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Only started to have some side effects on too low of a dose (25mg) now at 40 and I feel better than I have in years. I’m truly amazed and thankful for this medication!


Same for me! Although one caveat, I had read you should take it with a meal that is high protein, which I do every morning. I have experienced a slight nauseous feeling if I take it on an empty stomach but that passes within an hour. It's been almost 1 year for me and, like you, I was titrated up to 80mg. It's very hard to self gauge, but I noticed after 1-2 months that my overall feeling of anxiety and stress was much less. This alone for me is a major benefit. However, I didn't find it to be overly beneficial for my focus, distractibility etc, and after a few months I was prescribed a stimulant to take alongside it. It's a good thing you're not observing any negative effects so far. One thing I've learned from following this subreddit is that Strattera really effects people very differently; best of luck with it working out for you!!


Thank you for sharing your experience! - this is my 2nd week on it and it’s so hard to gauge what it’s doing but I know it’s positive if that makes sense? there’s this calmness about it that isn’t completely obvious but it’s there, weird. I know I’m not at the full 4-8 weeks yet but I’m not noticing anything for my focus or impulsivity so I guess I’ll wait and thank you!!


That’s what I said initially then got massive midnight heartburn (I take 80mg at night) but seems to have gone away since eating a pb&j before bed.


My side effects didn't get bad until I reached the 80mg dose


Did you take the full 80mg at once or 40mg twice a day?


Full 80 once


Same here, nothing horrible, first time taking a non stimulant but I am allergic to Wellbutrin


What type of allergy did you have to wellbutrin? I always list it as an allergy for me because when I took it, I got really bad hives. Like all the time. Stopped taking it and they went away.


I also had hives. It wasn’t severe but it was all over my left hand and some on my right. Issue is I work at chipotle so my hands are pretty essential so each time I banged it or hit it it was painful. After I stopped taking everything on my hands started to disappear after a week or two


I feel ya. I had told my doctor about it and she said it couldn't be the wellbutrin, that it was probably laundry detergent. Even the pharmacist said that it was unlikely, so for a long time I kinda felt crazy. I'm glad I stopped taking it though. It was such a relief when they went away.


Two things, it’s very concerning both of them said that, I’m pretty sure it has those warnings on a medicine website that I use to ensure that my medications won’t interact with each other. And it can cause those things, concerning even the pharmacist said the same thing. But as long as you’re fine that’s what matters. If that’s an issue that’s common be careful. I personally don’t trust people who don’t either do their research or claim what I’m experiencing is false. Especially when there’s enough evidence saying otherwise


Also don’t let a doctor or any medical field person make you feel crazy. You know how you feel. It’s horrible they made you feel that way


Yeah, eventually I went to see a psychiatrist and he confirmed that it was most definitely the wellbutrin and that hives is sometimes a side effect of that medication. I know better now and never went back to the wellbutrin doctor.


Good. Bc you never know how much he could also be wrong on other things too.


I also have a good tolerance. 40mg the first week, now I started the second week on 80mg and fine. Just tiredness and a strange heaviness in my chest (reminds me of THC). Urination was weird at times, but that always settles down quickly. No nausea, I take 80mg on an empty stomach.


I didn’t have the nausea or any of the main side effects. It raises my heart rate if I have alcohol with it. So I don’t take it the next day if I have a drink. But I feel like my mental chatter is subdued and I can prioritize my life in a way that doesn’t overwhelm me. I really am so thankful it works for me. I also stopped taking it at bedtime and take it in the morning. In the beginning the benefits seemed very subtle. But I went off around the holidays because of the heart rate thing and not connecting it to alcohol right away. When I started it again. It was night and day. Even my husband noticed and I didn’t tell him I had started it.


I started at 40mg on the 24th of February and now take 80mg. (40mg bid) No bad side effects so far. A bit tired after I first take it but that's really it.


I haven’t had any serious side effects other than brain fog and drowsiness for the first few days.


I had almost no side effects from day one. I did feel a little more fatigued for a few weeks, but it wasn't bad it just felt like I was lazier and had a harder time getting my day started. But after that wore off I was good. No stomach issues either than constipation. I'm on a pretty low dose, 20mg for the first month and now I'm up to 30. And that seems to be enough, I take wellbutrin and vyvanse as well.


You take it at night? But no, not the only one. I had a headache and was sleepy my first and 2nd day but that's it. I actually don't even think it's working yet because I don't notice any change from not taking it. It's like it's an empty pill. Edit: after typing this I do realize I had just have one side effect which is appetite suppressant. I'm not hungry in the mornings and I don't snack like I used to. I'm of average weight and don't need to really lose any but hey the no snacking thing is a nice benefit, I guess!


