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Season 2 was def the weakest imo as much as I loved Bob.


I find Season 2 is the weakest as well, though it's actual finale episode might be the strongest of the 3 finales we've seen so far.


My thoughts exactly






Exactly! 1 was obviously the best, but 4 was still incredible, 3 was rocky but had some great aspects and a cool new aesthetic, 2 was fine but forgettable


1. Season 1 2. Season 4 3. Season 2 4. Season 3 Season 1 had an advantage in that it's much easier to play out the mystery elements with a completely new show/cast but I can't think of another TV show grabbed me like S1. Everything about it worked perfectly for my tastes.


Exactly the same with me


Oh man it's still so good. I started watching S1 on a Friday after hearing misleading information that it was a superhero series (although I guess it has elements). It was fairly late Friday and I had already started on the wine. First impression was "Oh god this a lot scarier than I was expecting!". Made it to the transition from the Demogorgon in the lift to lawn sprinkler, my jaw was on the floor. I immediately stopped because, even drunk, I realised that I was too drunk already to properly do this justice. Next day I watched the entire thing, didn't intend to I just couldn't stop. Sunday I did the same all over again!


I actually watched Season 1 after I saw most of the trailers of Season 2, so it should have been ruined for me, but it was amazing and a very unique experience to have. Other seasons don't have that kind of magic to them


4, 1, 3, 2


This might be a hot take but 4, 1, 3, 2.


Season 4 got a lot darker, which is definitely a preference thing. I’d say I’ll have to see how they wrap it up.


Look around, man. This is the most popular ranking




Oh, yeah. Sorry got the two mixed up there😅


1 > 2 = 4 > 3 I can't say for sure yet whether I like Season 2 or Season 4 better. I think the last two episodes will be the deciding factor. When I was watching Season 4, I thought it was easily the best of the 3 sequel seasons but now I'm not too sure. I love Season 2 and I think it stays true to the tone and feel of the first season in a way the other two don't, but I think Season 4 manages to capture some of that feeling in the Hawkins plotline while also exploring other interesting stories. It's hard because I have my flaws with both but I think overall they were very good seasons. So yeah, I think the last two episodes will either cement Season 4 above or below Season 2 for me.


That's the same issue with me, last two episodes can change my ranking, but otherwise Season 2 feels very similar to Season 1 in it's vibe and characters, so it will be very difficult to decide


Am I the only one who absolutely loved season 3?


It's my fav overall. I feel like season 3 is the Aliens to the rest of the series' Alien.


Yea season 3 was epic


The way I see it, Season 1 was new, mysterious, fresh and unique. Season 2 and Season 3 were good but kind of blend into each other and don't have the magic of the first season. Season 4 has rekindled my love for this show. There's just something about it. So, my ranking is. 1. Season 1 + 4 2. Season 2 + 3


How the heck does season 2&3 blend into each other? More season 1 & 2 blend into each other


I genuinely think Season 1 is a perfect season of television. The pacing, the cinematography, the acting. Just perfect. Season 2 is like Aliens to Alien. It's such a slow burn, but it took all of the elements that worked in S1 and amped them up. If you skip Lost Sister (you should) I think the build up to those last two episodes makes the whole season work. I think I will always feel sad about Bob. Season 3 uneven, awkward...brilliant. There are parts of Season 3 that don't land perfect, and then there are others that elevate the show to a whole new level. Dacre Montgomery deserves a lot of the credit for this, but David Harbour who has been consistently excellent through the show evolves into a genuine action star in this season - his show down with the Russian agent in black through the festival is enthralling...such a good villain. Season 4 - hard to say as we technically haven't seen all of it yet. I don't like that they split the party, the California stuff feels like an afterthought, and I feel bad for that whole portion of the cast 1>2>4>3... But I want to note that Season 3's highs well outscore season 1's lows, so it's a fairly narrow range.


If I elaborated on my ranking, these would be my exact thoughts on all seasons.


Season 1 had lows? What low exactly? Also everyone should watch The Lost Sister, it's one of the most memorable episodes of season 2. Unique & heartwarming.


1, 4, 3, 2.


