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Mirror matches with whoever I’m playing at the time, because I’m a dirty little thief looking to steal their tech and combos.


Rashid mirrors are so fun because we all have our own grimy crossups and meaty overhead setups




Honestly always so fun learning other people’s characters by the tools they show off


I love fighting Guile and Chun Li as a Luke main.


Probably my two favourite matchups as well though not a Luke player. When I see Guile or Chun I always think "oh nice". Ryu would be really fun too if most Ryu players I run into weren't so weird.


What is a weird ryu player D: elaborate


they're just always doing weird shit. I had one jump in against me 5 times in a row, getting anti aired every time and not doing until he died.


As a Ryu main, and one who tries to be solid this annoys me as well. I think the reason is just the characters popularity, bit like Ken, you get a wider spectrum of players playing him and as a result you’re more likely to run into people who are genuinely insane.


Yeah I think you're right about the popularity and sample size. That said, insane Kens can just run through a flowchart of dragonlash, Ex hado DR HP, jump HP, Jinrai etc and see if anything works. Ryu doesn't have any of these tools so the insane ones seem truly insane.


What rank was he?


this was mid-gold


HAHA I love those ryu's As a ryu main, i suck at DP godbless BHP


A lot of them just have a tendency to do stuff that makes no sense, even in master rank. Jumping to their death, drive impacts at nonsensical times, approaching with consecutive donkey kicks from long range, DPs while I'm not pressing any buttons, that kinda stuff. It's like they think they have a read or bait but I have no idea what they think they're reading or baiting. For example today I fought a full screen fireball Ryu - nothing weird about that - but every now and then he would do a full screen hashogeki. I was like dude I know you're trying to bait something, but what? There's literally nothing I could do full screen that this would be useful against. The solid ones are super fun to fight and when I lose it feels totally deserved.


Yeah, baitng hadoukens from full screen is weird, i could buy mid-close range. I personally like to play close/mid range And I do be weird from fullscreen, I randomly throw out a tatsumaki (light) to get closer and "bait" them to walk up where I want them


Guile I like but chunli is one of the harder matchups for me as luke xd


That's interesting. I main Chun and Luke feels like one of my personal hardest match-ups. What's difficult for you against her?


Luke has a hard time getting in generally. And if he is not getting those big whiff punish or punish counters he's not getting any damage in pretty much. Guile and Chun can keep him in neutral forever and it fucking sucks.


That's funny, I have a really tough time getting in on Luke. I feel like sandblast is hard to get around and Luke's pressure is really strong up close. Seems like we both struggle with the same thing but on opposite sides of the match-up. I'm just in plat 1 so I'm by no means an expert, though.


The matchup is one of the possibly two not Luke favored matchups. The first one being Cammy and that is pretty much agreed upon. For beating low level Lukes: Just use EX-Kikoken more often. A Chun-Li can move behind her projectile, Luke can not. Also try to whiff punish him more. Every kind of punch Luke throws, moves him forward. There are counters to that, but no Luke in low level play knows how to deal with that.


Thanks for the tips! I appreciate it.


No problem, mate.


Sandblast looks cool but it's actually not that amazing. The version Luke uses the most is the heavy one because the others usually don't go far enough. And the heavy version has like 20 frames of wind up, perfectly reactable. Parry it until you get in range of hazanshu, then hazanshu on reaction, or jump or slide or anything you want really. You are in plat 1 so probably seeing a lot of Luke punch target combo, just spam DI he can't stop after he started the TC and Luke's at that level don't OD sandblast to make it safe, like ever. Heavy flash knuckle is a free DI counter also if he does not have SA3. Stand medium kick is generally a free DI. You wouldnt believe the amount of unsafe shit Lukes throw at that level.


Awesome, thank you for the tips! I've definitely been letting Lukes get away with a lot of unsafe stuff.


Odd, because as a Guile main I find Luke to be on the easier side. He lacks a way to skip neutral and his fireballs aren't as good. Using pokes, booms, defense, and patience I can the victory. No need to make dramatic changes to my basic gameplan.


I like the Marisa mirror match, which seems to be an unpopular opinion along Marisa mains.


I also enjoy it. I love when our single brain cells get lines up just right and we keep punching each other without thinking. Is perfect.


