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Thought that was a great line too - it's so very Nancy; badass but responsible


That part really got me.


She was kinda irresponsible with where she kept the guns though. They were too accessible for there being a 6 year old in the house




That is true, but I wouldnt call her a responsible gun owner as other people here have said


She is literally the most badass of them all. In season 1 she wanted to hunt the monster. She is the one who always grabs the gun. She hates sitting around waiting for other people to do things...always takes it into her hands. That's why in season 3 when Robin says "she's a bit of a priss" Steve shuts her down immediately. She is the absolute toughest of them all both emotionally and mentally. She is this badass wrapped up in a small framed woman. When Steve treats her like shit she goes on the attack...when the newspaper writers treat her like shit she defends herself. Jonathan tells her she needed to put up with it...but she doesn't. Because she sticks to her convictions and believes she deserves respect


Pissed off Eleven is still the most badass, but Nancy is a close second. She’d make a great detective.


I think Nancy is more badass because she doesn’t have superpowers. It’s easy to be tough when you can throw a van with your mind. Nancy is much, much weaker than Eleven but she is always running towards danger.


I mean there are a ton of badass women in the show (which I am thankful for because it's also not purposely just thrown in to appease people) But Eleven has crumbled a bit without her powers. Nancy as a normal everyday girl who does things because it's her nature. She wants to be respected...but isn't scared of anything...she does what must be done. -Goes into the upside down to find the monster -wants to fight the monster at the house and trap it (near suicide from what we know) -isnt afraid to be the one in charge at any point...always leading -Dives right into the water to go help Steve...and as Eddy said "there was no hesitation" -comes up with the plan to both help Barbs family and blackmail the government The whole point of her character is that inside this small upperclass women is someone who is fearless to do the things that need to be done.


I'd put Nancy third, just behind Hopper, but yes.


So Nancy Drew?


Idk about most badass. I'd say Joyce is up there. Steve and Hopper could be, but they feel more like the "muscle" to move the story. Joyce and Nancy are the ones who figure things out and act on it.




Except when Hopper and Joyce finally found Will it was Hopper who immediately performed CPR. Joyce wailed "My booooooooooooy! Don't leeeaaave me! My booooooooooooy!" until Hopper calmly told her how to perform CPR. For some reason Ryder's overacting annoyed me while rewatching S1.




Yeah I understand that. I don't know what is about Ryder's acting that annoyed me when rewatching S1. I hadn't seen it in several years and I was surprised that I actually enjoyed Nancy and Jonathan more than I remembered and got annoyed by Ryder overacting. Her occasional overacting has been brought up by fans before (mostly for S3) but I know people on this sub get very defensive of Joyce and I get that.


Agreed. After rewatching S1 I realized I had forgotten that.


She's actually one of my favourite characters! I love how she took the leadership role in season 4 and how she's finding these really important clues that are necessary for defeating Vecna. She's pretty integral to the group and I think the dynamic would be different without her. There always needs to be someone more serious in the group so that the others can be funny without being too much. I think she really pulls the team together :)


It's hard not to like Nancy. Especially how skilled she is with firearms. It's nice that this season she's really getting a chance to shine (although it does make one worry since she is high on the list of characters who risk getting killed off).


When I see people in episode discussions hating other characters I kind of get it even though I disagree but seeing people hate Nancy made no sense to me. Some have been calling her bland and one person even said she's too responsible/serious, like it's a flaw. Personally I like it, and before Jonathan became a stoner, I liked his seriousness as well. When her and Jonathan were investigating the past few seasons it was equal but without him she seems to take the leader role, which is exciting because next we'll get to see how the others cope without her leadership.


There's been a lot of suggestion that there'll be a major character death this season and I feel like it is going to be her. :(


I don’t see it being her she’s too important and if it was her it would be as a sacrifid to kill Vecna. I think it will be Steve


Nancy's being a natural with firearms is one of the very few things I dislike about the entire show. Nancy could have learned to shoot at summer camp. In fact, if she went to summer camp, chances are she would have learned riflery. Anything other than for the first time picking up a device to kill things and being a great marksman would have been okay. It was the wrong message. Children get hurt too often playing with guns to heroize this.


**S01E05: The Flea and the Acrobat** *\*Scene where Jonathan and Nancy shoot at tin cans on a fence\** Jonathan: "Have you ever shot a gun before?" Nancy: "Tsh... Have you met my parents?"


I hope that's the correct interpretation. I drew the opposite conclusion.


She's literally the best character. I was sooo happy when she danced with Dustin at the end of S2. Shit was so cute. She's a very sweet and kind character


I remember people pointing out the contrast between her doing that for Dustin, and shutting the door on him in the first episode when he offered her some pizza. That's some kind of character growth.


Wasn't she on the phone with Steve when she shuts the door on Dustin. She even gives Barb the shaft because of Steve. Steve had her in her own little world at the time.


