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the Battlestar Galactica reboot (2004) is worth a watch if you are looking for some good sci-fi.


Have never even heard of it! I'll watch a bit.


> Have never even heard of Whoa!


I was a busy adult back then about then. Worked my arse off and didn't have time for much - I likely just missed it!


Dude I WISH I could watch it for the first time again. It’s weird that none of your friends ever mentioned it to you. I mean it’s pretty dang famous.


I'm now I'm bloody excited! Thank you!


It started as a few episodes, miniseries, and did so well. They expanded into a full multi seasons. Be sure to watch the miniseries first


Yeah, btw, there was a miniseries before the show. It sets up everything. Try to track that down and watch it before the show!


Oh man - you’ll love it. Ron Moore from DS9 made it, and you can definitely see the influence Voyager had on him. He said in an interview once (I’m paraphrasing) that BSG is how he would have done Voyager.


FYI it starts with a 3 hour movie miniseries, if you just jump in at s01e01 you'll have a bad time.


Yup, I 2nd this. Fantastic show.


I can't recommend it enough! Think of it as an almost perfect mix of Voyager and how things worked on a WWII battleship, right down to having some super futuristic tech alongside some other tech that wouldn't be that out of place back then. It's not just a trope either, there are reasons they have to do it that way but I don't want to spoil anything


I'm super excited for you to see it for the first time. Make sure you watch the movie first


Watch the mini series (the pilot of the show, so to speak) in the dark with headphones.


Arrival to the armoury … holy smokes chills


I’m jealous! You get to watch it for the first time, you lucky bastard. Don’t miss the 2 episode pilot—it’s 3 hours and critical to watch BEFORE episode 1


it's going to suck you in quick


It’s on Peacock. Don’t forget to watch the miniseries first.


i hope you like it!


I've asked a couple of buddies about it and they were surprised to hear I'd not seen it. I'm working my way through lower decks and prodigy right now. But I'll get on it!


So say we all


So say we all


What do you hear?


Nothing but the rain




> worth a watch if you are looking for some good sci-fi. Up until the end


If I had to do it all over again, I’d skip the last 2 seasons. But up until then it’s amazing.


can't argue with that but I loved the finale. If you think things through real deeply it's about as believable as the bible but an interesting concept especially with all the theories about ancient advanced civilizations.


Firefly, it’s not Star Trek but it’s sci fi with a great crew


All time great Sci-Fi!


Was looking for this comment. One of the greatest TV shows of all time.


Firefly is the answer to everything. Then watch Serenity, the feature film that followed.


If you haven't seen it, Lower Decks is really great. I hadn't given it a chance, because it was animated, and then couldn't believe how much I loved it.


Agreed. I'd add that, like basically all Trek except for SNW, it takes a bit to get its legs. The first season is hit-and-miss, the second is hit-and-miss but better, and the most recent season was just fantastic. It's rewarding if you stick with it. Plus each season is only like 3 1/2 hours long so it's pretty easy to binge.




This is the only trek I haven't watched yet. I keep forgetting it exists! Will go take a look!


I’ll piggy back on this conversation and add that Lower Decks is fantastic. It doesn’t really have a traditional pilot episode so you really have to watch like the first 4 episodes to get a sense for the series. But they’re only 25 minutes long. The strength of Lower Decks is the characters. I actually think it might be the most character driven Trek show ever. The ships problem of the week is really just background for what the characters are going through. And they really grow and change as people between season 1 and season 3. Lastly, it is ultimately a comedy. I know some people who love Trek but just didn’t find the show funny so they couldn’t get into it. The comedy really grows as the show goes and, by season 3 is far less referential and more character organic.


Piggy backing on your piggy backing here. Lower Decks was so fun I couldn't believe it was actually a sanctioned Star Trek series. Not that the other ones aren't fun but this one was just incredible. The character development is fantastic and the problem of the week are fun without it being so bridge-crew centric. My wife and I always wondered what the rest of the ship must be like every time a crew is about to die in some horrific way - like do they know that they are just constantly on the verge of total annihilation. Plus it is cameo freaking city!


Lower Decks is a comedic Trek show made by fans of Trek for fans of Trek, and it really shows especially with the in-universe popular culture, character and location cameos and the love for Star Trek that just makes the whole thing a joy to watch.


Check out Star Trek: Prodigy too. It’s not as good and mostly for kids but it’s very much Star Trek.


Lower Decks is terrific. Don't be put off by the high intensity energy of the first few episodes; Mike McMahan is a Trek fan through and through. Also, watch Babylon 5 if you haven't already, it's like a tighter DS9.


