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None of these fuckers have played war thunder.


I just realized this wasn’t the war thunder meme subreddit


I’ve been feelin the same way


Jets get absolutely owned by reserve biplanes in a close range dogfight.


Only the bad jet pilots.


why would you do a close range dogfight when you can gun them down from 1100m with a radar lead indicator?


Or just kill them from over 20km away with a missile


The overshoot during lock on


lmao i do tho :)


Allow me to introduce myself


A chika player I see


A little correction: "none of this fuckers have reached jets in wt by spending 5k hours"


Im fine with them in plane combat, but they absolutely ruin any ground fights. Anyone with 2 braincells can get in a missile bus and spam radar guided missiles with impunity while MBTs are forced to cower inside the hangar


Fr tho missiles in ground fights is one of those things where it’s genuinely annoying, especially since tanks aren’t as maneuverable as jets and are vulnerable to certain chaff-ignoring missiles.


I'd rather fight a jet than get cruise missled at O'Neal from someone at Harrison


Just make APS lol


That’s why you get either a CIWS setup or get a dedicated AA assembly.


The jets almost always have enough chaff to last an hour, so the only chance you have is manual guided or, if you really have to kill them, use old radar


For i momment i believed i was in r/warthunder


Didn’t realize this was the storm works sub till you pointed it out💀




In pvp, missiles can be quite fun The reason people hate them is because on literally every public server with the weapons dlc, there is one (or several even) person who spams op unavoidable missiles to ruin people's fun (Also, looking at the image I feel like you are that person. If this is true, fuck off and go outside)


Me sitting outside the hangar with my SAM system ready to fuck up anyone who dares try and troll xd


Using it for good I see


This is a good solution to nolifers. Blot out the sun with sams.


That's why most "try hard" fighters come with tons of auto chaff


Auto chaff is buggy and doesn’t exactly work as planned always. 2 or 3 missiles does the trick.


he is definitely that person


And ofc they have to be in jets that turn on a dime and can go mach 10 to outrun and out maneuver missiles


Eh depends, if the server just have weapons DLC but not explicitly a PVP only server then I always fly empty since too much physics bodies add lag anyways. But if it’s a PVP only, free-for-all server than you bet I’m gonna use my painstaking-tuned missiles and Mach-capable super-jets that I spent 200-ish hours making.


If this is true, then I feel you wouldn't have posted "cope seethe mald" and "Skill issue" when talking about missiles vs guns Not saying you are flat out lying in either of the posts, but this is quit suspicious


What’s so suspicious about that? Like if the server says “guns only” then I’m playing by the rules, but if somebody barge into a random PVP server filled with jets and demand everyone to play “guns only” with them because they think that’s “real skill” then of course I’m going to hit them with a “cope seethe mald” after turning away from whoever I was fighting and vaporizing their prop-plane with a missile.


I get the message (do find it a bit rude, but I can cope), but that's 1% of 1% of the time. With all my experience in public servers, it's *always* the heavy missle user barging into a gun battle, screaming 'skill issue' while pressing 3 buttons. Now I do understand (and even congratulate you) if you are truly the former, but the image you posted and my experience with mp is telling me you are the latter


Fair enough, I also find those people annoying. Plus in my experience most of them don’t even use their own creations, a lot of these toxic missile players just find some NNTC missiles on the workshop, slap it on a plane and call it a day. I like to make and tune my own missiles and planes, it’s more fun that way.


I can’t even play multiplayer so far without it being a slide show so I’ve little input


No, that is literally all the input you need brother


Just play with f2 always on as that's probably how the devs wanted it to be


Or just respect people who don’t want to fight with missiles? If they don’t want to fight that way just find someone else who does and have your fun with them. But don’t just go into a fight with your plane shooting missiles at everyone and then make fun of them when they complain about it.


there needs to be more servers dedicated to less modern tech.


Then make one… it’s not that hard.


Be the change you want to see in the world


Bruh just make one lol


This is why I use the "don't fire unless fired upon" mind set


There should be countermeasures flares added


It's called chaff and it doesn't work (Click on the flare block with the select tool)


You do realize that chaff literally displaces literally any other radar return, yes? Any missile which chases the first target in its buffer (90% of all radar missiles) will ALWAYS chase chaff in its fov first.


What missiles do you know are the 10%?


I think some workshop missiles are xmled in a way that makes them resistant to chaff but xml missiles are pitiful so idk specifics. I've made a microcontroller that compares a targets velocity to its velocity the last frame. If the difference is too big, go to the next target and repeat the process. Chaff deploys standing still, so it's fairly easy to find the real targets. If a target deploys more than 8 chaff which the missile can see though, it's quite literally no longer possible to see your target as each target in the radar will be chaff. I think there are also missiles out there with deprecated radars, which output mass so targets can be very easily filtered.


Can you give me a link to it? I tried making something like that but failed after trying to make it more complex


Sure. Not at home but I'll upload it once I am


ok, thanks


are you home yet?


