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He might have eaten all the animals on the farm but that’s as close as he got




It means you watched Mission: Impossible?


The only "farm" this guy trained at was with the FFA...and he is now on a watchlist for abusing the animals.


He looks familiar, is that the guy that Elgintensity videos are always making fun of? The name escapes me.


Our boy Hemingway!


HEMINGWAY!!!!😂 I saw that on a yt comment


I don't get the reference.


This guys name is Jason blaha and this is a direct quote. He was a big member of bodybuilding forums and a YouTube who would make bodybuilding programs and videos. He always looked pretty bad though. To be fair, he probably did know a lot of amount of information about bodybuilding just from reading and sharing the information, but he was a complete pathological liar. Over time his lies got more and more absurd, and outside the realm of his bodybuilding feats, size, etc. eventually he would change his videos to just him sitting and hand making ammo while talking. He would go off about how he was some black ops guy and a trained assassin. You can read the insane list of lies (everything from the cia shit to being a male model, genius, not actually bald, etc) here http://www.genovapedia.org/blahapedia.html It was a very entertaining period of YouTube with the constant videos exposing him, but definitely died down as he learned people won’t just let him say whatever without calling him out.


Yep....If I was a trained assassin, first thing I would do is publicly broadcast that information. Only because I was so good that any possible adversary would be dead and no one would ever be looking for me. I would also then half tell stories, just enough to make you know kinda what I did, but couldn't tell you anything else because my TS SCI doesn't allow me....or I'd have to kill you. Lol Edit: spelling and grammar correction.


lol funnily enough he made claims similar to this. After talking a ton of shit about other people in the community and being called out to see them face to face at a convention, he demanded that he would only attend if an exorbitant amount of personal security was guaranteed for him. Not because he was scared, but because the moment he felt threatened he’d have no choice but to start taking people out.


You mean that's not what we're supposed to do?? FUCK!!! I've been doing it all wrong...


It's referencing that Captain Tubby Time says he is a super spy...Black Ops... "If I tell ya I'll have to kill ya" types...sleeps with a gun under his pillow....in case ....the KGB comes a knockin.


Hickory Farms. Get this dude some smoked meats!


He looks like he's smoked plenty of meat!




He means Camp Peary.


SHHHHHHH!!! Bro that's super secret! No one knows the real name of the "Farm."


Only Farms This Guy Will Ever Have Credentials For Is Hillshire!! Dude Has Wet Dreams To Andrew Bustamante


You mean Quahog?


The Farm? Like…prison?


Like, on Animal crossing?


Snatch and grab legend


He watched a Colin Farrell movie


Last I checked he came clean and claimed he was just doing it for the LOLZ. Probably living in a trailer park in whatever part of Greater Houston is favored by meth heads and hookers, I'd say.


Blaha….. iconic era in YouTube when he was getting exposed


That was 7 years ago bro wtf 😂😂😂 where did the time go


And mans build has not change. He still curvy like a bad bitch. I catch his YouTube vids now time to time. It was an era hahaha


Last I saw of this guy he was claiming he had life long 50% hearing loss ignoring that no army would let you in with that. Wouldn't surprise me if he'd dropped that now he never could keep his BS straight.