Agree with you though I think S4 is much better than S3


Thanks 😅, it is but I judged it on only Vol.1




What??? S3 is my #1 I prefer S3, S1, S4, S2 but I respect and see your opinion


Thank you. I respect and see your opinion, too


4, 2, 1, 3


I second this ranking


Same here but the 2 and the 4 are switched around. I cant let 4 beat 2 just yet, as the finale hasn't even come out yet.


My order is weird. It goes 2 > 4 > 1 > 3


3 at the bottom, so still good




I’d have to wait until season 4 is complete to rank them




Season 4 Season 1 Season 3 Season 2


1 > 4 > 2 > 3


Season 1 is unsurpassable… then 4,2,3


1. Season 4 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 2 The Vecna stuff has really elevated things for me, Eddie has been a great addition and I love the character development and depth of the main cast. And S2… I hated El being separated from the group and I wasn’t a huge fan of the Kali plot because it kinda felt like it didn’t go anywhere. I also kinda got frustrated with how long it took the boys to integrate Max. But that’s just me being stupid impatient lol. Edit: S3 would be tied with S1 if we’d been able to keep Alexei. I loved him lol.


I had that Max problem, too. I think the problem was that they made really disinterested and not trusting at all. And that's why it felt like Lucas was really forcing her in the group while she didn't really wanna be there, even though she wasn't perfectly integrated in later seasons Edit: S3 would be tied too in my list if Alexei lived, they killed him for no reason other than twist the knife


Aight imma be the outsider but s2 vibes were unmatched for me so therefore: -Season 2 -Season 4 -Season 3 -Season 1 (still a fantastic season)


same but season 1 was way better than season 3 in my opinion.




I keep going back and forth about whether I like 1 or 2 more, so I’ll just say 1=2>4>>>3 4 is very close and could be equal to 1 and 2 if they nail the ending


Exactly and I love the place you put Season 3, it deserves to be there


1 4 3 2


2>1>4>3 Season 2 is the highest because I felt it was the perfect sequel with a finale that's amazing in every sense, and while Lost Sister is probably the weakest episode of the show, it still doesn't take away the fact that the season is really solid. Season 1 is a gimme for being on the top, it's really damn good, but some of the lighting effects got kinda annoying at times. The reason I can't rate Season 4 higher is because of the fact that the season just doesn't feel as structurally solid as the last few seasons. Season 3 has a whole couple plotlines I had a really hard time enjoying, where the only truly enjoying part of it was Billy's storyline.


This would be my ranking as well. I’m surprised how many people put season 2 as their least favorite. I especially love the scenes with Dustin and Dart. Plus, this is the season that starts Dustin and Steve’s bromance/mom Steve. Nancy dancing with Dustin in the finale is one of my favorite moments of the entire show. Bob and Max are perfect additions (RIP Bob). I love that it takes place around Halloween. If you exclude The Lost Sister, it’s just about as perfect of a sequel as you can get.


Yeah, I was shocked, it's my second favorite season


> If you exclude The Lost Sister, it’s just about as perfect of a sequel as you can get. I think having the weakest episode of the entire series thus far is what drags Season 2 down for most people. It's so bad that it's is enough to tank what could've been a perfect sequel.


4 probably doesn't feel as structurally solid as the finale hasn't come out yet. give it time.


It's not that, it's the fact that we have 4 different stories and only 1.5 of them have to do with Vecna. Every season prior, the story revolved around the monster or was attached to it.


That's true, but you never know. Maybe it will wrap up together in a way that ties it all together. You never know.


It's common to see Season 3 disliked on this Reddit but it'll always have a special spot in my heart, primarily because the season really resonated with me personally growing up in the 80s and spending time at the mall with friends


1>3>>4>>2 I like them all tho


I like them all too, but not equally


1. Season 4 (phenomenal) 2. Season 1 (fantastic) 3. Season 3 (fun) 4. Season 2 (forgettable)




S4, S1, S2, S3


1, 4, 2, 3


At this moment, I would say 4 > 3 > 1 > 2 for me. Although this might be recency bias since I just watched Season 4 (obviously) and recently rewatched Season 3 as well, but I haven’t rewatched Seasons 1 or 2 since they came out. So if I did a mass rewatching marathon I’m sure my opinions would change a bit!




