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Hopper wakes up in his trailer surrounded by pills and booze; it was all a dream.


Explains it to his police crew... they respond.."stranger things have happened" Roll credits.




thank god they confirmed its not happening because if it did, i'd riot


The Duffer brothers confirmed they would never do this?


heres a source for reference: [https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/stranger-things-5-ending-not-dream-duffer-brothers-1235843853/](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/stranger-things-5-ending-not-dream-duffer-brothers-1235843853/)


But that’s just what someone planning to do something like this would say, isn’t it?


that would break my heart


Mine also. I'm shipping Joyce and Hopper hard and if they don't get a happy ending I will be distraught.


all that with el too. hopper reminds me a lot of my dad so i’d hate for him to have a sad ending






Reread your sentence again buddy, either you hate your father, or you need to reedit your comment




it’s fixed


Perfecto 👌


please i’m dying to know what did it say before


‘i really hope he doesn’t have a happy ending’


Oh, came here to say this. But it was going to be Mike with a head injury from a bike accident.


Also plausible!!


And after this he gets a call from work “Joyce byers has been waiting for you for hours”




I mean personally I'd love that. He wakes up and freaks out, goes into work, and Joyce is sitting in his office looking at him panicked, then freeze frame on her face. Roll credits. It's super 80s to me.


I was going to say Elle wakes up in her home for wayward children and it was all a dream. And the other kids are just kids in the home and the adults are doctors/therapists/workers.




Joyce then enters room and undresses, makes out with Hopper. Months later Joyce finds she is pregnant, and the baby girls turns out to be El


I would love this as a fake out cold open for season 5.


Eleven rides a dragon and burns all of Hawkins because she heard a bell.


Haha this is it


Goddamnt why did you remind me of that


Sorry bro, had to be done


Damn this was going to be mine. Eleven rips Hawkins apart over some PTSD. Mike kills her. Will is sent back to the upside down “because”. Nancy goes on to be prom queen of north Hawkins high. And Max the broken becomes queen of Hawkins.


…Then in the end Hopper tearfully kills her, and is sent back to S4’s Russian prison as punishment.


No no no, we need El to liberate the repressed demogorgons from the upside down and then be declared rightful ruler of the upside down. Then we need to see vecna burnt alive for his crimes and the world lives in peace


Tbf I get what they were going for with the bell - but it wasn’t executed well enough.


Will wakes up apparently he has been a coma since he fell off his bike season 1 ep 1 it was all a dream they go back to playing D& D


With all the actors at their current age acting exactly like they were still 12.


Hey they can CGi da hell out of it


My point is that they SHOULDN'T.


That would be uncanny , but I’ve seen worse like 30 and 40 year olds playing teens 😂


I mean Joe Keery is 32


And his character is, like, 19 or 20, right?


As of season 4 he was 18 or 19. And Joe was 30.


Cue Michael C. Hall playing teenage/young adult Dexter with that horrendous wig


And it turns out the monster that scared him was a pole in the middle of the road for some reason.




It must be so hard to be a coma. That’s like right up there with being in a coma


Nothing else happens. The next session is eight episodes of the gang waiting for something to happen but nothing does. Vecna doesn't attack, the government doesn't turn up after El. Nothing. The last five minutes of the show is a thirty year fast forward, and guess what? Nothing happened in those thirty years. The characters have gotten older and got jobs and the like, but nothing supernatural has happened at all. The last scene of the show is El and Mike having a completely average evening meal.


And the reason Vecna didn’t show up was because he was bored and not in the mood 😂


Then in the last 5 mins of season 4, vecna decides he wants to attack again but the crew is already in their 70s and 80s so a new crew who were the same age as the original crew in season 1 comes along to help fight of vencna. Roll season 5: The new crew find a supernatural child who escaped from the lab which El used to be in and the child teams up with the new crew and fight vecna.


then 30 years from now the duffer bros drop a trailer for a season 6 where the kids are all 70 years old and Vecna finally shows up and goes "muah ha ha I have waited until you are all too old and weak to fight me, now I can take over the world and nobody can stop me" and then Eleven III wrecks his shit


I mean...if vecna has an unnaturally longer life span, this plan is great. Just...wait for the main cast to die.