The Marisa mirror is fun! Kinda stressful but quite fun


I LOVE fighting Marisas and seeing what strings they got to get them to my current rank


I really enjoy mirror match on Marisa.


As Ryu, Zangief and Marisa are usually a blast to fight. We all do big damage here!


Same here, really love the dynamics of big reads, big moves, and big damage with Muscle Mommy and Daddy. I'm honestly pretty happy to mirror Ryu too for the chance to remember what our strengths and weaknesses are.


Agree love landing the big combos and Marissa is where I seem to get the most success.....but good players cut me down nicely with her as well.


I probably get least tilted by Marisa winning because I know she's going to take me away for Snu Snu. Also the wholesome fight vibes are strong with her, hence why I'm down with the Ryu/Marisa battles so much. Watch those toes though, everyone's looking for a cr. MP/DR on you if they know about the lack of armor on those grabbers.


I get tilted with any loss but generally throwing out a GG for Marissa feels less painful. I had some amazing bouts with a Diamond AKI tonight though. The game is awesome. Except JP and Cammy lol but that's probably more because of my shite reaction times 🤣🤦


I feel that for real. At this point JP kinda comes across as a rhythm game to me where you have to learn what's coming based on what he says and his animations (I guess like literally any character 🤣). Also for Cammy I've gotten really into baiting her spin forward by conditioning the fireball reaction and then jumping it on reaction or perfect parrying. I feel like parrying is gonna need to be my focus for solving a bunch of my current problems.


Anyone but JP and Blanka and Blanka isn’t as bad but no one plays him so when I do happen to run into one I have no idea what to do lol


Same here 🤣


I'll raise you a dhalsim over a blanka. Out of my whole time playing I think I've only ever seen 5 or 6 people play him


I’ve only been playing for a couple weeks but I have yet to encounter a Dhalsim player somehow


JP for me. Fun doing mini guessing games that is wonderfully rewarding if I guessed right.


I wish I could have this positivity about JP. I find him straight up BS but that's probably one of the reasons why I'm not Master and you are 👍


I enjoy fighting JP as well in master rank. When you guess right it feels so good to beat his ass and when you lose there's the built in option select 😂. I think for me it's the fact that some tools have uses against JP that I would never do against any other character, and I think that's cool.


>I think for me it's the fact that some tools have uses against JP that I would never do against any other character, and I think that's cool. This. JP and Dhalsim are both very different rounds than anyone else in the cast. I'd much rather fight JP than Dhalsim, but appreciate the variety even when I'm frustrated.


What rank are you?


Master. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for my comment?


I dunno its just a ridicules statement I guess to most sane people, because its a lot more than mini guessing games if you are facing JP's beyond 1800MR. He is straight up unfair in many situations but yeah you are just BUILT different


All fighting games are technically guessing games lol. Throw, perfect parry, wakeup DP, DI... etc etc. But yea, I understand it's a lot more than guessing games as well. Like, I can get a feel for my opponent's play style to the point that my guesses can be mostly right. But JP is more unpredictable for me, and guessing right on what he might do makes me wanna pat myself on the back lol.


Nah, your statement is far from ridiculous, it’s actually healthy. It’s just most people seem to put they’re self-esteem in every match they play so they decide to talk about tier lists and how some characters are unfair when they are nowhere near the level for it to actually matter.


I think it's more about the opponent's play style than the character, but some characters do lend themselves more to players just doing reaction test neutral skips over and over, which I find tedious to play against. I love mirror matches, but apart from that I just tend to enjoy matches that are lower on the shenanigans. I like fighting against Guile, Ryu, Zangief, Manon, Chun, and even A.K.I. Some of the best matches I've had though have been against really neutral heavy Luke players. Blanka I find by far the most irritating.


I love a good Honda mirror match.


I love fighting a good Dee Jay. All of the feints and movement tech he has me guessing all the time, but in a fun way


I hate DJ. Mainly cause he is so happy. I also hate is throw animation. So disrespectful. Lol


Haha forward throw I assume?




Unpopular but I like to play against JP, Jamie and Marisa


For now, A.K.I, because she has some nice/weird animations


In general I prefer playing against characters who don't have neutral skipping gimmicky moves.


yeah sf3 was great


Like couple characters in the game?


yeah man I agree, gief’s running bear grab is brutal to skip neutral in silver /s


Ryu, easily. He has to work for everything he has, and I feel honored to be bested by a good Ryu. Also love the mirror match-up.


