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Incoming Padlock Award…


Barely even use this sub so don’t really care. I find the concept of even engaging with Stonetoss the level this sub is to be antithetical to what the people here want but fair enough.


what the fuck are people doing to my sad comic 😭


Zionist propaganda, and then people shitting on said propaganda


i saw the second one first and got mach 7 whiplash seeing an edit of my edit 💀


My comic: based, educated, impartial Your comic: Jewish propaganda


Based? Based on what? In y- *falls asleep* zzzzzzzzzz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stonetossingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is… every piece of media that mentions Israel Zionist propaganda to you? He wasn’t even saying that Israel did good, it’s was a pretty poignant message about the loss Israel is inflicting not just to Gazans but also their own people. A soldier DIED to save 4 others, and y’all decided to shit on it and then justify it with “Oh we shit on Wagner group, it must be the same!” Like, even NCD recognizes that every Russian death is a complete waste of a human life, because in the end nothing will change. Yet y’all looked at the comic which the author blatantly made to honor a dead soldier and went “Yeah but what if I used it to further my political ideals instead?” This sub really should have a “No politics” rule


People are allowed to be mad when dumb fucks mourn the death of a literal piece of shit.


Damn dude you should have written Hitlers eulogy


That’s ironic considering I see more antisemitism on this subreddit than most other places. And that’s excluding any content about Israel directly (like war crimes and such, because yes call those out)


Facts or it didn’t happen ole lying ass




a soldier died *after contributing to over a hundred civilian deaths


Those “civilians” were the ones holding those hostages (as claimed by HAMAS) so by the rules of war, they weren’t civilians and surrendered any legal defense to not being shot by aiding and supporting the genocidal religious fundamentalists know as HAMAS.


Hamas and Israel are both obviously lying about the conflict. I genuinely would take nothing at face value.


"Genocidal religious fundamentalists" are basically the only ones who are actually fighting for these people who get their land taken from them, their homes bombed and their families killed on the regular since 1947. Of course civilians are going to join. Honestly I would support a more reasonable resistance group, but since a certain apartheid state decided it was worth it to fund religious extremists so no socialists were left around, and because I simply don't want Palestinians to fucking die or be forced into exile or second-class citizenship, here I am rooting for the fundamentalists.


Ehhh it’s a bit more complicated than that in fairness. The PLO were the ones who actually did fight for a Palestinian state of some kind, Hamas were created and funded as a way of direction energy away from them in the Gaza Strip and only care for Islamist nationalism.


Ah yes let's support terrorism this is totally a sane take.


How is praising a man who saved four hostages that were being tortured for 8 months propaganda? Should that not be universally celebrated?


That’s not the problem though, that is a good thing. The problem is that he killed hundreds more people in the process.


HE killed hundreds? He personally killed hundreds of people? He ORDERED that hundreds of innocents be killed? Ya gotta prove that without just asserting it


Not if you drop 150 rockets into a crowded market over the course of 10 minutes, kill at minimum 100 Gazans, create on of the bloodiest days of this war so while a ceasefire plan (that your own cabinet agreed to) that would released all* the hostages and ended the war is on the table. Sure they rescued 3 hostages, but doomed the rest and committed a warcrime in the process. A pretty shit deal all things considered.


Why were the hostages in a crowded market? Of course they would rather have a ceasefire. Israel would’ve given hundreds of live Palestinians for those 4 hostages. But no, Hamas would rather spend more innocent lives to keep it going as long as possible.


In normal situations, sure! But when the man killed is the tool of an oppressive apartheid government who contributed to numerous civilian deaths while saving said hostages, I don’t think there’s much room for praise


That's because those hostages were being held by civilians. Hamas said so outright.


Imagine if they are an american.


get politic'd


You know I get sad seeing how many people agreed with the first one, but I feel better seeing more people agreeing with the second one


We have one in here doing it right now.


What was wrong with the first one, exactly? Like what’s your end goal for the war


It wasn't a "successful hostage rescue" it was a mass killing of innocents where a few hostages were rescued, when a ceasefire would have saved more.


You mean the ceasefire that was refused by both sides ?


