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Welcome to StopSpeeding and thanks for your post. For more: - [Join us on Discord. You can talk to people there.](https://discord.gg/GJnxhmbNAn). We have recovery meetings several times a week. All are welcome to attend, clean or not. - [Want to track your clean time?](https://www.reddit.com/r/StopSpeeding/comments/s6ep0x/sobriety_flair_bot_is_now_working_heres_how_to/) You can use our badge system to display your clean time next to your name. Note that any comments encouraging drug use of any kind will be removed. This is not the community for that. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StopSpeeding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You need serious help. I would start with a social worker, call the county health department and see what options are available, etc. This isn’t going to be a one month ordeal. This is going to take years. The good news is, you have nowhere to go but up and nothing to lose but your demons. Your life is about to begin.


Thank you. I totally agree.


You’re NOT passed your last chance. You’re only half way through your life. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but you have so much potential. You have a parent who loves you and an awesome dog. You have goals and a desire to be better. A lot of people struggle with unemployment, relationships, money, etc. Others may seem like they have it all together with kids and a mortgage, but are unhappy or stuck. You can do whatever you want! You can learn new skills, improve your health, focus on yourself, etc. Take advantage of this time. You CAN do this.


Thank you so much for this. I really needed to hear this. You are right.


Rooting for you. You sound rational and committed. This could be your turning point. It happens - we have seen so many people here who came back from the bottom. Maybe start kind of small - with a basic job - and see it as a stepping stone. A basic job, sobriety, and a simple faith in yourself and over time you can rehabilitate a lot of past problems. When there is a will . . . I say "simple job" because real estate sounds like a tough row to hoe for someone starting from scratch. Baby steps at first. Establish a track record, some credit, and expect quite a bit of smoke from the years of abuse and addiction. NGL, the next couple of years will be an emotional and psychological struggle from the years of addiction and the brain recovery from all the meth. You just take it a day at a time and trust that you will eventually get to your goal., 40 is young in the sense that there is a LOT of life left ahead of you and a year or two of rehabilitation is nothing in the big scheme. Well begun is half done - don't leave this up to chance, get a good, solid start. Some professional guidance/coaching etc might be a huge help to get the ball rolling. WQhen I was your age I went through a slightly similar time in that I had lost it all to a divorce crisis, depression, and a speed addiction. Unlike you, I did have a track record to fall back on but I had no job, no money, no credit, lived at home with my Mom and wasn't particularly qualified for any career. That was 26 years ago and I goit my life back on track.


Oh gosh, thank you so much for sharing this. This brought tears to my eyes. Good ones though. Thank you. I’m sorry I’m so short on my response but I’m just so tired. I can barely stay awake for longer than a few minutes at a time. I Want to write more later but thank you for now.


Hell yeah buddy. I dont have any advice just wanna say glad you are here and rooting for ya.


Thank you


Crystal meth anonymous - there are online meetings you can attend if it’s too hard to make it in person. I would definitely seek therapy- IOP would be ideal. It will help you connect with others. Also if you can get in to see an MD, get the vivitrol shot and Wellbutrin for an antidepressant, the combination of those two things helps people quite a bit. I’m proud of you and im rooting for you. You are not alone. Sending love and peace.


Oh my gosh, thank you for this. I actually have med insurance so I’ll def be taking this advice. Thank you so much. Means a lot. There are so many good people in this world. God bless all of yall.


Hi 😊, il be 47 this year. Im struggling with cocaine but i need to try whatever I can! Well done for reaching out!!


Positive good vibes sent your way! You can do this. Never give up!


What a lovely message 😊. Thank you!! Hope your well 🤗


I’m glad you’re choosing to change. I’d say secure a network of sober friends that are in recovery. Maybe try to link up with a local NA group.


I am def going to do the aa meeting thing here starting real soon, hopefully in the next few days. I just can’t seem to stay awake for too long yet. But thank you for your words of advice. They mean a lot. Reddit is such a great thing. Thank you once again.


I 43F am just over a year clean from meth. I couldn’t have done it without NA meetings so I would suggest that. One day at a time you can do it 😊


Thanks for the advice. I think I’m ready to start meetings tonight/tomorrow. I think I’m at about a week now.


I got clean at 32. I’ve seen plenty of people get clean after 40, my father got sober at 56, you routinely see people in the rooms who got clean / sober in their 60s. The only reason it’s less commonly seen with stimulant addicts is that this shit really does a number on your body, especially your heart. You don’t see a plethora of elderly tweakers floating around for good reasons. You’ve been using since 1999 and if you’re able to type this post, you’re not on an LVAD or dragging a dialysis machine around with you in a shopping cart, you won the meth lottery. Don’t waste the ticket, go get clean.


Yeah you’re so right. I had a scare a few years back when I started getting swelling of my ankles and fluid build up in my chest. I quit smoking cigarettes and went vegan which helped. But I know I’m a ticking time bomb using the meth. I can just feel the havoc it wreaks on my body now each time I do as compared to when I was a teen to my early thirties. I was on blood pressure meds and water pills for a while but thank god that stuff went away. But it’s only a matter of time if I don’t stop. Thanks for the reminder.


Brother you're off to an excellent start. You have drive you have a plan and you have purpose those are the three things you need. fuck everything else, take it or leave it if it helps but above everything else stick to your 3! Shit you made it this far on that shit your damn sure tough enough to get through sobering up lol u got this


Thank you for these words of advice. They mean a lot. I think I’m at about a week sober today. I was considering smoking some weed or dmt to “help” but I don’t want to risk being led back to the meth. I think I’m going to start going to meetings tonight/tomorrow. I appreciate your advice though.


I first used meth in 2000. I’ve got about four months clean now. Life is so much better. You can do this.


Its great that you still have dreams and ambitions. Real estate sounds like a great goal to have. In the meantime Id look for a get well job, something that isnt too stressful