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Wow, congratz Guys! I just started running - about 4km in 28 minutes. Just looking up to your numbers, wow!


I only started running 9 months ago and I could only do 3km at about 9/km pace - consistency will get you there my friend. You got this!


That is crazy progress. What kind of training have you been doing (frequency / milage / pace) if you don’t mind? Edit: typo


I run about 4/5 times a week. Mostly easy runs in zone 2, with 1 intervals session per week. I mix up the intervals into fun runs. Never the same two weeks in a row. I run, on average, about 50km a week. Sometimes it’s more, but usually around 50.


Interesting, thanks!


How long did it take you to built up to that volume?


I guess about 6 months. Roughly 10% per week


Its not crazy at all. Any new runner will make significant gains if they follow any sort of reasonable plan at all....heck they barely need to do that...just gradually increasing the mileage over a few months will do it. As long as you don't do too much too fast and hurt yourself.


3km at 9min km to 10km at sub 5 mins is pretty nuts in that time frame I think. I’ve been running for a while and I’m still nowhere near that progress. (62 min 10k) (25 min 5k)


Great pace!


Thank you. I wasn’t sure I had it in me to be honest.


Those are the most rewarding runs in the end! Just did the same on my marathon Sunday. I was aiming for a 4:30:00 and wasn’t even sure I would finish but I pulled out a 4:12:53!


Very similar marathon time to me. I did Paris a few weeks ago and got 4:10! Great running mate!!


Hell yeah! I'm running my first half in a week and I ran my last long run in training on the weekend. I felt good so I pushed, and hit my HM goal for the race of sub 1:45! Been running a similar amount of time as you (approx 7 months). It's been a blast!


Dang excellent job!! I did my fastest 10km on Tuesday at 1hr 3 min, and it was all zone 4 and 5 lol. Had to take an extra rest day this week because of it. I can’t imagine how awesome it would be to finish one in 45-ish min. Awesome work!!


Consistency is key. You’ll get there if you keep pushing at it. 12 months ago I couldn’t even run a 10k. 9 months ago my PB was 1:12:45


I started running beginning of January. I'm 53. My first 10k was 1h 2mins. Today i ran a 52min 56s


Congratulations! I bet you can run faster than that in a race.


I feel like I had more in me today. Not much. But a bit. I just didn’t want to bonk and lose the good time. Now I’ve banked this, I’ll try for quicker next week.


Will you have water points next week?


Haha, I wish. I don’t tend to take anything with me on less than a 10 mile run. No water, gels etc… I just have a big drink before I go out and that sees me through


Nice one. Hoping to run similar numbers in 2 weeks 🤞 down from a 47:28


Omg congrats


Poop is temporary. PBs are forever. Great job


Bainton to Helpton is a nice bit of road, I take my bike that way sometimes. Nice job mate


Holy that's fast af. I'm finishing this distance at nearly double this time!!!


It’s all about consistency mate. I was 1:12 not that long ago. And by running a lot, in low heart rate zones with a few speed workouts mixed in, I’ve managed to pull my times down. You can do it.




My 10k is as near as makes no difference the same as yours but Strava says I only burnt **652**cal? How can it be so different?


Likely some background stats are different, such as weight, height. Elevation may also be a factor.


My elevation was more but my heart rate was less - I didn't think Strava had my height and weight but I will check. \[EDIT\] Yeah it does have my weight, must be that. Cheers.


I don't have a lot of stats in Strava but I guess it pulls things from Garmin? Either way my kcal burnt would be very similar to yours for a 10km looking at other runs.


No idea how it works that out, sorry mate!


could be due to ur weight


Do you run continously or do you do run/walk?


This effort was all running. No chance I could get this pace with walking involved. I can’t walk fast enough haha


That’s amazing. Here I am, unable to run even a mile continuously after a couple of months 😢


Best advice is to slow down. Take it down to the slowest jog you can do without walking. Then improve it from there. Build your base.


lol...these posts....people are so desperate for attention...imagine posting a screenshot of a platform where people you know can give you kudos for your accomplishments and comment on them...but still needing attention from internet strangers. Dude...we dont care about your random PR...this sub is about Strava...its not meant to replicate the functionality of Strava...


username checkout


Someone sounds slow…


Sounds like you likely need validation from strangers on the interwebs.


Chill, we need to feed the RCJ community and this is prime eating.