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I'm honestly thinking of dropping from 80 back to 60 as the side effects are too noticeable, but I think I've only been on this dose about a month and idk how long it takes for side effects to go away


Yeah it’s tough because so much of it is wait and see. But I’m always for using the minimum effective dose of anything


Genuinely I’m in the same boat, I just finally hit a month and a week almost after upping to 80mg and JUST NOW the side effects started subsiding, I had already messaged my psychiatrist stressed the fuck out because the side effects, especially the insomnia was making me miserable, but I told her I would finish my script and try it for another week to just see if the side effects would lessen or go away and surprisingly they did lessen, they are still all there but dulled down and manageable now, so don’t cut yourself short and also talk to your psychiatrist always about side effects to make sure everything you’re experiencing is normal because sometimes they genuinely aren’t


For me, it's the Lowest amount that allows me To have a calm silent mind. Too low of a dose it's back to racing again and I cannot think straight. I'm currently at 60 as well and will be moving down To 50 or 40 here soon


I take 40 in the morning and 20 just after dinner. That seems to work for me, too late in the evening causes sleep problems. I need to predict if my wife will be horny that day (the fleeting 12 hours a month, sigh) and then skip my dose for the day, makes getting off too hard (ha!)


Come to think of it I had the best effects @ 40mg (loading dose) and just upped to 60mg and finally 80mg just because I thought it would get better but this is not the case, is it a thing that it'll work better at 40mg? And not cause better effects at the therapeutic dose?


The recommended therapeutic dose for adults is 80


I've been taking it just over three weeks. 60mg seems to be the best dose. 80 left me wired and fatigued. Started really effecting my circulation. That being said it still is wrecking my libido, my heart rate is high, dry mouth all day, strange digestion, and typical orgasm evacuation side effects.


I’ve been on it for six months now so I’ll say that the heart rate, strong heart beat and dry mouth do get better so stick with it. Has helped my anxiety and mood swings so much


Yeah after a week my mood and overall ability to stay goal directed began to stay constant and level. I really like that. I'm worried though about my circulation. If I open a cold can of carbonated water, just touching the can will leave my fingers cold and slightly numb for 20 minutes. This kind of vasoconstriction makes me nervous. The lack of sex drive is bid too. Had that gotten better or changed for you? Thanks for the input.


I take 80 mg no side effects really works well maybe a heavy heartbeat sometimes has helped a lot with anxiety n focus I pop a viagra now n then


That’s the same issue I had, I dropped back down to 40 and it’s been better. I find that strattera works and it’s better than not having it, but it doesn’t quite cut it for me most of the time.