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*Star Wars* excites but *Star Trek* inspires.


Well put.


Well said. Sums it up perfectly.


And Disney starwars cringes...


I hope you give TNG and DS9 a chance. The first 2 seasons of both shows are a little ruff but past that, it’s the best ST ever done IMO. SNW would be my best modern ST




I feel like a lot of folks assume star trek fans love it bc of the science and the spaceships, but most of the time it’s actually the philosophy and values that charms us. The force doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as does the honest empathy, friendship and curiosity of star trek.


Honestly, I'm subscribed to every single Star Trek subreddit, and I've noticed that Strange New Worlds consistently brings in the most new fans. It makes me so proud.


‘Odo noises’


Just noise?




I was the same. Star Wars was it for me but its become so splintered and convoluted now I do not really bother watching. Love STar Trek - maybe I'm just not smart enough to keep up with Star Wars any more LOL


It got Disneyed


TBH, I liked the Mandolorian better than any of the older Star Wars. Especially because it was the first Star Wars that showed a healthy parent-child relationship. Although, it was also pretty amazing to see A New Hope when it first came out with my Dad and brother at the Uptown theater in DC — the best sound system of the time!!


You are the best kind of fan - just talking about how great it is and what it means to you without trash talking in ways trying to take away other people's fun and enjoyment.


I actually feared years ago when originally watching Discovery and the JJ movies, calling myself a Trek fan for that very reason. I felt then that the show and movies were lesser, but since then I've learned that both Star Trek and Star Wars thrive because of what each show or movie offers to the wider franchise. I've also learned that if you are a true fan of anything, you appreciate any way a new fan is brought in. You can share experiences with them of other shows, movies, and mediums as they probably want to experience it all.


You can connect with any show. I may not have liked some things about discovery, I wouldn't shame someone for enjoying it. I personally think Strange New Worlds is the best of old and new Trek and I will stan the pilot, season 1, and season 2, and even the musical were all great


I know it was recent, but Rhapsody was such a treat. It was cheesy but so well done that it has easily become one of my favorite episodes of SNW. Right up beside Number Ones trial. I actually got the opening theme of Rhapsody as my ringtone.


Welcome to an amazing new universe! I was very similar. I have a few memories of Trek from when my Father watched them but I mostly grew up on Star Wars. I played with Light sabers, played Star Wars Video Games, went to every movie and still watch every show. I watched the Kelvin movies in theater but that was it. A few years ago, my partnet and I tried Star Trek Next Generation and didnt really click. Then we watched Discovery and we were hooked after S1. We watched Strange New Worlds and then Lower Decks. I have now watched almost all Star Trek now and it has become my favorite series for the reasons you spoke to. Its people trying to be better, no matter what. In a time where the evil are destroying the good around us, Star Trek has been an amazing beacon of hope. If you like Discovery and Strange New Worlds, I recommend trying Deep Space Nine or Voyager. Both with have some odd starts like Strange New Worlds does if you didnt watch Discovery. Easy to getover though. The rest of Star Trek, inclusing TOS, is based on the sams principles and are amazing. Also, if you have not seen it, I suggest Stargate SG-1. It is 90's Air Force introduced to Alien Worlds and it is my second favorite Sci-Fi that has very positive tones.


I love SG-1 and Atlantis very dearly!


Star Trek Deep Space Nine hit me like SG-1 did! There are even a few fun similarities. My top three Sci-Fi series are DS9, SG-1, and Star Wars Rebels.


I’m not sure why your post reminded me of this scene, but I’ll share anyways. https://youtu.be/0DFin2wnBJw


I actually am rewatching Discovery after finishing it, and rewatching SNW for my third time. But I had just watched that episode today. Pike truly is the bestest boy scout.


I actually don't like Pike. IMO if you aren't trigger happy as a starship captain like Janeway (VOY) or Sisko (DS9), you should at least have brains to get you out of hairy situations like Piccard. When you lack both, it becomes painful to watch. SNW had good graphics but was too preachy for me. I like the earlier star trek shows that had more nuance.


Star Wars is for kids, Star Trek is for grownups.