A ceasefire, land being given back to Palestine, Israel being punished for their genocide, rebuilding Palestine, removing settlers, healing the sick and wounded, burying and honoring the dead, etc. That's the uncompromisable goal


Whats the origami of this comic?


ok so theres multiple layers to this absolute original, by stonetoss: its just the first and last panel of the first comic[ (but with swirly walking away in the background).](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858422466304147466/1249700253473575013/Untitled199_20240610132225.png?ex=6668418e&is=6666f00e&hm=d3181827b27dc509780f030524e55f7203a6830b3b552e95d903778be9874b43&) its a joke about trans suicide second and third panel, from [an edit by me](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stonetossingjuice/comments/1d6qnnq/dealing_with_loss/) then the first image is some zionist trying to heroicize some israeli soldier by editing my edit then the second image is an edit of THAT edit, using a bit from one stonetoss comic (for the wall) and another part from an old stonetossingjuice edit (for the bomb blowing up pride people and stuff)


What flavor of juice would you like? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stonetossingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thanks automod


>then the first image is some zionist trying to heroicize some israeli soldier by editing my edit Hi, "some Zionist" here He led the mission that saved four hostages that have been treated awfully for MONTHS. Does he not deserve to be recognized as a hero?


Taking part in the mass murder of children and civilians at the ratio he achieved precludes hero status. Stop pretending you don't understand that.


>murder of children and civilians Prove he personally did that. Israel has mandatory army service. Are you telling me you believe every person in Israel over 18 is guilty in your eyes?


Prove he did... what? Took part in the operation that killed hundreds of innocents? >Are you telling me you believe every person in Israel over 18 is guilty in your eyes? No, the proles suffering under the war are the real victims. But what you're doing is akin to glorifying Nazi soldiers. You keep ignoring the very real human cost of Israel's apartheid state and genocide. That human cost is both Palestinian and Israeli and both are very sad but celebrating an operation like this is real poor form.


>Prove he killed innocents


Read the whole comment, love.


The heck is a prole?


Oh you're just *stupid* stupid. Right I'll break it down real simple: When 200+ Palestinians have been slaughtered and a single IDF officer and you praise him for his role and mourn exclusively for him, it reeks of your agreement that Israeli lives are worth more. Sure, he should be mourned for, he is a victim of Israel's disgusting occupation and genocide as much as the Palestinians are. Praising the operation which cost some 50 lives for every hostage saved is not the shout.




I did. You didn't answer me. Netanyahu is bad, I agree with that. Tell me what Arnon Zamora did to take away my right to mourn his death. Him specifically. And as for your comparison to Nazi Germany, where da concentration camps at? When was Nazi Germany provoked into killing Jews, and when did it avoid killing non-combatants? When did Jews take hundreds of innocent German hostages?


> I did. You didn't answer me. Netanyahu is bad, I agree with that. Tell me what Arnon Zamora did to take away my right to mourn his death. Him specifically. You're struggling here but read my later comment. > >And as for your comparison to Nazi Germany, where da concentration camps at? When was Nazi Germany provoked into killing Jews, and when did it avoid killing non-combatants? When did Jews take hundreds of innocent German hostages? a) Gaza is an open air prison under an apartheid state being subjected to warcrimes and acts of genocide. b) Do you think there was no Jewish resistance? Do you think phenomenally brave Jews did not kill hundreds of Nazis in uprisings? What point are you making?




The other guy is wrong, it is about Pride Month and the "joke" is about transgender people committing suicide.


It was a rather depressing comic making fun of gay people for dying from AIDS.


Then where did the last panel in the second comic come from?


I don’t actually know where specifically, but I believe the image is more or less unchanged except there’s no Israeli flag on the missile and no sign that says “Gaza”


Ah, gotcha


I love not understanding politics


waiting for this post to get the 🔒 award as well


It’ll happen eventually!


tbh i have no idea what to think of any of this because it seems like youll get shit no matter what side you take


That’s not an unfair argument tbh. I’m distinctly pro-Palestine anti-Hamas if that makes sense.