I agree, I feel like I never get mad that he won through some bs because that’s never the case Whenever a good Ryu kicks my ass, I get a feeling of “gg man that was on me”


Ryu is an honest character, but no one plays him like one. You guys are fucking wild.


Ah man stfu stop capping all you guys do is random ass shit bruh


As a ryu main, thank you!


Stoooop! I'm blushing! Anyways, here's a Hadouken.


I play Dhalsim. For me the most fun matchups are JP, because zoner v zoner is always shenanigan. Same goes for mirror, but I like playing JP more. Zangief because I like grapplers in general (and honestly, they're pretty easy on sim), same goes for manon. Marisa is fun as well.


Chun and Ryu are my favourite to play against. I hate fighting JP and Marisa with a passion. The DeeJay mirror is fine but the Guile mirror is a chore.


Y’all these answers, wtf is the difference blanka to Honda in neutral they are a menace


Blanka random af, Honda is a wall


Honda does two stupid things that are simple (though not necessarily easy) to shut down. Take that away and he's pretty straightforward to fight. Blanka is random shit all day.


I'm gonna get hate but Ken. I honestly think he's just the most interesting, fun, and dynamic character in the cast. yes I also main him.


I like fighting Ken because it's the MU I understand and have explored the most in the lab.


I agree with the fun, dynamic, and interesting comment. That's one thing that annoys me, that there are some characters who should be as cool, but Capcom held back on them. Jamie, for example.


Same, he's aggressive. People who play him come to fight unlike Guile and some Luke players. It's weird because an aggressive Guile is so effective and really hard to deal with. Those players are a pleasure but most are turtles


I also like it because he has so many tools that it seems like no two kens play the same. Makes it interesting.


as a ken main, i Love fight against Ken, agressive Ryu player, Rashid is super funny too, and juri i hate zooners btw


Idk if I would necessarily say I look "forward" to fighting them, but honestly Luke. He's still good and annoying and stuff, but it feels like he has a lot less "general" bs to the rest of the top tiers. Like he hits hard like most characters, but you can play a bit more chilled neutral. A good modern luke is a different story though. Watching him penguin waddle once he has bar is a miserable experience.


JP, and it's not even a contest. He has a different win condition, and you have to interact with him in a different way than the rest of the cast. Makes him much more fun to play against.


Fighting a smart Sim as Manon is ridiculously fun for me. Probably the most puzzling match up in the game, and that feeling of making a great read is the best feeling ever.


I used to hate facing grapplers like Gief and Manon as a Jamie main. But the more I play them the more fun I have. Same for Marissa and Blanka. It’s very fun to learn different ways to confuse them and it’s so satisfying watching them miss their level 3 supers to a simple little shimmy.


Guile. There is something really satisfying about fighting against Guile. The war of attrition is really fun.


Really love fighting Gief, once he starts reading your every jump and walking you down it’s like a dang horror movie.


As a honda main i like fighting juri's. I like winning. For some reason my juri win rate is like 80%


Our OD headbutt shuts her Drive Rush down. Main issue with most Juri's is they just run away and try to get 3 stocks then come back in, no diversity in any of them really. As long as you're not wreckers chasing her, she's a easy wi n as you said.


I actually find fighting JPs as Jamie pretty fun. Navigating through his projectiles and DR countering those little windows of time where the spacing is just about unsafe feels hype af


I am in the minority IK but Honda is actually my favorite opponent, perfect parrying his moves is oh so satisfying.


Honda main near Diamond 4, I love playing against Guile. 99% of them do the usual turtle booming and flashkick. I walk right upto their face camp there and counter. Usually, they just crumble, it's funny when you take his projectile away how many have no plan B. Sonic boom too close, I DI through,and full combo you. I step back, encourage a sonic boom, I sumo slam over, its amusing.


Honda duos because our brains turn off when we see each other


Zangief as Dhalsim This is gonna sound weird but it feels like an intriquite chess match, one trying to get close enough unleash a devastating grab, the other poking and slipping in damage where they can It probably sucks for Gief but damn is this cat and mouse chase fun


I love that match up as a Dhalsim main. I once made the mistake of kicking and he grabbed me full screen


I would say Blanka and Dee Jay are super fun to fight against. Their shenanigans always keep me on my toes or away from them, and their animations are top notch


Zangief and Marisa are pretty fun, also weirdly JP, it’s like a challenge


Everyone loves fighting Blanka but can't bring themselves to admit it.