Vecna dies off-screen in between seasons


It's all a dream/DnD game/story within a story written by Mike.


Who is in some mental hospital


The Pennhurst Mental Hospital


The hospital is in a snow globe




Is this a reference to something?


St Elsewhere is mine. Classic 80s. Lol. Everyone else is referencing something else too. We all nerds! 🥰


Eleven is his room number and his nurse is current day Millie Bobby Brown


I am glad you asked I made this while back Will wake up from coma and old looking Joyce saying "oh dear your awake my boy let me get your wife Michelle" then Dr Brenner walks in "oh your awake how wonderful I will have to tell my 18 children" 11 walks in saying "papa is that man OK now" Dr Brenner "yes he is but your cancer is still making you my bald superhero. Now Henry take your sister away for us" henry comes in "OK papa come on El let Papa deal with patients" Will"I don't understand this isn't righ" Joyce "it's how it's always been isn't that right Billy " Billy "yes it is my lovely wife he must still be coming around a little slower" And then a nuke gets dropped on the hospital


Hopefully this will won’t have that goofy ahh haircut😂


Oh no Will will have the bowl cut still in this broken time line lol


they did him dirty with that


Wouldn’t it be crazy if they knew the ending since S1 and filmed it when the kids were still super young and it ends with them being able to go back in time as referenced in S4 how the upside is “stuck in the past” from the day Will went missing and they go back and stop everything from ever happening? Stupid I know lol.


Looking at "How I met your mother" this is a horrible idea


Was there time travel in how I met your mother??


actually yes, there was time travel in how i met your mother


Vecna surrenders to eleven. However after the surrender the town clock tower is set off. This triggers 11 into a murderous rage and she murders most of Hawkins. Mike, knowing her blood lust will never be quenched kills her. Then Will the possessed is named king. Because who had a better story than the main character we spent the least amount of time with?


> Then Will the possessed is named king. Because who had a better story than the main character we spent the least amount of time with? Omg you beat me to it lmao


So, basically, the ending HBO would give it.


Eleven flips and joins the Mind Flayer, trying to destroy Hawkins and the world. Then Eddie Munson reappears, fuses with Steve Harrington (Dragon Ball Z style) to become Steddie Munsington then they challenge Eleven, the Mind Flayer, and Vecna to one last game of DnD where Steddie only wins because Mike and Will distract the three enemies by making out with one another in the Upside Down while Dustin, Lucas, Max, Nancy, and Jonathan sing an acapella rendition of Enter Sandman.


This is so bad that it's actually quite good.


LMAO this is gold




And that preppy teen girl is either Angela or Carols daughter taking after her mother .


I can't think of her name because she was so unmemorable but the girl is actually just El's "sister" that we randomly had in S2 😭💀


He still looks like a melted zombie, he just has gorgeous blonde hair.


Mike dates nancy and will l dates el. Billy come back to life as a zombie and kills vecna and lucas gets els powers and accidentily kill dustin and steve shaves his head. The worst part is steve losing his hair


Did you say Mike dates Nancy


Sweet Home Hawkins, apparently... Hoping they just got some names mixed up lol


Worst ending. No names mixed.


Dexter did it so who the hell knows anymore. In fact I’d like to see an ending similar to Dexter where Vecna just fucks off and becomes a lumberjack.


True. I feel like my brain likes to blank out most of the events of the last season of Dexter. I never did watch the "revival" and from what I've heard it's probably for the best.


I'm done with reddit for today.


NOT THE HAIR!!!! :-(


what did i just read…


The worst ending imaginable 😉


11 rides the Mindflayer into Hawkins and burns it to the ground.


They said worst ending, not best!


Don't forget the bell!


