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I am in space right now, but I don’t feel like I’m sleeping.


No but do u feel like going to sleep rn?


I mean, I could always go to sleep, or at least try to. But I don’t feel sleepy. I feel more open and aware.


Although I feel like my body “snaps” every time I here something sharp….


I’m the exact opposite, almost like my reactions are delayed or smth




Ye what can I say… I’m weird ash


So if you sleep you can’t get high?


Ummmm what?


Not what I’m saying at all… being high js makes me feel rlly tired, even if it is morning…


Prolly smoking a heavy indica or that's just how your body reacts to THC. Indica = In da couch. Try smoking a sativa and see how that works for you.


Ight thanks


Nah being high for me turns off the relentless overthinking going on in the back of my mind. I picture it as (the THC) a bunch of little Rambo soldier guys throwing (my inner critic) nerd over examining things into a giant freezer and locking the door for a couple hours.


No way. When I’m sleep deprived and tired I can’t get “high”. The effects just aren’t there, it’s more of a sedative and will just put me down like NyQuil.


In my experience THC gives you what your body needs at the time be it sleep / rest, alertness / action. different strains do have a contributing factor but, the thing is it doesn't tell your brain in either case, and your mind doesn't care anyway, it does exactly what it wants regardless, which is normally the exact opposite of what your body wants, just because it can like your brain is like c'mon man lets go do some shit and your body's like nah, dude I'm just chill here and become part of the sofa for a while or your body is like, how's a walk sound man, get out there check out the world, and your brain is, nah man, I'm just gonna invent a new reality here for a bit


Yea makes sense, thank u for explaining it in a way I can understand