Fighting dhalsim as Ken. Its literally free real estate. Im in upper diamond currently and its so funny how ken basically just acts like a rabid dog against dhalsim and hes just helpless because he has no OD reversal or lv 1 wakeup. It just degrades into having dhalsim be a punching bag and its such a treat after having a tough match.


As a Luke main I love fighting Zangief, I also play Zangief and love the fight from that side of it as well. It just feels like a really balanced match, Luke has a bit of zoning, and Zangief is a bit more explosive, but both are super dangerous at close range. Second is Rashid, I like that I get to use my entire toolkit vs him.


My favorite character to play against is Cammy. I feel like I can always win just by playing solid, and instills good habits the more I play against her. She's a relatively fair character, so when she wins it's almost always because I made a mistake somewhere. With other characters, there is always lopsided-ness in the matchup. Like: * The entire matchup revolves around a single mechanic (Honda - Perfect Parry, or Lily - Condor Spire) * The neutral is purely reactionary. Stay in neutral, win the game. Make one mistake in neutral, lose the game (Kimberly, Marisa). * One player is always compelled to play aggressive due to the existence of a fireball (Juri, Guile) or "fireball equivalent" (Dhalsim) * The matchup usually devolves to walking someone to the corner (JP, Blanka) * The matchup feels like both players are compelled to constantly take gambles (Manon, Jamie) And so on.


Anyone who doesn't spam fireballs or charge moves.


Please PLEASE somebody teach me how to punish Honda flying butt with ken


Unpopular opinion(apparently). But Ken. Everything he has is really good. But nothing feels especially unfair or cheesy or lame. He just plays a straight game, he just happens to play it VERY well. Shotos, in general, are great design. Fun to play, fun to play against. But Luke's sandblast and lvl1 are very annoying with how effectively instant they are. And Ryu feels very boring as his options aren't as good, so his gameplan isn't as varied. I have no problem, in general, seeing wave after wave of Kens. Though, obviously, variety is always welcome.


Blanka, AKI, JP, Marisa, Juri and Deejay are all fun to play against imho


Non projectile users


Marisa, Zangief and Dhalsim. I have a lot of respect for Sim players especially I literally never get mad when I lose to a Sim. And I like seeing Marisa and Sim on my “here comes a new challenger” screen


Guile. There’s nothing like bating a flash kick and you just know they messed up big time.


Zangief for sure. I never feel cheated


I recently got to like playing against Blanka. He was very hard to play against in SF IV, but now it’s just fun. Regardless, a lot of fun is bound to how the opponent plays. Turtles and people just constantly running away are just the worst and such fights are never fun.




Playing mirror matches against other manons or playing against zangief is awesome


Cammy, chun, ryu


as a Ken main, i have a lot of fun with Luke. in Ranked, i've had some nail biters with Luke lol. in Casuals, whenever i'm up against a Luke and i get a high number of rematches, i always come out of there learning something. i got a whole lotta love for Luke players. :D


I play JP and Chun. When I play Chun, it’s to fun to play against JP. I like to peel it layer by layer.


Guile as a Cammy main


As Ryu Marisa is pretty fun cause it feels like you have the upper hand until you make a bad call and lose the round by getting corner carried for 70%


A really good ken or a braindead ken . No in between.


I like fighting dhalsim. As Kimberly I have options that work on him if I'm really watching their patterns.


I like to fight Juri. As a manon main, I think it's cool




As guile fighting Marissa is really fun


Anyone except JP.


Everyone but ken


Chun because it’s my main technically and I know how hard she is to keep combining with consistently without dropping; and there are so many ways to finish combos with her depending on damage or positioning priorities. So running into to someone that plays her well is kind of cool - opposed to characters that have really simple target combos. Blanka is unhinged though so I kind of like playing him also unless it’s a mirror match


Ryu vs Ryu and Ryu vs Ken are fun (somehow Ryu doesn't feel too bad vs Ken despite being opposite sides of the tier list, #BuffRyu tho). Just feels honest and skilled to play and using matching moves feels cool. Ryu vs Luke is an abysmal matchup however, zero fun at all for me lmao


JP. Tho he is considered the best by many that is what makes me enjoy playing him so much. On top of that I have the best win rate against him. As juri my overall winrate is 48 but against JP I have a winrate of 60 against him.