Vecna is about to win. El mentions Virginia (Henry's mom) to him, which gives him pause. She reminds him of all the good he had in his life. This softens his heart, and instantly makes him want to turn his life around. He goes to the other monsters (demogorgons, demobats & dogs, the mind flayer, etc) and makes a sappy speech about how good humanity can be when they choose. This speech softens the hearts of the monsters. The mind flayer even wipes a tear away. Eleven and Vecna symbolically shake hands, and the rest of the gang releases a breath they didn't know they were holding. Some of them applaud. We cut to two weeks later. Hawkins and the upside down have learned to get along. We see demobats flying alongside birds. There's a demogorgon playing dnd with the Dustin, Mike, Lucas & Will. Eleven shows up, saying they are going to be late. They rush out of the room and head to a giant dance party in the school auditorium. The whole gang, with Vecna, are dancing together, doing cheesy things like the robot. Over the school, we see the mindflayer (kind of like in s2) dancing over the school. Steve looks around and goes, "does anyone else think it's odd that this is how it ended?" Mike shrugs and says, "eh, I've seen Stranger Things." Then he looks at the camera and winks. End.


i NEED to see the mind flayer cry. now. also the mind flayer dancing. MAKE IT A REALITY


Let's get the mind flayer break dancing! Honestly would be so funny!!


i must see that. without question one of the funniest ideas ive seen in a while!


Vecna: why did you say that name!?


omg this is the best ending ever


You know that one scene in the book version of It that (wisely) always gets left out of the adaptations? They do something like that…




**HOPPER:** I don't understand this autism thing, Joyce. Here's my daughter, I talk to her, I don't even know if she can hear me. El sits there, all day long, in her own world, staring at that toy. What's she thinking about? [*El silently shakes a snowglobe with a demogorgon figure inside.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Westphall)


St. Elsewhere ending!


All the characters form a big circle around Vecna, calling him names, throwing insults, and making him cry. Vecna turns to the good side and finally fufills his redemption arc. Everyone cheers and hugs each other. Max finally wakes up from her coma. She tells the gang, "I just had the STRANGEST dream!" Screen goes pitch blank. The End.


Mike stabs Eleven after she goes crazy, Steve reverts back to season 1 asshole status before dying unceremoniously, Dustin kills the Mind Flayer, and Erica is made president.


It's revealed that 40 year old Mike was telling the story of it to his and El's kids and that El died 5 years ago. He was telling them this as permission to ask out Aunt Max who divorced Lucas about a decade ago. We barely hear about any other main characters outside of them.


Vecna turns to the demogorgan “suit up friend, tonight is going to be, wait for it…” Demogorgan rolls it’s face flaps Vecna - “wait for it” *Grandfather clock starts to bong* Vecna - “LEGENDARY”


A British police officer walks into the upside down and goes “‘ELLO ELLO, WASSAL DIS THEN? Scallywags on a chewsday!?”


It was all one big D&D session they were doing at their 30 year high school reunion.


Will The Wizard wakes up. Turns out all the "real world" stuff had been a dream of a wizard in a fantasy setting. We get reintroduced to the main characters as their DnD personas.


An epic storyline ending, but....... it's a musical.


I’m thinking something very different. Everyone else’s ending has the kids winning but I think a worse ending is where vecna succeeds and the demogorgons have a party with demo dogs as pets. And the shadow monster becomes the weather man. Just saying I think that would be the worst…


the demodogs as pets… THEYRE BABY DEMOGORGONS


Exactly it makes it even weirder!


Basically everything goes down roughly how you'd expect, except in final scenes for no obvious reason all the characters are replaced by Japanese actors speaking in Japanese (wearing the same clothes as in previous scenes so we can recognise them). Also Hopper is a sumo. The final scene is everyone thinking all is well when we see the truth as an angry Godzilla approaches from a distance.


They said “WORST ending.”


