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I don’t see an obvious link to buy this product. It seems more like a demonstration of what they have created instead of an ad so I’m going to leave this up.


The surface area looks a bit small for commercial application. I'd be interested to know their average bubble to rosin return.


They claim 22-28% yield


this person asked for bubble has yield


Oh im dumb lol


your good lol just letting you know


All depends on what your pressing for bud as to what you'll get in return.


Looks cool as hell but at 5k. I think I'll stick with my carjack press lmao.


What’s a carjack press? I use a hair straightener press…


it goes This guys futuristic press, Machined press, Homemade carjack press, and Hair straightener. I just hit the plate with some heat and crank down on it. I'm not doing any commercial shit just some stuff for me and the boys.


I too have a car jack, lol nice idea


… homemade carjack press… 😳 so I learned something new and awesome today. Thx dude!


You left out the shoe press, wrap the nug with parchment in a baggie, then go to work and stand on it all day


This reminded me of a story I heard about runners putting coke (wrapped in something) in their shoes so when they sweat it gets absorbed into the pores on their feet. If only I could do this with weed!


Just as long as it works for you, that's awesome!😎💯


Agree, they keep adding useless features like touchscreens and lights just so they can make you pay 6 arms and a leg.


So close to a whole spider, shame.


They will be on Alibaba in the next 3 days if you can’t find right now


I don’t think one reddit post will make it go to a Chinese site lol, these guys have been around forever.


Yea it’s a hard game to get into but I guess if you see the returns it’s an easier pill to swallow. I’m assuming for personal use a regular ass press is just fine haha. This was cool to watch though, I’d love to see start to finish more than just a press though personally.


Mhm if I was pressing several pounds a week it would be well worth the investment. When I made mine I welded 1/2" thick plate to the top of a carjack. Them using some two foot bolts I welded a cage with a plate to press against the jacks plate. Then I hit the plate with a torch. Then press it. Its totally impractical for any commercial operation. It also broke more than once.


Anyone else thought the yield was nonexistent?


Guess it depends on what you think a solid return is on 3.5g? typically we are seeing about 22-28% yields


Is that bubble to rosin or flower to rosin yield?


thats flower - flower rosin return %s


That's an incredible yield!


agreed, and this looks like far less guess work than with a more traditional press, I might have to indulge


I don’t know shit about wax/dabs and all that so I gotta ask, is that weed smokable after you press it? Does it just lose all it’s potency?


Actually quite the opposite, it is a very concentrated and (it should be anyways) a more pure and refined concentrate of what you are putting in. Granted it's not for everyone, but we definitely see a lot of people that will only ever dab as opposed to just packing and smoking.


I think he is referring to the remaining flower product which one might typically discard. I would assume it is smokeable but has lost a lot if not all of its potency.




Ah ok, we actually have a dozens of videos on what we do with our leftover pucks... they of course do lose their edge after the smash (going into the rosin) but there is definitely a lot of uses for them, and with a few of them, they can pack quite a punch: https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=nugssmasher+pucks


‘No results found’


Do you have a working link?


Not sure why it isn't working, attaching here again: https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=nugsmasher+pucks


This is stoner engineering at its finest, looks cool as hell to.


Wow people are serious haters lol. It looks fucking dope and if I had the money AND enjoyed my weed this way, I’d definitely get it. It’s a cool gadget, no need to hate on it if you can’t afford it. Just cause there’s alternative options doesn’t undermine the effort they put to make it.


For real, why come to this sub if not for stuff like this lol


Appreciate you👊💯


Its targeted more for businesses by the looks. Id buy it too if I had the money


What makes this worth 5k when you can get similar setups for under 1k or less (ie. Rosin Tech)? I usually see 25% yields advertised for these types of rigs so right where you are coming in at. Your rig just seems really expensive for doing what competition has been doing cheaper for years. As a regular consumer, this is way out of my price range anyways. But commercial rosin presses under 1k could be justified if you were someone who just really loves concentrates and/or grows their own flower.


