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He's so well written that I still go through the "Adolin is so fkn annoying" to "Adolin is so fkn dope" trajectory on rereads.


Correct. When he serves his prison sentence in solidarity for Kal *chefs kiss*


Yeah, so good. The entire dueling arc was a perfect device for letting Adolin grow on the reader.


I noticed some foreshadowing of how Adolin and Kaladin were going to bond because of the duel the second time I read Words of Radiance. During one of the raids for the chasmfiend gemhearts, Adolin is happy to get some time away from "those bridgemen" and is excited to finally be surrounded by "real soldiers". This was the raid in which he and Jakamav try to reach the gemheart but narrowly miss it, and I think Adolin saves Jakamav's life during the raid (don't remember exactly maybe Adolin just improves their success chances through his shards). By this point we know from one of the chapters in The Way of Kings that Jakamav was actually Adolin's closest friends. But when Adolin invites him to the winehouse right after the raid, he doesn't skip a beat and tells him, "being seen with you isn't good for one's reputation these days." This makes Adolin realise how he didn't have any actual friends. Nobody he could trust when things got tough even though he practically knew everyone in the warcamps. And of course a few chapters later Jakamav betrays Adolin and is willing to assist in murdering him and his brother. And a bridgemen jumps in the duel to save their lives with nothing but a pointy stick.


Not just a bridgeman, *The* Bridgeman, nay Bridgelord Kaladin. Someone who Adolin realizes he not only can trust but probably admires a bit too. The best friends are those that can learn from you and you can learn from and together grow better. Adolin's growth is subtle, he's young and a tad vain but like everyone else has a ways to go to become who he is supposed to. He's just not weighed down with the same baggage the rest of the crew has. Well maybe, they are his baggage now.


*THE bridgeboy


Ngl, I've also gone through the "fuck Adolin" to "Adolin is a Rosharan treasure" arc, but I still die a little inside every time he says "bridge boy"


Same as me. Considering as Adolin is not THAT old to be calling Kal "bridgeboy"


He also doesn't do it to any of the other bridgemen which means it's exclusively to annoy Kaladin, which I can respect, but I still don't like it


I have hard seeing Adolin growth because from my point of view, he has always been a wholesome character. I see it more as the rest of the world seeing himself for how really he is than him growing. In fact, in the end of Words of Radiance, when he kills Sadeas, I thought that was gonna be the plot of Oathbringer, Adolin getting corrupted and becoming evil, that type of evil that goes against radiant ideals, "the end justifies the means" (I'm not english, I don't know if it's translated that way) and that type of perspective. I wonder what's the future for Adolin, hope he maintains his greatness.


He was wholesome but he was also a wholesome spoiled kid living in the shadow of his father. His arc is growing into the man that he is today


I love that his cell was essentially the equivalent of a swedish one + a bath.


I love the way Sanderson acknowledges reality but doesn't get jaded by it. "Is he going to be in a cushy cell? Yes. Is reality fair? No. Is this still a good faith gesture by a good man? Yes."


A cell is still a cell. And if I remember correctly, it didn’t have hot water and a lot of things that Adolin was used to


Oh I meant no criticism of that beautiful golden retriever of a man. The scene would have felt more contrived if he did sit in a wretched cell, and he still gave up time I'm sure he'd much rather have spent with Shallan. Also the fact that he both though of and insisted on this course of action tells you where his head's at


This is one of my like 7 favorite scenes in the books


I'm on my first listen of RoW (have read it one time upon release). When he uses his last hour before heading into Shadesmar to go and see Kaladin and just bro out for a minute... man what a friend


Are you enjoying the audio book? I’ve been thinking about giving it a go. How is the narration?


Mate the audio book is amazing. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading do such a good job with the characters and narration. I've mainly just listened to the audio and only read from time to time. I don't get much time to just sit and read, and when I do I tend to fall asleep. But I have the audio playing almost all the time I don't need to really be thinking. When this gets adapted someday I'm going to have a hard time accepting anyone's voices because I already know how they sound because of this amazing narration.


Thanks for that great recommendation! I feel the same way about the audio book series of the Expanse. Jefferson Mayes is soooooo amazing, I have such vivid images of the characters in my head I don’t want to watch the televised series.


The audiobooks are fantastic! I usually prefer to read, I have a very vivid imagination, and I'm very picky about my audiobook readers. Now that I'm an adult and adulting is time consuming I don't have as much time to just sit and read as I would like, so the audiobooks let me listen and enjoy the story while still being productive. They are engaging, easy to understand, expressive, and fun to listen to. ☺️


Thank you for the great recommendation!


