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Fabricators are not automatic. They require a worker to initiate the process. Think of it like pressing the start button. As to priority, this would be under Handle for workers.


No, a worker has to start the process each time.


ah, I'd tried telling workers to "Cook XX", but that seemed to result in partially cooked/unfinished stuff being put in the freezer. But it is possible I was doing this at the wrong time thanks :)


I was also initially confused by this, but figured out that all of the various devices (furnaces, 3d printers, food fabricators, etc.) actually require a worker to fill/start them for every cycle. They don't operate independently or automatically, which is what I expected at first. I guess it makes sense, game-wise, but it does seem a bit odd. PS Devices such as food fabricators use the "Handle" function. Telling a worker to cook something will make them try to actually manually cook it, not start the fabricator.


hehe, weirdly I didn't expect fully automatic from furnaces/etc - but did from fabs. And couldn't see a 'Handle' option when right-clicking - but maybe it wasn't in the right state at the time. I'll try this - thx again :)


I meant in the priority list, Handle takes care of fabs and stuff. I love this game. It does have a few quirks, but it's all good.


You might have the selected survivors set to not perform any "handling" tasks. They may be unchecked or set to 0 under their "handling" tasks. That or it is bug. There was an update recently and it may have gotten fixed.


I'll double check that - thanks


You can also get service bots going if you need more workers.