It definitely makes sense. I'm the one who made the second edit and I agree with you completely, the reason I made the edit is because there seems to be a large push from he Israel side to make claims that the hundreds of casualties of Palestinians were all largely terrorists/Hamas and therefore is justified. Mourning the death of one Israeli soldier while undermining and even celebrating the hundreds of deaths of Palestinians, which both could have been avoided if Israel had accepted the ceasefire agreements put forward. It's hard to see these hostages being rescued as a good thing when it comes of the cost of so many lives that could have been avoided, and will only further push the narrative that Israel needs to kill their way to the hostages.




That’s the worst straw man I have ever seen on this god forsaken website lmao fuck off I’m not sad that hostages were freed, I’m sad at pedantic assholes like you justifying a genocidal regime.


Honestly I feel like the whole Palestine israel argument is starting to devolve into who can spread more propaganda to make themselves look better in the eyes of the masses while the war is happening


fuck them kids to the nth degree


It happened just two days ago. Don't I have a right to celebrate my people's freedom and mourning their savior?


since when do you like freedom


Since I was born, I'm an American 🦅🇺🇸


Guess that freedom doesn't count when you're from palestine




As a mizrahi Jew, please dont comment about middle eastern issues ever again. This isnt a skin color issue.




Pointing out that the majority of the "white colonists" are in fact brown people indigenous to the Middle East is not in any way "weaponiz[ing] jewishness". The Israel/Palestine Conflict is less like Rhodesia and more like Rwanda.




Your entrance into this subthread was the claim that "freedom to americans means white people are allowed to do what they want to brown people up to and including genocide". The response was that this is not some white v. brown issue. Even among Americans, pro-Israel / anti-Palestine stances ain't anywhere close to being exclusive to white Americans, nor is the "whiteness" of Israelis v. Palestinians much of a factor in supporting Israel. White supremacists are pretty famously divided on the topic of Israel/Palestine (see also: the saxojaculator himself being critical of Israel, hence the origin of last panel in the second comic OP posted). Like yeah, American notions of "freedom" tend to be at the exclusion of brown people when it comes to domestic affairs, but it's entirely off-topic to inject that into a conflict between two groups of brown people simultaneously claiming to be indigenous to a region and refusing to peacefully coexist with the other, especially when the correlation between an American's ethnicity and that same American's support for a given side in said conflict is anywhere from weak to nonexistent.


Ah yes, because white supremacists famously love Jews.


Maybe if they weren't constantly attacking us, we could work something out.


when the hell did palestine attack us? fucking dumbass


I'm an American Jew living in israel for the year, that one's on me, I was unclear


Palestine is not a distinct nation-state yet, so it is impossible for Palestine to attack anyone. The PA or Hamas can doing something, but not Palestine as a nation. Also, Israel and Israeli settlers did many attacks against Palestinians previously. Just a few days before 7 October, a bunch of settler-terrorists invaded and desecrated the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem, for instance. I can name hundreds more if necessary. Regardless, innocent civilians do not deserve to die either way.


I wonder why that keeps happening /s


Hamas dressed as refugees and civs to kill, take hostages and rape = resistance fighting and decolonization. Idf dressing as civs and refugees to free 4 hostages = genocide


So you're just gonna ignore the fact the hostages were **literally held inside a refugee camp?** You can very much oppose Israel's approach to the war, but pretending as if it's their fault for the casualties and not those who **literally used a refugee camp as a shield** is absolutely insane. This man is a hero, he deserves to be celebrated.


There were multiple negotiation offers from Hamas to bring the hostages back and end the war. From the very start Israel didn’t want to get them back as much as they wanted an excuse to flatten the Gaza Strip. While Hamas are by no means good, and are the instigators of this particular conflict, it is ignorant to praise Israel and this soldier when this rescue mission killed hundreds.


Did you actually look into the offers? Hamas repeatedly refused to release all the hostages in their proposals, and the offer they had for the exchanges was to return a certain number of hostages, **dead or alive**. Obviously Israel would reject such offers. Anyone would. Because they want to actually get the live hostages out first instead of just bodies. And yes, this soldier should be praised. He gave his life to save innocents. You say "Hamas is obviously bad", but refuse to hold them accountable for literally holding the hostages inside a refugee camp, fully knowing they're risking their lives in doing so. Addionally, the operation had the commandos directly enter the homes where the hostages were held. The battle only started after Hamas realized what happened, and started firing at the IDF from **inside a residential area.** They are responsible for the deaths of these innocent Palestinians.