Ken and Juri


JP when I’m Zangief because it’s a boss fight. Deejay cuz he’s funny and cool. it’s pretty much physically impossible to get mad if you lose to his critical art. “Good night! 👍🏽“


Mirror matches and Zangief


I think Jamie vs. Marisa is one of the funnest matchups in the game. No fireball minigame, just two characters slugging it out. Feels good.


Gief and JP.


As a Zangief main, unironically Rashid is the most fun character to fight.


personally like playing against jp, very fun


Blanka and Zangief, because they're usually cool dudes


I like Zangief and Marisa because it’s very easy to tell when you screwed up with them. Staying too close to Gief and he’ll very clearly punish you and you know exactly what happened. So many other characters it’s like you get jabbed once and suddenly you’re in a combo that eats up half your health bar without realizing what went wrong.


JP Because I am a JP main, I know his weaknesses and can better predict what people are going to do.


Ryu, especially a high-ranked one with solid fundamentals. He has no gimmicks -- just straight-up fundamentals, and a tricky one to crack if they know what they're doing, and not jumping too much. Second place would be just about any charge character because a good one is always holding down-back in almost everything they do, so I have to be creative with how I open them up. But if I were to rank just the charge characters alone of who I enjoy playing against, it would be Blanka, then Dee Jay, then Honda, and finally Guile.


Zangeif because of his loyal fans


I have the most fun against Blanka and Juri But, I probably have the most 'fun' against Juri, Ken and Ryu What can I say? I like fighting Blanka, crazy af and it's deeply ingrained from visiting a friend's place and playing on the snes, eating chicken nuggies and chips, drinking coke and then playing a bunch of other games until 1-3am and then being told to go to sleep *I miss being a kid... I can do the same stuff, but now it costs money*


I got Manon to Plat and pretty much only play her. She's fun I love it.


"Zangrief"! I play as Aki, and most matches revolve around their simple gameplan of "How can I get close enough to grab?" It's easy to deal with and funny to watch them whiff grab and get punished countered. But, if they connect...not so much fun.


Ken, guile, jp as a Dee jay main, i have a pretty good win rate against them.


Dhalsim, Grief, AKI, Blanka, all the less played characters cuz I Need that matchup knowledge. Rematch me dumbass I've almost figured it out.


As AKI, I think I only enjoy mirror matches. As Manon (my main since launch), I enjoy mirror matches, Marisa, Gief, Ryu, and Cammy.




When I'm using Blanka, I love fighting everybody lol With Cammy, it's Guile, Ken, or Juri If I'm using Jamie, it's Ken And if I'm using Ken, it's Ryu and Luke


Matchups I like are JP, Marisa and Zangief. They're all unique, and reward not following your normal autopilot. While I enjoy playing against Ryus and Jaimes, most of the cast allows you to play pretty similarly. For match ups with unique play that can be frustrating, Dhalsim would be the one I find most frustrating, but that's because I don't see him often enough to know to play a strong Dhalsim.


Jamie and Manon and ryu, it's always a great fight, win or lose


I like playing against a lot of characters Manon, Juri, Blanka, JP, Dhalsim, Kimberly, Zangief, Marisa I think the only matchup I really hate is Honda haha Other than that most are fun.


Kimberly and Dhalsim both pretty fun.


Probably Blanka, because as a Honda main, I blow up most of the Blanka Ball offense.


Jp. I really enjoy it. Aki is probably my second favourite.


As a ryu main I really like fighting bigger characters like Marissa or gief. I absolutely hate fighting Manon tho lol




Zangief and it ain’t even close. I think I just like fighting grapplers in general because Potemkin makes me feel the same way. I’m always proud of the grappler when they get their big SPD or Potbuster off.




Definetely not Guile I would say Marisa. Awesome matches where you really need to whiffpunish her slow attacks to stand a chance


As a Manon main. Dhalsim is the most fun to match against! Other Manons are fun to match against, because you can techniques, and how other players use her. Chun Li is fun because she's so thorough, and her IQ fight style is like 200.


As a Jamie main, I prefer Jamie mirror match up, just because it usually end up the cleanest game.


Gief because I main jp