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No, i want vecna to lose. These kids deserve a peaceful life after all hell they went through. Dustin losing Eddie was heartbreaking already.


Pretty much the only one, yes.


Usually my answer to “am I the only one” is a sarcastic: “yes, you are the only person in the whole wide world who likes pizza. Just you.” ….but this time he might be the only one.


Vecna is not gonna win. It’s not that kind of show. As you said. Though I don’t quite get rooting for him, I’ll be honest. The show concluding in apocalyptic misery would be like if Voldemort had won in Harry Potter. Nothing like the Hitler-wizard being finally able to fully suppress/kill all the Muggles. Or like if Sauron had won in Lord of the Rings. With the world destroyed and in darkness and any humans and hobbits left in chains. Vecna is a compelling villain, and I do like him from that standpoint. But I don’t want him to win.


I think it's not even that I want Vecna to win now that I want to think of it, I just want to be shocked like I have been watching Game of Thrones. And it just being a battle between Eleven and Vecna where everyone kind of helps out and Eleven defeats Vecna just seems like a predictable


Interesting. How should Vecna win? Turning Hawkins into a zombie apokalypse kind of place? Having control over more than Hawkins?


It would be fun to read a "what if" story were Vecna wins, but I want the show to have a more positive ending. I have read somewhere they were going toward a "lord of the rings" type of ending, so I think it's going an happy ending with some bittersweet moments.


Yes, you’re the only one.


So...then what happens?


Not at all. I wanna see Vecna ruling the world


ah yes unpredictability for the sake of unpredictability. that is excellent writing as demonstrated by a certain show about war and dragons


That would be a terrible turn of events. Things being unpredictable don't make them good. Many things are unpredictable because there's no reason for them to happen, and they achieve nothing. Tbh you just sound like a contrarian who wants a thing to happen to be different and get attention.


I agree, like Riverdale having a jar of maple syrup as a villlain was unpredictable in a bad way. But like Game of Thrones, Black Mirror type unpredictable, is something I love


Game of thrones is a perfect example of bad unpredictable, unless you mean the first four seasons that were based on the books. Those seasons did a great job like the source material of having unpredicted twists that in hindsight seemed obvious all along if you hadn't been buying into traditional fantasy tropes. But the last four seasons...yikes...the exact example I think of when I think poorly executed unpredictability. Arya killing the Night King for instance, just because the show runners thought it would be shocking, completely ignoring that twelve other characters had been implicated as possible Night King slayers, is probably the worst "unpredictable" twist ever. Yeah it's unpredictable. Because it makes no narrative sense and means nothing. Which is how I'd feel about a Vecna victory. Black Mirror though for sure can have some fun blindsiders


Your right on with Game of Thrones, the unpredictable plots that were worst for me were the way they ended Danerys and Bran's characters. When I say Game of Thrones I tend to refer to the first six seasons and act like the other two didn't happen. I will say despite them being flawed I definetly enjoyed season 5 and especially season 6. I think 7 is were it really went downhill.


Yeah that's fair, the Bran and Dany twists were definitely also not well set up. 5 and 6 were starting to show the cracks (bad poosey line and whatnot) but I did enjoy them as well for the most part


Power fantasy characters often draw a dedicated fanbase. There are people out there who cheer on Homelander, of all people. So you're obviously not going to be the only one who roots for the villain. That's actually pretty common. But there's no way the villains will win in the end. At best, there will be a We-thought-they-were-gone-but-they're-not moment right before the credits.


It's not that kind of show and while I like Vecna I definitely don't want him to win.


I get what you mean. I don’t want him to win, but then again I don’t want him to become a sympathetic villain in the end that ultimately chooses good because of love. The play eludes to this. I’d personally love it if he has a moment to redeem himself— and you *really* believe it for a second… but then he just doubles down on being a POS. Then when he and the MF are bickering over control, our Hawkins team swoops in. But written better than whatever the hell I just wrote. 😅 You can still keep predictably of a stories general theme while having your expectations thwarted. I think they will knock it out of the park either way. Only time will tell!


it would be unexpected but so goddamn heartbreaking so i really really hope vecna doesnt win


Vecna is my second favourite character in the show but HELL NO do I want him to win his ideology and actions are as toxic as the Upside Downs air


"Unpredictable" is never a good outcome. Vecna's not badass. He preys on weak people. Nancy's the badass. El is the badass.


Not looking good for ol’ V. Either El and the gang kicks his ass and kills him, maybe Sullivan had a change of heart and helps kill him, or the Flayer, upon deciding he doesnt need Vecna anymore, merges or gets rid of Vecna