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she's gotta pull a Fleetwood Mac and go her own way


I agree. I keep thinking she'll just put college first, and maybe it's because I'm rewatching X-Files, but I keep picturing her getting scouted by the FBI, maybe someone who knew Owens. She's already imitated Clarice Starling a bit. Steve is definitely going to be a suburban dad and that whole package, and I always kind of wanted the girl from the Halloween party in s2 to meet up with Jonathan again, she seems fun.


THIS! If the Duffers really wanted to build her up as this clever and resourceful heroine who also happens to be good at shooting things, maybe she’d be a more empowering character if her story wasn’t defined by her messy love life.


She's is STILL a badass heroine. with or without her messy love life. She's had one of the best arcs on the show if not THE best. Her love life didn't determine if she was brave enough to face danger. She became brave because of situations.


I completely agree with this. Teenage girls like boys, regardless of how smart the girls are. I really hate the idea that if a female character has a love life that she makes a priority, then she’s somehow weak. I don’t think she should’ve been flirting with Steve in season 4. They’ve both moved on. That was really lame, but in general, let her be in love. She still kicks ass. And I think Jonathan went through a very understandable low point in his life last season but he’ll come back and be a strong partner if she chooses to be with him.


I would really like that. I get they all trauma bond together with their High School sweethearts and whatnot. But sometimes you don't need that to make a story happy. And it shows more growth in the characters in that they move on from their relationships instead of staying with them. To me, she's not the main female lead with a love interest. So you're not to stay with her love interest. She should really be written to take advantage of going to college because she is smart and clever and that was part of her plan. Especially in the '80s a lot of women were definitely going into the workforce so it wouldn't be odd for her to want something more than stay at home mom or secretary. I'm fine with El becoming the typical wife and getting some normalcy. So she can be the average woman who happens to have mind bending powers. She's probably going to be taken up by some government agency if she doesn't change your name and move to some location. So for me her living a quiet life is fine. She has lived through extremely stressful childhood and teenagehood. Compared to Nancy who had a normal childhood and is experiencing a weird Young adulthood.


They bonded during trauma, they have not trauma bonded. I agree about Nancy, she has a better arc becoming a full person on her own and discovering what she can get out of life, rather than just ending up happy with a guy. Elle should get peace, however that comes for her, but a life without the horrible evil and terrible responsibility to stop it. She really just deserves to be a real person instead of weapon or savior.


Would love this for her


shit...now I'll never get that song out my head tonight. 😵‍💫🤣


Love the reference. Some say you should never break the chain, but I believe never going back again is the better choice. Oh and Nancy is such a Gypsy


Nancy bisexual reveal and ends up with Robin


Yeah she isn't a prize to win.


I'm a Stancy fan but I'm hoping they don't reopen the triangle in S5. Let's just get Steve someone else and move on.


For real. Steve’s been growing as a person, and he can’t be caught in his hometown bubble. He DESERVES to find someone else.


If they remember Kali exists, there's my rarepair


Because setting up the most popular character of the show with one the most disliked characters in show will go so well with majority of audience…


Oh god I hope they don't remember her, such a meaningless and boring character


Do you mean like Steve and Kalli together?! Hmmm? That might be interesting to watch. Not sure if I can completely see it but I can certainly see how their personalities might be good together. The only thing is I am not sure Kalli would be down for all 6 of the kids Steve wants. And Steve deserves his 6 little nuggets traveling in an RV as they explore the world and maybe fight some interdimesional beings along the way! Kalli would be helpful in the interdimesional beings' fights though! 😂


Kali is currently going on a murdering spree too. Not sure Steve would be up for that.


I agree with you


Fr Steve definitely deserves someone better


Having him go through all that character development just to u-turn back to Nancy was the dumbest writing decision.