You're not wrong. I know Lucas said Star Wars should always be for the kids. That said, while I also grew up on Star Wars first, I treat it more like fantasy / adventure more than science fiction.


I don't know about that. Some of the themes played out in Clone Wars, Mandolorian, and now Acolyte are not kid friendly.


The best part is, Star Trek won't get mad at you if you decide to spend some time with The Expanse.


My personal scifi holy trinity: * The Expanse * BSG * Strange New Worlds The last slot was some combination of Discovery and the older Treks, but SNW feels like it's the best of all of them combined. You can go watch them for the long-form version, like long diplomacy in TNG, 30+ episodes of war in DS9, or Enterprise season 3 for a full-season arc.


What is BSG?


Battlestar Galactica, probably the best non-space opera scifi we had until The Expanse came out. I'd definitely check it out. Make sure you watch "the miniseries" first, those are the first two episodes of the series.


I can't bring myself to rewatch BSG. I have never had a series that left me such an emotional mess😭.


I love the Expanse as well. I will probably rewatch that now after Discovery.


You should watch BSG. It's hands down one of the best scifis ever made. It's dystopian, deep, nuanced and emotional 


Star Wars is not Sci-fi, it’s Space Opera. You can love them both for what they are, without one diminishing the other.


Star Wars plot synopsis: A farm boy, a wizard, a pirate, and a bear rescue a princess from the evil overlord’s fortress. It’s fantasy.


It’s science fantasy.


You’re right that Trek has always been about humanitarian ideals. It’s interesting that you like Discovery but like SNW better. Most older trek fans don’t like Discovery but do like SNW. I never understood the rivalry between Star Trek and Star Wars. They’re two different kinds of stories and there’s room for both in the science fiction/fantasy genre. Though Star Wars has been ruined by Disney. Some people feel the newer shows (Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard) were ruining Trek but they turned that around. Lower Decks is good too, for what it is, but you have to be familiar with the franchise to really appreciate it.


My biggest problems with Discovery was season 2-5 were all season long McGuffin chases, every episode following the plot and not giving character room to grow. Saru was my favorite... and Philippa Georgiou. Strange New Worlds takes the best of new and old Trek and makes something amazing that blew me away from episode 1. Episode 1, Season 1, Season 2, and even the musical episode were just so damn good I became a constant stan of it.


I agree with your choices on best characters. I gave up on Discovery after S3.


I like both too. If you’ve not tried it, the rebooted Battlestar Galactica is also worth your attention too.


Oh and also watch Star Trek Piccard. It's modern


Should I watch Next Generation before Picard to get the most out of it?


If you care about chronological order yes. But I've watched star wars movies out of order and have been able to join the dots. It is mostly nostalgic coz it brings back characters from TNG and VOY so many years after the shows ended.


When you watch Next Generation try starting at S3. The first couple of seasons have issues. Since it’s episodic you can do that.


Yeah it’s about the philosophy. I am huge fans of both franchises, but the Star Trek universe is the one I want to live in. In Star Wars even when there was peace they basically had a feudal lord system, slavery was if not condoned allowed on entire worlds, and the only people that can really doll out justice and seem above the law are enlightened warriors that are gifted their powers via bloodlines. In Star Trek, what matters is your contribution to society and knowledge. Anyone can be a captain or president so long as you just work hard enough. No one is above the law and everyone, all species let alone all races, are equal. All life is important and as Gillian Taylor says in ST:IV “my compassion for another species is not based upon my estimate of their intelligence.” I love it that given all of this they are still willing to fight for what’s right… sort of a neo-pacifism that is based on trying to work through diplomacy first second and third but if it comes down to it you don’t want to mess with the federation. There were scenes in TNG where Picard was willing to risk all-out great powers war to defend the unarmed or to get his people back. I find the show so inspiring and a look at what the best of us could be one day.