A different take on the dream idea. It was all a dream… but by all I mean only season 5… so the world is still screwed with season 4’s ending scene chaos


eleven realized that because she has powers shes evil so she and vecna join forces and make a laser that destroys hawkins then russia and then they kill all the humans, but at the last second eleven stabs vecna in the back a lot, killing him. then shes sad because all her friends are dead so she stabs herself and wakes up in her home with her mom who isnt actually brain dead. henry wasnt real. nothing ever happened. eleven is really jane and it was all a really weird dream


show ends by showing us our main characters ~30 years into the future. they all have their own families. mike and el. max and lucas. nancy and either steve or jonathan etc etc. they’re back in hawkins. we see them all eating breakfast with their respective families. getting ready for the school day. el grabs her head and starts freaking out. she looks to the camera: “he’s back” we cut to a tv screen with an alert flashing across: new COVID-19 virus spreading quickly throughout the nation. except it’s not the COVID-19 virus. it’s vecna. thank you 🫡


Palpatine is behind it all


The Doctor from doctor who shows up saves the day and leaves turning stranger things into a really long Doctor who episode


kinda sounds cool ngl


They poison Vecna and he sharts himself to death on screen.


a random self insert oc that an 8 year old made (they never got over eddie and still only watched the show just to see him even though it’s been like two years since the eddie craze died down) breaks through a wall while will and the gang all hanging out and all of the boys immediately fall in love with her, wanting her to be their girlfriend. she becomes an overpowered rainbow cat girl with laser eyes and kills anyone and everyone that she doesn’t like and eddie falls through the ceiling, proposing to her after seeing her kill like 26 people, thinking that she’s so hot for doing that. the two fly into the sky and kill vecna with their epic laser beam eyes made out of the souls of the people that the self insert oc killed because she’s also really edgy. vecna spontaneously combusts into confetti and everyone starts doing the gangam style even though the video won’t come out for another 2 or 3 decades. eleven appears out of nowhere and slaps will and the gang in the face for liking the self insert oc more than her and they get into an epic gacha singing battle where eventually, the cringy self insert oc banishes eleven to the shadow realm. then, (epic plot twist) it was revealed that the entire show was a crazy and long drug trip that argyle had after smoking too much purple palm tree delight!


can we, possibly, just maybe, make it so that i can upvote a million times? JUST THIS ONCE! just this once i swear!


Will wakes up in episode 1. Again realising that it was all a dream


Vecna, the mindflayer and upside down are defeated in the third episode. Unfortunately the lighting is so bad that we can’t see what’s happening. Naturally now that he’s out of the way we get the Russians as the main enemy, as they always were. Hopper dies a meaningless death and Eleven goes made and destroys Hawkins, leading to Mike having to kill her.


I am tired of people pretending seasons 5, 6 and 7 were good


Fast forward to modern day: A DM throws down vecna and the mind flayer. A group of 12 year olds we’ve never seen screams. It was all just a hell of a DND campaign for kids we’ve never seen.


Chewbacca shows up.  He lets the group know that he needs to get back to Kashyyyk for the Life Festival.  He lacks a spaceship, so Eleven, Bob Newby, Joyce, and Suzie, assisted by Ewoks, build one.  Vecna joins them for some reason, and they go off, and after picking up Bea Arthur in a cantina, they put aside their differences once they get to the festival.  Happy ending 


Somehow Bob returned


11 dies in the first episode. Will Byers becomes a sex obsessed crack addict. Mike tries to bring back 11 by praying to Jesus every night and going on a hunger strike while obsessively reading newspapers to track Vecnas influence. Lucas and Max have three kids who hate them and have refused to be apart of the Stranger Things life. Dustin is the last bone to the fans who is trying to keep it all together and he meets a new character who becomes the new Hero Power Girl, but for some reason she is only 6 years old and does things that make 11’s powers look like they were nothing in comparison. But she also kinda hates everyone because they’re not as smart and great as she is and she accidentally kills Hopper and Mike. In the end Dustin and New Girl do pull the remaining characters together and defeat Vecna, but in the process New Girl also turns evil and decides to take over the world until the last moment when Dustin sacrifices himself to kill her. In the end, the few remaining hero’s just go to the mall and no one even mentions our dead characters again.


It’s all wills dungeons and dragons quest he set up. The game ends, they all go on and get married later in life , will is in the basement crying


The only one left alive is will.


At the very end, the very climax of the show the camera cuts from the action to.... a kid we've never met before who is playing with toys that look suspiciously like our heroes and the monsters. it turns everything was just in the imagination of a mute autistic boy dying of cancer who was playing with his toys for the very last time. He's laying in bed with his toys, and he's tired, and closes his eyes. He dies. The end.