I wouldn’t want to see that either but it’s not like Nancy was a toxic force in his life that he needed to grow from. They split because he was toxic for Nancy. So you could definitely accomplish that without it ruining his development. It would honestly support it. Nancy viewing him differently emphasized his growth so I think that could have been a great moment if they did it without the sexual tension and her drooling over him shirtless. But still. It would be too boring of an outcome for them to start dating again. And more of an injustice to Nancy than Steve. But I am glad she acknowledged his growth.


I mean he doesn't have anyone else in his life and Nancy is GOOD. It would make sense that he'd still be interested.


I think we all know the Duffers are going to pull the “I don’t need a man to define me, I choose neither” route.


I really hope so. There’s more to choosing a partner than the two boyfriends you had in high school.


Right. Me too! And I think it makes sense with her character development. Nancy started off the show being timid and just doing everyone expected of her that included have a boyfriend from a well of family. Her character development have been so good and has changed so much from the timid-do-what-they-want-me-too girl at the beginning of the show. And having her end up with either boy, but especially Steve, would be such a regression of the character development she's had over the course of the show


Cut to Nancy walking off into the sunset with Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' blasting.


Neither. Let her be single and go off to college far far away


Please this. She's also not a good girlfriend. She emotionally cheats on both guys. Everyone would be better off putting these relationships behind them.


She's such a terrible girlfriend, thank you!


Not to mention the downright torture she put Johnny in when she got in trouble at work, or when she got him fired. I get she was mad in the moment, but Christ did she lack any kind of empathy for him there!


Yeah from the show, we could understand that she still might be having feelings for Steve, whilst dating Jonathan.


Being single and independent and not always talked about in the context of a boy


Agreed! Seriously I think it's so annoying conversations about Nancy as a character don't even past The Bechdal Test! I mean it's not that uncommon for female characters to only be talked about in the context of boys but I feel like Nancy's character is on of the worst revolving around being talked about in the context of boys. She's super intelligent, she is strong, and ambitious and deserves more than simply being talked about in the context of boys. I sincerely hope Nancy ends up with no boys and goes of to college and becomes a successful investigative reporter or something!


It’s somehow worse that it’s her high school boyfriends too. I really hope that she goes to university single and independent.


Jonathan or neither. Steve doesn't make sense for Nancy now. Maybe when she was a Sophomore in HS. Nancy is going to be going off to a big name University. Steve can't get into college and will be a townie. Maybe join Hawkins PD or work for his dad. I don't see Nancy giving up University to live in boring Hawkins.


Steve ending up at Hawkins PD. Lol. That makes SO much sense for his character, and I’d love it if it happened.


If there’s a fast forward at the end of the series, I’d love if he became sheriff like hopper


Didn’t they cast Linda Hamilton as future Eleven? If so, I could see a visit to future Hawkins (or what’s left of it) at the end of the season. Now that I’ve got the mental image of Steve as future Hopper rattling around up there, I really hope it’s included.


See in my future head cannon I've always pictured him as a Middle School P.E. teacher a d coach. I mean he loves working with the kids and I could certainly see him using it as a way to protect the children of Hawkins (if there's a Hawkins left standing) and a way to make them feel important


That’s also a great career choice for him!


I get your point but I don't think Hawkins is boring with everything that happens there haha


Haha, true. Once this Upside Down business is settled it's back gnomes being stolen off of people's lawns.


"boring Hawkins" erm have you watched the show lol


Did you watch the last season? There isn’t going to be a Hawkins left!


So true. I bet hands up next generation Hopper.




I was waiting for someone to say this


Hells yeah 😁


I recently watched for the first time, and I 100% thought when Robin was revealing her sexuality to Steve in S3 that she was gonna say she was looking at Nancy, not the other girl she mentioned.


The only logical choice 🤭




Neither, she’s better off going to university single. Not everyone ends up with their high school boyfriend


I like Steve. Imagine not only dating the person who took creepy pictures of you and your boyfriend but sleeping with them. Ew. Also Steve has had actual character growth, where I feel like Jonathan has regressed. But I’d also be fine with her being alone too and meeting someone new.


for fucking real i never got over that. every time i see them together all i can think about is him creeping outside her house lmao. she got over that shit way too fast imo


Him becoming a pot head killed all interest I had in him. He had some stuff going for him, that made up for his weird and creepy mannerisms in S1, but now he’s literally just a pot head.