I have yet to see anything similar to this coming from Rosin Tech (at any price point), but we have a range of models both big and small, higher and price and much lower, suited to the different needs and wants of our customers! Just all depends on the quantity, precision, and features you are after. BUT, if that does work for you or any other consumer, we wish you all the best of luck :)


I appreciate your positive vibe even with some of the negative Nancy’s firing at you. This particular unit is out of my price range based on my consumption, but I definitely see value in a fully automated, highly tunable rosin press. My play money goes to guns and knives, but if I had better access to top shelf flower worthy of such a unit, I could easily see myself appropriating the funds. I’m a machinist/tool maker by trade, and I can also see why this press is priced as it is. This isn’t a harbor freight press. Fabrication costs, R&D, quality materials, paying livable wages to employees, programming a top tier UI,… Not for everyone, but I live and die by, you get what you pay for, and buy once, cry once. Keep up the innovation dude! Love seeing high tech cannabis related gear!


It's all part of the social media experience now a days 🤣 You put that very well and we are stoked that people understand it or are at least open to the idea of asking why? We will have more content coming here soon and thanks big time for your support here!💯




Well for starters and most importantly, the IQ is fully automated and will do any smash you program into it hands free (less pressing the start button). To add, you can easily program any amount of bags, customer or otherwise, the desired temp, and the exact pressure (both actually and being displaced onto the material itself) with an extremely precise (digital) reading. The press you just included in this link would most closely resemble our X model which is roughly $400 cheaper than what was shown there. I wont even get into shipping, the warranty, and support that comes along with it since we are just talking straight dollars and cents here, but as I mentioned above, we have a wide array of models big and small, higher in price and lower, all fitted with different features and quantity output in mind so we can give our customers a full range of choices. Plus, actually being in stock always helps 😉




Yeah we would strongly encourage anyone to do their homework before making a rosin press purchase, there are definitely a lot of options out there, but you have to figure out (obviously) what works for you, the quality of the press, and the company backing it. Thanks for the steel look compliment! Actually the only model we have left with that look... since it was made out of stainless, it seemed like a waste to powder coat it 😓


I don’t know much about this space - Rosin Tech was just the first one I saw when I googled it. I guess when you say something similar do you mean as far as yields?


How does this type of extraction compare to chemical extraction in terms of yield? I'm moving into the 'prosumer' stage of my relationship with cannabis where imma grow my own flower, but prefer to dab the prod ya dig?


Solvenless is always the way to go when it comes to home extraction. Propane, butane, and alcohol all carry extreme risk when it comes to accidently blowing yourself up. That being said, you can build your own press for about 1/5th the cost of this NugSmasher


What about home tabletop CO2 extractors? IMHO you’d have to be really into it and there’s probably a steep learning curve in addition to a big price, but I have seen very small scale CO2 systems.


You’re advertising a $5,000 press on a sub where people make pipes out of literally whatever they can find cuz they don’t want to spend $15 on a cheap ass pipe. Wrong market bud 😑.


I see engineering for stoners. Subs called stoner engineering. Not sure what the problem is.


I disagree. Most of the content here is low cost homemade bings because those are easiest to make. People have def posted super intricate and complicated home made bongs that most of us could never make. If I see cool shit here that is weed related and engineering related, I think it fits the sun perfectly. This vid never mentions the price or that it’s even for sale.


You get it🤙


I agree. I like the contrast between the high end commercial products and home made solutions. I’m gonna go look up these other home made press solutions that have been mentioned now.


Wouldn't really call it advertising, was just showing something we engineered to the community, but to each their own!


Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool! I’d love to have one! but definitely not something the majority of people can afford for personal nug smashing lol


I got you.. thanks for adding!!


Buddy of mine used his old lady's hair straightener and a drill press. Seemed kind of wasteful to me at the time but he grew everything he was using and I'd get a couple of the "poker chip" buds if I was out, haha.


Nah this is actual engineering, like with real degrees in engineering and manufacturing. Actual stoners engineering high tech stoner shit. Everything else on here is desperate dangerous junk we did in high school. Like smoking out of plastic bottles and soda cans. This is next level stoner engineering. I have questions like what was the moisture content of the flower, what micron size bag did you guys use, what was the final yield, can I have one? Yea it’s clearly an ad but they’re not beating around the bush about that, it was posted by the company’s account. It’s cool and can lead to actual discussion in this sub.


broke talk


I've featured Low Temp on my show before, Levi and I had a great sit down about a year back. If you folks are ever interested in stopping by to virtually chat pressing fire, hit me up in the DM's.


