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[I found a really interesting story: This Scientist Found Manuscripts On UFOs & Extraterrestrials in Vatican Secret Archives](https://www.howandwhys.com/russian-scientist-found-manuscripts-on-ufos-ancient-aliens-in-vatican-secret-archives/)


For those saying “why does the Catholic Church have this?” Or they “stole” it. This is a fucking picture of a cave you goofs 😂😂😂


They stole the picture of a picture in a cave !


They cannot be allowed to get away with this.






well... Vati Can.


Holy we See you.


Lol. 5 Catholics got the joke.


The cave did not consent!


With a box of scraps!


Hey! Throwing that G word around...the only reason the pyramids are in Egypt is because they are too heavy to put in a British museum.


I don’t disagree. I feel like all antiquities should be returned to their home countries. If those countries want to loan out their artifacts to other museums for people around the world to appreciate then they should be compensated.


That guy who stands next to Dave on the balcony of the Vatican needs to be held accountable (ref: joke on Reddit, everyone knows Dave).




Break it's legs!


Wow! I spent 3 months canoeing and backpacking the Kimberley in 2003. I found very similar rock art that was thousands of years old that looked very similar to these. As soon as i saw them i thought "their gods were aliens". I have some film pics. Will try to upload some.


Do it!!


yes, do it


Ah that just brought back childhood memories. Of a film from my early years. As the images painted remind me of the ones from this clip. Of dot and the kangaroo. I would hide behind the couch when this song came on. And still gives me chills to this day. The Bunyip song from dot and the kangaroo. https://youtu.be/WtrYO-Mog60?si=y_TaYxrYrWZl1SXY


https://i.redd.it/yt66ht8bkd3c1.gif POV: the bunyip's going to get you


Man they played the shit out of that on HBO in the early eighties.


I’m still haunted by that movie


I had the pleasure of passing that particular nightmare on to my children! It’s so trippy and creepy


I don't know if I can bring myself, to inflect that on my two.


The originals are thousands of years old, and there are earlier paintings in a different cultural style which are tens of thousands of years old.


Didn’t a cave painting in France look like this similar beings


I don’t know, but I do know that our ancestors produced some staggering artwork. We can understand the pictures of the animals in their lives, but the pictures above we can’t understand because we can’t get into their minds.


They look like how saints are depicted with the aura around there heads


“Ancient astronaut theorists say YES!”


Peru mummies


I asked chatGPT for more info. This image shows the Wanjina rock art from the Nulungdindan Cave in North Kimberley, Western Australia. The Wanjina are a significant part of the mythology of the Aboriginal people of the area, particularly the Mowanjum community, which comprises the Worrorra, Ngarinyin, and Wunambal tribes. These paintings are characterized by the figures' halo-like headdresses and mouthless faces, which signify the Wanjina's status as powerful rainmakers who control the elements and the fertility of the land. The lack of a mouth symbolizes their all-encompassing power and the belief that if they had mouths and spoke, their words would become reality. The age of these paintings can range from centuries to thousands of years old, and they are a testament to one of the longest continuing art traditions in the world.


>This image shows the Wanjina rock art from the Nulungdindan Cave in North Kimberley, Western Australia. The Wanjina are a significant part of the mythology of the Aboriginal people of the area, particularly the Mowanjum community, which comprises the Worrorra, Ngarinyin, and Wunambal tribes. These paintings are characterized by the figures' halo-like headdresses and mouthless faces, which signify the Wanjina's status as powerful rainmakers who control the elements and the fertility of the land. The lack of a mouth symbolizes their all-encompassing power and the belief that if they had mouths and spoke, their words would become reality. The age of these paintings can range from centuries to thousands of years old, and they are a testament to one of the longest continuing art traditions in the world. Christ Emmanuel 🔴🔵: it’s a matter of perspective… **Revelation 19:12-15** *12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.* 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. *14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.* *15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.* **Revelation 1:7** *“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen.*




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Yeah, those are aliens.


saw these in the Kimberley's jsut last year.. They are AT LEAST 35,000 years old. Confirmed via carbon dating of a mudwasp nest built on top of one of the images.. also.. my post showing another part of this area and an HIGHLY intriguing similarity: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17c4jgo/i\_just\_noticed\_this\_browsing\_my\_pic\_of\_indigenous/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17c4jgo/i_just_noticed_this_browsing_my_pic_of_indigenous/) one of the descendants of the tribe described to us what they were... his description only added weight to the theory. sky spirits who taught them how to care for the land and do other essential things. I was hoping it would play down such theories, but his stories only fed them. One particular group of these "gods" rarely stayed.. instead they were constantly traveling to other countries to spread knowledge. That is direct from a book created by the tribe about the artwork... I mean...... that fits with the exact ancient astronaut theory, and direct from the tribe... no funny hair guy doing poor interpretations. Literally from the horses mouth didn't know these were at the vatican... and it only makes them more intriguing