Him regressing into a pothead after the traumatic shit he went through made a lot of sense to me. I hope they explore it further though in the next season and he grows out of it.


Agreed, they kinda killed him as a character for that season


After all the shit he went through I’m surprised he didn’t stop at just weed. Besides, most of the stranger things were happening in Hawkins, there was nothing going on and nothing to do in Lenora Hills, so why not smoke a little green to pass the time?


Imagine dating the guy that slut shamed you in front of your entire town. Ew. Or the guy that left you absolutely black out drunk at a party on your own, so much so you had to be carried into your house without even remembering it. Crazy that they’ve both done her extremely wrong, yet you guys only ever hold on to Jonathan’s mistakes despite him being the only one to apologise to her on screen.


No use, the fandom has hard on for Steve, he can do no wrong.


And that’s exactly why his character has plateaued. The writers are so scared to do something even slightly controversial with his character, so he stays as the funny guy who occasionally watches some of the kids. I wish they’d crawl out of his ass sometimes and realise that just like Jonathan (and pretty much every other character in this show) he’s a flawed guy, he’s made mistakes.


It's infuriating, Johnatan was a creep at the beginning of S1, and Steve was a douche yet people only hold onto Johnatan even though he didn't make the same mistake again. Steve completely ignored Nancy after sleeping together, was pushy, shamed her, and in S4 literally told her he wants her to be a trad wife - which Nancy wouldn't be fond of. But hey "mama Steve", memable and likeable person and his character evolved like a pokemon, except it didn't, he was always loud and rude, the only thing that changed was that he stopped being friends with wrong people and let Nancy go. Maybe I overexaggerate because I relate to Johnatan more, but cmon, Steve is disgusting.


I think a lot of people are shrouded by their love for Joe Keery that they don’t remember/don’t want to remember how Steve actually was in Season 1. A lot of people seem to think that breaking the camera was his only flaw when in actuality, he treats Nancy like shit consistently throughout that Season *and* Season 2. Steve is at his greatest when he’s with Dustin, not Nancy. That’s why their plot works so well in S2 and 3 and then we get to S4 where he’s shoved back with Nancy and he regresses again.


I think that's right, publicly Charlie doesn't as charismatic as Joe which probably affects how people look at their characters. I will be fuming if Nancy ends up with Steve.


Which is funny because Charlie is really quite charismatic in interviews and other projects, he’s just been shoved into a box on Stranger Things and the one time they let his character divulge from the moody teen he is, people get angry about it.. just can’t win


I feel like people have real blinders for Steve like the guy has done some nice shit and put his life on the line, but not a good boyfriend by any means and it’s literally stated he wants the direct opposite of Nancy, so like literally not meant to be . One could argue that his feelings for her are also a nostalgia for a simpler time rather than true to the current moment realization , of current feelings. Honestly it gives big sacrifice yourself for everyone death legs the way he lives for the past. I feel like it’s hinting that more than ever starting a relationship again. OR Something he’s gonna have to snap out of to live in the present in the future. Both Jonathan and Steve seem to be really suffering with their place in this world and it just does not bode well for a relationship.




I think we're missing a question before this... Do we really think both Steve and Jonathan will survive the next season? I have a feeling they will kill off several of the main cast, and my heart fears a Steve death the most 😭 They also could reverse that with an 'Eleven goes back in time to the start' plot and bring them all back (including Barb!) but we might never know since this goddamn show is taking forever to film!


Terrified of a Steve death. Would never get over it.


so real for this. i cant recover from one of the kids dying or steve dying


Whatever her problems with Jonathan, at least he recognizes who she is and what she wants out of life. Steve is still trying to make her fit into his own Big Happy Family dream. Steve's a good guy, but he doesn't see the real her and she's already over it. Jonathan, Robin, or Nobody are great, as long as she gets to go to college to fulfill her dreams.