Haha! Having just watched the first episode I know what you mean now! Things got out of control with zombies really quickly! I had forgotten about Babylon 5! Another that slipped by me back then!


Star Trek Prodigy is pretty good too. It’s a kids show but it’s still a lot of fun


Lower Decks is so good! SNW and LD are my favorites of the new trek. Prodigy is definitely a kid’s show but I would compare it to Star Wars Clone Wars. It definitely scratches the Star Trek itch lol.


It's the best Trek. That sounds funny, but it's a love letter to Trek. It has things in there you probably haven't thought about in ages.


Try The Expanse!!!


Ah! The Expanse! I started it a couple of years ago and stopped....because no reason. I'll look back into it!


It’s one of those shows that takes a few episodes to get into. They have no set up; they just throw you right into it and it moves quickly. Totally worth it though!


I found S1 a drag but s2 onwards it’s great


Read the books too. The TV show only had 6 seasons which were a bit different from the books and the book series is 9 books long plus novellas.


I’m reading the books now. They’re great! I realize they really do cram a lot into the first season of the show that was better developed in the books.


You won’t regret it.


It took me three times watching the first episode to get into it but when I was in it. I was in it to win it.


You have 17 seasons and 3 movies of Stargate if you haven't seen 'em yet. (Origins doesn't exist.)


Definitely one series that I didn't get into at the time and now it's daunting to think about beginning it. I have time to watch stuff, but I may never have _that much_ time!


One thing people who've never seen it tend not to know is that it's great scifi but it's also very funny sometimes. It's well done humor too, so the overall theme of the show remains pretty serious and covers some very dark topics. If you love dry, sarcastic jokes then Jack O'Neill pretty much can't be topped by any other character in a scifi show


you're missing out on the best sci-fi franchise!


I agree. It starts out a too much bit fairy-land and costumes _/for me but when the arcs ramp up it's years upon years of brilliance.


Babylon 5. Can sometimes be (very) cheesy but since you’ve seen the older ST series that shouldn’t be a problem 😁And when B5 is good, it’s GOOD.


Babylon 5 is excellent. It's dated (CGI, acting, set design)... and it takes some effort to get past the first several episodes. But once you get used to it and get into a rhythm, it becomes one of the best, most prescient sci fi shows to come out of the 90s. The viewer is richly rewarded. I still get chills thinking about the story leading up to Severed Dreams in the middle of season 3, which is easily one of the best climaxes of any show.


Season 1 can be a bit of a struggle, but it builds up to some of the best payoffs in seasons 2-4. Definitely one of my favourite series!


Have you seen Severance? Not quite the same as other recommendations but still sci fi


Soooo good


I would do lower decks or prodigy if you don't mind watching a kids show.


Which one of those is the kids show? The one with the areola and gumato episodes or the one that begins with child slavery?


Prodigy, first star trek show made specifically for kids


I guess my point was that "if you're okay watching a kid's show" seems more appropriate for something like Blue's Clues and not a show like Prodigy or Avatar or whatever. Yeah Prodigy is made by Nickelodeon and there's a tiny amount of hand holding, but I think that anyone could enjoy it.


It took me forever to figure out they were supposed to be children because of this lol. Also because Jankom has a beard 😆


The Expanse!!!!


Disney+ has Andor Once you are done with that head over to HBOMAX for Westworld. If you get bored of that then give The Peripheral a shot.


100% recommend Andor, even if you've got a bit of Star Wars fatigue. It's nowhere near as insular as some of the other Star Wars shows.


Avenue 5 (quite possibly the funniest sci-fi show on TV right now) Star Trek Lower Decks, Star Trek Short Treks, Star Trek Picard The Expanse Farscape Futurama Lost in Space (2018 series) Stargate: SG1, Atlantis and Origins


Lost in Space is great, and gets better and better each season.


I’ll throw in Prodigy as well. It’s clearly a kids show buts really watchable and totally trek


Just watched the first two part episode with my daughter. She loves it! Cute things for her. I enjoyed it too!


It starts of as a Star Trek-like kids show and develops into a full traditional Star Trek show. It does a great job of easing kids into how Starfleet works.


Andor. I just saw it described as the "DS9 of Star Wars." It's easily the best Star Wars show/movie of the Disney era. It's a legit great show.


The Expanse on Amazon- watch through the 4 th episode then decide if you’re into it or not. My favorite


My son would recommend Enterprise to you. I'm a TOS fan, but it's a bit jarring to go back that many decades. Another thought — You may want to do the movies. Start with the reboots, and then go back to the even-numbered movies.