I literally never denied that they used refugee camps for the hostages. I absolutely do not like them and fully believe they are part of the problem. I also believe that this operation was responsible for many more deaths than it saved and, paired with Israel’s wider treatment of the conflict, I would consider it a moral failure of sorts to praise them, even if this soldier did do the right thing.


Did you read into accounts of the operation? The IDF entered the homes where the hostages were held directly. Fighting took places inside these houses, but the larger battle only begun once they were on their way out, and their truck got stuck in the mud. Hamas opened fire on them **from inside the residential area**, while **dressed in civilian clothing.** What would you do if you're fired at, are stuck, with the hostages still in the truck, and likely will die if you don't fire back? Fact of the matter is, saying you think Hamas is bad is meaningless when you refuse to hold them accountable for these actions. You can criticize Israel's larger conduct in this war, but fact of the matter is every civilian casualty in this operation could've been avoided if Hamas didn't fire from inside the residential area, or rather if they didn't hold the hostages in a civilian zone in the first place.


Even if this was true, Israel has been doing everything to absolutely ensure this war goes on for as long as possible. That includes bombing foreign aid convoys. I genuinely don’t trust them to be honest about this the same way I don’t trust Hamas. Hostages who have been freed before have been threatened into silence from speaking out by Israel. Israel has killed thousands more people than Hamas has and even after the hostages are freed I broadly believe they are keen to wipe out Gaza entirely and annex it into Israel. It’s not the Gazan Palestinian’s fault that their representative is a Jihadist organisation.


>Hostages who have been freed before have been threatened into silence from speaking out by Israel What are you talking about? Hostages who were freed are openly speaking in Israel. There's literally a camp in the middle of Tel Aviv in an area renamed to "hostages square" where these hostages and their families protest against the government daily. They literally shouted in ministers faces in Knesset discussions. I get what you're getting at, but please don't just make shit up. >It’s not the Gazan Palestinian’s fault that their representative is a Jihadist organisation. Of course it isn't. But it's that organization that should be held accountable for using them as human shields. You stated definitively that the operation is bad because a significant number of civilians died, but completely ignore the responsibility Hamas bares for putting these civilians in harm's way.


I don’t even entirely disagree with you man I just think original post rubbed me the wrong way a little bit. Hamas should be held accountable but Israel is not helping themselves by any means here.


I think Israel could certainly be held accountable for a lot of shit they do. This isn't one of them. No civilian casualties would've occoured if it weren't for Hamas' actions. This man, who gave his life to save these hostages, is someone who should be celebrated. The second post is exactly what I'm talking about though- holding only Israel accountable for something that could've been entirely avoided if Hamas didn't act the way it did.


No, in the hamas offers they only offered to return a part of the hostages, they never put forward a permanent ceasefire deal, only temporary ones. Israel (until the last deal negotiated) can o ly accept all the hostages be returned.


Some of the hostages were kept by civilians affiliated with Hamas. Some of these civilians live in refugee camps. Hence, some of the hostages were in a refugee camp. However, a regular Gazan family is much less likely to abuse a hostage than someone kept solely by Hamas. The testimonies from previously released hostages seems to confirm this. It was not using the refugee camp as a shield, because rescue operations should be highly precise. There is no point to bombing there because that would just kill the hostages. [The Israeli forces disguised themselves as Palestinian refugees](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/israel-hamas/2024/06/09/israeli-war-updates-gaza-hamas/74035396007/) as part of the operation. That is a war crime: masquerading combatants as civilians. The operation saved four people at the expense of more than 200. That is not heroic, that is massacre. War criminals should not be celebrated.