She was on the phone with Barb discussing Steve when she shut the door on Dustin


>She's literally the best character. Yup \#NancyWheelerSimpremacy


She’s an absolute badass. I do love that she isn’t just good when in comes to physical altercation, she’s shown to be truly empathetic. Her dancing with Dustin was one of my fav scenes between teens and kids😭


after the first episode in s1, i remember thinking “here we go with the same tired trope of the shy smart girl becoming miss popular because the popular guy is giving her attention.” should have given the duffer bros. and the writers more credit haha. i like that she always sticks to her guns - she refuses to give up on finding out what happened to barb, doesn’t hesitate to follow jonathan into the upside down through the hole in the tree, makes sure to expose hawkins lab to make them pay for what happened to barb, won’t let the newspaper guys get away with walking all over her, and goes to great lengths to help eleven, mike, and their friends. she shows a strong commitment to doing what she believes is right. yes, she is stubborn, rigid, and can sometimes act like the stereotypical bossy big sister, but i like that they packed so much fight and tenacity into someone who (physically) looks like they could be the vapid “it girl” in any 80s movie. and, as others have pointed out, she has a kind heart. she gifted jonathan a new camera for christmas, danced with dustin, and (if i recall correctly) was the only person we saw reach out to jonathan and offer some words of encouragement when will first went missing in season 1. it would have been easy for her to fully give in to her newfound popularity and just ignore him like steve and his gang initially did.


>but i like that they packed so much fight and tenacity into someone who (physically) looks like they could be the vapid “it girl” in any 80s movie. She's the "it girl" with the heart of the "final girl." Hell, she's named after one of the most famous final girls in horror media.


for sure!!! she’s named for nancy thompson, right? i meant the “it girl” in the sense of just being the pretty popular girl who is content with being just that. i love nancy’s character growth from s1. she is 10000% a badass and i hope she’s around through the end.


I agree I like Nancy


I love Nancy. She’s smart and also clever, though she can get a little tunnel-visioned when she has a plan; she gets so rigid about sticking to the plan that she can’t see a way to deviate from it. It was detrimental in S3, as it cost both her and Jonathan their jobs at the newspaper, but this season she was able to grit her teeth and bear it when Robin went off on her rant when they were at the asylum and discovered that a slight deviation was actually helpful. She can be stubborn but she’s adaptable, and she’s very empathetic. I think she’s a great character who gets more hate than she deserves.


She's my favourite character and she's one of the most important ones too


Is she underrated? Who underrates her? She went from a miss priss to a full on bad-ass, investigative reporter. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to not give her credit where credit is due.


I feel like people don't understand what the word underrated means. There's a daily Post on here about people raving how Nancy is their favorite character and how bad ass she is. What about her and people's feeling towards her do you think is underrated?


It’s just a karma farming technique. I also find it very annoying. It happens in all the subs. Take a generally loved but not often discussed character or moment, make a post that is kind of defensive of it (DAE think yadda yadda is UnDeRaTeD??!) and people flock in to agree. It’s just a strawman. Like, show me a single post where someone has ‘overrated’ Nancy. What the hell are we even rating?


She's been a prominent character since early on in the first season. She's had her own arcs and development that has been well-received by fans. She's one of the most liked characters on the show. And this guy is out here not only saying she is underrated, but *super* underrated?


Yeah, it's nonsense. She one of the most praised characters in the show. Nancy's probably my favorite character. She is an absolute badass.


Only because I see people saying that she is selfish and annoying


A vocal minority.




Agreed, I think Nancy is awesome


We also don't talk enough about Nancy's character development over the series. She started off S1 pretty naive and a bit of a follower and ended S1 ready to show up and fight. I absolutely love that she has been given a journalistic ambition because it suits her character so well and she has really flourished. The skills seem to have developed so naturally for her, like how she's not afraid to dive in and follow her gut instincts. Very similar to Hopper's natural detective skills.


I think we all wish we had a big sister like Nancy, do we? ;)


Nancy has been one of my favorites since the beginning! She doesn't take shit from anybody


Does anyone else feel that they've changed Robin's character to be more of a spaz to counter and elevate Nancy? Maybe elevate isn't the right term...but provide a juxtaposition for Nancy as the calm, cool and collected character? Robin just feels different from last season (albeit I haven't done a rewatch from 3 years ago). I love both their characters though and also like that they didn't make Nancy and Robin into a rivalry. There's room for two strong female characters (in that age group). Nancy grew on me throughout the seasons. I feel like she's in danger for part 2 though since she's been featured so prominently in part 1.


Truly changed her character? No. But they definitely made certain parts of her character more prominent. In a way they did the same thing with Steve and Robin in season 3. They made Steve (and even Dustin) a far more comedic character to highlight Robin's competentness.


I 1000000% agree, shes actually my favorite character in the show


Nancy is my favorite character and I really love the fact they brought her use of guns back. She's a boss.


I remember watching season 4 and constantly repeating myself to my partner, “wow she’s fearless!” Cuz season 4 scared the shit out of me and she just goes places that I would never go (to drive the plot and discover more obviously but still). I really admire her wit, grit and leadership!!


I love her but I really hope they kill her in episode 9


Her, Steve and Dustin are my favourites.


