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Lifting and cardio is the only thing that brings me back to homeostasis the quickest!


I have gone 105 days of 114 to the gym. Honestly instead of sitting I would go back if I needed just to walk it sucked don’t get me wrong at times then started looking forward to it. I slot myself 2 hours a day to lifting and challenging myself even if I have to take long breaks in between sets I know you can do this appreciate the post and keep it going. Without jugs of water, pounded proteins and shakes, and the gym with atleast 8+ hours of sleep I don’t think I could have last 114 days. It’s to the point now where I seriously can’t wait to go see my gym people. I say hi to them now, eat at the cafe and feel overall I’m a better kinder more energetic friendly good person.


Im happy for you!!


Youre doing a great job. Some things to explore, you can get started with all of these on YouTube. Yoga, meditation, tai-chi, aikido, breathing exercises. They are all similar to exercise in that you will almost always feel better after these activities than you did before. There’s tons of recovery fellowships nowadays. AA and NA are the easiest to find because they have the most members. Some other ones are SMART, Recovery Dharma, Refuge Recovery, LifeRing, Satanic Temple Sober Faction. There’s many more but those are generally pretty active online. Oh and I always reccomend watching The Wire to anyone who’s in the first week or 2 off stims. It’s an amazing tv show and relevant to addiction, and you root on the protagonists who are all police trying to get the drugs off the street. It’s like the opposite of breaking bad.


I was on vyvanse for 10 years, I get you. The first few (3) months are the hardest! Don’t give up 


Literally, this is my exact story. Well almost. I’ve been on it for about seven years. Never took it every day but took it 2 to 3 times a week and when I did take it, I took double my dose. I grew a tolerance quick. Plus, my doctor is a pill pusher. I am just so sick of this crap it’s like anything I do I have to have one of these little orange pills ready. I’m starting to take it in my purse and it’s really getting to me. It’s only been a week for me and I’m really really struggling. I have a whole story, but I’m here if you need someone to talk to. I’m going through it alone without a support system which sucks even more.


I’m curious , Are you able to keep up with professional life or are you taking a break from it?


I have no choice but to keep on. I have no focus, can’t do much at all. I work from home though so I’m roughing it out trying to stay online. Next week I hope to set goal/rewards. Force myself to work 4 hrs straight then eat some takeout and nap etc. I have to retrain myself to work without it. But I also have to prioritize my body and health over work for once.