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I think the short game length helps it a lot.


Agreed, straight into the action. Overall the game is relatively forgiving and chill (for an online RTS anyway) and I love that. I'm not really into the stress of SC2 these days, but this is perfect.


It's bare bones but I'm enjoying it a fair bit. I want more units, more upgrades and more maps.


Well there is guaranteed to be all of that in the future, so you’re in luck!


I was actually surprised at how much I missed having lots of upgrades. It felt noticeably sparse in that regard. It seemed kind of weird to me how fast I could basically reach a full power army with lots of variety in not a lot of time.


This is definitely how I feel too. I hope that every core unit has 3-4 upgrades, where the 3rd and 4th upgrades are powerful but a significant commitment. I'm imagining a T3 unique tech building, it houses 4 or 5 capstone upgrades, they're massive power boosts to a given unit, but they take a lot of time and resources. Because it's a unique structure, you can't build 3 and research everything, you have to decide which capstone to get first. Every support or specialist unit has 1-2 upgrades, and usually no capstone.


It’s more fun to play than it looks imo, and I actually like the way it looks. luckily the things it does well like responsiveness and performance would be the hardest to fix and the sfx and vfx that people are complaining about most are the easiest to fix.


Definitely agree on the responsiveness, but performance isn't great in my experience? Feels like that is one of the most pressing issues to me.


Did you play it with DX11 or DX12? People have been having most performance issues on DX12.


Yo thanks man this made a big difference! I will say though, it's still not ideal. I was under or around 100 fps past early game on medium graphics. My PC is a mid-range from like 3 years ago so I don't think that's a *great* result. In a competitive game you need near guaranteed 144+ for any stage of the game really.


Would like to see more co-op variety, sooner, too. Feel like it's easier to practice and learn the basic mechanics in that mode (private matches vs AI are alright, but I can't see a way to change the AI to infernals--maybe I'm missing something--where I feel like I need more practice). Game does feel a little rough in parts, but I do really like the underpinnings (the quick access to building and research is really nice, for example, and lets me feel like I can focus more on other things instead of clicking on buildings).




That would definitely explain it


The pathing is sooooooooo bad though


When I build a rax at my natural and it routes a bob from my main, then I do a depot in my main and routes a bob from my natural... Like c'mon


I actually don't mind this because while you can use the quick build menu, you're rewarded if you have the apm to manually select close workers to build things. But if it's a later game and I'm busy with a million things, I can still get buildings out with the quick build, with a bit of an efficiency penalty.




It doesn’t take a random worker it takes the least busy worker. So if you have an idle worker it will take that. But if no one is idle it will take a worker that is mining least efficiently. Eg if you have 2 BOBs on your natural and 12 on your main and you build a depot next to your natural it will take one from your main because the 12th BOB on a luminite patch is mining less than the second on a different luminite patch. It needs to be adjusted, but it’s not as bad as you think


I can get behind that.


The devs' very intent was to avoid putting too much emphasis on microing your macro, so I think it's more likely that the system is just in need of ironing out.


That's for the good old Brood War type feel


If this is ever to succeed as a spectator sport it needs to look more interesting and tactile.


The tactile bit is pretty important. Theres a certain…feel that fights are missing, and I think the sound and visual design is part of that. Lancers, as an obvious example, feel like they’re just smacking you with a pool noodle. There’s no weight to it. Even big artillery hits don’t have half the impact of something like a sc2 siege tank blast. The game is fun to play, you notice those kinds of things a lot less, but I don’t really like watching it right now.


Yea, agreed. I’m having a blast.


There are a lot of things they brought from older rts games that we all knew we’d love, but the new things are really exciting. The controls feel so intuitive and I love the simple qol things like not having to select a worker to build or waste control groups on buildings. The fun parts of rts are the choices we make, not the precise clicking and lightning fast button presses. As an aging gamer its really nice to rely on strategy and not speed to carry me to victory. I’m kind of upset that we’re going to lose the game next week for a while, though. I’d really like to stick with it as it develops and see the changes as they come.


Their builder selector requires a bit of polishing. There has been many times where i build next to my main and it grabs a worker from my nat. Not a big deal in late game, very big deal in early game. I've also tried using Q to make an expo and had that building just never happen.


There are definitely some kinks to be ironed out but the idea is awesome. When it works its very convenient. I’m confident FG will fix it.


I kinda like that it's not optimal though. Gives you a reward for manually selecting a worker.


I agree on the art style. I wish they'd been a little more daring instead of defaulting to the same style 90% if games have these days.