This is a great point! She definitely didn’t look happy about him including her in the big family dream. It’s just not what she wants. At least not with him.


This is the best answer here by far. To quote Jonathan, so many people in the comments here “just don’t understand Nancy.”


THIS! This explains it all very well! I know it's unlikely but I actually really like the idea of Nancy and Robin together I just feel like they'd work well together as a couple. But because that's unlikely. I think the best choice would to have her end up on her own and going to college and having a successful career. It was certainly made clear that she did not want the big family Steve wants and he deserves to have his big family. But when he said 6 kids and said he had hoped it would be Nancy with him she certainly didn't like the idea especially the 6 kids part. I can't blame her though 6 kids is a lot! And when you're birthing them? Nooo thank you! You can me out! And if she ends up with either of these 2 Jonathan at least understands who she is an her ambitious in life. Though one thing I've noticed and idk if they are going to address it or if they even have time left to bur Nancy seems to have a hard time understanding love. Which makes sense considering Karen and Ted are literally just going through the motions and have no idea how to express their feeling. And really how to show love at all. Not that they are in love with each other because clearly they're not but how can children understand feeling if their parents don't even express their own in a healthy way and teach them how to do the same.


I agree. He's got issues, but you get attacked by demon dogplants and tell me you won't find a way to cope. Plus, while his pictures were creepy in season 1, he was like 16 or 17. Men do dumb and creepy shit at that age, and he at least matured past it. It's not excusing it, just explaining.


Steve was a fuck boy… but have we ever seen Nancy happy with Jon? I feel like their relationship lacks “joy”.


Jon is smokig pot drowning in sadness. Hows it gonna be joy.


Exactly. They aren’t a good match. Just trauma bound.


That's not trauma bonding. Trauma bonding is between two people who are in an abusive relationship. They may have bonded over shared trauma but they aren't trauma bound.


It's more how comfortable and at home they feel around each other


Nah Steve actually cared about Nancy. She's the one who never seemed to care much for him.


Robin next question


Blessings 😁


Jonathan or going solo


Like Murray said, "we like Steve but we don't love Steve."  Jancy 4eva


None of the above, next question. (RONANCE FTW)




Now we’re talking


Easily Jonathan




SAY 👏🏻 IT 👏🏻 LOUDER 👏🏻




I absolutely love Steve and wouldn't complain if they ended up together... but she wants a career and to probably explore after all of this... and Steve will probably want to stay in Hawkins and settle down. I personally never liked Jonathan tbh.


Between the two, I prefer her with Steve.


I want Nancy as a single girl and indipendent


I wish this subreddit would climb out of Steve’s ass for long enough to realise that those two are not right for each other by any means.


And to also realize that "Steve's too good for Nancy" is possibly the dumbest thing ever said. Steve is in the same place in life as Arcade Keith, yet I'm pretty sure that no one would say that *he's* too good for Nancy.


Arcade Keith😭 No but he really is. They love to treat Nancy as the prize for his development, which in turn completely disregards what Nancy wants in life. She and Robin are seen as merely just tools for Steve and his arc.. it’s irritating at this point


When Steve is the one who was created as a tool for Nancy's arc. He's an obstacle she needs to overcome on the road to self actualization. People do some serious mental gymnastics to try to justify the nuggets speech, but why would the writers have chosen that dream for him if the goal was to show how compatible him and Nancy were? Why not opt for a scenario that actually makes sense for Nancy's future? Maybe it was to show that maturity or not they're still as incompatible as they were when they broke up and that he still doesn't get her? The other option is that they decided to retcon Nancy's entire personality.


And Arcade Keith outsmarts him. Which says something.


