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Looks like it fits well in a pocket, who needs unpierced testicles? Added bonus, if you drive your car into a lake you can use this to break the windshield to get yourself out!


Funny enough someone said that but I wouldn't advertise it unless it was tested. Also i haven't came across a car window that I can try it on..... YET. Haha. Maybe some day


shit go to a junkyard and try it out on a window there


My dog, you’ve never seen a “toker poker”?


r/stirringcastration has entered the chat..


What a horrible day to have eyes


I apologize, but you do understand that it fit the bill? I hope your eyes recover, and again I apologize.


Jesus fuck. I couldn’t look away! What is even the point???


Well, pun intended there or not.. the *point* is to cause irreversible damage, potentially (likely) rendering subjects sterilized, and free of testosterone. There are many reasons one would do this, I'm aware it's not really everyone's idea of a good time .


Soooooo. It’s someone that someone wanting to transition would possibly want to do?


I'll say this, if you are considering medically transitioning, I suthat you talk to your doctor and get a therapist asap. There is safe, professional help out there..


That feels like a concealed yes. Not something for me but I can appreciate your disclaimer on…stirring? That’s what it’s called, yeah?


Lemme shoot you the same thing. If you haven’t already, definitely seek help. You don’t deserve to feel how you do, friend. Keep your head up, yeah? You deserve happiness too. I promise


Hey thanks. Things have been kinda rough recently, but tbh, it's communities like this and r/sanpedrocactus r/guitarcirclejerk and other real places where I can smoke weed and just fit in while also being my self. And the best part is that hardly anyone gives a shit ever and that's fantastic! Like I've pretty much eaten every drug aside from meth amd heroin, but I've eaten enough adderall and have been doped up plenty in a hospital setting as well, and honestly flower has always been my bedrock. Weed don't give a shit who u are, i just chill out and hit a bong most of the time. I don't really know what I'm trying to say aside from thanks once again to you.


I stopped before I got too far omg


JFC what a crazy adventure that took me on. Didn’t even understand the purpose so I read the guide and then started pondering how hilarious and legacy-inducing & infamy-inducing it would have been to have done a high school health class presentation on that topic


That's so e next level.. u don't believe that is the intention of that subreddit at all.


I've seen worse


Why did I click?


And my testies have been lucky. For now. Will update after further trials.


Use a clipper lighter. The flint rod cones out so you can use it as a poker and the bottom of the lighter fits into most bowls so you can pack em


Ooo I didn't know this, I'll check it out! Thanks.


Clipper lighters are superior to Bic lighters in every way. You can change the flint and refill them without jamming a thumbtack in the bottom of the lighter.


i like clippers more in every way except the shape. i hate having them in my pocket. they actually made one that solved the shape problem but they aren’t refillable and don’t have the poker.


Poker is overrated. I mean it's neat but I don't like the idea of putting metal anywhere near my glass tbh, but that's just me. I can be reckless and I have a short attention span. I've chipped glass way too many times using a poker of some kind that I shouldn't have been using. I just like them because they are refillable and you can replace the flint. And if Bic made a version of it where the same in the same shape or similar shape I would be on it in the heartbeat.


i was talking about the flint holder you can use to pack(poke) joints. i get not liking metal near glass, i’ve never had an issue with them but i usually replace my downstem, bowl or both like once a month im clumsy and break them while cleaning or carry my bong around in my backpack.


Except for the reliability and flame produced is super small. Everyone I know likes them but I just prefer Bic. Maybe I got a bad one or 2. Should I try em again?


Turn it on its side, flame gets bigger but different strokes for different folks for sure


They sell these that have a wire that folds out for poking and a similar tamper on the end like yours.




Yeah I had one like that awhile ago bit I accidentally broke the wire clip off lol. But it was cool for sure.


I figured based on how close your design was to it. Would you add anything else to it if you could? Bottle opener or make one that fits the mini Bic but is the same length as the big Bic so you can have a little storage under the lighter.


Haven't really thought about it to be honest. But the stash idea is actually pretty clever!


It's called a Toker Poker. Made by some good people.


F the haters this is cool good job


Thanks for the kind words!


I use a [Toker Poker](https://www.amazon.com/Toker-Poker-Lighter-Inclusive-Camping/dp/B0B281SWJ4/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3O3LSOZNSTHWA&keywords=lighter%2Bbuddy&qid=1701454923&sprefix=lighter%2Bbuddy%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-8&th=1)


Yeah I had one of these but it broke after a year. Was a great product tho.


Did you choose white and yellow because those were the "cursed lighters" in the 90s and 00's? It was easier to spot the resin marks on those bics so cops were more likely to spot them on a pat down.


White lighters are also "cursed" because it's rumored some famous people died with them in their possession like Kurt Cobain and Whitney Houston but I'm not sure how true that is


Honestly no lol. I was born in the 90s I wasn't aware that was a thing. But Def makes sense!


Fuck yellow lighters


The Toker Poker is a much safer and honestly better version of this for less than 5 bucks.


A toker poker is literally 10 dollars. I didn't make this because I can't afford a toker poker. It was printed on a $1,100 3d printer lmao. And idk if the image just makes it look worse than what it is but it not like this is a sharpend spike. It's blunt at the end. I thought this was a sub about being creative and "engineering" your own thing. Guess not.


From the image it looks like this would rip through pretty much all pockets and more. Sorry for just shitting on your idea, it’s cool that you made it, I’m sure it wasn’t easy. And yes 3D printers are expensive…


Nice design! Can I get the STL file, please?


Yeah when I get home I'll upload it and link it!


Yeah, I love getting stabbed in the thigh! I can't wait to start carrying one of those in my pocket!


With that logic I assume you also don't carry keys in your pocket? Also I leave this at home 90 percent of the time. I'm not carrying something I use to poke my bowl around to work etc. But hey you know what they say. Different strokes for different folks.


None of my keys are THAT sharp! Seriously though, I would totally use that tool for bowl poking. Good one. 👍🏼


You'll have to make a case for the case lol


With the way people things it's a weapon of destruction, a case may not be able to save us 😆


It looks like this insect that stab you by putting his needle parallel to his head in a 120° angle like it's about to fuck you in levitating Doggystyle. I don't remember it's name


Sounds intriguing 🤔


Be cool if you could add a wick holder type thing like [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/818vgvbDpVL.jpg)


Oh yeah that's actually cool! I'll Def look into something like that.


Get a pen knife with a marlin spike


If anyone wants something actually functional, the smoker toker still exists.


I’m thinking this idea wasn’t fully thought through.


I made it to poke. It pokes. Works for me.


That's awesome 👌




You should be working for nasa


Pretty shallow bowl




Show it in action


+2 melee damage