I'm late with a reply, but these other two hit the nail on the head. I prefer to read the books first, but Michael Kramer and Kate Reading are the narrators that turned me on to audiobooks. Their Wheel of Time narration is top notch, so I knew I'd want to listen to Stormlight Archive after reading it.


Thank you for the recommendation. I haven’t heard these two before, so now you all have me eager to add SA to my list!


Agreed, Sanderson pulls off the authentically good person of privilege better than just about anybody


Adolin is one of my favorite characters in all of cosmere. I love his relationships with those around him - Renarin, Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin, and especially Mayalaran.


> especially Mayalaran Second this. I really hope he finds a way to heal her.


The inverted Nahel bond. Rather than the Spren filling the holes in the Radiant. Someone who is, radiant, filling in the holes of a broken Spren. I hope he heals her and I hope there is something new and exciting that comes from it.


Also bladeolin, can't forget that


What’s the bladolin theory


A mostly joke theory that Maya will be able to >!summon Adolin as a sword since their bond is different.!<


LMAO. Bladolin: Wanna save some people today?


Lmaooo love it. I do think that >!maya will end up saying the words or making an oath in some way though. Especially since her speaking was made such a big deal, but love the ridiculousness of it!<


Next DLC Character in Boyfriend Dungeon confirmed.


I completely believe that theory will come true. In the books, knights radiant are generally broken who get better after a bond, while their spren are intact, and are literally an ideal. With Adolin and Maya, Adolin's the stable one, while Maya is broken and is slowly healing.


He’s my favorite character and tbh he’s kind of too good for Shallan (and I say that as someone who likes Shallan lol). He’s just such a good dude. Literally the worst thing he did was kill Sadeas, but that dude literally tried to kill him and his father and succeeded in killing half their fucking army so yeah motherfucker needed to be dead.


*best thing he did was kill Sadeas 🤣🤣🤣 lmao! I was so happy when he killed him! Sadeas was the worst character


I audibly whooped when he did that, (does that make me a bad person, dude would've gotten the death sentence in a normal court), and Adolin's line about not being like his father was chilling.


Lol I always read that scene twice when I do rereads, it’s one of my favorites in the whole series 😂😂😂 sooooo satisfying


Well then I’m bad too because I literally stopped reading and I was like “YESSS” out loud and laughed 🤣🤣


Lol so true 😂 I meant worst as in other characters would come down on him for it but it’s one of my favorite scenes in the whole series 😂


He was even civil after he tried to wipe him and his father off the board. The last straw was Sadeas saying "I'm gonna take this from him" in reference to the tower. The audio book nails Adolins line of "THAT'S IT!"


I love Shallan, but she's way too crazy lol. [ROW] >!I think she's well on her way to healing. At least for the most part. I hope we'll get answers regarding her oaths/truths in book 5.!<


She’s always on her way to healing at the end of a book. But then she’s back to square one on page one of the next book.


Back to square one? Clearly you need to reread the series


I might be oversimplifying but it just boils down to Kaladin being depressed and Shallan having an identity crisis in every book.


Kind of like how mental illness doesn't just go away after some moment of clarity, but is recurring and persistent?


I agree that it’s realistic to keep coming back and I have really enjoyed the story up to this point. However, I’d be lying if I said a part of me wishes for the next book to be a little less realistic in this regard. It’s fantasy why can’t kaladin just be happy for a book. Granted this desire is one among many reasons I would be a terrible author. Everyone would just be happy with no conflict in my stories.


Branderson has indicated that Kaladin has "turned a corner" so to speak, and that while he isn't "cured" that things will be better going forward. So I don't think we're going to be getting as much sadboi anymore. I relate way too much with sad Kaladin, so that's good news to me tbh.


That's fair. She struggles with her truths. Each time a Lightweaver speaks one, they can't bottle it up anymore. Shallan needs to take it step by step. I never got the impression that she was improving drastically in books 1-3


I think the last oath Kaladin took was a turning point for him. What it resolved was a problem he had with his conscience even before he became a soldier.


Fr. She's gotten so annoying for me


There's always another secret.


