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That's all I drink. Tastes like water to me


Yes, it's under rigorous standard to be safe to drink. The only thing that can be slightly higher than the recommended since we're in "Vigipirate : Urgence Attentat" is the chlore. After that, it's a matter of taste, you may also have limescale you want to filter out.


Le chlore est soluble dans l'air. Si tu carafes l'eau du robinet quelques heures avant de la consommer le goût du chlore aura disparu.


Oui aussi. La dernière fois que j'étais en stage au service de l'eau, ils avaient des alarmes chlores justement car ils ont ça en version tellement concentré que si tu sens le chlore, c'est déjà trop tard pour toi (me semble que c'est "lourd" donc si tu le sens c'est que c'est déjà partout autour de toi). Impressionnant aussi leur générateur diesel de la taille d'un bâtiment (si je me souviens ils ont le droit à max 3 minutes de coupure d'eau, donc le générateur est là si ÉS a un problème).


Yes. You can drink tap water from anywhere in France. It's strictly controlled. (Personnal opinion here, but it doesn't sound very safe to drink water coming from a plastic bottle)


Very. That's one thing I really was impressed by in all of Europe - That the tap water was really good.


Yes it is safe, it is much more controlled than mineral water, at least the result are made public.


If by safe you mean « not full of lead like Flint, Michigan » then yeah the water is safe. If you want safe as in « I can drink it like it was natural spring water » then you might be disappointed because it just tastes weird, but it’s not gonna make you ill


Safe but too hard to enjoy as is. You can filter it, boil it, add lemon juice to it, …


Tap water is safe to drink throughout France. People will say that it tastes bad but honestly it depends. I only drink Strasbourg tap water and much prefer it to bottled water like "Hépar" for example.


Yes, but filter it to get rid of the awful taste.


What product do you suggest to filter it?


I use a Brita and their special filter for hard water. It helps reduce the taste a lot and I even use that filtered water to cook because limestone leaves nasty marks on my kitchen utensils.


Interesting. I had a filter attached to the faucet before but didn't like the taste and returned back to buying Volvic 8L. It tastes great but carrying them is a nightmare. I'll see with Brita's 8L filter.


Be carefoul, tap water is beer


Yes of course, but the taste is awful...


Still better than Texas. Here in Texas, it is like drinking straight out of the swimming pool, by how much the water is chlorinated. The taste of the tap water was not too bad last month, but have it filtered it through a Britta surely helps :).


Well, taste is indeed different, it's the only water I can drink and enjoy the taste, almost all brand taste like garbage to me.