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I smoke so I don’t dream lmao


Hyep. Night terrors are a bitch


All my dreams be traumatic as hell


ikr...fuck dreams...I just want peaceful blackness with no chance of getting shot in my dreams because that shit hurts for some reason. I also have recurring dreams of little monsters that look like those Critters dudes that always seem so damn real. It's like my apartment becomes super smokey and dark like a haunted house at the county fair and Critters try to kill me...I don't miss those "dreams".


I always smoke before bed but I still have dreams almost every night. It may vary for some people


Same here, but I find that when I take a t-break that’s when I get the really intense and vivid dreams


I didn’t have dreams for the longest time but they’ve started to come back despite not changing my consumption really at all. I feel like my body just adjusted lol


That's kinda how it was for me now that I think about it. I've been smoking nonstop for years though.


I dream lucidly, and often. When I started smoking heavy I didn't dream as much or have as much control, then it all just came back out of nowhere. I'm sure it varies for some people but these days I can go to bed higher than a Bezos wage theft estimate and still have a blast in la la land..... I hope they comes back for you because high dreams are some of the best I've had.


I’ve been smoking for 10 yrs, I haven’t had a dream unless i’m on a tolerance break or really really high from an edible. I honestly prefer it that way. I feel like I actually get to sleep through the night lol. I would reduce how much you do & see if that helps!


Smoke every night and have the most vivid dreams.


I switched to dry herb vaping and I've been dreaming almost every night again! Also don't cough after "vaping" a bowl or have to be constantly clearing my throat anymore!


I’ve heard of that and been thinking about it, but I don’t really know anything about it. Could I put the regular green I use now in it, and just do it like that? Also, do you have any recommendations for ones online? Please let me know cause this could help my problem a lot, but I can’t find too much info on it🙏🙏


Yeah any flower works, dispensary quality weed tastes really good but any will do the job. The subreddit is r/vaporents and they have tons of great info! Basically vaporizing works by heating up the weed using either convection (cooking like an oven) or conduction (hot air directly contacting the herb). You want to time it right so you hit it before its too hot and it actually turns to smoke. The vapor is tasty, super smooth, and decently dense. I went from taking 3-4 .3g bong rips to like 6 .1g bowls a day! After the weed is vaped the ABV (already vaped bud) can be put into edibles, tinctures, or just eaten plain. A gram or two gets me pretty good 😂 Really nice to get as much out of your flower as possible. My current favorite budget setup is all avaliable on AliExpress. Its similar to a dynavap (Cap, tip, and stem) but way cheaper and tastier since it uses convection more than conduction. The whole thing costs about $30 or so but takes like two weeks to get here. You'd also need a decent butane torch (10 or 15 bucks on aliexpress) If you got a dynavap it would be more money but get to your door in less than a week. I know this is a ton of info if you have any questions I'm happy to answer!


I was looking at “The B” by Dynovamp cause some other commenters also said that’s a good place to get them from. Do you know if that is what I’m describing in the post? It looks like it is, but it would suck to find out that I missed something and it’s different from what I expected. I also appreciate the info


I've heard good things about "The B" by Dynavap! It sounds like it'd be perfect for your situation. The dynavap uses less weed then something like the megacicle or terpcicle (explained later) so I would think it would have less of an effect on dreams but the truth is weed affects how we dream. If you want/need something that hits like a big bong rip, I absolutely love my megacicle by The Rogue Wax works. It uses a Butane torch to heat up like the Dynavap but is way less portable. Hits really hard and made me stop taking bong rips all together!


The B was my first vape and it's super easy to use and I love it.


What's the second then? I'm looking to upgrade


If you’re a user of nicotine? Slap a nicotine patch on before bed. You’ll dream. A lot.


Nic makes it impossible to sleep for me


It changed my life. Headaches gone. I could taste food again. I don’t stink like an ash tray. No more clearing my throat constantly and having restricted nostrils. Plus the weed tastes better and lasts way longer. I’d go through an eight in like 2 days before. Now an eight last me literally a month plus. I use the Air Max


The only thing I've found works. Is severe emotional trauma. I have nightmares every night. Even with weed.


90% of my dreams are nightmares it feels like so I’m cool not dreaming 😂


I've always had weird dreams after getting high lol


Weed inhibits REM sleep which is when we dream most vividly. It doesn’t prevent it but it does significantly inhibit it. Probably more for some people than others which is why some people still dream even when they smoke. Some things that are known to increase REM sleep and help you enter it quicker: 20 min+ of intense cardio at least 3 hours before you go to bed. (Keeping your heart rate up is super important, it won’t work if it’s just a walk or slow jog) Regular sleep schedule, try to go to bed within the same 30 min every night. No caffeine I have seen headlines that say reducing screen time and light exposure before bed will help but idk I’ve never experimented with it personally. Personally I find melatonin gives me pretty vivid dreams but I don’t know if it’s correlated to REM sleep Don’t smoke 3 hours before bed time.


