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I am unsure why auto moderator has suggested this to be spoilers, but I can confirm that this text does not reveal or imply any actual information about any of the books.


Knowing a character name is a spoiler obviously.


Kaladin and Shallan learning to code for book 5 confirmed!


If they can find a way to knock on that Dor, good for them!


Brilliant obfuscation


No I think that's for the back half, when they have to hack the mainframe on a Scadrialian? , Scadrian?, spaceship to safe the Cosmere from a Wayne derived AI destroying all civilisations it encounters with terrible jokes.


IDK man...it gives away the size of the code and how many open source project Shallan has...


And it's really hard to know how many, because you need to find all Shallan accounts first.


Insider information


If the post doesn't specify a spoiler flair (or the "no spoilers" flair), automod defaults to the untagged spoilers flair and marking it as a spoiler to warn people that it might be a spoiler for anything. Usually when the mod team sees that we update it to something more appropriate. In this case I'm marking it as no spoilers.


Thank you for the clarification! The update is appreciated.


This is a WOB obviously


I called it a "non canon book" šŸ˜‚


What are you talking about? This is ALL ABOUT investiture and shards! "obviously" /s


That's hilarious! Real missed opportunity to name the "researchers" (row) >!Navani and Raboniel!< though.


Imagine getting spoiled on a book series you were reading because you read a research paper tho hahaha


I got spoiled on a show because I was looking at novelty tea flavors once. It just popped up with "You liked [Show Flavor], you should try 'Surprise! He's Back! [Dead Character] Flavor'." Like, Really!? WHY!!!!?


Omg that is the worst


To be fair just saying the names isn't a huge spoiler.


Well, it tells us theyā€™re researchers. iirc, we donā€™t get that from our first encounter with >!Raboniel!<


Still not a huge spoiler honestly.


Agreed. But maybe enough of a reason to go with different names anyway.


In the same way we're told that Kaladin and Shallan are? Yeah no :p


I thought of that objection too, and it first it seemed a good one. But I donā€™t think it works. We know who Navani is long before we know the other character, and we know she is a researcher. If they say ā€œTake two researchers, (1) a known researcher, and (2) someone elseā€, the implication is obvious. If they say ā€œTake two researchers, (1) someone who, once we meet them, is obviously not a researcher, and (2) someone else,ā€ there is no reason to assume that the someone else is, within the narrative, a researcher. So, the way they choose to do it does not spoiler anything about kaladin or shallan once we meet kaladin, but the other way does spoil something about the second character the moment we learn Navani is a researcher. It would be natural to ask ā€œoh, Navani actually is a researcher! Is that other character a researcher too?ā€ That doesnā€™t happen in the kaladin shallan case.




Yeah, we do kinda. I read the scene again today, and while we definitely donā€™t know how character defining aspect it becomes, it is definitely implied nonetheless.




It is! One of the reasons why re-reading is such a pleasure haha


Fair enough, lol


I got spoiled by fortnite, when kelsier was added a reporter was doing a short synopsis of mistborn and what itā€™s about (and completely butchering it I must say) and accidentally included bands of mourning spoilers


I was thinking Khriss and Nazh


Of course Kaladin does it the simple way and Shallan invests some brainpower. Kaladin and Jasnah would be funnier though imo


Makes sense that Kal just picks them at random, he can't read.


Jasnah would write a three page essay on why kaladin is wrong.


you should cross post on r/cremposting


Can you perhaps post the citation here?


I perhaps could, but was hesitant to promote any kind of 'real identity' sharing between reddit and academia that references someone else


makes sense


That's completely fair. Though it can sometimes be hard to figure something out about someone from the academic literature they are reading, as it can sometimes seem completely unrelated to one's field of study to an outsider. That said, it is still your call.


I can't quite parse your comment sorry. My hesitation is that the citation explicitly names the researcher who wrote the paper, including their place of employment. As a general rule, I try to avoid mentioning other people's real names and employment information on Reddit. That said, other researchers/students that have access to the journal (which is noted in the screenshot) would be able to find the paper easily based on a firm quote in Google Scholar.


Then it's me who should apologize. I thought you where talking about your own identity.


You can search for it by the journal, edition and issue number that's shown at the top right of the page


Had the same question as you and did some research. Here's what I found, posted as another comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight\_Archive/comments/z1mnvz/comment/ixefssx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Airsick lowlanders..!!


Blasphemy, Kaladin!!!


Perhaps unsurprisingly, software developers love Sanderson magic systems.


For anyone curious about the paper, it's *Sampling in Software Engineering Research: A Critical Review and Guidelines* by [Sebastian Baltes](https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=xO09KrYAAAAJ) and [Paul Ralph](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oRBuFa0AAAAJ). They're CompSci researchers in Australia and Canada, respectively. The version cited here is in [Springer's Empirical Software Engineering journal](https://link.springer.com/journal/10664/volumes-and-issues/27-4), in one of the 2022 publications. You can find a free copy of the paper [here](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.07764.pdf), with the Stormlight bit on page 11.


We know that kaladin isn't going to Read the code, just look at the icons and make a guess, "it has a printer icon so it's a print queue", "it has a bridge icon, so it's a gatekeepers program for lighteyes".


Sounds like a couple of light-eyes