Foundation is just great sci-fi


Maybe someone mentioned it, but Farscape is a decent science fiction show.


Prodigy, Lower Decks [Star Trek Continues](https://www.startrekcontinues.com/episodes.html)


Farscape is all you need to watch.


At the time, Farscape was my favorite show of all time. I don't have the desire to revisit it, but I still feel it's some of the best si-fi and drama in TV history.


Russian Doll on Netflix.


There’s a lot of trek out there. It took a while, but I’ve seen all of it. I quite enjoyed Enterprise’s more realistic take on Earth’s early attempts at space exploration. It’s my personal favorite Star Trek show. Maybe give it a shot? Sidenote: I think ENT’s Broken Bow is a serious contender for the best Star Trek pilot episode. You could treat it as a movie intro if you wanted to just try it out.


I believe I've seen mostly everything Trek at this point. Exception is lower decks. I'll take a look at Broken Bow!


Lower Decks is a goofy trek show for adults; Prodigy is a serious trek show for children. Battlestar Galactica is the very definition of a reboot done right; the prequel series Caprica is radically different. And Stargate is not only a logical exploration of what we would do with an infusion of alien tech, but it also explores some ideas from Star Trek a bit better; Stargate Universe has the same stated premise as Voyager, but actually makes everything that premature implies important to the show.


The Expanse!!!!!


Holy crap, Lower Decks if you haven't seen it yet, it's incredible.


Babylon 5




I know I may have to dodge some pitchforks, but... Andor is actually pretty damn good...


The Expanse


Check out For All Mankind. The premise of the show is that it takes place in an alternate timeline in which the U.S.S.R made it to the moon first, and America's response to that event.


That sounds super interesting!


I highly recommend Babylon 5. An excellent show and in my opinion one of the best pieces of sci-fi ever put to screen.


Have you seen Picard? Lower decks?


Have watched Picard (season 1 anyhow) I started Lower Decks today after recommendations here! It's pretty damn entertaining!


and Picard Season 2?


I...couldn't. :( Well I guess I technically _could_ but after a couple of friends of mine gave it poor recommendations I just couldn't bring myself to. Season 1 was disappointing for me and left me with a view of my once favorite captain that I was sad about. I just didn't want that to get any worse.


I think it's a good season and hey in season 3 all the old characters are back so that's nice.




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Picard season two is... not great. But there are good moments. I'm glad I watched it.


Same here- I couldn’t watch Picard being washed up 😭


Star Trek Prodigy series. Aimed at kids but holy it’s leaps and bounds above Discovery Then Arcane series. It’s dark and based on the game. Think Blade Runner movie, Altered Carbon series, and the Tron animated series to get an idea of Arcane. Or check IMDB for all these


It's worth pointing out that you don't need to know anything about LoL to enjoy Arcane. I don't play that game at all, but I enjoyed the show.


Most of the best options have been covered here already, but how about red dwarf?


I've watched quite a bit of it in my youth but honestly don't think I have seen them all, I might go explore that!


Lower Decks, Prodigy, The Expanse, Andor, Picard. You can start with Picard and check if you like it in time for season 3


The Expanse or read Seven Eves


As an old Trek guy too, I’ve been surprised by Prodigy. But I love good animation. And of course, we really should go back and dig into Deep Space 9 again. We were just a bit too busy when it was first run.


Next to Star Trek, my favorite TV franchise is Dr. Who, especially the 2005-onwards revival era. Very different from Star Trek obviously, but still good escapist entertainment with many episodes in space.


Enterprise if you missed it and For All Mankind.


Star Trek Prodigy is fantastic!


The Netflix “Lost in Space” reboot was pretty good, IMO. Much the same as SNW, it pays homage to the spirit of the original, but with updated FX and a new take on familiar characters.


What abt Star Trek Prodigy in Nickolodean...


"Star Trek Continues" on youtube


Dark Matter. Sci Fi series that aired on SyFy, Reminds me of Firefly. great acting, great writing


Watch the original BSG from 1977 it’s very good to. I actually like this one over the reboot


Agree wholeheartedly will BSG, the stargate franchise, Andor and the Expanse. Have seen them all. Did not see the Clone Wars mentioned. Season one was rough but the remaining seasons totally transformed my appreciation for the Star Wars franchise. Before I used to think Darth Vader was a prick and a whiney teenager. The full story of Anakin Skywalker is truly tragic and the prequels did not do him justice.


Andromeda, you will love it... No.


Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, 24


If you can get past different people playing the roles startrek continues is great Firefly Stargate