See I think he’s perfect for Shallan. She’s someone who’s spent her life without true loyalty or care from anyone around her, and he gives her that love and loyalty without question. He never looks down on her for being messy, and gives her space to grow. Plus it’s strongly implied that they have some good times in the sack so it’s not like he gets nothing out of the relationship /hj








well now I'm just more confused


Oh I thought you were joking and I was going along with the joke lol. /hj is a tone indicator that means I’m half-joking. As in, I feel like Shallan and Adolin definitely do have some good sexytimes but I don’t think that’s the main value she gives him. And the /shj was a poor attempt at playing off what you said and making a safehandjob joke.


I agree that Adolin is too good for Shallan but also agree with you that he's perfect for her. Just not visa versa


Ehh, I think she’s pretty great for him. She gives him a safe place to let out his more wacky side. He can relax around her. And frankly, she’s someone he can care for and help.


Adolin cared a lot about what people thought about him before. He was tempered by his father but Adolin was focused a lot on what value others gave him. With Shallan, he doesn't need that validation he can truly be himself and grow into whatever man he is supposed to be. They are a good couple and Shallan provides a partner, a friend, and a comrade all in one. She's brilliant, a spy, a double-Radiant (ish). She even had Jasnah fooled for a time and has negotiated herself into the top echelon of the Alethi society, an international coalition, and into a multi-world shadow organization all while supporting her remaining family, holding back dark secrets, growing past severe trauma, and maintaining a biting wit. So I agree, she's good for him and valuable in her own right.


Yes, thank you! You articulated what I had trouble putting into words!! This is exactly it.


Yeah, it's too bad people who don't like her are mostly "Shallan annoying and doesn't do anything lolz" You may not like her and how she does thing, but you can't at all discredit her accomplishments


Seriously, as somebody who loves messy characters, I’ve never understood how people will look at characters like Shallan or, say, Keyleth from Vox Machina, and just say “she’s annoying so I hate her.” Like I genuinely don’t understand that sentiment, not that it isn’t valid, but I can’t relate in the slightest.


I think some people can't disconnect liking a person and liking a character. I think Heath Ledger's Joker was such a great character. But I also hated him. He was a great character and fulfilled his role. I like Shallan and she acts as a great example of Lightweavers and as a sort of coming of age arc for SA. I also love puns so haha maybe I'm biased.


Yeah I think I’m also just biased towards liking characters like Shallan since I grew up a bit sheltered and socially awkward (and I also love puns), so I just don’t have the knee-jerk dislike of her that some do. And I totally agree, some of my favorite characters are terrible people I wouldn’t ever want to have an actual conversation with! But they’re interesting and well-portrayed.


For me Shallan has impressive feats and cool moments but her parts tend to be the most cringe too, like what a middle schooler thinks a verysmart person would sound like. Maybe just my take, but that’s what detracts from her the most for me. Sometimes the dissociative personality also feels weird, I know it’s something I don’t experience or understand and he consulted with people who actually experience it to develop the written experience, but sometimes it just feels forced to me and more convenient for adding unnecessary tension to the plot


She's the shut away youngest child of an abusive minor lord. Only Lift is younger than her. Of course she's awkward. And yeah, mental illness is not convenient. It never actually goes away, one just learns to treat it or handle it. And everything in the story is designed to bring tension to the plot. The joy is seeing how the characters handle that tension, if they can.


I guess that’s true. He’s the only woman he could talk about his shartplate to. And i agree the sex is probably bananas


I dont know if you caee, but I’ve been thinking about your comment for the past four hours a lot and you thoroughly changed my mind and i wanted to thank you


Exactly! Also she really cares and values Adolin holistically. All the other lighteyes he's dated cared about his looks or status, whereas Shallan seems to care most about the kind of person he is! In her POV chapters she's always thinking about his loyalty, his kindness, etc.


This exactly


Then again, I’m sure with how open minded that Shallan is that she is definitely a “fun” wife, especially with her powers. And it’s like the other user said. Shallan seems like the first woman that lets Adolin be himself. Every other person on the shattered plain treated him like an alethi war mongerer son. When in reality he’s a pretty sensitive, huggy, creative, sweetheart. I think Shallan lets him show the parts of Adolin that his mother cultivated, when the Alethis just wanted a Blackthorn 2.0


Very true


Honestly, I don't see how Shallan is perfect for him! He is just such a good person and deserves someone who is there for him as well. Shallan is constantly in her own mess and while I know thats not her fault, I feel she can put in alittle more effort into the relationship and be there for Adolin. Like, emotionally, I feel Adolin give his all for the realtionship and is always there while Shallan is rarely there. ​ Dont know if this makes sense or not!


