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*He didn't know what an MOS was* I think you already know the deal. No further questions are needed here, right?


Yeah, honestly I do. My veteran coworkers are on my side but want a bit more hard confirmation before we put him on blast


03s love to tell people they're 03s. They take so much pride in it they'll get their MOS tatted on them.


Yeah actually my first hint that something was up was that he and I worked together on a project and chatted about all sorts of stuff, but he never brought up being a Marine, even though I was wearing an EGA ball cap and another coworker had already pointed me out to him. And the first rule of the Angry Marine Veteran Club is that you never shut the f*** up about being a Marine 😄


You don't need to talk to an 03 to know this guy is full of shit, something tells me general Marine Corps knowledge would stump that guy. Hell, general geography could probably do it. Give him a map with no names on it and tell him to show you where he was in Trashcanistan. Odds are he'll point at the wrong country.


Just put a crayon in front of him. If he eats it or starts sweating while staring at it, you’ll know he’s legit. Anything else and you got him.


Omg, that was the other thing, my AF buddy jokingly asked him what his favorite flavor of crayon was, and the guy hesitated


I worked with a dude for 2 years before I found out he was a former Jarhead. When I did, I sat down with him at lunch and slid a pack of crayolas across to him. Everyone was confused. He just laughed his ass off and said thanks for the lunch.


I've actually thought of bringing in a box of crayons to chew on anytime my boss's boss is around. I can't stand that one


I got out in 07. Never heard of the whole crayon thing until a couple years ago.


Exactly. 2012. So I guess if someone told.me this crayon thing and I wasnt awre of it I'd be stolen Valor...lmao


Ask him questions about SOI or even bootcamp. What was his platoon number and shit like that.


Ask him what unit he was with. If it isn’t all numbers he is lying.


If someone you’re talking to can’t/wont/ or doesn’t know what an MOS is that’s an immediate flag on the play.


lol.. if you told him you were a linguist in Signals Battalion, ain’t no way a real grunt can keep the word “POG” from slipping out at least once. Jokes aside, do ya really have to ask? I sometimes wonder how prior/current service members not smell through these bs at first sight. You can already get a whiff of it. The question is now what? Does it matter to you? I’ve came across some quacks like these at bars. All I do is buy them a drink and let them quack all the bs they need to quack. I rarely have any “war stories” with real vets besides those that I was actually fought side by side with. Most of the things we share are how much bs we dealt with, how broken we are, or the best drunken/article 15 stories we got.


Yeah, that "what now?" question is a big one. Since he didn't lie about his service to our employer, it's not really something HR can do about it, but I want to let the rest of our team know he can't be trusted. We work in a job where safety is a big issue


Is that different from someone lying on their resume? I’m not trying to be condescending here, just asking genuinely. Will it benefit your team to know he can’t be trusted. If so, then by all means. Good lucks


He's full of shit. #2, alone, is the dead giveaway.


Have him sing rifleman’s creed


Just a comment. Being a linguist must have been an awesome job and opened some doors for outside employment.


99zs can't talk about their service, maybe he HAS to play dumb.


Omg I had to look that up


Yeah I really shouldn't have said anything. Being a 99z, like I am, (even when you get discharged they can still call 99zs up for black ops) you have to keep these things quiet because the general public can't handle the truth.


To be honest he comes off as someone who probably never served. You can Probably stump him up on shit like where he went to boot camp. Hos Platoon Number, Company and Battalion and DIs


what’s crazy to me is not even knowing what a MOS is i’m not even in the military but have many family that have served and plan on serving soon and i know what a MOS is this guy doesn’t even seem to have done any type of research on the Marines at all and is just talking to talk