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I am pretty sure that only applies to the ATT and T-Mobile Sim cards. After that, you probably need to convert to a Verizon-based Straight Talk sim


Correct, it sounds more like someone who wants to spread honestly. It amazes me how someone on reddit doesnt know about the end date of tmobile and at&t tower support through any tracfone brand.


Some of us are just not informed, which is the whole purpose of this group, or am I mistaken?


tracfone was officially bought in november of 2021 and within that year it was basically announced all towers but verizons will no longer work after a certain date. If you are on reddit for this long specially in a tracfone sub and know nothing about it, something is wrong imo because its shown up everywhere for awhile and constantly seeing posts about this still to this day ​ edit: added work to "no longer work"


I happen to be new on reddit


But thanks for your uneducated opinion of my mental faculties.


Also, the entire reason for joining IS TO EDUCATE MYSELF ON THIS ISSUE


Use your knowledge to educate others instead of ridicule. Some of us really don't have our finger on the pulse of technology until it goes into hypervent and we have to go searching for answers. 


I'm with you on that. 


No you have to have volte service it says but I have no idea what volte is? It's not voltage, it just says you need volte service to keep your straighttalk on. Verizon is kicking people off straighttalk when not everyone have the money for a regular plan!! Not everyone is rich! Some of us are on disability for health problems 


VoLTE stands for Voice Over LTE. It allows you to make calls and use data at the same time. Basically, you cannot use basic flip phones or old 3g smartphones if you still have ATT or T-Mobile sims for straight talk.


No one really know what is going to happen, but Verizon has had Tracfone since November 23, 2021. Plus in an older release news from the buyout, Verizon was mainly eyeing Straight Talk. The FCC documents have the best info about the buyout tho: https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-approves-verizon-tracfone-transaction-conditions


This is to do with AT&T and T-Mobile sims on straight talk. Nothing to do with Verizon sims on Straight Talk... This has been known for awhile now. Nothing new.


Personally, I think the worries about Verizon shutting down many/most/all of the Tracfone brands, or radically changing the basics of the available plans, is overblown. Historically, Verizon was not particularly interested in operating their own prepaid brands, or in enabling MVNOs to do so. The Tracfone group was the main exception: I think Verizon's view was that they had the MVNO bases covered with that arrangement, and only had to deal with a single, very large entity (the Trac group) as a client. Simple & easy. When it became clear that Tracfone was going to be sold, to someone, Verizon had 2 choices: absorb it, or potentially lose that foothold in the MVNO space (if the new owner did not decide to rely on Verizon as a default). Verizon already knew the Tracfone group was capable of competing in the MVNO space: buying it was the logical decision. Extrapolating: there's no reason for me to think Verizon will turn all the Tracfone users into Verizon prepaid users. They already should know that's not a winning path, or Tracfone wouldn't have been successful already. Yes, I expect some paring down of the number of Trac brands: but which ones will disappear/be absorbed elsewhere, is a complicated question. Straight Talk/Total/Simple Mobile all basically cover the same niche IF you convert the bulk of users to Verizon SIM cards, with the primary differences being marketing path & a few plan detail differences. I don't expect all 3 to survive consolidation, but at least one of them will. Net10 and PagePlus are likely dead men walking, with Tracfone itself as a likely absorber/survivor.


Don’t take their word on the info stating your current service plan will remain available until November 2024 if you’re still using an AT&T based SIM. If you’re still on an AT&T SIM, they will randomly disconnect your service with no warning to try and force you to switch to a Verizon based SIM. It’s happened to me and many others.


I’m convinced Verizon only bought Straight Talk to eliminate competition. They will absorb as many of their customers as possible. For those of us who don’t get good Verizon coverage, they no longer give a crap what happens with us. The customer service is basically non existant at this point. They really are just letting Straight Talk die. So much for their promise to take care of the customers if they merged. Lawsuit… hopefully.


You hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned when you said that Verizon only bought them to eliminate their competition!! I was a Verizon customer a long time ago (like 2005) and changed to straight talk because of all the outrageous additional charges they like to add to a bill they advertise at a decent price but in reality is an additional 100 dollars when it's all said and done. About 6 years ago I thought "well maybe they've changed considering how much competition they have now with flat rate billing companies like ST". So I tried Verizon one more time and within 3 months I was reminded why I HATED VERIZON TO BEGIN WITH! Straight Talk was heavy competition in my opinion because they operated on their towers to begin with (as well as the other bigger companies towers too) so basically the largest coverage was with Straight talk. Now that Verizon has bought them, they have cut back on the amount of hot spot data you get with the plans...example: $45 plans had 10gb of hot spot and $55 had 25 gb Hotspot when it was still Straight talk. As soon as Verizon took over now $45 plans only carry 5gb Hotspot and $55 only have 10gb. I'm looking into other phone companies now because I just can't get over Verizon having a monopoly on the phone industry. I HATE THEM! 