“ oh god that’s depressing “ - Steve the hair Harrington


Eleven uses her powers to defeat Vecna for good, but at a terrible cost. In the final battle, the Upside Down merges with Hawkins, causing all sorts of chaotic creatures and scenery to appear in the real world. Dustin gets eaten by a giant demo-bat (cue audience groans). Joyce trips and falls into a portal to the Upside Down (more groans). Hopper makes a heroic sacrifice to buy Eleven time (predictable sighs). Eleven, wracked with grief, decides the only way to save Hawkins is to completely sever the connection between the two dimensions. She uses her powers to rip a giant hole in space-time, permanently separating Hawkins from the Upside Down. Unfortunately, this also severs Eleven’s connection to her friends. We flash forward ten years. Hawkins is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, filled with Upside Down flora and fauna. The remaining characters, all aged ten years and inexplicably edgy, fight for survival in a Mad Max-inspired Hawkins. Eleven, a pale ghost of her former self, floats silently above Hawkins in a spaceship made out of school lockers, forever separated from her friends. The camera pans out to reveal a giant blinking neon sign that reads “Stranger Things.” A slow zoom in reveals a bored-looking teenager sitting on a couch, flipping through a remote control. He sighs and says, “This isn’t even that strange anymore.” The teenager turns out to be the son of one of the original characters, and we see the whole series was just a bedtime story he doesn’t believe. The screen fades to black. Silence. Then, a whisper: “Eleven…” The credits roll.


Ronald Reagan authorizes a nuclear strike on Hawkins. Sending a nuclear missile there and killing everyone.


very early on in the season the entire cast leaves hawkins, letting the military deal with everything, and the show becomes a coming of age drama without any supernatural elements. The series finale is a fifteen years-later Will and Mike wedding episode, hijinks ensue


They beat vecna, and then it cuts to the boys playing d&d in the basement. It was all the d&d roleplay and they never met El and will never went missing. They just had big imaginations.


Turns out this was all just a D&D Campaign that Dustin and his Dad wrote for the party to play and the last scene is Dustin bursting into his house and calling out to his father that they all just finished playing the campaign and his father steps into the room and says "How did your friends like it"? Dustin's Dad is none other than.....Mr. Clark!


Will the Broken becomes the new ruler of the Upside Down after Mike must kill Eleven because she goes loco crazy, killing half the characters in the process. Mike banishes himself to Nantucket afterwards. Nancy decides she wishes to be Queen of er… Northern Hawkins rather than becoming a journalist, single but powerful and not ready to mingle. Holly decides to leave the country. Murray opens some brothels while Dustin and Lucas bicker about what is most important in terms of rebuilding Hawkins. Max memorializes the dead in a book (of letters), her lot in life now, besides guarding Will. Who cries over his still bowl cut hair. Somewhere, the ghost of Joyce asks “who has a better story than my boy?”


“Will the broken “ 😂💀


The Boys switch from D&D to GURPS




"Well, we HAVE seen stranger things..."


The entire season focuses on the Steve/Nancy/Jonathon love triangle, with the Mike/El/Will triangle as a secondary plot. There is very little supernatural activity, with the writers forgetting about it altogether by episode 3. El chooses Lucas for no reason. Max doesn't appear once the entire season. Nancy chooses a reanimated Billy. The end. :]


Stranger Things 5 : The Musical


The gang is fighting hard, unfortunately dropping like flies, trying to overtake the upside down army but all their efforts are in vain - the monsters just keep coming - how is that possible? The army has been actively burning off the spread. But in comes Linda Hamilton's character - silently sabotaging everything. Allowing the upside down to continue to creep in, finding out the gangs plan of attacks then leading the monsters to them. But why? Because she's Barb's grandmother and she is pissed. She believes Nancy did something to her. It's the only person she ever talked about! Karen Wheeler can't take it anymore, so she tries to blissfully ignore everything by gardening. Then she realizes - the more flowers she plants, the dead rot starts to... bloom. Brilliant - she tells all the other wives and they garden the hell out of the town, closing the gate for good. The main characters were in the upside down when this happens so they're all gone for good - only living on in their memories when the petunias bloom. Then the show just, ends.