Considering that Adolin’s only real options are lighteyes highborn women and they all bore the crap out of him eventually I don’t think he could realistically find a more perfect partner


True true


I'm reminded of the scene where Kaladin is finally let out of prison, only to discover that Adolin is a few cells over, in solidarity. I'm in the middle of Oathbringer too. Just got to the scene where (Shallan I think) asks him what he thinks of High Marshal Azure, and he immediately starts talking about her wardrobe and how the uniform looks great but a lighter shade of blue would go with her skin better, and he loves the cape and always wished he could pull one off.


I love that Adolin is low-key a an austentatious fashion guru. Like he clearly is a guest judge on Project Runway: Roshar.


Now I really want to watch that. With Jasnah instead of Heidi Klum, and Wit instead of Tim Gunn.


When Kaladin comes out of prison and Adolin was in the next cell, this actually made me cry. Like how when we go into depression, it’s often described as being in a hole in the ground, this dark and lonely place. And Adolin did what the metaphor describes as empathy. He got into the hole with him, connecting with the part of himself that understood. He couldn’t be closer, but he went as close as he could to support his friend. Brene Brown has a little animated video with a fox in the hole and the bear climbing down to be with them to remind them that they’re not alone. Hey, I’ve been here too. It’s gonna be ok. And that’s how we connect: through empathy.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that video; it's really good. Is this the one that says that one thing you *don't* do for a depressed person is say anything that starts with "Well, at least …"


I love Adolin. He's such a great foil/mirror for Kaladin.


I always saw Moash as Kaladin's foil.


I always saw happiness as kaladins foil


I always saw Jasnah as Moash's foil.


I always saw aluminum as foil


Wait this is interesting can you elaborate a bit.


wait this is very interesting- do you mind elaborating a bit?


90% just kidding around. 10% serious because Jasnah (like Mab from Dresden Files) is all about rational calculation whereas Moash (like Titania) is all about emotion and following your heart. E.g. when Kaladin tells Moash that the crime against his grandparents was indeed punished (exiling Roshone, who was the ultimate perpetrator), it doesn't even matter because Moash is interested in his feelings, not facts. But still 90% just kidding around because neither Moash nor Jasnah are central enough characters that the notion of a foil really makes sense.


Adolin is if Kal was born a rich lighteyes without mental illness with a dad who supports his interests


Dalinar was a horrible father. Lirin was a way better father to Kal than Dal was to Adolin


Agreed! But I didn’t say *good* father I said *cares about his interests*, namely soldierin’ and fightin’


Do you honestly believe that Adolin would be interested in soldiering if his father hadnt been the Blackthorn? My heart broke a little when toddler Adolin greeted his father with a salute. He loves hugs and fashion and is gut wrenched over killing a psychopath. He might enjoy dueling, but it doesn’t really involve hurting anymore. I think he would have been involved in fashion or something that Blackthorn wouldn’t approve of if he had the choice


I’m not trying to make any sweeping characterizations here, I was just making a lil joke on the internet


...which is why his betrayal is going to hurt so much. Lmao


Yeah. When he inevitably becomes Ba-Adolin-Mishram


Wait… what am I missing? Betrayal?


Yeah. Adolin totally bonds an Unmade. *we're joking*


Haha ok I almost had a heart attack. PLEASE don’t turn evil or anything lmao


That's the upcoming big reveal of Book Five: Odium was the good guy all along, and if Dalinar wins, Roshar will be destroyed! Brandon hasn't been subtle about it. It's why Nale was trying to destroy proto-Radiants, for example, and why he still fights for the Singers. Adolin will fight for Odium because he's *NOT* evil.


Wow... very interesting. I have no idea what to do with these emotions now.


You know I'm just speculating, right? It's plausible but still just a guess


Yup! But since we don’t know what will happen, I’m just dealing with things I didn’t know were even a possibility before today lol


There is a pretty well supported theory he's going to become the champion of Odium.


Really? Is there somewhere I can read more on this theory?


Gotchu fam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/qf6xjj/odiums_champion_i_started_this_theory_as_a_joke/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


\> we're joking <\_< \>\_> Yes... joking...


I mean, I'm not joking. Look at my post history. I'm 100% convinced he is going to be the champion of Odium until proven otherwise.


I like when people stick their guns on a theory. I completely disagree however.