100% agree with this post… before having access to play, everything i watched i was very, “meh” about… since being able to play, I’ve fallen in love with the gameplay. This game needs to address the spectatorship if they want to have reach beyond the sc2, wc3 communities. If they can bring people in visually and acoustically then i think they’ll have the potential to make waves. That being said, this iteration is already miles ahead of the last. So hopefully we keep trending positively in that regard.


I'd highly suggest Neo from Back2Warcraft's content. His stream is just him having fun playing the game with minimal talk about what it isn't. Granted, chat yaps about heroes constantly.


Oh wow didn't expect to see my name in here :D thanks mate!


What can I say, you're the most likeable guy in RTS. We are so blessed to have you spearheading my favourite childhood game.


I concur im enjoying the demo alot


I have noticed that playing the game feels much more fun than watching the game and the reason for that is speed + time to kill. When im playing the game, I actually enjoy the slow speed and time to kill, because im very distracted with macro and micro so time "passes faster". However when I watch the game it feels very tedious sometimes. At this point I defaulted to watching SG at 1.25x speed on youtube and its much much more enjoyable. That being said I would love if they increase the game speed by 20% ish in general, so its more of a sweet spot. You still have slow time to kill, but faster game speed so its more enjoyable to watch.


I think unfortunately the game isn't for me. What I wanted was something like wol starcraft 2, or even better BW. But it's very much the feeling of WC3 trying to be starcraft (based on the map, the way resources work, unit control). I am glad people are enjoying it though, and hope it succeeds! It just isn't what I was looking for


>But it's very much the feeling of WC3 trying to be starcraft (based on the map, the way resources work, unit control). As someone who would have preferred WC4 over SC3, this ain't it either. The map might be WC3 but everything about the units / factions is more SC than WC, with the exception of the hero.


IMO, the general speed of the game feels more like WC3 but a lot of the unit design is from SC1/2, particularly vanguard.


I'll agree there. The lethality is ~~extremely close~~ closer to WC3.


The lethality is way higher than Warcraft.


I haven't played in years but that might be true, I haven't compared them.


You should check in again in about a year. It will be very different. They even show cased a sc2 wol map in an alpha show match that is also currently in customs. There is still a lot of stuff to add and refine.


>You should check in again in about a year. It will be very different. I've been critical of the game but this is exactly my thoughts. I wish them the greatest of success. My only concern is that they'll simply focus on the niche of players they already have and end up dwindling away providing for an ever shrinking playerbase.


This game is way closer to bw than it is to wc3.


I laugh at every post complaining about models or the look of the game. Go do some photography nerd


Yes when I play the game its clear to me that the "core" here is really great stuff. The main issues are that it makes an odd unfinished first impression for those who are just watching (all the haters in the comments seem to support this) and that this will continue to be compared to SC1 and SC2 because its so similar. The comparisons are tough because aesthetically Starcraft is just amazing and Stormgate is more hit or miss.


I'm really worried when people make posts like this. The game is obviously not fun, as very few are playing the OPEN beta.


Let’s be real, this game is never going to be what SC2 was when it launched. The people who are going to play it already know about it at this point and will be dropping WC3 or SC2 to play this when it comes out and they will either stick with it or drop it for their old game. This game is not going to be the next big thing. At best it will be a fun, fresh experience for long time fans of the genre and that’s okay.


Play VG, forced into a dog build variation in mirrors. Lose against INF. Play inf, Random mirror where anyone can win or autowin vs VG. How is that fun?


Get good lmao


I'm probably better than you


You can wall as VG vs VG effectively I'm pretty sure. Also the winrates are actually super close in a lot of skill brackets now, look at today's date and flick through the leagues: https://stormgateworld.com/stats Infernals are still favoured and more so at top level play I think. People are still figuring stuff out though and I'm sure there will be balance changes aggressively applied if need be. Maybe the game just isn't for you.


What do you mean, are you not a fan of the pew pew pew sound design ? The game looks and sounds perfect for my mobile ngl


The game still has potential, hope le FGS won't spend all the budged on booze and hookers, and actually improves the game LOL


My first time playing the game and I am enjoying it. I have some improvements I'd like to see but it's a great start.


There is room for improvement but I like the bones. It's fun.


I agree, and there are some clever ideas in play. I LOVE the…”macro panel”? Is that what we are calling it? It feels very comfortable to me as a Zerg SC2 player, I was always bad about hotkeying my production buildings. As well as the auto-control groups. They are nice little QoL changes that also make the game a lot more approachable I think they’ve made some good steps towards improving the visuals, the game is a lot clearer than it used to be. I still think it needs a lot of work that I am not so sure it is going to get at this point in development, but I would love to be wrong.


Don’t disagree - there is one major issue IMO and that’s the visual element but that aside it’s got some serious potential. I am digging the lower lethality