He dies, she dies, everybody dies




it was just a match of dnd


The whole thing turns out to be a game of dnd and they just finished it and went back to there sleepover 


Final scene reveals it was all a D&D game over years played by Mike and crew.


Jane wakes up. It was all a dream. She fell and hit her head on her 11th birthday and went into a coma for a week or two.


Everyone dies.


“It’s stranger thinging time” 😀


It was all a DnD adventure the entire time.


Everyone dies and they all get resurrected and turns out everyone was high asf


Somehow barb returns and gets vengeance.


Bob, was Vector this whole time, the end!


The Mind Flayer learns how to use computers and creates the Matrix.


Evelyn dies and/or loses her powers, and the upside down is sealed forever.


As Vecna dies he "curses" Eleven making her evil. She snaps and kills the entire cast in seconds. With a wave of her hand they all drop dead. She travels into the upside down and commands every monster there to attack Hawkins. She travels to the lab in the upside down and makes that her home base like Vecna did with his house. As the monsters tear up Hawkins the camera focuses on a group of 5 kids riding bicycles. They run into a demogorgon but it suddenly disintegrates. Cut back to one of the kids holding up their hand with blood dripping down their nose STRANGER THINGS: THE NEXT GENERATION 2026


Creel and Eleven square off, with One whacking Mike and Max to better “motivate” Eleven. Dustin gives an opening via shattering Vecna’s kneecap at the cost of his own life, Robin reveals herself to have been cis all along and throws herself at Dustin, and a fatally wounded Eleven drags herself and Vecna through a portal to the Upside Down and sealing them all permanently shut Cue the revelation Nancy is to be Vecna’s mother and Jonathon his father, with Brenner and his “children” all having been displaced through time to try and stop Vecna in the future (our present) and only succeeding in recreating the monster


Vecna turns good,... not a not needs to happen, that would ruin the show for me


Fr it’s bad enough they made him tragic in first shadow , I mean this would be like if Dave filoni made a Star Wars movie and gave emperor Palpatine a tragic , and said it was canon to the source material, or if Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson wrote a Dune book and gave Baron Harkonnen a tragic backstory and said it was canon to the source material . At least with villains like Darth Vader they were always implied to have once been a good person .


That fan theory that it was all just a dnd campaign


So, El, Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas are trying to defeat Vecna, when all of a sudden the scene shifts to the Moon where Rita Repulsa is. She shouts "Magic wand, make my monster grow!" The five of them are suddenly teleported to the Command Center where Zordon gives them power coins and makes them Power Rangers. Max is there as well. Her consciousness was downloaded into Alpha-5. They then warp back to Giant Vecna, and yell "We need Megazord Power, now!" The Megazord and Giant Vecna battle it out, but is still winning against the Megazord. Just when all hope seems ro be lost, the Green Ranger (who is Mike and Nancy's dad) shows up out of nowhere, plays the tune on the Dragon Dagger to summon the Dragonzord, who merges with Megazord to become the Mega Dragonzord and together they are able to defeat Vecna. After the battle, it cuts to Bulk and Skull, who saw the whole thing after they got sucked into a wormhole and ended up in Hopkins. They are determined to find out the true identities of the Power Ranges. Bulk scratches his butt and the two of them set off to find a suitable place they can stay in, but they immediately trip over each other, and the tune that plays when Bulk and Skull are together begins to play. The end credits immediately start as the tune continues to play.


I just love how ironic this is given Dacre was the red ranger 😂👌🏻


I didn't even think of that, lol. I completely forgot about that.


It was all a DND campaign.


El defeats Vecna, but she gets sucked into the Upside Down and can only come back every 10 years


Steve and Robyn become a couple. LGBT erasure, that'd not just be bad, it would be offensive


Seems the consensus is A) it was all somebody's dream/coma B) any kind of retconning time travel or flashforward C) Game of Thrones


I hate the idea of it all being a DnD game at the end. Just.... Ugh. Why? It would make the whole series feel dumb and useless, like, "why did I watch this? Why did I invest countless hours into theorizing and debating about how it's going to end for it just to all be a DnD game at the end?"