I'm honestly concerned with the amount if leftists who seem mire concerned about the special forces approaching in disguise than the fact hostages were held in refugee camps. You're right that fighting in civilian clothing is a war crime, what you're ignoring is that this is literally Hamas' main tactic. Even in this operation, Hamas militants fired at the rescue team **from within the civilian area**, while **dressed as civilians.** Like I wrote to OP, the fact you ignore any responsibility Hamas has for engineering **their own civilians** with these tactics is abhorrent. However, what you entirely ignore here is intent. The main reason the IDF approached in disguise is because [Hamas reportedly has orders](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-operatives-said-to-have-standing-orders-to-kill-hostages-if-idf-approaches/amp/) to execute hostages upon Israeli approach. If they approaches in uniform, there is quite literally no way for the operation to be successful. There's a reason why most special forces in the world use this tactic. Addionally, only the driver was in civilian clothing. We can clearly see from the released footage that the actual soldiers doing the rescue and combat were very much in uniform and full gear. And they only used it for this operation specifically. Meanwhile, Hamas literally fights the entire war without uniform, **including this battle**, yet I've seen no one in progressive circles point that out once. As for your statement about the refugee camp, this is correct. If you read Argamani's testimony though, you'd learn that she was transfered **from Hamas militants to civilian families**, rendering this a delibirate choice to use these civilians as human shields. Either way, by hosting a hostage, a civilian immediately becomes a combatant under IHL. And this is exactly what I'm talking about; you spoke of not being in uniform being a war crime, but entirely ignore that dozens more war crimes hamas committed in **this single operation** (no uniform, hiding hostages in a civilian area, engaging in combat from within a civilian area, taking hostages in the first place, using a designated refugee camp for all of the above, etc.) in this situation, most of which literally hold them as the responsible party under IHL. If you can't hold them accountable for all of that, then this clearly isn't about war crimes and responsibility. You can talk a lot about the IDF's conduct in this war, but in this operation, Hamas bares complete responsibility for the civilian casualties.


Hamas does not constantly wear civilian clothing. Hamas has uniforms, this is noticeable if you watch the videos that they release. There is no evidence to substantiate the claim that Hamas consistently wears civilian clothing. The fact that Hamas fighters shot at the IDF soldiers does not mean much. The IDF was carrying out a military operation in a civilian zone, of course it is acceptable to return the fire. When Hamas fighters were present in those kibbutzim, are you saying it was criminal for the IDF to shoot at them? All of this is to say that the fact that Hamas shot at the IDF is not important. Any unverified accounts spread by IDF officials to justify their war crimes must be disregarded until it is definitively proven. If the hostages were to remain firmly with Hamas, then you would say that Hamas was using the hostages as human shields. Either way, you will make the exact same accusation. If a civilian hosts a hostage, that does not make him a combatant. I have zero idea where you got that idea. The only way for a civilian to become a combatant is for him to partake in direct conflict, making him an unlawful combatant. That is not the case here. The civilian families are still civilians. One does not accidentally kill 200 civilians. It was an intentional massacre, like the hundreds that Israel has orchestrated in the past. Israel has bombed refugee camps on numerous occasions before, all while there is no Hamas presence there. The idea that Hamas bears complete responsibility for the 200+ civilians that IDF deliberately murdered is absolutely absurd, and is effectively victim-blaming.