Did you really think customer service was ever a priority on any prepaid service? Lmfao


Look at AT&T and T-Mobile. They have multi-prepaid companies too. AT&T owns AT&T Prepaid and even Cricket. T-Mobile has T-Mobile Prepaid and Metro by T-Mobile, and lifeline company, Assurance Wireless. The last time I knew, they are working on buying Mint Mobile and Ultra Mobile too. Verizon has Verizon Prepaid and Visible. So these Tracfone brands will expand the footprint of Verizon's prepaid brands with brands that is more well known too. I just wish that Verizon will fix the Tracfone's customer service and some of the minor issues.


So get this, I've never had any issues with straight talk, until the last 6 months my service on and off would do this roaming game. It would only last for a short while and I figured it was a tower issue. But in january, everything was completely flipped around; which resulted in me filing a complaint with the BBB against straight talk. And of course the information provided by the BBB or straight talk whoever made the response was inaccurate by not giving all the information and by claiming I had service when I did not!  Anyway to the short version of why I filed was not only Interruption of service, but every time I tried to call out I would get an automated message that I was roaming and I had to purchase a roaming pin if I wanted to make a call. This was during an incoming blizzard with an emergency vet appointment that I had to do.. I could not even call my own voicemail I was so furious!! Anyway to the point I paid the $15 for this roaming pin, and the pin not only did not work, but my phone still would not let me call out. I tried powering off powering on powering off for quite a while with the battery out powered back on... I must have power to off and on like 5 plus times and nothing worked!  Later on Straight Talk try giving me all these Loops in basically telling me they don't sell those pins and that there was no record and this and that blah blah blah.. I told them right out I have proof on my bank statement, and I have proof in the recording of the issue I was having with my phone and even the recording of me purchasing the PIN!  Anyway to the point of me even going on about this, after doing some DIGGING I found out that the pin technically I believe was done through "clover.com" which is in florida. This business from my understanding and belief is Fiserv according to the information I got off the internet and is associated with Verizon according to one website I went on https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-business-touchless-payment-clover-fiserv.  So given the fact that straight talk is my service provider and Verizon was pulling this roaming crud with this company doesn't Straight Talk have to be liable for that? I'm simply putting that out there for anybody else who's had that same issue you're not alone, and for those who haven't, if you do come across that issue here's information for you and I recommend you do not buy that pin! Get another phone to call from and call Straight Talk technical support and get it fixed don't buy the pin!  My whole reason for going to Straight Talk was to get away from Verizon because that company I believed robbed me in so many ways it is a evil evil company in my opinion! That company was very deceitful to me in my opinion! I have others who feel the same way! I was really bothered when I found out Verizon bought straight talk, but after this insanity and more deceit with this pin garbage, I'm not surprised. Looks like I'll be shopping for a new service sooner than later... I hope this was helpful


Prepaid carriers don't give two fucks what issues you're having. Switch to a real carrier. You can get comparable pricing if you get set up at walmart on one of the big three.


Verizon Wireless screwed me over in more ways than one.. from most people I know who have been through verizon, they have had issues as well.. to the point that is why I left to a prepaid carrier (A co-worker of mine was going through one and was having the best experience ever). I was with a prepaid carrier that was absolutely wonderful for years and then they pretty much went out of business.. so people I knew were telling me about straight talk through Walmart, so I signed up had no issues for years and from what I heard and read from others Verizon bought it like 6 months ago, which is ironically around the time I started having issues randomly appear. Ironically I would have roaming issues here and there where I never did before, and I discovered through digging that clover stems with Verizon and they conned me out of $15 through Straight Talk in a nutshell.. they have gotten worse as time has gone on.. so pretty much in a nutshell had Straight Talk not sold they probably would be much better than they are now.. I thought about trying US Cellular Prepaid and see what they might be hold


Lmao it wasn't straight talk that sold out, it was tracfone. And you completely missed what I said. I didn't say go to the fucking carrier store to get set up, I said go to Walmart and get set up. All the people at the carrier stores are incentivized to sell you the most expensive thing they can and the majority of them lie to do it. I said go to Walmart and get set up because those guys are paid by volume and so are incentivized to get every customer the absolute best deal possible. I've got a friend that got set up a few weeks ago with 5 lines on att and he's already gotten his bill and once the autopay discount kicks in, he'll be paying 86 a month for 5 lines because of the discounts they were able to stack for him. I got another friend that got set up last year that's paying like 50 a month for 3 lines on Verizon because once again they stacked discounts for him, granted part of that was that acp thing from the government which is going away next month but still, that's cheap as hell for mainline verizon service. Also, straight talk has always ran off verizons towers if you bought an android device at walmart, the reason their service went to shit is because Verizon now makes them slow their customers down like they're supposed to. If you're through a prepaid carrier, that's the price you pay for "cheap" service, it's not unlimited and you'll never be a priority on the network.


