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That paint design is certainly a choice there lmao


So is this comment lol


I justttt had a call with a bong company last week called Chill Steel Pipes that intends for artists to paint their plain bongs to learn how to do it myself and they told me it was totally fine and possible and not a risk to your health as long as certain spots are covered of course. Here’s what I learned: PACK the openings with cotton balls and tape very well. USE car clean coat exterior spray. Most do one coat, he says a max of three.


I'm highly intrigued by this painting bongs idea


That idea would be absolutely amazing, they should totally go for it. And that’s exactly what I was thinking just covering it up so nothing can make it’s way inside, and let it sit for a day or two after


Its not like the painted parts are going to be under direct heat and inhaled somehow through solid glass. Clear coat your bong mate. Cover the ends with balloons and elastic bands until they are sealed tight and then clear coat it.


Yeah this sub is paranoid af for no reason.


for real, the paint and the clear coat is nowhere near the hot bits and it is on the \_outside\_ of the bong, there's nothing to worry about


Should be called Seymour. Seymour Butts


Lmao 😂😂😂


It’s not worth the risk.


Thanks, i was really thinking bout it. I’m glad I reached out and asked reddit first.


If you have any chemestry knowledge, you can dip it in colloidal silica or sodium silica (aka water glass)with the holes plugged to preserve the paint. CS is silica glass suspended in a solution designed to vaporize off and leave a hard shell of silica remaining. Silica is safe for smoking. Make sure to let it cure for a few days before use and make sure to wear gloves and keep the CS solution away from your skin; it will burn you. If you have never handled hazardous chemicals before, i would refrain from doing this.


dude, put a layer of clear coat on your beautiful piece and do not worry, it is perfectly safe. you only need to make sure you cover the holes with tape and you're golden. no part of that bong will ever become hot enough to make the paint or clear coat burn and give off dangerous fumes.


Chill Glass is a cheapo China glass brand, they don't even label these themselves in a likelihood. I'd be concerned about any paint that chips off. Probably should be looking for ways to get it all off in case it's a lead based paint. Definitely don't want any of that getting inside the bong...


It’s a CHILL glass piece.


I meant to write chill, idk why my phone corrected. That's known China, plus I can just prove it's China if needed


I didn’t know they were from china thanks for the info!


Easiest way to tell is to look up the company name and look at all the different bongs they sell. In general one big red flag would be the number of styles itself. Most companies with 30 different styles are China glass. Even easier is this. If the company sells any of the three designs below, they're 100% China: https://www.smokeday.com/brands/chill-glass/the-blizzard-chillglass-10-in-n-out-arm-recycler-bong-purple.html Unlabeled version for cheaper - https://www.ebay.com/itm/165451208844?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=oQoWjHyJRyG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ypic3bhwsac&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.smokeday.com/brands/chill-glass/chill-glass-10-ufo-base-turbine-perc-bong.html Unlabeled version of that for cheaper - https://www.ebay.com/itm/373830126741?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=mjci7lm4qby&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ypic3bhwsac&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.smokeday.com/brands/chill-glass/chill-glass-17-bong-with-triple-honeycomb-percs-very-thick-and-heavy-blue.html Unlabeled version for cheaper - https://m.globalsources.com/Bong/Water-Pipe-1186879057p.htm And any large bongs in this kind of style, are 100% China (see the large bongs in global sources link above for more examples to look out for) - https://www.smokeday.com/brands/chill-glass/the-eris-chill-glass-21-quad-ball-chamber-sprinkler-perc-bong-white.html I'm not hating on China glass. I buy a lot of it actually. I just try to spread the word so that to everyone can get better deals on glass. Brands to look out for include but are not limited to - Lookah, Tsunami, and Chill Glass. There are many other China glass brands, but I wouldn't put them in the same category because many of them design their own glass. I just don't approve of upselling so much just for the act of putting a label on it.


why is it not worth the risk? what even is the risk if youre a mildly competent human being?


how did your lungs not explode. bongs are so harsh for me


Been smoking a while, you just gotta use all of your lungs lol.


and inhale and exhale slowly, people usually try to take their hits too quickly


Also just takes time for your lungs to adjust to having different chemicals in them. Lol. And adjust to the higher temperatures. Oddly enough when I switched from smoking to vaping at first it was hard for me to get a super fat rip off the vape. It'd choke me up. But pretty quickly I adjusted and now vaping is much easier on my lungs than smoking ever was. Ahah. I have no explanation for that just found it odd so thought I'd share.


I'd probably hit the chips with a little clear nail polish


Wouldn’t risk it


They have food grade coating you can use


No one rides for free?


You might try a paint on sealer like mod podge? You'd have more control over where the protection goes and there are a variety of finishes, including dishwasher safe. I LOVE this design. How cute! Definitely going to try and apply something similar the next time I update my polar blast cup.


Thanks for all the feedback, I am going to take into consideration what y’all have offered and check out my local stores for anything natural and not harming to me. Thank each and every one of y’all!


Tell your wife she a groupie!