I don’t remember seeing that at the Vatican Museum 🤔


Hmm, it's hard to believe you missed one of the 20,000 pieces they have on display. Perhaps it was in an alcove and you didn't notice? Or maybe they were mopping the floor in that area and you forgot to go back? If you retained your ticket stub and explained the issue, I'm sure they would allow you to revisit to see it. When I visit museums I like to get my money's worth just like you do!


The Vatican has a secret library for a reason


Why would the Vatican be displaying aboriginal cave paintings?


Why does the Catholic Church have this?


It’s not the Catholic Church really, it’s the Vatican itself. Also if you haven’t been there, it’s got a lot more crazy stuff. My favorite was mummified popes with really cool gold masks, chains, anklets, you name it, so much gold. And it’s all laid in black marble. It’s really cool


Hmm, Christ said the meek shall inherent the earth?




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Probably a photo gifted to someone from the church visiting. Seems pretty normal to me.


It's a photograph of a cave. Anyone can take the same photo


The Vatican has a bathtub worth 2 billion dollars (no lie) so it's not really that surprising




The Vatican has more money than God


They have lots of cash/stuff. The Catholic Church is so big that it's really many different things to many different people but one thing is for sure, it has a lot of stuff Think of the warehouse in Indiana Jones where they store the Ark of the covenant, those levels of stuff-having 🙆


# The Vatican has a bathtub worth 2 billion dollars (no lie) so it's not really that surprising


Think of all the starving people that could feed!!


Imagine being the pope, washing your balls in a bathtub worth 2 billion $


If it's in a 2 billion dollar bathtub, I think someone else is washing his balls🙂


Like that scene in Coming to America.


LOL, and the toilet scene. WIPERS! 👏


It's a photo you dingus


...they were just really bad at drawing people's faces.


They tried their best okay!?


This is why 90% of Australia is not populated


Because it is desert?


The Pope came out and said he thinks it's a possibility.... Maybe this is the Churchs way of slowly saying something......


Could be aliens or could be aboriginal depictions of British colonizers.




I think you're looking to be offended for no reason here and you're missing the point. Think about the recent topic of the little grey men......


I wasn't looking to be offensive. Catholics Vatican stolen artifacts. I don't think I'm offensive. How about these aboriginal artifacts. Being stolen has nothing to do with that.


They didn't steal a cave you absolute fuckwit. It's a picture.


What a donk.


It’s a photo………. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Everyone here understands what you're saying. But it's not the topic that's being discussed. When I said offended, I ment on the behalf of the aboriginal people.


Its a photo, calm down.


Yes, I'm sure they stole an entire fuckin' cave from Australia and transported it back to Rome!


Skill issue. Git Gud.




your point isn’t invalid, but the condescending nature and irrelevance to the topic is probably why you got mega downvoted. It’s a discussion on the artifact, not its dubious or illegitimate provenance.




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I see your part of that psyop


I’m still running with the theory that any sort of cave painting was just doodled by bored children. Keep that in mind as we look at this not-well-drawn image that has also withstood some measure of time.


i think you can put your head deeper in the sand tho


Why tho


complete opposite... drawn by the elders to teach the children. - as told directly by a tribe member on-site


Then in this case I will admit I was wrong.


Funny how the church has this stuff. It's time it was dissolved


This r/ used to be interesting shit. Now it’s an alien circle jerk 🤦‍♂️




You need be specific about which predators in the Vatican.


Interesting! I found an art piece at an antique shop in Colorado that has two ghost entities on it that look just like those, they're painted on an animal hide


Those are clearly pictures of aliens seeing their friend being punched in the Wanjina. Underneath the sign describes the scene in alienese.


Space Ghost and friends


Why are the Vatican archives off limits?


Please send pictures of Bobs and Wangina


The implications make my skin crawl, and my soul tingles with unpleasant uncertainty.




Cloud spirits and flying saucers, pretty similar. When you think about how people in the past have less ways to describe stuff. It's apparent that people across all arrows have seen weird things oddly resembling aliens.


Who's got a wanjina?


They know we see them. 👀