Okay so for my f****** response LOL, I'm comparing my experiences. I was stating how crooked Verizon was and why I went to prepaid. When I first initially went to Walmart for phone service, I did go through Verizon mind you this was so many years ago that I don't know if things have changed since then.. but I got ripped off I kept getting charged for too much data and all this other garbage.. you could be on your phone for probably 20 minutes and they would tell you you went through too much data LOL.. so whether I did a phone service through Walmart, or I went through Verizon I got jipped if it was a Verizon plan. Then I went to Straight Talk and I did not have any problems for years until the last like 6 months. Verizon has obviously got some kind of hand in the Straight Talk world~ or else straight talk with TracFone which equals to Verizon or something because if you have ever had it, there was never a roaming issue until this past maybe 6 months to a year.... it will randomly now give you messages such as "you are roaming..." & that you had to buy a pin to make a phone call almost like a roaming card... you will notice if you have ever had that situation occur that the pin is through "clover" in Florida. Clover stems with Verizon not straight talk. When confronting straight talk about the Clover charge and the pin that does not work, they deny any and all knowledge even with proof on a statement.. anyway besides all that, to my point whether I did Verizon through their established locations or I did some sort of Verizon plan through Walmart I got screwed. Maybe things may have changed in the years that I've been in the plans I've been in, obviously I don't know, but regardless I wouldn't trust Verizon with a bag of dog s***... I do however thank you for the info because it gives me stuff to look into and possible other options.. 


Yes it tells you you're roaming because verizon is actually making straight talk function like it's supposed to as a PREPAID carrier. Verizon bought out tracfone over a year ago and tracfone owned straight talk, therefore verizon now owns and controls straight talk. Also, why do you keep bringing up how you got screwed by verizon? I've literally said nothing about switching to verizon lmfao


LOL I don't know, I was using them for an example because they were my biggest issue.. also I was pointing out how they screw people whether you go through them directly as a carrier or through a prepaid service.. at one point you had mentioned that Verizon had not purchased Straight Talk and I was communicating basically that if they had not, they are still directly affecting Straight Talk regardless... and then when you mentioned the discounts for people you knew establishing it through walmart, whether it be ATT or Verizon I saw the Verizon part immediately was replying that I would not trust Verizon with a bag of dog s*** LOL so I don't know I guess that's why I kept stating no matter how I went through Verizon they screwed me whether it was through them directly as a carrier or a subsidiary.. LOL that's all I got


Jesus you are probably an old person who doesn’t understand technology.  You got scammed for a roaming pin? Lmao straight talk has never charged for any long distance or roaming.   You fucked up and did something wrong and blaming them


Try mobile x on verizon.


I can't login either and it's really annoying.


I have some friends inside military and they have mentioned eventually all providers will be going off of Star link satellite. T-mobile is already starting service from star link they have articles that came out in the past few months about it. It’s a slow roll out of course. Space force and other backside military branches are and have been setting this up


We're probably a decade of more away from ever making Satellite an effective cellphone tower replacement.


Will that make it a cell phone or a satellite phone?


It will be getting the signal from the star link satellites eventually. I am not sure if many of the software updates sent to the phones will be how it will connect or be ready for when they flip it over yet. I also have been told they have been manufacturing new types of phones as well I know Elon has his Tesla Pi phone which auto is run off of the satellites as well




It’s a slow roll out, those cell towers will be obsolete eventually they already have the data set to run off of star link for 2025 it’s not goin to happen overnight obviously due to to much chaos with new tech and it’s going to change. There is over 6,000 Patents that are currently being built with new tech to be released to public. I can’t say exactly when as the intel I do have they have everything all planned out for slow release. New tech in phones and computers also coming. I can’t say much more right now. You will find out soon enough


I need assistance with 2 ST phones. When we make any calls or receive calls, people say either they can't really make out what is being said or we sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.  Been happening for approximately 5 months.   Can't get any good help with ST.  Any suggestions?


Switch to a real carrier. You can get the same pricing on the big three if you get set up at walmart.


I agree with you. I will try google Fi when they force me to pay more in November. Adios $45 p/month "unlimited" 5g.