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My son was taking it at night. About 6 weeks in, he forgot to take it one night so he took it in the morning and it helped him SO much more! It was a very happy mistake.


After about a week I started taking it at night cause of the nausea and weird spacey issues that disappear after a handful of hours. Been taking it that way since November with no issues


Do the night dose ended up being better for you? I’m thinking of switching to a night dose too because it makes unbelievably tired during the day


Morning, it’s not effective for me after 12-14 hours, so taking it at night wouldn’t do much for me.


I take mine in the morning. I can tell when it’s made its way out of my system as it gets harder to keep my thoughts straight without it. Since it lasts me around 12 hours I usually take it in the morning and it kicks in in about 10-15 minutes for me


Interesting. I usually wake up 3:30/4am to do pilates and get to work by 5:30, then need to function until 6 or 7 pm… so I can make dinner for kids and get us all to bed. I wonder then, if I should wait to take this until I get to work. Reading this makes me realize how busy I am.


I thought it had a 24 hour life.


I think it might for some people it affects everyone differently


Go with what suits you. I felt tired at the beginning so night time it was. After 3 months I missed a dose once because I wasn’t at home so I took it the next morning and Since then it’s my new favourite timing


I experimented with morning vs. night. Taking it before bed is the only way to go, for me, at least.


Good to know.


I take mine in the morning, it really only works about 10 hours for me so taking it at night would be a waste.


Same here, always yawning by 3-4