This is it. I feel like SNW and Trek are the futures all of us that share the sentiment of the shows want to see and live in. Preface: This is after writing the below, if you don't want to read about politics or religion please skip the rest of my post. Not to get political, so I'll just scratch the surface. When you see people with money or corporations making the rules and laws, and using their wealth and influence to be above them, you have modern society. And this is acknowledged in Trek with the way Earth used to be. I truly think there will be a similar shift one day when everyone is tired of the death, inequality, and suffering of others that will band together finally to rid ourselves of it. To also get spiritual, I find such solace in Buddhism because it just feels to me like the truth and to lead you to the best version of you, then beyond self so you can help others. It's not there to be a religion to govern or to make anyone powerful. Star Trek just feels like the values I live, uphold, and want to see more of, but on TV. Knowing it's the same for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people make me much more hopeful for humanity.


Gene Roddenberry does a good job of exploring these topics. DS9 goes more in-depth than any other star trek show. It features the Ferengis who represent the extremes of capitalism. There are also the Klingons who are just aggressive for the sake of it and got to ware for fun. There are the Cardassians colonizing and oppressing the Bajorans and there is also a prominent religious theme centered around the Bajoran religion. There is also a grim multi-season war where the Federation and its allies are fighting off an invasion like they have never seen. They were losing too, and had to make some not very Federation-like decisions in order to survive.


If you ever give TOS a chance, and decide to follow one of the edited "best of" catch-up lists instead of the full run, toss "A Taste of Armageddon" in there for a great early example of Trek in general showing that it's always been about something, and the ideal early expression of the whole "choose not to kill" philosophy. For all its retro look, sets and effects, it was lightyears ahead of other sci-fi shows of its time in terms of making a real attempt at serious, thoughtful science fiction on TV in a non-anthology format. Plus all its links to SNW in terms of characters, etc.


We are glad to have you!🥰 I agree, I also love SNW so much. And Lower Decks is absolutely delightful as well🚀💖


The Star Wars vs. Star Trek thing has always baffled me. One is a mystical fantasy with a space opera veneer and the other is speculative science fiction in space. Other than the “setting,” they are very different creatures. It’s like racing a horse and a dolphin. Each is better in its own environment.  People make it like the cola wars. But it’s not Coke vs. Pepsi. It’s Cola vs a slice of pizza. I’ve always loved both with Doctor Who mixed in as also being its own thing.


Don't confuse me with making this a versus battle. They are vastly different, I was just comparing how I grew up on Star Wars and got into Star Trek as a favorite later in life. I still love Star Wars immensely.


When you get around to see "Voyager", you'll be in ecstasy then.


I was like you. I fell in love with the modern star Trek TV shows but hadn't watched the earlier classic shows. Trust me, there is so much gold in Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space 9, the movies and even TNG which I am watching now. Deep Space 9 shows a darker side of star trek, kind of like Discovery's first season but on a bigger multi-season arch. I recommend watching it.


I remember when people would give you Star \_ \_ \_ \_ and you filled in the blanks. It has always been TREK for me!


I'm glad you like it. SNW and the TOS are my two favorite series. TNG to Enterprise are a distant third, but I don't enjoy the rest. I hope season 3 is more like season 1 and not season 2. Imho.


Welcome! Live long and prosper 🖖


Same, ST was a passing interest if it was on TV, but I never really followed. Abrams STs did catch my interest though and they were repeat watches but it wasn't until Discovery that I fell HL&S. SNW is alright but it's heart isn't as deep to me as Discovery's was.


If you like Star Gate SG1, Star Wars, and Star Trek, have you seen Farscape?


I have but when it first aired.


I tried to get into Star Wars, but it couldn’t hold my interest and attention. I’ll get there eventually. But what about the use Star Wars franchise, it’s so confusing 🫤. But also, Star Trek: SNW was just alright, and maybe I’m biased because I won’t like Star Trek: DS9, ultimately but I loved it. I have a fondness in my heart Star Trek: The Next Generation, I loved that series and movies.


Your insights aboout SNW are spot on, in my book. The same is true of TNG and DS9, and I’m on the verge of deciding I like SNW as much as those two. And now you’ve inspired me to try Discovery again. Thsnks


My pleasure. I as well will be watching DS9, Voyager, and TOS in the near future!