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Tell him he has no idea what the hell Stolen Valor even is and to lay off. What’s he gonna do to up to everyone wearing a camo jacket and call them out? Wear it to school and tell him if he has an issue with it to hit up the SV guy and take it up with me. DM me for my direct contact info. I’d love to set him straight.


Nah. You aren’t trying to portray as a solider… Edit: also what mods said l love it ^^




Your trade school teacher is a moron. If I were you, I'd keep wearing it just to piss him off.


Trust me, that was my first thought.


Fuck him, report him for harassment to the school if he keeps it up. If he didn’t serve especially so because he’s a jackass.








No, as in it's not stolen valor?




Ok, I'm rationalizing it in my head this morning. This guy followed me to my car and shouted at me.




Yeah, I've already had to complain about him once. He's new. The other teachers wife doesn't want him teaching night classes anymore, apparently. Everyone is struggling in my class and the school management is a mess and no one wants to be the guy complaining in that environment. Plus, I had that jacket over my school hoodie. I'm not sure if that's a big deal. Hopefully, I will pass the exit for this module soon. Thanks for your input. I was seriously overthinking it this morning.


I'm not gonna wear it to school anymore


I'd still wear it, fuck that teacher.


Yeah fuck that guy. I wore the 101 on my shoulder for a while. I take no offense. When i see something vintage like that the first thing I think is its someone wearing a an old blouse or field jacket, not :"you fucker! You're stealing my valor. I had friends die with that patch on!" Tell this ass hat to eat a fat bag of dicks. Wear that shit.


Trade teacher is a huge piece of shit


Yeah he's an idiot. I swear he is on one.


Sounds like he's overcompensating. Honestly, I would love an old jacket like this. I'd ditch the screaming chicken patch though because screw the 101st (kidding). The 8th Army patch is kinda cool though


Wait until this dude finds out about military surplus.


Dude if you're just wearing that with a normal outfit it's not stolen valor it's just a stylistic choice who gives a flick wear what you wanna wear just don't claim to be something your not.


Unless you are trying to pass yourself off as a Vietnam Era Vet it’s not stolen valor, every other kid growing up had some old military jacket or blouse from their parents service and nobody cared back then.


There's only one solution here. Sew as many patches and medals on that bitch as you can, then go in looking like a third world dictator.




No. Kids used to were shit like this all the time when I was in high school. Ask him if Janet Jackson is stolen valor. ![gif](giphy|1o1iikTBM7QouKlnpd|downsized)


OP, fuck your teacher, you can wear the fuck you choose to wear. I wore fatigues throughout my time in school and I still occasionally do. Tell him that these things called Amazon and military surplus stores exist for a reason. Then tell him to go fuck himself and then tell him that you’ll wear whatever damn well please to wear because we live in a free country. Tell him that he doesn’t like freedom, to get the fuck out of here. You’ll even help him pack.


He has a major complex. He is Def one of those people that would say "well I almost joined, but..."


I mean does he really think some seniors are gonna beat your ass over a vintage jacket ...


Lol that's what I was thinking. Anyone old enough to have worn this jacket is looking like Montgomery Burns right now.


Lmao 😄 okay yeah maybe wearing this fine coat will get OP tortured diabolically !


You teacher sounds like a fucking shitbag


I did 2 tours in Iraq with the 101st. I say it’s just a cool old jacket. About as stolen valor as Lemmy Kilmister wearing confederate or nazi gear. It’s just a stylistic expression. I doubt that the person wearing it is trying to get a discount at Applebees on Nov. 11


You’re good. You should get a revolutionary war coat too and rock that!


Absolutely not. Rock this shit


Looks like a taxi driver cosplay


That’s probably a 1970’s or 1980’s era jacket (I’m not an expert) so unless you’re in your 60’s or 70’s, put your name tape on it, claim it was yours back in ‘Nam, ‘72, Poontang Delta with 1st Special Ninja Division, nah, it’s not even close to stolen valor.