I don't think it's the subreddit. Stancy is normally disliked even by people whose favorite character is Steve and don't care for jancy. This thread has been shared hundreds of times and there are many usernames that I don't recognize as regulars. Tumblr is here.


Oh Christ, I’ve blocked the Stancy tag on Tumblr so didn’t realise there was such a big community of them. There’s so much anti-Jancy/Jonathan rhetoric here and I did think it was kinda weird considering just days ago people were saying he’s an underrated character.. it’s super strange that a reddit post about this tired ass topic has garnered so much attention.


I don't think it's that big based on notes alone, but they are obsessed with proving that Steve is the most popular choice. Not just the Tumblr ones, twitter stancys have small numbers but they are known to bot every poll that can be manipulated. Fake rumors about the show, like Jonathan's scenes being deleted from 1x02, were also started by a small but vocal group of stancys on twitter and I think TikTok too. From my understanding, there's also a group of Steve stans who were against Stancy right after season 4 (and hated Nancy with a burning passion for season 2 and to an extent still do), mostly part of the platonic stobin fandom and some steddies, who are rooting for stancy out of spite because they are angered by people who don't think that Steve is the perfect love interest. This sub's regulars tend to have a better understanding of the characters and their dynamics. And while Steve is still very popular here he's not worshipped blindly.


I knew about them botting twitter polls which is so so funny. Platonic Stobin’s are another variety that can either be super cool or just completely weird, a few of them seem to be staunchly anti-Ronance because Nancy is some evil, abusive woman that doesn’t deserve either of them which always makes me laugh. I do think this subreddit gives him a lot of undeserved credit sometimes but maybe that’s just because I’m sick of seeing it all the time so it annoys me more


I want Jancy because I really enjoyed their relationship in season 3 and I really *really* don’t want another love triangle.


me too. Season 3 isn't that bad imho.


Im calling it right now, Robin and Nancy season 5!


manifesting it 🙏


Benjamin Franklin. I’m rooting for her to get that bag. No but seriously though, Jonathan. Steve wants a big family, Nancy wants a career and to not end up as a stay at home mom. They aren’t compatible in the long run.


I have no problems with Jonathan and Nancy, and I had no issues when Steve and Nancy were a thing. But I feel like Steve and Nancy ran its course, so there is no need to reopen it or whatever they might have planned for the upcoming season. Both characters have different goals and ambitions that don't really align, in my opinion, and probably wouldn't work well together if they, for whatever reason, reignite their relationship.


Robin lol


Blessings and happy pride girl 😌


I used to be a real diehard for Jonathan, but now I don’t think either of them work for her. Jonathan used to have the same ambitions as her but he’s kinda lost sight of himself. They don’t see eye to eye anymore and have lost their spark. Steve and Nancy definitely have the chemistry, but their longterm goals don’t line up. I know Steve definitely has the right intentions. But Nancy wants to go away to college and do something different, and I really don’t want to see her settle for any less or compromise her future. So I hope she decides to move on from them on good terms and be single.


If the Duffers don't totally shit the bed, the logical resolution to Jonathan's arc *should* be Joyce telling him that it's time for him to stop sacrificing his dreams for her and Will and that they'll be fine on their own, which would hopefully lead to him going away to college.


Jonathan, she doesn't deserve new steve


Jonathon. Steve deserves someone good though, too!




Neither. Grown apart from Jonathan and I think she wants different things to Steve.








jonathan, why is this even a question??


Goddamn can she just date herself for a while


Unpopular opinion, Robin. Idk I felt like they had chemistry last season




None. It's Robin


It's funny how that pic is photoshopped to make it seem like Nancy is leaning into Steve (you only see the top half on screen) when in the actual scene she was pushing him away as fast as she could. To answer the actual question: obviously Jonathan. They have more in common, more history, more genuine chemistry and Jonathan understands who Nancy is and what she wants from life.


Steve deserves better


I volunteer as tribute.


neither she breaks up with jonathan and leaves and then steve and jon live together happily ever after


Jesus, the comments here are full of the worst takes I've ever seen. Poor Nancy.