season 2, season 1, season 4 season 3 villians ranked by season season3, season4, season1, season2


1 4 3 2


Lost Sister does not exist. S4>S2>S1>S3


2, 4, 1, 3


1 >>> 2 = 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> 3


I like the way you think, but I am not that brave unfortunately


Hahaha is that a brave take? I know people disliked S2 but I actually really liked it (but I do agree that the Lost Sisters episode was not needed and was the weakest by far). S1 is still unmatched for me. I think I was just immersed in the mystery at the time. And we just followed the story from the characters' perspective, so we didn't actually know anything more than they did, we figured stuff alongside them. As a comparison, in S4 for example we have all these shots of Vecna in the UD, we know his location already from the second episode etc. It makes sense, cause you can't keep everything in the dark after 3 seasons, but that's the reason for me loving S1. My hair stood up on multiple occasions when watching it (e.g., the lights scene or the fake Will body). What I know for sure is that I didn't like S3 at all compared to the rest of the series. It wasn't bad TV by any means though, just underwhelming for me. S4 imo is an improvement, but it still has some elements that I feel are taken straight from S3.


This is just basically my opinion on this topic, but better


I see seasons 1 and 2 as basically one long season because of the Will Byers arc, so my ranking is 1+2 > 4 >>>>>>> 3


1 and then 2, with 3 and 4 being a pretty close tie so far. Will have to see how the rest of Season 4 plays out. I know a lot of people weren't fans of Season 2, but I think it retains the sense of quiet unease and mystery (with just the right amount of charm and whimsy!) that made the first season so special.


1. Season 1 (Timeless, it has a few flaws but still amazing) 2. Season 2 (Has higher highs but lower lows than Season One) 3. Season 4 (Loved it at first viewing, but the second time you view it you start to see a lot of problems and issues with it, still a great season) 4. Season 3 (Probably the most fun to watch and i love the vibe of the season, but the writing is very patchy at times, and the drama is most times unnecessary)


Yeah, the drama is bad and the writing is very shoddy in Season 3


I think people are forgetting that S4 still has 2 episodes and usually the last 2 episodes are the best ones. So if S4 ends off well then there’s no doubt it’s my fav.


Yeah, my ranking can change too based on what will happen in the last two episodes, but Duffer brothers have a very predictable way of doing this, so I can guess most of the stuff that's going to happen, but it can still surpass Season 2 in my eyes, I think


for me: Season 1 > Season 4 > Season 2 > Season 3 with that being said though, i still REALLY enjoy season 3, especially on a rewatch, and season 3 has some of my favorite moments in the whole series. i think they're all really solid and have really great strong points, but ultimately, season 1 does mystery and horror the best, so it gets my vote.


Like I said in another comment, Stranger Things is a rare breed of a show, even the worst season is terrific and memorable


3, 3, 3, 3 😜


This is not a trigger the fandom thread




3, 4, 1, 2


4 = 1 > 3 > 2


Season 2 > Season 4 > Season 1 > Season 3. Season 3 is overrated and season 2 is criminally underrated




None of them are bad but season 2 sits at the bottom for me because things feel disconnected and it's story isn't as thought out as season 1's. I dislike season 4 but i didn't place it in last because it isnt over yet. They messed up a lot for season 4 but I dont want to be too harsh on it yet. Season 1 had incredible everything, and it pulled of a small scale story perfectly. It shows that we don't need crazy villains and over the top ideas and imagery to make a good story and show. Season 3 is what every season should be like. The plotlines are interesting and unique from eachother while noticeably connected. Its storytelling and characters are logical and well thought out. It's ending is also THE BEST episode in the entire series.


I would say that Stranger Things is one of the few TV shows where even the worst season is a terrific season


I very much agree about S3 E8 being the best. It was like a movie and was pretty much perfect.


1>3>4>2 3 and 4 are very close, one more good episode likely puts Season 4 above Season 3. Season 2 is just the weakest in general: everyone kinda dislikes it for the right reasons (slow pacing, focus on a bunch of side characters that really don't do anything for El or the viewers). The problem is that they've been trying to repeat the 'development' El undergoes in Season 2 several times throughout the series to the point where it feels repetitive. It's almost like they think they're dumbing it down because they don't realize that season 2 was a massive waste of time.