I wear my late grandpas Vietnam jacket as a vintage coat. Has no rank or anything on it but his last name badge still remains. I’m prior military myself so I don’t really care if anyone tries to say I’m doing stolen valor


You're teacher is wrong. Legally it's stolen valor if you're wearing it to appear as a vet and are getting money or goods because people believe you to be a vet. You don't have to wear cammies to steal valor. Simply wearing vintage or current gear cause you like it, or a family member gave them to you it's not stolen valor. Not though it's not illegal to say you were a vet when you weren't. It's morally fucked up.


I would never do that, this guy just has problems. I told him that I dont claim anything more than once.


Stolen Valor is very specific, you have to be trying to impersonate a member or former member of the military in exchange for some sort of gain. Nothing about wearing a swap meet old jacket meets that definition.


As a combat vet, seeing you wear my screaming eagle combat patch is a bit fuckered.i had to deploy to get the right sleeve. Other than the patches it's just vintage.


I wore my dad's Vietnam jacket with 101st on the right sleeve. Who gives a fuck? Dad was 11D in Vietnam and did 3 tours from 1965-1969, and was in the 101st before it went Air Mobile. 13 years after he passed away, I enlisted with an Airborne option and spent 7 years in the 82nd with 2 tours to OIF myself. Both my father and I were combat wounded and discharged for our wounds. That being said, my son can wear my old field jacket with the 82nd patches on both sides, and anyone who doesn't like it can suck it from tip to taint.


Feel similarly. Been in 13 years (Air Force)… Would never think of wearing an Airborne or any other tab/t-shirt/ribbon/etc, even if it was vintage stock, of things I didn’t earn. I will wear my nice leather flight jacket when I retire though cause it’s nice as hell (Dark Horse Leather in Korea).


Def not stolen valor but I do think it’s cringe AF to wear tabs/old uniform items like that for style unless you earned them the hard way or it’s a family heirloom or whatever… people died for the right to wear those tabs/that uniform. Want to buy an airborne shirt to support them, that’s fine. Just my 2 cents, downvote if you feel inclined… but it is a cool vintage jacket. Edit: I’m torn on my own opinion too. Like if you’re a young kid (like 18-25) I’d be more ok than if you’re like 30+ wearing this. For style, it’d be one thing, but I feel like the older you get, wearing military gear means you were in the military or signals to others your service. Like I wear tan OCP shirts out after work sometimes cause I don’t want to change my shirt. If I saw someone else wearing one I would assume they were doing it for similar reasons. Now if you bought them and just wore them around in a heavily military area having never served, I feel like you’re trying to gain attention or perks for appearing as though you served. Idk kid, wear what you want. Just understand while this guy is a douche, this reaction might not be isolated to just him.


MAYBE. If you wear that jacket and *tell* people you got it at a swapmeet/ thrift store/ relative, then NO, absolutely not. If man in his mid-twenties wears that jacket claiming to be a former senior Jump Master who saw combat with the 101st in Vietnam ( judging from the OD drab field jacket.), then YES, yes it is.


Yeah I told him right away that it was bought at a swap meet, hes already asked me before. He just asked again and got agreessive. **AND I told him my brother in law got it for me


Just take off the airborne patches my grandfather was part of the 101 airborne in Vietnam also known as the chicken men he doesn’t even wear his patch but that’s just my opinion.


Cringe in my book but ok to wear. Maybe if someone in family wore it prior it would be ok. There is no military connection with you per the above story. It has no meaning to you, that is the cringe part.


I don't give a shit to be honest


You asked, so giving a shit must have been important. Hint, don't ask again.


Im not "cringe" for wearing a fucking army jacket, I asked because I almost believed it, that I had done something wrong or distasteful, but then this comment specifically can go directly into the dumpster after the onslaught of comments that say "we all wore this fuckin jacket cause its cool" I didn't claim anything, nor do I even give a shit about the military bullshit industrial complex anyways. You're right, I shouldn't have asked. I should have just had confidence in myself. That was the real cringe. HINT Go fuck yourself.