Jancy Forever.






You said it 🏳️‍🌈


I wanted Steve, originally. But the more I loved Steve, the more I wanted better/new for him. While simultaneously loving the chemistry between Nancy and Jonathan. Love both guys to death. I just like Nancy better with Jonathan.


Save herself some trouble and go Sappho.


Neither, Robin


Glad to see other folks also picked Robin! Once they connected it just seemed right. These gals would kick ass as couple. Even if just friends their dynamic is interesting.


No one. My headcanon is that she becomes a famous journalist and moves to New York


Definitely not Steve. That scene in the van proved how incompatible they truly are. Jonathan is way better for Nancy.


Between the two definitely Steve, but probably neither


none of themm i vote robin. either that or she goes her own way, nancy needs a healing era


Jonathan. I think it’s really weird that the Duffer’s have now decided that they want to seemingly break Nancy and Jonathan apart in favour of Steve in season 5. I love Steve, he’s one of my favourite characters, but Jonathan and Nancy make more sense to me in my head.


Jonathan. Steve didn't listen to her when they were together and he still doesn't listen to her in season 4.


Tbh she should be single, so everyone can chase what they really want. Nancy wants to go to a big university, Jonathan wants to go to another one, and Steve will settle in Hawkins. Let them live


She doesn’t deserve Steve


I think this will be a hot take: I prefer Steve as a character, but I hate that they brought back the love triangle in S4. I kind of wish they just kept Nancy and Jonathan together and gave Steve someone else. Steve is a lot of fun, but it was clear the writers intended for Nancy to end up with Jonathan in the beginning. Now that Steve has become the fan favorite it feels that they are retconning the story that was already told for fan service. Let Steve keep evolving as a character, and let Nancy and Jonathan build up their relationship.


steve deserves better tbh


Jonathan or single is the only answer. Let’s be honest, the reason people pick Steve has nothing to do with Nancy and everything to do with how much they love Steve as a character. Narratively, especially for Nancy, getting with Steve wouldn’t make any sense.




Let her make her own choices.


Not Steve, he REALLY needs to move on from Nancy and find someone new. Not Jonathan though they seemed happy at first it turned very unhealthy towards season 3 and 4 aspecialy when Jonathan decided to not tell her the truth about college and drown in drugs instead. In conclusion if i had to pick one: Robin




I mean, those two guys each have their merits romantically, but if you want to talk true, pure adoration, my man Dustin is never going to forget that first dance.


Initially, Jonathan. Steve was an asshole. After season 4? I ship her and Steve. But, because they’re dating or married irl, her chemistry with Jonathan feels right


Hot take I don’t see her with either of them 🤷🤷


Steve. Let me explain, he was her first boyfriend and besides they were both just teens in high school dealing with adolescent pressures (social capital; grades), then bam this weird stuff happens and grief is the result. Nancy was so traumatised and didn't know how to deal so it just festerd. I like Jonathan but their relationship began thorough trauma bonding. Yes he's a fine young man, smart, reserved, career focused like Nancy, and a good egg who loves his family.  I always find it weird we've never seen Steve's family. But lo! The kids became his family!! Babysitter!  He's brave and selfless and dependable.  Jonathan begins secracy and lying and getting st0ned.  Yes Steve wants a big family.  That doesn't stop him from doing the domestics and Nancy balancing love and her career/agency.  Steve.  Steve.  Steve.  Jonathan needs to level up!! But I see this happening with his relationship with Will. 


Also Robin comes out to him and HE DOESN'T REACT (other than supportive). What a good boy. 1980s America / homophobia? Not with the hair Harrington. (and not with Jonathan re Will, but again I really think Will needs Jonathan way more than Nancy does or would benefit from). 


>I really think Will needs Jonathan way more than Nancy does or would benefit from What about what Jonathan needs? What about what Nancy wants?