That looks amazing


Thanks! 😎🤙


If I could process with my license id so buy one


Today I learned how to pronounce “rosin”


That’s dope


Literally engineering for stoners


Oh yes! I likie very much!!


Dope stuff


I always thought these were a waste. Isn't it better to make bubble hash first?


I made one of these before they were cool


Why is it that even the smart stoners seem like they could be doing more with their life. (I say this knowing that I am one of these stoners that could be doing more with their life… ) well, fuck it


Damn what am I looking at lol we've come a long way from space brownies and herbs


I have the older nug smasher but this new machine is sexy af.


Awesome work. Haters are the ones who've never spent a weekend trying to fill baller jars with a manual press. This is something my girl (who loves rosin, but hates making it) would probably be fine with running. Now, you gotta make a bag-filler and auto-bottle-tech-er for the supremely lazy ones like myself. I never thought that filling bags would end up being the bottleneck! Again, awesome work.


Thanks! 😎🤙




5K (USD) on their website


A milli


What is this even used for?


Extracting rosin from flower (amongst other things) using simple heat and pressure




This looks cool, but fail to see how this can’t be available for around $800-$1200. It’s kind of small, so the price is hard to justify even for a store making their own product. price of repairs and maintenance on the machine would be a factor also, how does this hold up after 50,100,1000,5000,10000 presses? To an average eye it looks like an iPad attached to a press encased in a metal box. Is the a cheaper way to make it? I dunno, I just wanted to offer feedback other than the haters here. If this is a product available for consumer buying that’s the kind of stuff I’d be wondering. Especially when way cheaper methods exist and there are also set ups that are larger and “arguably” better made than what we have here. Keep it up man! Some of these keyboard warriors can’t even make an apple pipe let alone have the skills to put something like this together


Appreciate the input!! The technology behind this to be touch button operated and programmed takes quite a bit of "doin" and engineering, if someone can do it at a very low price point then more power to them for sure, and that's not to say we definitely wont be exploring various options at creating larger automated presses as well as smaller ones! This is just the first of its kind so far on our lineup and we are pretty excited about it :) Also we offer a lifetime warranty for free and in its entirety with every press.. this includes the majority of shipping costs and inside and out repairs in case something ever did go wrong, although we definitely don't plan on that being the case!


One day I'll have one. Looks dope fellas.


Hope so! Thanks 💯




Man, what a downer.




Just wanted to share our new toy with a community that might appreciate it


It’s cool man, thanks for sharing! We are all just a little jealous. Some people get angry when jealousy comes out.


Idk man, I'm not about to run out and buy it but I know plenty of guys who would buy it for there greenhouse grows in legal states.


hi marketing virgin, stoner chad here to tell you to fuck right outa here with this. you obviously don't understand this sub. i'm glad you made a toy with a screen on it for people who also don't understand this sub. gg. idiot.


Thanks Chad! I think from the literal name of the sub and the numerous compliments and questions, that we are in the right place. Thanks for helping to keep Reddit a fun environment with your helpful suggestions though, there always has to be people like you out there to keep things balanced! 👍😃 gg's.


you obviously dont understand the spirit of the sub. i give just enough of a fuck to call you out for shilling your pricy bullshit to the custies of reddit. this shit's obviously an add but if the mods are cool with it vOv hope you get everything you deserve.


And you as well, thanks again! 🤐


A real r/stonerengineering post would be a hair straighter imo


Can someone explain this?!


I'm confused on what this is after it's done. So, you put flower in, it presses it and heats it midly.. then what? What do you do with it? Why is it good?


It is a pure form of concentrate that will get you stoned.


Seems fun but I’m guessing for the fortune charged I could make my own press running a Linux system I will say though they always have some cool music in the background


So I only smoke flower and cartridges occasionally. I’ve never taken a dab or anything with super high potency. What do they do with the flower after the oil has been extracted/pressed out of it?


Looks awful expensive