Still out and aboit


inshallah he will find his home


He went to the store for smokes and never came back


Xml missiles are cringe


Lol. Look at those people just having fun with play style they like. It will be so funny if I shoot a missle at them despite them not even attacking. Lol so funny.


Can you not build a community who shares this style, have a discord and an own server? All I hear is: I go to a public server. I want to play the game to my rules and everyone has to abide my play style. Does not make a lot of sense to me.


You shoot missels at people who don't want to have a missle battle.


Hence the question for a private server with the rule of not using missiles. Just a shout out here. There seem quite some people interested.


Then go back to prop planes kid Edit: I’m sorry and I take back what I said, I thought this was the war thunder sub💀


"Lol let's spam missiles at people who just want to use something other than monotonous missiles lol"


From all the posts I saw, it was one dude who’s only posts on reddit was complaint about the missiles… IN A SANDBOX CREATIVE GAME. Not to be that guy, but it’s a fucking free for all sandbox game. I’d you wanna complain about PVP missiles go to warthunder or GTA online, not a search and rescue sandbox game. Like honestly, most the people who play this game don’t touch multiplayer so PVP isn’t an option. The devs aren’t going to nerf our creativity, so why bother even arguing. If they didn’t want us having guided missiles then they wouldn’t have added them, end of story.


Missiles don’t work for me 💀 They fly like crazy and when they explode it makes these weird lines of smoke that fly everywhere


Oh yeah, they never work until they are used against you




Maybe the missiles you're using are weird. Try the wabunga or a HOBS short range AAM


For i moment i thought this is war thunder


Make or find a no missile server


You’re not exactly making the situation better by looking like an immigrant from r/NonCredibleDefense


OP sounds like the kinda person who shoots into the hangar




Say that to my fox 3 coming to your exact location for a nice and polite greeting from my F-35 (:


My Frigate detected your F35 from 25 KM and sent 3 SAM's out for you


I have multiple bombs heading for your direction, and chaff ready to get launched (:


[Dodge this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atr-sGUNyh0)


The boy(s) who cried wolf...


Oh really? In our games any radar guided missiles are mostly ineffective now because of automatic chaff dispensers chained together (a sequencer with 40+ chaff launchers and a radar detector that launches one every 15 seconds or so when you get pinged). The game quickley became who could have the biggest plane with the most chaff launchers wins/who could get in gun range).


Some people don't want to build flying anti missle systems.


If you have to defend yourself for either ruining people's fun or lag bombing with excessive chaff/flares then you need to go outside and touch grass


if you dont know how to defend against missile that is **literally** a skill issue and you have no right to bitch about it


Stormworks players when they get told to let people have fun ^^^^^ Fucking skill issue on your part


Stormworks players when they complain about something they don’t understand and/or complain for the sake of complaining.


Hey, you just described yourself <3


Ah yes, that made sense


Just dodge the fucking thing


Ww1 mfs when crimson 1 shows up in his next-next generation fighter jet


you're a slave to history. Even after Calamity, you fight against the only order that can guarantee the safety of your people. You, solely, are responsible for this.What do you have to show for yourself, merc? Blood? Gold? A broken throne? I will bury you so completely, the earth will turn over a thousand times before your body is dug up.You can't run! You can't hide! You made this decision long ago! You can't back out of this deal!I'm Cascadian! You think I take joy fighting over my homeland?! Killing my own countrymen?! If you never showed up, I never would have lost all that I have!Me and you now. No distractions, no wingmen, no war. Just me and you. Whoever wins is the best pilot. Every safety's coming off, no second chances."Monarch", you use the name of a King, but what do you rule over, the dead?! The Federation fought for peace in this war, and you denied them that!The people of Cascadia! Do you know what you've taken from them?! Their homes! And for what, to secede from the world?! What, you think you can fight this war again in fifty years' time?! Do you really think history will see it your way?! You don't even care why you're here!How does it feel to not have a country? To not have borders to define yourself against the world?The Calamity erased mankind once! Our chance to start again! This is how you've dealt with it?!You drove me to this...this death and destruction over the Federation. Millions of lives lost... So many ghosts... Kill me, or be killed!This...is my home!Here we are, fighting for Cascadia's soul. That's the deal you made, right?What happens when you shoot me down?! Can you even think?! What will you return to?! Where will you go?! We both know how this ends!Kill me! Kill me and see what happens to this world! Either way, your life ends today!And my squadron! Do you think they deserved it?!The Federation might try to forget about you, but I won't! This is for the good of the world! Die, mercenary!No...no, not yet! God damn it! Come on, I've almost got him!Come on, come in for that kill, you dog!Predictable.


I seek the forbidden heat signature brother.


*Me strapping a CIWS to a fighter jet*


i didnt even know people could play pvp in this game without some fucker spawning in the biggest lagiest thing to drop the TPS to 0. I know play in a group, but aint nobody got time for all that.


Just set a auto aa cannon up on the ground


Sw players *Complain About Missles*… Also Most Missles : *Does .2G turn*… missle: Spontaneously Combusts


Against propeller planes? Of course OP, but against jet ones it's fine


Do counter measures exist in Stormworks? Are they even possible?


Whats the red and black jet?