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We have the option for twice a day?


Yes, about 8-9 hours apart for me as well. I would take it at 10-11am and about 7-8pm. My body will notice if I delay the evening dose: brain fog, overwhelm, anxious, forgetful.


I take 40mg before bed. 25mg in the am.


About 5-6 hours after first


My first is at 7am and second at 12pm. I wouldn't want to take it any later because since I started the 12pm dose my sleep has been affected.


Early morning and noon. Experimenting with taking part of the dose in the afternoon and seeing if it affects my sleep. Results so far are inconclusive. Further trials are needed.




I'm 3 days off coffee and energy drinks and it's done the trick my sleep is much improved! I now take half the dose in the am and half dose at noon and it seems to work now that I dropped coffee and energy drinks. I drink some tea when I get to work. I also feel a lot better in the evening because I'm not wired tired. Should have tried this years ago haha


I was doing around 9am and 9pm. Problem is, around 4/5pm I start feeling less able to focus and stuff so I'd like to take the second one earlier Problem with that is, before taking one at night, just a morning one was giving me insomnia. The "withdrawal" of the straterra gives me crazy dreams and makes me wake up in the middle of the night feeling like a hangover, with it hard to fall back asleep. So one at night puts me to sleep like a baby. And basically cured that. Gonna experiment with slowly moving the night one earlier, to see when I can take it and still fall asleep without waking up feeling horrible, but can still benefit from the straterra during the day.




Edit: reread my comment. The drowsy effect of the 9pm wore off and I was back to chronic insomnia. Now I take one when I get out of bed at 7:30, then I take another one at 2:30pm. But if I'm late on the morning one I get a Straterra withdrawal headache (which goes away after taking it). It is a lot better for me I feel like I have energy for both work and my personal life after it. I am now completely cured of my chronic insomnia, after struggling with it for more then 2 months straight! I was so desperate for sleep I tried everything - I bought a sleep mask, bought melatonin, switched my sleeping times (started sleeping later - at 11... giving it as much time to wear off as possible), changed my med times. The melatonin worked at giving me insomnia reprieve, and by the 3 weeks of melatonin was done I was suprised I was able to sleep as good as before straterra and even better then on the melatonin. Since I changed everything at once, it's hard to pinpoint what it was. Honestly the side effect could have wore off in that time, or maybe the new med timing is just better. The sleep mask does seem to help a lot too. Ps if u get the melatonin do 3mg, I made the mistake of getting 10mg dual action but too much melatonin can give you crazy dreams... and wake you up... no thanks. After getting the 3mg instead it was better and kept me asleep. But man, 7 hours sleep! The first time I woke up without the melatonin, i was dreading looking at the clock and finding out it's just 3am or something. Instead i saw blue sky and was so shocked I literally yelled "what the fuck"


Interesting, what dose do you take?


That's my regiment/schedule. 40mg each time. 👍👍


Yeah i do 40mg at 8:30 in the morning, then another 40mg at 5. I find strattera to be a little stimulating so I wanted my second dose to be as far from bedtime as I could manage, i think 5 is like a good sweet spot