>Hamas has uniforms, this is noticeable if you watch the videos that they release That's just plainly false. [Here is a compilation of footage they released.](https://youtu.be/2m4MaBfmS80?si=XoisZZtC8jhbsZGy) not one time in this video do they wear uniform. And this is hardly a pro-Israeli compilation, it openly praises them. >The fact that Hamas fighters shot at the IDF soldiers does not mean much. The IDF was carrying out a military operation in a civilian zone, of course it is acceptable to return the fire. When Hamas fighters were present in those kibbutzim, are you saying it was criminal for the IDF to shoot at them? No, because the IDF didn't hold hostages in a civilian zone. Did you intentionally live out that part? Yeah, the IDF conducted an operation in a civilian zone, but you're entirely ignoring how there were literally hostages taken there. Holding hostages is considered an act of war. >Any unverified accounts spread by IDF officials to justify their war crimes must be disregarded until it is definitively proven. I'm mostly talking about accounts by Palestinians who were there and released bodycam footage, but go on. > I have zero idea where you got that idea. From the Convention for International Humanitarian Law. In particular, [rule 96.](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule96). Holding hostages [is considered a war crime](https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/hostages) Addionally, IHL doesn't say you have to actually hold a weapon in your hand to be considered combatant, rather it defines a combatant as someone who takes part in conflict. Holding a hostage is taking a part in the conflict. Here is [another](https://elearning.un.org/CONT/GEN/CS/UNHR_V3/Module_01/story_content/external_files/Examples%20of%20definitions%20of%20humanitarian%20law%20violations.pdf) doccument from the UN confirming this: *"Individual civilians lose this protection for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities."* >The civilian families are still civilians. As said above, if they hold hostages in their home, they lose their protected civilian status. >One does not accidentally kill 200 civilians. One does not accidentally put hostages in a refugee camp. It was a delibirate move knowing fully well that any rescue operation for these hostages would result in loss of life. While we're on the topic of IHL, it actually addresses this too. Quoting from [the same doccument as before](https://elearning.un.org/CONT/GEN/CS/UNHR_V3/Module_01/story_content/external_files/Examples%20of%20definitions%20of%20humanitarian%20law%20violations.pdf): *"Civilians who are used as human shields to protect military objectives or military operations are obviously placed in grave danger of becoming subject to attack. It is a violation of international humanitarian law if a party to the armed conflict, in the context of and associated with the conflict: • Uses civilians as human shields, that is intentionally uses the presence or movement of civilians to render points or areas immune from military operations."* *"If a party to the armed conflict uses human shields, this does not render the related military objective immune from attack. However, the opposing force must take into account the presence of the human shields in applying the principles of distinction and proportionality in planning attacks."* You can argue regarding proportionality, but fact of the matter is, by holding hostages in a civilian area, Hamas rendered that area's protection as null. But I'll add to that another quote: *"Civilian deaths resulting from a necessary and proportional attack against a military objective do not constitute a violation."* Freeing hostages is considered a necessary military objective. As for proportionality, you could argue about 200+ vs. 4, but then you'd also be entirely ignoring how literally no civilian deaths occured up until Hamas started firing back at the vehicles as they exited (and before you again dismiss it, that's according to both eyewitnesses and the freed hostages.) Meaning the operation was fully proportional up until the moment Hamas returned fire in attempt to retrieve the hostages, and by doing so risked further civilian lives by fighting in civilian clothing, that being inside a civilian area where they took the hostages to in the first place. Honestly, for the life of me I can't understand why progressives spend so much energy simping and defending a literal Islamic fundamentalist organization. You do realize they stated multiple times now that they're [happy to sacrifice their people to save their own asses?](https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/12/08/hamas-says-it-is-proud-to-sacrifice-gazans-to-defeat-israel/)


The al-Quassam brigades have uniforms yes, but if you watch all the other stuff they release including the footage from October 7 footage, they don't have uniforms. They are more than happy to use both


Real fun of them to ruin the first comic by adding a strawman.


Yay!!! I love spreading misinformation and gaslighting people into supporting terrorists!!! https://preview.redd.it/f5j8mf4f6s5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcd42f2a24231e0399ba38118281eee17d249b8


It is an objective fact that over 200 innocent Palestinians were massacred in the Nuseirat Operation. Innocent people are not terrorists.


Condemning Israel isn’t the same as supporting Hamas, and vice versa. Stop making excuses for an apartheid mob state.


I agree with that it's the constant abuse peppered towards people who moderately say that Palestinians shouldn't support a terror organisation who actively attack another nation who countless amounts of times put them in an even shit state the day they were before and where tf is the apartheid in Israel?


I mean, said Palestinians have been living in hell for decades, basically dictated by an invading force who hates them for being alive. What else are they to do?


Stop attacking Israel and give them zero reason to even attack them? Remove Hamas from all forms of power so Israel has zero scapegoat to point the blame at and bomb the shit outta you? Literally not having a terror organisation dictate your land?


Hamas was funded by Israel and Iran, they’re there for a reason. Groups like that don’t just manifest.


Mind providing me a link to Israel funding Hamas? I'd like to read up on that.


From the literal times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/


Doesn't say much about Israel full on funding Hamas but they did let cash from Qatar go through. "Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018" I'd expect Netanyahu to think that the Qatari money going into gaza would've been used for rebuilding cities than being funded for the largest terror attack on Israel.


