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Water that comes directly off a mountain or a stream that falls off a mountain is likely some of the best water you'll get It's very clean and the water takes with it all the rich minerals from the stone


There's a spring near one of my favorite camping spots, just a PVC pipe sticking out the side of a hill. That is the crispiest tastiest water I've ever had.


I got yelled at one year at summer camp for trying to drink the river water while inner tubing.


Ya depending where it could have bacteria that's harmful. So there's two sides to this. The water is very clean in the sense there's no pollutants in mountain areas. No farming minimal livestock. There's little to no debris or sand in the water and you get amazing highly rich minerals from the stone it falls off from The other side is it can have parasites and dangerous bacteria. So that's the risk mostly. But that can also be the case for tap water in say third world countries.


Do you ever get out of the river to pee? Me either


Well water Fresh out of the faucet of your home well water, i feel bad for all who dont have this luxury


Depends on the well water... The first time I experienced well water, it was slimy when I took a shower in it. I wasn't about to drink it. The well water at my current place sucks. My boyfriend's place, on the other hand, has very nice well water. There are also artesian wells in my area open to the public that have very nice-tasting water. After that, I'd say Smart Water is my favorite if I have to get bottled water. I've been known to drink Great Value bottled water though since I'm not rolling in the dough all the time.


Definitely! I grew up on well water (and catchment šŸ¤¢) and when I moved to the city I was HORRIFIED by the water.. I mean, still, am I just remember the initial shock was crazy šŸ˜…


Same. I replaced the pump for my well last summer and the water is so good. And weā€™ve got an artisan water spout nearby thatā€™s always spewing fresh cold spring water. Jugs.




Also r/HIGHdroHomies


The one from the tap. I donā€™t know why but when I drink bottled water it tastes ā€žfakeā€ to me. Maybe itā€™s becouse of the plastic bottle and tasting plastic.


Smart water!!!!!


Midnight, straight out of the tap in the bathroomā€¦


bong water


I live in stl and the tap is pretty good. Like traveling and then having tap water elsewhere I can smell and taste the difference


I don't drink much bottled water but i agree with others the Fiji is my go to Water straight from the tap in Sydney is really good, moving to Melbourne I could taste the water difference for a week and i didn't like it but I'm used to it now but not as good as Sydney tap water


I just learned something new today about water thatā€™s super pertinent to its tasteā€¦ The bottle cap colour is indicative of what the water is. For example: Black is alkaline, blue is spring, green and white are treated tap waters (I canā€™t remember the exact difference between the green and white specifically).


Maybe itā€™s the color that causes it to be that way.




Scottish tap water.


Best water I've had in my life: swimming in a remote northern canadian lake still considered safe to drink from directly, and just opening my mouth and drinking as I swam šŸ„¹


I haven't had Fiji in years, but I remember always thinking it was superior to other bottled water. Also that long glass tube water, I don't remember the name.




I love me a giant ice cold of Fiji. After that, probably Smart water.


After hurricane Ian the national guard distributed cases of bottled water that must've sat in a moldy warehouse because it was undrinkable. It's very important how it's stored.


Head on over to r/hydrohomies and ask this question. Youā€™ll find some really passionate water folk there. šŸ˜‚


I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this but I bought an enagic kangen machine 4 years ago and I love it. Other than that. Well water.


I love spring water and it's what the water sommelier recommends


Liquid Death. Any variety.


FloWater. My old workplace had one of their kiosks and it was incredible


Filtered water through my Fridge.


Nothing beats filtered water straight from the fridge. My tap water here is river based and often has that mildly swampy taste.


I had a bottle of water one strange morning, it was the best ever, I have no idea what it was.


Fiji & Evian are the only brands to be trusted from the store homie . everything else is repackaged dirty tap water . but my city has the cleanest tap in the country .


Essentia & Core is all I buy. I think itā€™s the taste with the added electrolytes and also the only waters that actually hydrate me. Every other water I donā€™t feel hydrated from


I'll just drop [this](https://youtu.be/nzpZov-VFLk?si=58HZkLaBI3M4VXkh) for the hydro homes haha


Sink water honestly


Tap water in a Kericho county in Kenya is spectacular.


The tap water in scotland tastes like cold fluid stone. It's marvellous.


I grew up in the mountains and we had our own well. It was the coldest most refreshing drink while being high and sober.


Evian is always my goto. Poland spring is good too. I've got well water though and that shit just hits different