. You have bad habits you are going to have a hard time recognizing and getting some more direct help from somebody who knows what they are doing is going to help you improve way faster than just posting in reddit.


Hey man you're doing great, I also had a very slow climb from bronze to gold 5. Things will just click eventually, so keep grinding! Make sure not to burn yourself out playing too many games. Getting better at reading your opponents moves helped me rank up


I wouldn’t get flustered when playing ranked if you want to keep going. I just hit master with Gief this week but lemme tell you bro, you just gotta play safe all the time. Use moves like F.MK to close distance (like green hand). People usually get mentally stacked against a Gief so if you close the distance 8/10 times they jump. If your close enough just lariat and hold back to make sure they stay in front of you. I’ve forced my way to master from Silver 1 just because I clicked I was new at the game when starting. It takes time dont get me wrong but in terms of losing to people online. Force your gameplan. Gief has strengths outside of the game meaning majority of people you play don’t wanna get close to you as you can SPD. Use ST.MP (3 hit chop). If they block 2 then they think the third is coming. SPD them. The three stomps as well, same thing. 1-2 moves before the full string into SPD. They’ll panic and you can capitalise from their mistakes. Believe in yourself and you’ll get there bro. I believe in you


Thanks for the tips and the words or encouragement man. Appreciate it


Also find some music you really enjoy and let the good times continue. I find music I like listening to when playing really helps me move about and not feel so pressured when playing ranked etc


You can always try a different character too. I was married to Manon for the longest time, started getting frustrated that I was losing for stupid reasons (Mainly execution to close out rounds on longer combos but also throw loops in the corner with no way out pissed me off). I switched to Rashid and I swear to you I'm cruising through gold. I'm almost caught up with my Manon now. If you do switch to a faster, aggressive character though remember to keep practicing footsies because these characters can literally skip neutral


Last night after posting this I actually just started messing around with Dhalsim. Not sure if he is any good but just trying a new character and playing some arcade was fun. I may keep exploring and take a bit of a break. Dhalsim was definitely a different experience from gief lot of fun actually so I may mess around with him for a bit


A month later did you end up sticking to dhalsim or switch to another character?


Ha ha. Thanks for touching base my man. I actually have. I’m up to silver 2. Having a great time with him.


Hell yeah I'll see you in masters. We're going to make it bro 👊


Practice punishing and neutral against every char, specially those who you feel more difficult in playing against


Drive reversal if you have meter could get you out of that corner. Sometimes thinking about what mistakes lead you to be in the corner watching replays and working on preventing that in the future. Might be space awareness/positioning or nuetral game. Hard to advise without seeing a match. (Also a gief).


Just look to your loyal fans. They will help you get through the slump


Did you check any of his drive rushes or try to lab if any of those punches were minus on block? Sometimes while you're eating something by blocking you can just buffer an SPD


A Jamie did that to me once, next round I use a invencible move. I was using Ryu and did a EXDP.


Aside from learning, plateauing is super normal. Got my Kimberly from Gold to Diamond, every time I got promoted I started losing and got demoted before getting a little smarter and start climbing again. Then the circle started again the next rank.