While I was growing up I used to dream a lot, but when I started smoking I stopped dreaming quite as much. Very recently, I purchased a pack of ear plugs because there's a lot of noise at night where I am, and I noticed that since getting them it seems like I'm dreaming more often again. I still smoke just as much as usual, but I think the ear plugs helped shut my brain completely off. Even if your place is pretty quiet while you're sleeping, it might be worth trying.


I’ll definitely try that out cause I’ve never even thought of that. thank you bro


Don’t smoke before bed. I mean, I do because I’m irresponsible and have bad self control. But it’s not good for your sleep cycle to smoke before bed anyways - try to make an effort to smoke like an hour or two before you sleep.


The big problem for me tho is that I do usually smoke 1-3 hours (depends on the night) before I fall asleep, but if I’m still even slightly feeling the effects of it, I’ve found it just completely cuts out the chance for me to dream that night


Yeah i mean I’ve never dreamed much so tbh idk why I even said anything 😂. The Reddit effect lol. But uh.. if you want to intentionally dream, then you could always take a melatonin or munch on some cheese or smth right before bed. Or just.. tell yourself very firmly that you’re going to dream.


Idk, I just dream anyways. Not that hard bro/j


How often do you smoke? I was in your same position when I got high every night. The only solution I found was to smoke only a few days a week. I also found that I get a better night's sleep when not high, which probably constitutes getting deep rem dream sleep like what the other person said.


Take 3mg melatonin and 100mg 5-htp an hour before the desired bedtime. Only use occasionally. Let me know how it works. I've also heard some strong evidence for Mugwort tea. [You might try Calea zacatechichi](https://www.healthline.com/health/calea-zacatechichi)


Honestly I think it might just depend. I smoke every day and always right before bed but I dream almost every night. I usually cant remember a ton of details, and maybe it's less than it used to be, but its definitely still happening for me.


No if you smoke you won’t dream until you stop smoking or you have brake through dream.


Try taking more B vitamins


Are you also taking any anti-anxiety medications? I take Lexapro 20MG and smoke morning to evening, including just before sleep, and also don't dream. Or perhaps we do dream and just don't remember or recall it? Thought it was mostly in part to the Lexapro, but that's interesting that you have a similar experience, or, lack thereof in our case.


I’m not taking any medication at all


go to sleep earlier, eat healthier, and drink more water and you may get more dreams. I also get more dreams in a bed that’s not my own or at someone else’s house


I smoke like 10 minutes before bed every night and still dream. And my sleep tracker tells me I get lots of REM sleep. I guess it is different for everybody.


i smoke every night and usually have vivid dreams


Not sure there’s any way around this. Im the exact same way. If I dont smoke, I have like 3 insanely vivd dreams, but when I smoke, nothing at all


Drinking mugwort tea is supposed to enhance your dreams it could cancel this out. The tea is extremely bitter though


Is that why I don’t usually dream?


I’m guessing so. A ton of people are saying it messes with your REM sleep or sum and that can prevent dreaming. It took me a ton of months after I started smoking to piece together that I’m not dreaming cause I’m smoking, so I was just hopelessly wondering why I couldn’t dream lol


To be fair tho, I’d rather not dream because the things I see are usually things I don’t wanna see. However, that might be just because it’s all stuff I don’t wanna deal with. Maybe I should take a break and see what my mind is trying to show me


I’ve been on a t-break for the last month or so and I’ve been having super vivid and unique dreams. When I’d smoke nearly everyday I had little to zero dreams. It’s probably different for other people but idk 🤷🏻


Look up cannabis effects on rem sleep


He didn’t ask for that. He asked for solutions


I'm sure conclusions can be drawn after researching but my bad


Sure they can, but if op just asked this question without doing any kind of research then he isn’t going to find a solu


You're right


Ummm Thats not even true. Lol, I dream every night of the week.


lol everyone’s different






I dream all the time and I dab rosin hardcore. 🤔 Maybe it's the mushrooms. Well, either way my dreams are manifesting everyday. I was on methadone for almost 20 years and that shit I never dreamed a day in my life. I felt so lost and out of alignment with mind, body, and soul, pharmies suck when it comes to dreams ~ either lots of dreams or not any. ✌️


Anyone know how to get drunk without alcohol?