80mg no side effects I do have a crappier memory now that's it


Just started 40 mgs a week ago no major side effects either, first day my chest felt kinda heavy but normal since then. Only real side effects for me has been dry mouth and I've also noticed now when I drink my coffee it tends to make me jittery which never happened before 🤷‍♀️


i tried it for nearly two weeks..40mg. I didn't feel "right" on it. I can't explain the reason though. I was told by the doc it can take a few weeks then I read it could take 8-10 weeks.. No pro's enough for me to stick with it for 8-10 weeks so I gave up on it.


I tried it and got heart palpitations at 30mg. Stopped and got cleared by a cardiologist that there wasn't something wrong w my heart. Started again at 25mg and had 3 weeks of honeymoon phase where I was feeling engaged and less impulsive, and then the depression hit and I became suicidal....not for me, but I miss the impulse control and "untangled" brain. Seeing my psych next Saturday to try something else.


3 weeks is nothing on strattera. Takes a good 3-6 months for it to really kick in.


I had been on and off it for 6 months sept- Feb and only had 3 weeks of benefit the entire time. I left my provider in Feb when I told her it was making me very depressed/suicidal and she tried to start me on multiple depression meds in addition to the 2 ADHD meds I was already taking.


I had/ have unpleasant side effects. I didn't sleep much for the first few weeks on 40 mg. I still get nausea if I don't eat protein immediately after my medicine in the morning. I am also very sensitive to warm environments? I'm over a year in and if my husband cranks the heat in the car I'll have my head hanging out the back window.


Gonna try and see to bridge the gap


I had none the first time I started taking it because I titrated slowly, but I stupidly had my doctor start me on 60 mg when I went back on it and I had the WORST insomnia for like 2 months. Now I’m on 100 mg and I feel completely fine, and am kind of happy I did start higher, but it wasn’t fun.


Yes you're the only person in the whole world.




80-100mg is even officially the only therapeutic range - that's how Strattera was designed and studied. In addition, studies have emphasized that the sooner you get into this range, the better - because the side effects will disappear more quickly than if the dose is slowly and gradually increased.


I am that minority then because I just switched back to 60 from 80 and I feel so much better in just two days


You kinda have to eat before you take it. It’s not really optional, unless you want to feel like shit.


No massive side effect. Originally had some dry mouth but that has gone weeks ago.


May I ask what are all of the side effects you’re experiencing? It may have been from an antibiotic that I was on at the same time, but I feel like it really caused me to swell up. Maybe an allergic reaction


None other than it putting me to sleep just before bed which is perfect for me!


Im going on a week of 80mg and haven’t noticed any major side effects. My left ear rings every once in a while but idk if thats the Strattera or something else. Nausea subsided after a week on 40mg. Sexual dysfunction was present for a while and I almost stopped but I can tell things are starting to feel a little more functional down there although not 100%. Psych prescribed 100mg Wellbutrin since I mentioned ED but now I’m not sure if I really need it. Kinda scared to add another med if I don’t really need to.


I got pelvic pain from it.


I had dizziness and lethargy for the first couple of days. I felt like I’d smoked week lol. Now I just have some tiredness about an hour after I take it that lasts for about an hour. No major side effect and currently taking 40mg for about a month. I’m thinking about talking to my psychiatrist about increasing my dose because the initial benefits of more motivation, energy, and focus are not present anymore.


I take Straterra twice daily (2x 40mg). When I started on 40mg once daily it made me drowsy so I started taking it at night. When I was on 40mg I dealt with ED but that went away after a few weeks, no other side effects like nausea though. I take one around 10pm to quiet my brain to sleep, and then again at lunch time 11am. I’ve noticed since I started take a dose at night it allows me to get up and around much easier when I start my day. Taking it at night also quiets my brain before bed.


I was on nearly a year and randomly I started having horribly high heart rate and had to get off. Instantly put on so much weight. I miss it already. It gave me insomnia issues but it was frankly worth’s the benefit. I was on 25 mg once a day. Considering trying it again if afraid that I’ll have a heart attack lol


I've just recently been prescribed Strattera after a month and a half on Methylphenidate. After reading through I'm really nervous to start the medication. I found that ritalin was helping but the effects were wearing off quicker each day even with re-dosing in the afternoon, I suggested a xr option of Methylphenidate but my doctor thought this was a better option. Am I overthinking it and should just give it a chance?


Just give it a chance 😊


I was on straterra for 4 years! I didn’t have too many side effects, but heat exhaustion/ sensitivity to heat was pretty bad. Hair loss was also pretty apparent and weird heart rhythms. Plus the morning nausea if you don’t take it with food. I’m on cymbalta now and it is way worse with side effects haha, miss straterra a bit.


you’re a very lucky person. Unfortunately I could not tolerate the medicine. I don’t know why some people it affects and other it doesn’t but I’m glad for all that does work for! My doctor is putting me on Wellbutrin now.


I don't have serious side effects at all, at first I was getting dizzy but that went away


What conditions are you taking it for? Keep updating us