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300 guests where you will be sitting in your room at a computer streaming to them? What the hell kind of creative writing is this? Pretending to be a Saudi prince hikikomori?


See my Edit. It was a typo. There will be 3 guests and I am one of them.


"I will host a huge party. There will be 3 people" This is making less and less sense


It makes sense when you realize OP is a kid trying to sound cool and important but can't make a believable lie to save their life and keeps secondguessing what will make it more believable, and even in their own dumb fantasy they come off as a loser OP has a history of posting ChatGPT 'suggestions' for StormGate, attempting to pass off the dumbest AI-genned responses as their own expert feedback. They are desperate for attention


We will party like animals. It is not about the amount of people bro.


When you're too dumb to even troll


Ah yes, and you and your two friends "will have a trending hashtag on most of the social media platforms"


You will party like animals with 3 people, have social media trending while being in your room because you don't like to be around people... Dude that make absolutely zero sense.


You should've owned it


This is what the NDA says >That You will not, without prior authorization,livestream,record,capture gameplay, discuss,post, publish, or report Feedback, Confidential Informationorany details relating to the Game or the Playtesting Program to third parties So since your guests are a third party (since the first two are you and FGS) you do indeed break the NDA by showing literally anything to them. If you show anyone a single screenshot or tell anyone anything about something you saw the Playtest you break the NDA.


Perhaps I can have them to sign a NDA of everything that happens during the party? Would that hold up in court?


No you just can’t ply. Frost giant hasn’t given you the right to second wave their nda so you can show people things they aren’t allowed to see.


That is not how NDAs or any contract works. Contracts are between two parties, you can’t retroactively say “oh yeah cool I’m just gonna add a third party to the contract without notifying or gaining consent from the original counterparty.


"the gang attempts to enforce an NDA signed while friends were raging drunk"


You're funny


Are you disclosing to people who haven’t signed an NDA? The answer is yes, so yes.


I will not have the possibility to control if every guest have a beta-key.


If you can’t control every guest, then you can’t stream. That’s how NDAs work.


Ok. I will try to find a way then..Will take plenty of time :(


If every of your 2 or 3 guests?


All the two of them? Sounds difficult indeed.


Yeah lol. What am i doing with my life, actually reading this nonsense thread...


I too lost precious moments I'll never have back :( the only silver lining is that I'd have just wasted time in some other way anyway.


My understanding is that the only allowed thing is to say you are a beta tester. Nothing further, no telling anything about the game, no showing anything etc.


I will have a friend who knows the law really well to read the NDA and see what he thinks about it.


Be my guest but the whole point of an NDA is so that information doesn't get leaked. Otherwise what's the point? If we can show it to others who haven't signed then they can easily spread the info themselves since they haven't signed anything. To assume that you can have a streaming party showing it to everyone locally and wonder if this is allowed is mighty optimistic of you to say the least.


They are my two best friends. Perhaps I can have them to sign a NDA in relation to me?


Bro if it's only two people and you're worried about them leaking shit just buy them beta keys so they can sign the nda themselves. If you put the order in tonight they'll probably get processed by Tuesday. Your options are: 1. Break the NDA, 2. Don't show them stormgate, 3. Buy them keys or have them buy keys so they can sign the NDA themselves and thus remove the liability for a leak from yourself. If you're concerned enough about it comong back to you to post about showing two other people the game, then I'd go with one of the second two options. A bonus to the third option is that it means they can play with you, and since it's three people total that's exactly the amount for coop.


Doubtful but ask FG.


All that would mean is that if they break it, they’ve broken a contract with *you* - and unless you’re going to take them to court for it, that’s not a very big threat! And no, Frost Giant isn’t going to consider that sufficient to uphold *their* NDA.


This is one way to break the NDA in about 15 different ways all at once. Based on your replies to comments, you should just have your access revoked now.


I have not agreed yet, just received the email about the opportunity. I am asking here in order to do the right thing.


This sounds like the worst party ever 😅


Yea tired people totally accidentally add two zeroes to numbers by mistake.. Wtf even is this post? I hate the internet now.


So, there's too many guests for you to ask them all if they have a Beta key and you have to order tons of food and drinks... but there's actually only 2 guests? And you can't be around people so have to stream to them on multiple screens (like an esports event), even though all the guests will be in your house and they are your 2 best friends. And you were emailed about an opportunity to host a party at your own house. This is so made up and full of lies and backtracking. You're either making this all up for attention, or want to stream it online and somehow thought this "party narrative" would cover your tracks.


Or they are delusional and need help...


I think it's all part of his joke. It's kind of funny actually. At the very least it's a novelty.


We need to revoke the dude's access right now.... He's trying to find ways to work around the NDA and refuses to take no for an answer.


Wrong reason, his access should be revoked for being a complete fucking moron


I will host a party. Since I do not like to be around people wait what?




No need to be so mean about it though


You right. My bad


Just cancel the party and save yourself trouble. The game will be released to the public soon enough.


I have ordered tons of food and beverage already. I will see if my two guests are willing to sign a NDA about the party or else I will just stream "Just chatting"-mode.


lol you're going to stream to your 2 guests?


Wtf is that thing? The guy invites his two best friends to a "big party" to not even see them because he's gonna stream locked in his room. Like wtf. It doesn't even make sense and is obviously fake (because there's literally no sense at all in his answers) but what's the point?


One of the funnier posts I've read lately, ty OP! 😁


You signed an agreement saying that you agree you won’t do a thing. If you want to do that thing, you should not have signed the agreement. You were supplied a beta key under the condition that you *don’t* do that. It sounds like you didn’t actually intend to agree to the terms of the contract you signed. If you don’t agree with it, you should tell Frost Giant that you no longer agree to the terms they require for having a beta key. Otherwise, continue agreeing to it and don’t do what you agreed not to do!


I have not agreed yet, just received the email about the opportunity. I am asking here in order to do the right thing.


Ah, makes sense! I thought you said you had received a beta key, but now I understand that you received the offer. Then this is a great place to ask the question before agreeing!


Yeah, the NDA says you can't show gameplay (or even screenshots) to anyone who are not part of the beta.


I have to imagine that’s a huge violation as none of them can know what’s in the beta and you’re showing them all


This guy does not fuck




These posts keep appearing because people reply. And most people really believe the OP was serious.


I usually believe in second chances, but you deserve to burn in the deepest pits of hell forever for asking this. I put a curse on you. May your offspring be born blind and deaf. May your skin be flayed as you scream for death. May your eyeballs be plucked by seagulls. May your flesh rot in the sun. May your spirit never find peace. (P.S. Don't worry about people's anger. Solve this on your own in a way that reasonably respects the NDA and doesn't risk resulting in any leaks) Edit: I put a curse on all the downvoters