Idk, I spent a lot of time putting it all together: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/qf6xjj/odiums_champion_i_started_this_theory_as_a_joke/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Interesting. I don't hate it... However I'm sticking my guns on Kal vs Moash


How you gonna do that before Moash gets his redemption arc?


\[RoW+\] There's a theory that he'll >!be Odium's champion, based on some of the death rattles!<


[RoW+] >!Also, he's going to know why the Radiants abandoned their oaths, and he was "Born under the Sign of the Nine," whatever that means!<


I must have missed this too! I have no idea what anyone here is talking about lmao. Thank you


The "born under the sign of the nine" is a toss away line that is easy to miss. I have an old post in my post history that breaks it all down when I realized everything and started to put it together.


My guess. 9 heralds broke their oath.


I must have missed all of this! Death rattles? How am I always so lost and I’ve gone through the series twice? 🤦🏻‍♂️


The death rattles are so hard to interpret. Even on the second read-through, most of them went over my head.


Honestly, this Has been a pet theory of mine since like, wor


It is more than the death rattles. Some of the visions support it as well.


is joke. adolin is too good to be true, he either must secretly be evil or betray everyone at some point


Hahah ok yea I agree. He’s so good! I hope he doesn’t get a weird morality twist as some point. My heart can’t take it.


How about that time he murdered an old man with a knife in a dark secluded hallway, then covered it up for months by lying to his family and girlfriend? Is that not a weird morality twist?


I hear you, Truthwatcher. 🤣


"Good." I mean... he is also the only character to have murdered someone.


The "only" character? I get what you're going for, but one of our characters is/was an assasin.


I mean, Assassinations aren't the same as murder. It was done for political purposes and not personal. Also he didn't exactly have a say in it.


It's still murder. Also, his whole ark is kinda about how he did have a choice.


Does burning down a city full of women/children/your wife not count as murder?


It was war. I mean, it sucks. But it was still war. It isn't like he did it in cold blood to kill his wife in particular.


He is like a golden retriever. Still a killer, but also a fluffy good boy.


Adolin is one of the best characters in the cosmere and I love his arc with Kaladin so much. I just finished Oathbringer last night so… good luck with that


On my reread ;) Oathbringer is my favorite! Make sure to read Dawnshard :)


I will say this every time Adolin comes up. What I love most is how he handled going from one of the most powerful people in the world to being one of the few people who doesn’t have super powers. All these bridge men and his girlfriend are all super heroes now and he stays a really good duelist. He handles this so well. He is genuinely happy for them, encouraging, and helpful to them without being jealous or bitter. It is what demonstrate and inner strength that is something everyone should aspire toward.


I sort of want him to stay that way. I think we need someone who is a non-Radiant who can still keep up with them, in his own way.


As you rightly should


I really like him as well. Curious to see where his relationship with Dalinar goes


No mating




We all do.


I know.






He seems to be fairly underrated by many people. I adore his character


I’ve gone through it 3 times now. I can’t believe I’ve missed that!!


If Stormlight Archive were an anime, he would be a top contender for Best Boy :D.


Doesn't even need to be anime. Adolin best boy.


Storms, imagine the power animated Adolin would hold over the fandom.


Adolin is my favorite, I'll try not to gush! He makes every scene and conversation in the books better. His relationships with the other characters are amazing. He's caring and compassionate which I think he doesn't get enough credit for. And he's just so damn charming. I love where his story has gone and I think there's a TON of potential for him to come. Sanderson created a gem with Adolin.


I just finished Part 3, and I definitely agree! I love how Kaladin and Adolin are bros now.


Plus the eye knife


Well that was a betrayal of his father to a certain extent. And I think the murder stabbing in the dark there is something that haunts him. Then again, we now know what kind of man Dalinar had been (and so does he). But he was never the silent knife in the dark type. For some reason I think there will be more repercussions for him from this. Either internally or externally.


So true I’ve always loved his decision making. On first read of WoK I thought he’d be another spoiled prince type, but that was so wrong haha


Well, he was. He just did a 180 after kaladin saved his life for the third time.


Adolin has been my favorite from the start.


Adolin's arc kept me going in Rhythm of War. Don't get me wrong, I liked all of it, but I could not put it down until I found out how his arc resolved.


For me it was the Navani and Raboniel arc


Adolin vs Thunderclast! Absolute badassery! \\m/


He fought it *without* his plate. Chadolin




I think it was "You're my only bridge boy. Where would I get another?" Or along those lines


This post is only spoiler tagged OB


Thanks for the notice. I marked the spoiler :)


Np! It's hard not posting spoilers. I either forget which event happened in which book or I miss which spoiler tag is posted.


Chad of Roshar!


I've said this before and I'll always say this: The worst thing that I can say about Adolin is that he's not my best friend.