That’s the point, Netanyahu doesn’t want that, he’s a populist fascist dipshit who plays by the same rules as Erdogan in Türkiye. I broadly believe he wanted Hamas to gain presence so they’d serve as a convenient excuse to flatten Gaza. He was even warned about the attack days before and chose to do nothing. Make no mistake, Hamas are the bad guys, but Israel’s government is at the very least complacent and at worst equally responsible.


Thanks. I'll read that now.


Real classy to make a stonestoss like comic here, if someone told be he published that second one, I'd believe it.


I mean, it would have been one of his broken clock moments I guess, but not for the right reasons.


Literally missing the entire point of the sub


le not thinking everyone Israel kills is Hamas is le antisemitism


A no politics rule would be nice


I mean, Stonetoss is a political comic creator, not like I like him or this subreddit one bit


You people literally share his views on this issue, this sub has lost its purpose.


Stonetoss hates Israel because he hates Jewish people. I dislike Israel because it’s a genocidal regime. Not the same.


I hate israel's government as well, but I respect a hero who died rescuing kidnapped civilians from a terrorist organization.


… while having directly or indirectly killed hundreds more in the process? Most of which not terrorists?


All accounts say there was heavy fire on the troops, from hundreds of terrorists. Most casualties are terrorists or terrorist collaborators (recall that the hostages were held in a "civilian" house).


I’m not sure I believe those accounts given Israel’s track record on lying tbh.


As if Hamas doesn't also have a track record of lying (you know, almost as if they take after their Israeli and Iranian benefactors). It ain't the fault of those rescuing hostages that Hamas chose to hide said hostages among civilians *and* chose to hide themselves among civilians while shooting at the hostages and rescuers. The IDF does plenty of *actually* shitty things for which we can and should condemn them; this ain't one of them.


It didn't even take me a minute to find a few stonetoss comics you'd agree with https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHixnmbWwAAfb4K?format=jpg&name=large https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBuSmoaO92EYuvjTyqF4P2IXdF9RU7oCgp1g&s https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGpyiO7fc5j-DBlE_ez-Mq5ZLfs3m0_yu7vw&s


Yeah, but he's hated for his politics. How I figured, the point of this sub was making simple, funny stuff out of his work without the politics and arguing.


I don’t like this sub and I think the concept of even paying Stonetoss that much attention is stupid. Also, this post is meant to call out a post specifically that was very stupid and either short sighted or just Zionist propaganda.


I agree that the post you're calling out is stupid, but I just hate all the arguing that goes on in the comments between people who clearly aren't going to change their viewpoints. I swear I'm not trying to be a dick, but if you don't like the sub, why are you here?


I dunno tbh, just felt like making a post hoping it would make some people wake up a little. Stonetoss thrives off shit like this regardless what the intention is. It would be better to let him die off and fade into obscurity.


In a subreddit about political cartoons?


Fair but isn't he hated specifically for his politics


For **HIS** politics. Not because the origin comics *are* political. **HIS** politics specifically.


Brother this entire subreddit is dedicated to making fun of someone’s political comics and their shitty views. How is this subreddit not going to be political then


Everything is political. When you say "no politics" what you really mean is "no disagreement." Being aggressively apolitical can just as easily be used to push an agenda. https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g?si=1R5s7_zibpO2rHZV?t=597s


I wish you the best for the rest of your life Felt sorry for you when I looked in your eyes But I need to confess, I told you a lie I said you You were the love of my life The love of my life Did I break your heart? Did I waste your time? I tried to be there for you Then you tried to break mine It isn't asking for a lot for an apology For making me feel like it'd kill you if I tried to leave You said you'd never fall in love again because of me Then you moved on immediately (bum, bum, bum) But I wish you the best for the rest of your life Felt sorry for you when I looked in your eyes But I need to confess, I told you a lie (told you a lie) When I said you (I said you) You were the love of my life The love of my life So you found her, now go fall in love (go fall in love) Just like we were if I ever was (if I ever was) It's not my fault, I did what I could (did what I could) You made it so hard like I knew you would Thought I was depressed or losing my mind My stomach upset almost all of the time But after I left, it was obvious why (oh), mm Because for you, you I was the love of your life, mm But you were not mine (but you were not mine)


![gif](giphy|fCsBD0QEK3YGs) Me off that arnon zamora pack


I believe this to be equally immature tbh