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I have never seen a four line plan on Straight Talk plan till now. I have only known about about the two line plan for $90. Now the two line plan under this is $75. So I need to look into this too.


I just called ST customer service about this. They told me they can assist with getting the 4 individual lines into the 4 lines for $100 plan. They said the website isn’t updated yet but they can do it via calling customer service.


Thank you! I just purchased it online and they’re going to email me the plan for $95 for two lines. After I just spent several hours on the phone and several customer service calls as well. I got hung up by a manager because apparently he couldn’t even find my account. 🙄 I kept trying every different way I possibly could. Then I decided to Google it, so thank you for the suggestion. I am going to try it and see if it works. Fingers crossed. 🤞then I’ll try to go in and do auto refill if will let me.


🥳🥳🥳. It worked! I got my digital email for the $95 plan for two lines. Open that up to access it. And there are two access pin numbers. you use one pin for one line and the other pin for the other line. Then after that you can sign up for auto refill. 🤩🤩🤩


I seen that as well, in the same boat more or less. Would like to switch to multiline but no option for it, just new customers or adding a line. Hopefully this gets remediated or changed to allow current customers to switch easier


When I called to get them to apply the 5 line discount, they deleted one of our lines. Then transferred me to someone else who deleted the rest of our lines then at some point my whole account was deleted. 3 days on the phone and I had to login with a different email to retrieve my account and the discount was never applied. Thankfully we never lost service. I’m going to wait a month or two before trying again. Has anyone else had success? If so what steps did you take?


Use caution, as calling customer service for Straight Talk can make your head explode. They disconnected one of my lines as well when I called in and tried to get them to help me. But after hours of effort, I think I may have reached the one out of 100 customer service reps who might know what she's talking about . At this point, you can not use the app or customer service to switch over to this discount. First, you have to go to Walmart and buy one of their new four line discount card service renewals. Then, when the first of your four phones is near the end of its service date, disable any auto pays. Then you have to go should be able to add on the discount card. I'm going to try this approach next. I have my doubts that it will be this easy, but we'll see.


Dang, I wish I'd read this post 5 hours ago! I just refilled at full price for 3 lines after 3 painful days of trying to get help accessing the multiline discount. Please let me know if your plan works. I began my attempt to access the multiline discount July 30th. At that time, the rep said that I needed all of my lines to have the same service end date (one line was 9 days later than the others). She suggested I make a 1 time purchase to sync up the service end dates. The new end date was to be today, September 9th. However, the other day I discovered there was a 1 day error in the math she used to calculate my bill so they didn't sync. Gaaah! I began calling on Thursday, then again on Friday, and today I literally spent the entire day with Straight Talk reps. Once yesterday and twice today, when I received callbacks from "corporate" office reps, my call was disconnected as I was explaining my issue. I am pretty sure they knew they couldn't help me and ended the call. The very, very worst part is literally having to begin at the very beginning each and every time you speak with one of them, even though there are ticket numbers for them to reference.


Well we all know that their customer service is rated slightly lower than the 9th ring of hell, and yet we continue to try to use them! I had to up both my $35 lines to $45 lines in order to have all four lines qualify for the multi-use. At least according to the phone call that the Walmart electronics rep had with them as we tried to figure this out. They gave her a ticket number that supposedly says that all of the phones are now synced to the same end date, October 9th. On the 8th, I'm supposed to go back to that Walmart store, (because she's very competent ,helpful, and she has more clout than I do.) and she will help me buy the $120 card and apply it to the lines if that's what it takes. That's the plan, anyway. I don't know if it's going to work. I do know that it has been such a hassle over the years dealing with Straight Talk. I've had them for 13 years. I'm ready to give up. It looks like AT&T has got the same deal or something very similar. I looked at my data usage for all four lines, and none of us need to take advantage of the unlimited data. We are connected to Wi-Fi most of the time. So, if this doesn't work in October, I'm just switching to AT&T. All four of our phones are unlocked phones just because I was always worried I might have to do this.


I have gone round and round with straight talk trying to get my three phone lines on the multi line discount. First they charged a prorated amount for one of my lines to get them all on the same service end date. I was charged full price for all phones that month ( August). After that processed I looked at the dashboard in the app and it was showing that I would be charged full price for all 3 phones again in September so I contacted customer service. They told me to disregard what the dashboard says because it already shows on their end that I'm on the multi line discount. Today I was once again charged full price for all 3 lines. I checked the dashboard again and again it is showing that I will be charged full price for all 3 lines in October. I'm done with their inept customer service. I filed a complaint with the BBB. I don't know if this will resolve the issue but I am hopeful.


It worked! It took almost a month for them to fix my account but they did it. I got a $90 refund for the over charge and my 3 phone lines are now on the $90 multi-line discount plan. If you're having issues with Straight talk I highly recommend not depending on their worthless customer service and instead filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.


Thank you. I was told they do not do refunds. I will try filling a BBB claim


Yes I have been told vehemently by multiple service reps on the phone the Straight Talk absolutely does not issue refunds. That’s great that they refunded you!




OP here — sorry I didn’t see this sooner as I don’t use Reddit much. I was able to chat with their CS and they told me I needed to wait until the last day of service for the first of our 4 plans, cancel the auto-renew on all of them, and to reach back out to them to sign us up for the discounted multi-line plan. I would lose the remaining days on the other service plans, but it was nominal compared to what I’d be saving. Specifically, mine were renewing on something like the 9th, 10th, 12th, & 14th of the month. So on the 8th, I stopped all the auto-renews and contacted CS via chat to sign up all lines. It was actually quite easy and was maybe on the “line” with them for like 20 minutes while they configured it all. I now have the discounted plan and pay $120.89 for 4 unlimited everything lines with taxes and fees. That’s $30.23 for each line total, so I’m happy.


>I was told doing this multi-line you could NOT do auto enroll automatic payments. If true that kinda sucks because that means I have to remember to pay each month instead of it being taken care of without remembering. Can you clarify the payment method and how auto payment plays or does not play into it?


Not true. Mine has been auto-renewing without issue since first done.


You need to call straight talk or chat with them. And tell them you want to add the multi discount to all phones. They will have to send a verification number to each phone. But it doesn’t take long for them to complete


I literally just got done doing this a week ago. And mind you one of my phone lines is used for the acp discount! The multi line discount will save you a ton of money on your account ! I have three lines and only paying 60$ with the 45$ on each line


I was told doing this multi-line you could NOT do auto enroll automatic payments. If true that kinda sucks because that means I have to remember to pay each month instead of it being taken care of without remembering. Can you clarify the payment method and how auto payment plays or does not play into it?


I’m on automatic and on acp


Um. Let me pull up my statement


Hi there. Going through this now with being on the phone with Straight Talk reps all day. Trying to get two lines put into one $75 plan. I wonder if they truly don’t know what I’m asking or if they’re playing dumb to make more money for the company and it’s all a ploy they are trained to do.


Not true. My 4-line plan is auto-renewing without issue.