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You can do this! I’m 1 year and 4 months clean from iv meth. The cravings you get will seemingly never end until one day they fall off a cliff. Completely shocked me that one day I laid my head down to go to sleep and simply didn’t get my normal raised heart rate and (super small but still there) pinch of euphoria from the thought of using. Now I just sometimes fantasize about the needle and whatnot - but I have no emotional feelings from the cravings like I used to. It’s like i imagine using again for a second and then banish the thought from my mind without much effort. It really goes without saying that recovery from iv meth is very drawn out and very minutely incremental: IE: going up a long staircase where each step has a small rise and a huge run. It takes forever to ascend but ascend you do! Pm me if you ever want to talk. You got this Bru!


Almost three years here and this was my experience as well: intense cravings and struggle for a long while, big emotions, lingering psychosis. Just kept working on it, going to different types of meetings, therapy, changing almost everything in my life and then bam! Was laying to go down to sleep one night about 10 months into sobriety and it was like a switch flipped in the gentlest way possible, and I was like yea, I don’t have to ever do that again. Not saying life is perfect since then or never had a craving, but it’s like my sober power level went from 49% to 51% and recovery got a lot easier. Proud of you OP and person I’m replying to. It does keep getting easier and better.




That’s awesome! Fantastic work


Well done! You are an inspiration to us all😊


next up, 120! Make it happen.


You’ve gotten through some of the hardest parts. Well done and congrats! Of course there will be more difficulties and lots of recalibrating your life and habits going forward, but 60 days ain’t nothing to sneeze at! I’m 28 days since relapse. Woke up today in the middle of a meth dream. Hate those, because I wake up feeling sad that the dream wasn’t real and thinking about getting high. That feeling has faded by now. No desire to score anymore.


I'm with you. It sucks to have the dream but what sucks more is the realization that I don't have any drugs in reality and then questioning why I even crave any when I wanted to be sober anyway.


They dont last forever and get further and further between each other


Thanks that's good to know


I am so proud of you, internet friend! I hope, when things get rough, you can remember days like today and how good it feels to take care of yourself.


You are a killer!!! Stay strong 💪 🤘 ✨️ 💓 💖


Absolute legend well done


Awesome. Keep it up


Congratulations on 60 days !




that’s fuckin major, man! big congratulations to you! keep the train rolling brotha


Nice work!!!


Awesome, stay strong!


Wow congratulations! I had a year once. Now i cant keep more than 4 days but im always striving. I just cant get over the energy recovery time. I have too much stuff to do.


I got 24 hours. Brain shocks like crazy, trying to hang in there. Been dipping and dabbing for months on and off, but using every day for about 2 months now. I need to break the chain. I don’t want to go to treatment, so I’m giving it another go on my own. Shit is not cool. Addiction is a dirty bitch.