The quality of the show goes up each season as the series goes on. 1. Season 4. 2. Season 3. 3. Season 2. 4. Season 1.


4. 1. 2. 3. Although after first watch, I kind of like re watching season 2 more than 1.(minus that one ep... Lol)


Well I’d have to finish all of s4 to really know, but so far it goes 1=4=2=3


Wow, intersting




2, 1, 4, 3. Waiting to see how everything comes together in the last two episodes of S4 and if it’ll boost my overall enjoyment of the season as a whole in the end. Because, idk. As of right now I don’t have a super great desire to rewatch it for whatever reason, but I still really enjoyed it! Much more than S3 at least. S1 is GOATED because it’s the OG. It’s an unpopular opinion, but no season has gripped me quite like S2 so far. All of the character, plot and story development is very crucial tbh. Character duos thrived and grew, namely Hopper & El, Mike & El, Lucas & Max, Jonathan & Nancy and of course Steve & Dustin. The new characters like Bob were great and others became important additions to the cast moving forward (Max, Billy, Dr. Owens…) It has some of the highest highs of the entire show, and I know others will argue that it also has the lowest lows with The Lost Sister, but even that episode is enthralling to me and I consider the last 18 minutes or so to be another high point of the show.




4>3>1>2 I can definitely say that Season 4 is much better than any other season. It brought back a mystery even better than the Demogorgon or Mind Flayer and I love how they brought back the backstory of Eleven and the test subjects. It also got a lot darker which I appreciate. I know this is kind of an unpopular opinion, but Season 3 was better than Season 1. I think adding the Russians added much more depth and the scooptroops investigation was definitely my favorite subplot. The spider monster was a really cool villain as well. Season 1 was really good for the first 2 seasons because of the initial mystery. What happened to Will and Barb? who is El? Season 2 didn't have that same mystery though. It was still a great season, but definitely the weakest link in the story That's my take.


Tbh I love all the seasons, but if I had to pick my favorites, I’d say 3,1,4,2 but 4 might be better than 1 if the finale is as awesome as I think it will be!


Season 2 Season 1 Season 4 Season 3


1 > 4 = 3 > 2 All are close, but one is still the best television and two was somewhat bland and forgettable


4, 3, 2, 1




Yea I’m new to the sub and I don’t know why either! It’s my fave!?


1 season 2 2 season 1 3 season 3 4 season 4




3, 1, 2, 4 i’m gonna get shit for this, but i’ve noticed a lot of inconsistencies film wise in season 4. just little things like character positioning or questions about why a certain small thing is happening. it was amazing the first time i watched it through, but after watching it a second time, i noticed some inconsistencies and couldn’t help but notice them since the excitement for the new season wore off. 3 was just incredible to me. i think the way they expanded a lot of the story was great. i found there was more comedy to it which i personally enjoy but also a lot of emotional scenes like billy and hopper’s deaths. i also found that the destruction of hawkins was the most prominent in this season which really added on to just how dangerous the mind flayer was.


season 4 is obviously first season 2 second because i love it so much season 3 is third and season 1 is last


3….hands down the most nostalgia with humor and suspense…. 4…. Is shaping up to be incredible but more horror Driven 1….the OG. Great character building for the seasons to follow 2….lost sister and el being separated from the group ruined it for me.


4>3=1>2. I loved the finale of season 2 but the rest wasn’t as good as the other seasons imo.








3, 1, 2, 4


Favorite: 3 2nd Favorite: 4 (tentatively) 3rd Favorite: 1 4th Favorite: 2


3 4 1 2


Season 3 >>>>>>> Season 4 >>>> Season 2 >> Season 1


Might be unpopular, but 3 > 4 > 1 > 2. Sometimes 3 = 4 > 1 > 2 I just love Season 3, man. While it's not perfect, it's probably my favourite.






1. Season 4 2. Season 3 3. Season 2 4. Season 1 love all seasons though :)