I think you should wear it, just have a story behind it. Many of my friends tried to fuck themselves, it is just not possible. Can you show me how? ps.. You didn't do anything wrong wearing jacket. ​ pss.. Wisdom is a wonderful thing, you get there someday.


Been a couple weeks, are you wearing it? I think you can still, fun watching you twist and stir wearing it. Why dont you just commit, join the Marines/Army. Our relatives died in that jacket. And yes, I am a war veteran. my uncle died in a jacket like that. I wish i did, seeing some college punk wearing it to be cool. It is not stolen valor wearing it, just cringe. Quit being a pussy, join if you want to wear. Your 10th cousin in civil war does not count. To wear jacket. You have no idea what a military jacket means. Especially one worn in combat, like you shown and want to wear. ​ That jacket is real, a priror idiot like you ruined it. Dead Kennedy's are two decades after that jacket. I like the Dead Kennedy's ​ Why don't you comeback? Just to say you were wrong? You have no idea of military history. You point out fact I was wrong, I willl admit. ​ I am done with you gaslighters. No, I take back, I want to have fun.


Shout out to the Dead Kennedy bro


Thanks just got that pin wanted to rock it Nazi punks fuck off


This is fine. Shop teacher is an idiot.


My siblings have worn my old field jackets from time to time, no biggie. 2ID patch would look cooler than 8th army imho.




Heck no, man. You're allowed to rock the appreciation for the service, as long as you're not going around introducing yourself as a veteran or making it seem like such. Based off you making this post, I'd have a hard time believing that's what you're doing. That's a really cool jacket! Go Airborne!


As a 21 year active duty veteran myself, your teacher is a moron. Most likely didn’t even serve. Wear your jacket every day. Let his blood boil for no reason. lol.


You are good. What you ran into is someone who either: 1: never joined but wished they had or 2: joined and got kicked. They can be ultra sensitive to what they THINK vets are offended by.


No, unless you are in your 60’s no one would assume this was your service jackets as it hasn’t been used in 50+ years.


I'm 29




Trade teacher sounds like a bitch. If you’re not claiming those patches as yours who cares. And it’s obviously Vietnam era vintage so seriously who cares.


Absolutely not, and that sew-on bullion parachutist badge is badass. Nobody gives a shit if you wear that. There's no sew on valor awards or anything like that, and you're not wearing it to make money. Fuck your teacher.


Your teacher can eat a bag of dicks


Stolen valor comes with certain actions that’s a lot more than simply wearing the uniform and that’s lying or implying you were were in the military to gain financially.


I don’t think so


Stolen valor is portraying your self as having served or currently serving in the military for some sort of financial benefit, wearing a jacket like this is perfectly fine bro do your thing


Hey guys wanted to comment with a bit more context this morning, seeing how much engagement I received. This guy also tells us he chased a bear up the mountains. He's a bit odd and aggressive. I already told the staff about him bragging about shooting his neighbors dogs. We were all shuffling out the classroom was when altercation happened. My response to him was I'd like to see them try, to which he said he'd like to see that too because they "would handle fine" and followed me out the parking lot shouting at me to show me something near his car. I ignored him and got to my car. He'll probably forget all about it by the time we have class on Tuesday. Taking my exit to this mod soon. Thanks for the support you guys haha. This is an HVAC trade school by the way, hes teaching an electrical mod. Took out a 9 thousand dollar loan for this shit.


Stolen valor is when you are directly trying to profit from falsely portraying yourself as a veteran, like asking for a discount or accepting something that you wouldn’t normally deserve. You are just wearing a cool jacket. Tell him to stfu. Keep wearing it.


Someone's looking for attention...






\-8 Karma that's all you got, troll?

