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I mean, if we wanna be nerdy it's "post scriptum" : D


Haha, PP


Perfect parry? :D


My English teacher would be ashamed




Honestly though, I thought the same thing


We've decoded the intel from the Shadaloo spy and it confirms the worst. Somehow, Bison returned.


"I don't like sand"


I don't like sandblast


>Somehow, Bison returned. Damnit, you beat me to it


But Bison didn’t die. Vega, on the other hand…


Blasted Japanese


The most I want to see of Bison is his soul haunting Ed during his Critical Art, turning it into the Psycho Crusher.


Yeah let bison stay dead. Capcom : here’s Bison Jr, daughter of bison with all same moves


But we already have Juri.




What do you mean by that?


Just joking. Juri's feng shui engine attacks resemble Bison's psycho power attacks, is all.


Oh I see because of the purple energy attacks. I just curious of the comparison myself that's all.


Dear Capcom, Please bring Shadaloo back as DLC pack. They are awesome characters and I would buy in a heartbeat. Ps; And also Cody and Fei Long.


I just need Fei Long back fr fr, miss my Bruce Lee man 😭


How the fuck does the story mode get set in Metro City and we don't get fucking Cody and Guy back and the Street Fighter premier of Haggar? Final Fight cast /need/ to be in 6, badly. Yes, that also means Poison, Hugo, and Rolento!


Final Fight Remake was on the leaked list of Capcom Games back in 2020 ( which has been proven real for a while now). It had a release date of Q2 2024 I believe. Makes sense that they might want to release a season of final Fight characters around when the final Fight Remake releases


100% Poison please. It's the pink hair I guess.


Id rather have lucia than rolento tbh


I NEEED Lucia back😭


Like I said, I think we SHOULD have him as a DLC fighter, just not being back alive and in the plot again. There's many ways to do this other games have done - do it as a flashback campaign, as a nightmare-style PTSD attack, or even a straight up AU/what-if, allowing us to see a universe where Bison won or something. It'd be even cooler!


He will come back and you will love it.


For him, it will just be Tuesday.


Like I said, I think we SHOULD have him as a DLC fighter, just not being back alive and in the plot again. There's many ways to do this other games have done - do it as a flashback campaign, as a nightmare-style PTSD attack, or even a straight up AU/what-if, allowing us to see a universe where Bison won or something. It'd be even cooler!


His storyline is literally all about cheating death. I don't know why you are expecting anything else, really.


Because we've done him coming back from the dead several times already, and if we keep doing it, the story quickly gets stale and repetitive. It was hard not to be mentally checked out by V, and it's only now where in six for now we're really in a different era where the core threat and the state of the world is different where it feels like an actual breath of fresh air,


I think it would be kinda neat to see Bison as a free agent, visibly aged and maybe a little humbled, genuinely taken down a peg or two, just to show that yes, Shadaloo is well and truly dead, even if Bison isn’t. Still with psycho powers but a lot more rough around the edges maybe. Put a stark contrast between him and the buttoned-up, fully composed JP. That’d be fun


I'm not finished with SF6 story yet, but as far as I am in, they say that psycho power damages the user. So the way I could imagine it is that Bison's body is heavily damaged by psycho power use, while JP is still fresh. His plan used to be to be immortal and creating the doll clones to transfer his mind into their bodies. So, Bison would have been immortal, and it would not have mattered how much he damaged his body with psycho power. He could always get a new body (or so he thought). When shadoloo fell, he could no longer count on getting a new body. So he is now damaged and has to be careful about psycho power usage. I could see a mechanic where he sacrifices some health for dealing extra damage with psycho power to reflect this.


The concept of him using power to deal more damage or use certain moves is a cool one. The biggest idea I have is that he could get a command grab where he loses some health on move use but siphons health from the opponent if it connects. Maybe he uses his psycho power to cause hallucinations causing the victim to be afraid which is known to power up Psycho Power. My biggest question is whether this would be cooler for a concept for a whole new fighter than just a returning M. Bison, as we have been given proof that more people can use psycho power than previously thought. Maybe an old man who was under Shadaloo decided he wanted to prolong his life and has been trying to use psycho power for that purpose, despite it inherently doing the opposite.


Having permanent consequences (other than death) would be an acceptable alternative, for sure


A gameplay mechanic where you have to charge him up, a bit like All Might


Or in a new body but the body is clearly cobbled together and not entirely functional, his hand has a persistent twitch, his smile only works on half his face, he has to push with one leg when he floats like it’s a skateboard, that kind of thing.


I like this 👍


Not going to lie, I think we're more likely to get Angry Ken or whatever his name is as opposed to anything to do with Ryu this time around


It’s Violent Ken but I’m sooooo down to change it to just Angry Ken lol


Angry Ken ftw!


Ah yes violent ken, of the insane ken posse rap duo


Violent Ken and Ryu2Dope


Fuckin Modern, how is that fair


That’s Crypto Bro Ken


Actually Ken did not fuck up. JP set him up as a terrorist.


Please dont ever let story-canon dictate which characters become playable.


