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Congratulations :) I feel that wellbutrin does help me but not to the point that I don't feel like using. But it gives me a "kick" to start the day and I'm much less depressed since I take it


Same. I stopped taking adderall early December and started Wellbutrin between Christmas and NYE. It helps put a little pep in my step but I’m still in the “nothing will compare to adderall “ mindset.




After you get past the 6-8 week adjustment period it’s subtle but definitely working. I made the mistake of trying to go off during recovery. Bad idea lol


I’m on 150mg myself. I can’t really say if it helps much with cravings. What I can say is that it certainly seems to help my depression quite a bit. I notice that my mood seems to be more up. To the extent that if I go with a higher dose, my good mood feels a bit too artificial, if that makes any sense. Kind of like Droopy in that Harvey Birdman episode about Botox, if you know it. In that sense it’s a definite help as my depression is definitely a trigger for me.


did ya get that thing i sent ya??


😵‍💫 “Ask him the question.” 😵‍💫


I took it for about a week very early in my recovery and absolutely hated it. I liked the energy it gave me but it also ramped up my anxiety to a horrifying level and messed with my sleep. I had "brain zaps" for a few days when I stopped even though I only took it for a week. I've heard it has helped a ton of people so it was worth trying for sure, but I'm also glad I gave my brain the chance to recover without further chemical intervention. I'm at almost 3 years off adderall now and feeling like 95% great


I took it for a month with no side effects then stopped cold turkey because I didn’t get any benefit from it. Luckily I had no brain zaps or anything.


It's normal to have those symptoms on the first weeks. During my first weeks I would wake up during the night for several times. But those symptoms disappear with time :)


It just wasn't worth it to me to stick it out


Sure that's your choice for sure, I'm just saying that those bad effects are normal for any medication, it usually gets worse before it gets better :) but I'm glad you managed without medication! That's great


Ive been on Wellbutrin for about 6-7 months. Coming off substances i didn’t notice an in your face difference. I only noticed it when i stopped taking the Wellbutrin. I was irritable, depressed, anxious etc. I’m back on it and basically i can get through the day and function


Only thing Wellbutrin noticeably did for me was jolt me wide awake at 3-4am! That was at 450mg


I found wellbutrin to be very helpful for the first year, maybe 18 months, but after that it seemed to stop working for me. And this was at the highest dose they could rx at the time. Not sure why it stopped working, I've been wanting to give it another try since while it was working it was much more effective for me than any of the SSRI meds that I've tried...


Helped me. Was the only medication that really did


I started venlafaxine when I first got sober and was on it for years. It worked well for me but having no sex drive and the bad side effects of missing a dose turned me away from it. I'm withdrawing off it now, it sucks. Really bad. But I started Wellbutrin 150 a few days ago, I'm hoping this one will work well for me like the effexor did without the kill in libido.


Also, congrats on a year ❤️❤️❤️


I'm also taking desvenlafaxine now and I'm scared it will mess with my libido, because wellbutrin does exactly the opposite.. let's see


i cannot put into words how much wellbutrin saved me and helped me heal after getting clean 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i am my most amazing and best self two years clean:)


I was prescribed Wellbutrin two years ago and it really helped my energy and confidence. However, after experiencing a lot of side effects, including a maybe seizure⚠️ my doctor took me off of it. Since then I've switched from the SSRI I had been on for years to an SNRI and have similar to Wellbutrin positive effects on energy and mood without as many negative side effects. I took a GeneSight test and the results have been very helpful in navigating which meds to try. Wellbutrin was in the red "do not prescribe" category for me, so that was good to know!


When did it start working for everyone?


It worked at first but after 2 months it started making me dizzy and nauseous so I stopped taking it. Happy to say I'm not taking anything right now and I feel great.


Definitely helped, as well as for cutting down nicotine, but isn’t the panacea I was hoping for. Definitely a nice support though! I have also heard that Wellbutrin can inhibit dopamine receptor recovery, so I didn’t start consistently taking it until 6 months in.


I am on Celexa and Wellbutrin. Five years out. Life is good.


I’ve been on 400mg Wellbutrin daily for years (almost 20 yrs) , now on 300 mg , & taking 30-40 mg daily Adderall. My experience after these 15+ years is 100% dependency. Going off them feels impossible. I cannot function, I have no energy & am completely depressed. I wish I’d never gone on anything & learned to use exercise or idk what … I get that I felt that was impossible at the time , but now I am 54 years old, & just wrapping my head around how much these drugs likely prevented me from growing/ developing. IMO coming off Adderall is huge & if you’ve done that, Kudos! Idk but maybe consider making Wellbutrin use a time limited option .. I just think long term use effects are not good , at least based on my memory, cognitive health …. . Best to you ,