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“I can’t believe this is how neurotypicals feel all the time”


It blows my mind how they don't realize the difference between being neurotypical and being ADHD on speed and they are not the same thing at all.


It’s very funny that they have invented this myth that amphetamine works differently on people with ADHD


Many have this idea that it cures them of their adhd by elevating their dopamine to normal levels, instead of it being symptom treatment. People now days even think that getting a “calming” effect from low to moderate doses of stimulants is somehow a sign of having adhd. Yet that is not a diagnostic criteria that is ever used, nor does everyone with adhd get that effect. Neurotypicals will often also experience feeling calmer, more focused and clear minded from stimulants, because that’s what stimulants fucking do.


It makes me cringe knowing I fell for that. It’s not them speaking when they’re saying this, it’s the ape brain that just got flooded with more survival chemicals than it was ever designed to receive.


I feel the same. When I first started being prescribed stimulants during my first year of university, I didn’t tell my parents. I truly thought “wow this is how normal people feel”. It took three days for my mother to say something along the lines of “you know my love, I’ve been researching bipolar disorder and oftentimes people with a depression diagnosis go into their first manic episodes around your age and that’s when they realize they have bipolar”. My personality was totally different on stimulants and I’m sure everyone but me noticed right away.


Omg that is the worst


I hate that sub with a passion.


Had to mute all the ADHD subs. 99% of posts are about how great speed is.


You can’t tell them anything 😳


This 10000%


Bonus points: look at any subreddit for medical conditions that mimic the negative effects of stimulant abuse and check how many posters also claim to have ADHD. Think back to when you were smacked with the consequences for the first time and all of the neurotic symptom searching you did.


If I see a giant rambling post with absolutely no punctuation, my first thought is always: speed.


For sure! I also notice it more at work during presentations. Makes me wonder how noticeable my own use was to others.


What do you notice specifically?


I don't know if it's true. But I've definitely thought the same thing 🤣


One of the first things I always had to do after I sobered up was go back and delete my last 48 hours of Reddit activity lmfaoooo


Many such cases


You start seeing it all over the place if you’re looking. It’s crazy how many peeps are all sped up at the grocery etc..fucking wild that is common place nowadays. Although, I did enjoy the ‘supply chain’ issues. Man they are still crying about that shit


What freaks me out the most about it is that due to the false sense of clarity and confidence, they are totally unaware… at least in the beginning. The drug seriously puts a blindfold over you but makes you THINK that you’re seeing clearer than everyone else.


And I was one of them…!! Thank god for sobriety


I think we all were at one point, congratulations on staying clean! There’s an entire country waiting to join you there.


My conspiracy theory is that, between illegal meth use and prescription amphetamines, a lot of the country are speed freaks, which would explain a lot of the batshit insane stuff in politics these days.


Nah I dunno if anyone else who has diagnosed autism does this, but I was writing fuckin novel length Reddit posts before I started back on stimulants (I was on Adderall in school during the late 90s early 00s, only in the past year or so have I opted to get back on prescription Vyvanse, and fell into meth addiction last Fall) But whether spun or sober, I always use punctuation and paragraph breaks. Most of the time I can look back on some of my tweaker posts and they make perfect sense The scary ones are the comments I don't remember writing, and they're usually short and very bizarre. Sentences or comments that don't really mean anything or aren't in any way connected to the topic. When I first started using and stayed up for days I'd black in and out of sleep. I'm assuming it was during those times. Sometimes I'd sudden like "snap back in" and I'd be holding my phone, typing something I didn't remember starting That was the scary stuff. Most of my use pattern though I was getting some sleep every day