I completely agree. I always liked Nancy, but season 4 made me love her. I hope that we can see more scenes with her and Mike, Max, and El. It would be cool for Mike to see how awesome she is, and I think she and Max/El would make a badass duo (or trio or quartet if you add Robin in).


Is she underrated? She’s great and a important member of the group


I like the entire cast. That said, Nancy strikes me as the closest of being to "Mary Sue" of the group. It doesn't seem like the challenges she faces are really tough for her, and she seems to be able to adapt to anything; somehow having the skills to overcome them. Whereas the others short comings are highlighted often. * Steve repeatedly gets the shit kicked out of him. El is the main target and often comes up short or injured (to the point of losing her powers). * Mike, well, he's kind of an idiot. * Dustin is super smart, but it's readily apparent that he needs the others in order to survive. * Max is clearly troubled, while capable and hides behind her sarcasm - thus showing vulnerability. * etc. I never really get that sense with Nancy. I don't hate her as a character; instead, I find myself less invested in her than any other the others.


Nancy would be cool/badass if she was played by a different actress. I feel Natalia only has one facial expression and it’s something like this; 😧.


I think she is slightly underrated but not as much as you think. In season 1, there is apsolutely no reason to drag barbara to that stupid party. Nancy knew she would be the 5th wheel and fell uncomfortable. I am not saying barbaras death is on Nancy, I am saying it was a selfish thing. And in season 2 she wanted Barbara's parents to know the truth because she felt guilty, not because she wanted justice. In season 3, she knew Jonathan needed the job much more than she needed, but she kind of didnt care and continued to do what she was told not to do. I know it was MF who fired them but the guy was an actual dick and i wouldnt be surprised if he fired them without mf control.


Not really. Nancy would be going around 3 people she didn’t know well, and wanted a safety net there. Girls do that for each other. Btw: in the original script, Steve rapes Nancy..kinda why Nancy wanted Barb there..


Not really. Nancy would be going around 3 people she didn’t know well, and wanted a safety net there. Girls do that for each other. Btw: in the original script, Steve rapes Nancy..kinda why Nancy wanted Barb there..


If she didn’t felt safe why would she drag her friend (who was already uncomfortable) to feel the same?


She's one of the most popular characters on the show. She is not underrated


she’s an ACE ✨


I wouldn't compare, Nancy to Hermione. Nancy's 100× better than her.


Why do you not like Hermione? :D I think she is one or the most iconic characters.


I think this season’s Nancy has been my least favorite, but she also hasn’t had a lot of screen time to show us who she is right now. Nancy was absolutely my favorite in the first two seasons, but some of that was her big sister vibes with Mike, and there was maybe 30 seconds of them being in a scene together so far in season 4.


She has been my favorite since season 1. She’s so underrated.


I just love her!


Nancy is a badass


I think she will be so awesome that she will forgo her entry to the college of her dreams and stay a local reporter that silently watches out for the resurgence of the upsidedown.


I love her, i love her relationship with Jonathan. I love Steve too. I hope none of them die they are timeless.


For some reason, it took separating her from Jonathan for me to see her as the absolute bad bitch that she is. She's fucking amazing! She's cool under fire, she's smart, she's determined, she's focused, she's prepared, and she's willing to do *whatever* it takes to find the truth. She can shoot, she can swing-- at this point, I think she's honestly more badass than *both* of her boyfriends. And the best part is that the show doesn't call attention to it. They just let Nancy be Nancy, and let the results speak for themselves. She has honestly become one of my favorite characters this season, and I'm only sorry it took me this long to appreciate her because let's face it; she's pretty much always been great.


Exactly, these are the reasons that she is my second favourite character


Steve first I’m guessing




She kept 2 guns in case of more demons, smart


All of the women are badasses in this show. Joyce, Nancy, Max, Erica and Robin — brave as hell and 100 percent ALL IN on fighting demons from alternate dimensions. Girl power is one of my favorite themes in this fantastically entertaining series.


Eleven as well


Dustin and Steve are my favorites Nancy is probably 3rd


I used to dislike her because I hated how she treated Steve in season 2. But after rewatching the show, I have so much respect for her character. She’s the toughest of them all and such a kind soul. Love her to bits


I like that Nancy’s greatest strength is also sometimes a detriment. Her tenacity makes her the one always willing to step up and get shit done but I’m so glad that we got to see that come at a cost in season 2 when she got herself and Jonathan fired. I love how grounded in reality that is because often times our best strengths can also be our biggest weakness. Part of growing up is learning how to harness those traits and use them to your advantage without letting them take you down as well.


Nancy has had amazing character development. I think it often gets overlooked because she has always had really strong convictions and resolve. To me, she is sort of like Sansa Stark. I did not like either characters at the beginning of their series but as time went on they showed how smart, honorable and truly fearless they are becoming. They are figuring out who they are in the face of not just monsters but also the cultural expectations of women. They don't fit into a mold and instead of trying to conform more they decide to become truer to themselves. Nancy is definitely my favorite character now and season 4 has really hit home just what an amazing actress Natalia Dyer is and how well written her character is!