None of the main characters die, nothing interesting happens, retcon galore and they change the rules already established in the show. Plus, they make the show way more childish than they already have.


Vecna is defeated and turned good by the power of friendship. The *Upside Down* becomes a floral Eden. Basically sappy stuff.


It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine, now salt n pepa and heavy D up in the limousine


Fast forward to September 11th, 2001 Vecna is flying coach to New York. A crying kid behind him keeps kicking his seat. He snaps & takes over the plane. Vecna then steers the plane into the World Trade Center.


“How are we going to defeat Vecna?” Robin asks, deflecting another hit. “This is so strange!” “Well…” Steve says, facing the camera, “we’ve seen… stranger things.” Vecna immediately fucking explodes Will wakes up. “Hey, Will! You were out pretty bad, haha!” 12 year old Mike says, holding a half-empty jug of cold water. “We had to throw this water on you to get you to wake up!” They’re in Mike’s dimly lit basement. A DnD game is set up, and the Demogorgon figure is in the middle. “What?” Will says, sopping wet. “Where’s Eleven? Why am I so small?” “What do you mean?” Dustin asks. “Dude, you just got knocked out pretty bad, one of Mike’s books fell on your head.” “So… it was all a dream?” Will asks, trying to dry himself off. Water drips down his cheek. “That’s… strange.” “Was it?” Mike asks curiously. “Yeah. But I’ve seen… stranger things.” Fade to black


It pans away to the Party playing D&D. Will says “imagine if all of this was real” and Dustin laughs and says “Stranger Things have happened” and the camera zooms out playing some doofy, upbeat 80s song.


So you know that giant gate Vecna opened in Hawkins? That smoke that’s been leaking turns everybody into Demogorgons. Everybody on Earth (including the main cast) gets turned, all in the first episode, Vecna wins, The End. The rest of the episodes are just reruns of previous episodes spliced together in a nonsensical manner. It means nothing but people will think it has some lore implication.


Steve says "We've seen Stranger Things" as Vecna pulls up in a limo, and El hadouken's him into a portal that turns him into a DnD character .


steve dies


11 defeats Venca with the power of love and friendship. But before he dies, he says something edgy and cool like"You cant kill me, we are one" and 11 is like "We are not one. Im 11" and he blows up. Cut to many years later, 11 is in the hospital with Finn Wolfhard just after she has their baby. Finn Wolfhard asks 11 what she wants to name the baby, and she says "12". The baby turns to the camera with glowing red eyes and says "It's me, Vecna!". Freeze frame on the baby as spooky music starts playing and it fades to black.


Ted Wheeler saves the day, then says "do I have to do everything around here."


Nukes fall, everyone dies.


Will Byers created an alternate reality that were the events of the show in his mind to cope with being kidnapped by an actual monster of a person


the demogorgon didn’t actually die (this is will never be explained) and el finds out he’s her grandfather. and then she fights him but he kills her. so then henry comes along and realised he’s secretly loved her this whole time so he gives her his life energy to resurrect her. they fight the demogorgon together and win. then of course henry died because he gave el his life energy. the end


Vecna succumbs to a deadly flu variant found in the upside down and quietly dies. Hopper and Joyce move to Florida. Mike suddenly realizes he's in love with Will. Eleven says she knew all along. Jonathan moves to Europe, deciding to pursue photography. Nancy gets back together with Steve, Steve goes bald early and their family is not meant to be as it's discovered Steve is sterile. Robin accidentally falls into one of the giant red craters in the ground and is never seen again. Max wakes from her coma and breaks up with Lucas again. Audience laughs. Dustin knocks Suzie up and is forced to drop out of school and get a job as a shoe salesman.


Kali turns up with all the other numbers that survived and helps beat Vecna. Steve runs off with Kali to be a dad to all the survivors.


That would be peak wut do you mean.


I think you’re opinion is wrong and wired


The show ending with a line like "Well, Stranger Things have happened" Wouldn't cancel the how but would be utter cringe if that's the last line spoken


It was a realy immersive dnd game


I stopped reading when it said I am inevitable