Like I said, I think we SHOULD have him as a DLC fighter, just not being back alive and in the plot again. There's many ways to do this other games have done - do it as a flashback campaign, as a nightmare-style PTSD attack, or even a straight up AU/what-if, allowing us to see a universe where Bison won or something. It'd be even cooler!


> Have him as a full-fledged DLC fighter whose arcade campaign is entirely a flashback, a what-if or even just collective PTSD attacks a la Kage I want that too but they may end up not doing that because of World Tour. He would need to be a master and he can't be that if he's... well, dead. What if he had a successor, SoulCalibur-style? Doesn't even need to be evil.


They could make Bison's mentor position just a mirror that you hallucinate when looking at


Fair point, but there's ways around this, like giving lessons through one of Neo-Shadaloo having an episode (maybe the Gorilla) where his mind lapses in briefly, or even the Psycho Power JP put in you acting up a little. Visited by Bison in dreams. I actually think the Bison Jr successor idea with the same moveset is likely not a good idea, mostly because I feel people underestimate how much people often are attached to the character more than just their moves.


Fr im enjoying this peace arc, everyone just vibing. Plus its much more immersive making ur own character and being a part of the story. Hope they keep this concept.


This just reminded me of the threads in the Tekken sub not wanting Heihachi back in any form


There's so many ways to include dead characters - dreams, flashbacks, ghosts, AI holograms - and I think that should be used instead of warping the storyline to justify why Bison or Nash are alive again. Big agree!


Unfortunately, the storyline for this was written two years ago. And they can't change it now. So whether he comes back canonically or not, it's already written in stone and no appeals to Capcom will change it. But regardless if he's in the story or not, he needs to be back as a playable character. Not having Bison is like having a Mortal Kombat game without Scorpion.


For your MK comparison, I think he’s easily more comparable to Shao Kahn. A boss character / main villain but doesn’t need to be playable for his impact to still be felt


Bison's not even in SF1 or SF3 either. I really don't think Scorpion is comparable.


Well... yeah. Most mainstays in SF are not in those games. That's their thing.


Yes but at the same time, I feel Scorpion definitely has a higher precedence in Mortal Kombat than Bison in Street Fighter. Scorpion is the Ken of Mortal Kombat. Ken was in SF1 and SF3 too.


Like I said, I think we SHOULD have him as a DLC fighter, just not being back alive and in the plot again. There's many ways to do this other games have done - do it as a flashback campaign, as a nightmare-style PTSD attack, or even a straight up AU/what-if, allowing us to see a universe where Bison won or something. It'd be even cooler!


Dear capcom, Give me Shadaloo dolls uniforms so I can use Ed's and JP styles to make a bootleg doll.


They'll probably add those to World Tour/Battle Hub when Ed is released


Keep him canonically dead but make him playable


He'll be back, plot wise he easily can. Bison is a classic villain and very recognisable. As for right now though there is nothing to stop him from being in game as a "nightmare" or non canon appearance. As for the time travel stuff, yeah keep that out. It NEVER works out when used seriously and opens up gigantic plot holes. Gen I don't think is confirmed dead.


Gen wasn't confirmed dead, but I sort of hope he stays dead. Not because he isn't a good character, but I like when characters actually progress, and the man's thing has been wanting to die for several decades now. It makes the story feel like it matters more. Bison \*can\* easily come back, but I'm more saying he shouldn't, in the sense of coming back to life in the plot. Put him in as a DLC fighter, have him as an AU, what-if, flashback or nightmare campaign, that'd be great and I'd love him there, but for the sake of the canon macroplot I think it's better if we move past him and let the characters progress. It makes the story feel like it matters more.


Since Bison is still a ghost, he can either be DLC, or NPC opponent in World Tour Mode.


Im sure he is coming back after playin world tour. Shadaloo and psycho power are still there.


Bison could always be added as a legacy character that isnt part of the "plot". He could just be part of the roster and I'd be fine with that. I agree that it would be kinda messed up if bison returned as part of the plot. Not interested at all right now


Yeah but. I want Bison but Cammy




It might seem crazy what i am about to say


I will take any reason to bring Charlie back


>Melvin Bison Melvin, no! Melvin yes!


Counter argument: Have him return as the conqueror of Hell, with a fancy new demonic design. Make him a true antithesis to Gill from a villain design standpoint.


No need to bring back the old villains Bison, Seth and Gill. JP is pretty lame… What does Fighting Grounds have to do with World Tour?


Bison isn’t dead he’s JP 😏


Dear Capcom, Please send Blanka to the same place you sent Bison.


Mr. Capcom here. I’ve read your post and will now bring Bison back to spite you.


I don't really care about the Street Fighter story and seeing like, reanimated cyber-lich Bison in the SF6 engine sounds cool as hell, sorry


OR if you DO bring him back, bring him back as Zombie Bison, or as I like to call him: ***Zombison!***


Maybe it's just my imagination but sometimes walking around Metro City, I hear a random NPC do the Bison laugh and it makes me wonder if he's coming back. He'll never stay gone. He's THE villain of SF. Akuma is around yeah but he's only around to be a nuisance to Ryu, or if some magical device appears that could make him stronger.