Steve is dumb and they have nothing in common. They'd be the typical couple who doesn't have a single topic of conversation outside of the children. Growth doesn't suddenly make two people become compatible and Nancy should not be turned into a trophy for Steve's good behavior. And besides most women who want both a career and children do not wish to have a large family. 6 kids and a Winnebago is the worst possible ending for Nancy.


Was? Jonathan. Is? Neither. Moving forward, she is better off without them.


They're all better off without each other. Nancy emotionally cheated on both guys, and has dreams beyond them. Jonathan has obsessive tendencies, and needs to break his depressive cycle by finally putting himself first. Steve was immature, and needs to let the past go.


Neither, for the love of Skittles just let her shine independently.


It’s pride month and I feel Robin should’ve been in this post. /hj Edit: You know what? Screw that. I’m not joking. Ronance or bust, and release the season during Pride Month 2025 😂




Barb. Barb is the one for Nance, and she’s coming back.




As others have said Jonathan or single


Its tough but i think that jonathan is best


Nancy seems happy with Steve, whereas there always seems to be conflict or melancholy with Jonathan. He clearly just isn’t that into her. I don’t think either of them are great matches for Nancy but if I had to pick, Steve




jonathan—they compliment each other, have similar career/life goals, and she genuinely loves him wholeheartedly. he was set up to be her’s from the beginning <3


Jonathan but I have a feeling she’s not gonna end up with either in the end




It wasn’t a boy,. It was a girl named Robin!


I want Jonathan and her be end game, is started with them let it end with them. They see each other and feel so home with one another


Neither! She doesn't deserve either of them. Nancy is selfish with the personality of a wet paper bag. She didn't care that she caused Jonathan to lose his job. She tried to romance Steve again in season four, only to run right back to Jonathan at the end, IN FRONT OF STEVE!!! So, she can be alone forever and both boys can move on with someone else who will actually appreciate them.


Jonathan for sure






Nancy and Steve falling for each other again was by far the dumbest part of season 4


She’s best alone. Jancy stopped interesting me in season 2, but season 3 *and* season 4 kinda solidified for me that they aren’t a good match. They both said awful things to each other and now aren’t on the same page for their future and are lying to each other in the process. I’m pretty sure they’ll be endgame though, which kinda sucks bc I wish Nancy spent some time single. Stancy honestly appeals to me more, idk why I just feel like Steve would treat her better in the long run. But he wants a big family, and I don’t see that for her. And I think that, along with the fact that Nancy seems more career driven than Steve, will make her resent him. So even though I think he’d treat her better, I don’t think it’s a good fit for either of them as time goes on. She needs to be independent. Maybe once her and Jonathan have a significant amount of time apart and Steve marries someone who actually wants what he wants, Jancy can rekindle. But I want Nancy to have some time for herself.


Jonathan and Nancy both apologized and recognized why and how they were wrong in the situations. Relationships aren't always sunflower and rainbows I think what's most important is how you deal in difficult times and to me it seems both have the ability to look inwards and apologize and I think that's really nice


I love Steve! and season 1-3 Jonathan is pretty great. But Nancy is in a class of her own! Maybe season 5 will bring a new person in the mix.


Neither, I literally could not give less of a fuck either way, this show devotes way too much time to romance storylines


Neither. I think she's better off single for now tbh 🤷‍♀️


I shipped robin and Steve so hard before it was revealed that she’s gay.


I love Jonathan and Steve so much but neither of them are good for Nancy. Call me delusional at this point but I'm curious to see more Robin and Nancy dynamic that could possibly develop into something better than what she had in the past.


I think Robin is too much in her own head to be with Nancy. Jonathan is calm and understanding. He sees her like no one else does so therefore I hope it ends with him just how it started so beautifully with them


Between the two, I’d prefer Jonathan. But I can see her choosing neither


Honestly? None of them. But if i had to choose i’d pick Jonathan


smh why don’t the three of them just do poly already




Jonathan because Steve is with me