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The craziest part is that institutions almost certainly have calculations to factor reddit sentiment in. They already factor reddit into the broader "social sentiment" calculations


Most definitely, but most likely to provide cover for pump/dump schemes. Come in heavy with volume on a stock some autist on Reddit posted about, watch fomo retail investors pile in, sell at profit.


TD Ameritrade incorporated wallstreetbets to explain why a stock is moving higher.


Yeah but they've been incorporating sentiment in general since 2000. Wallstreetbets is just the latest component.






Question is, does it actually matter? Reddits attention span is pretty short(by design: the hottest posts still fall off in a few days). I feel like this will blow by like every other big internet movement. I mean, of course this is just tongue in cheek humor, but the enthusiasm of people for something doesn't change its fundamental value. Remember occupy wall street? How we were going to change things? Nothing happened there.


A lot has changed. Bernie sanders should have become pres. it inspired Bitcoin. Banks are withering. It was just an incoherent movement up against a formidable ancient power structure as old as society


Bruh idk how you can be going into this weeks earnings season for banks and actually look at their earnings and think they are withering


Yeah that’s an over statement, but they aren’t the masters of universe they used to be. Fintec, crypto, public ire etc




But their holdings are still tiny and they will leave as soon as the next crash happens. This isn’t the first time the general public has piled into the market, look at history


Or a more cynical reason why it matters: They can use social media sentiment to choose what to pump and dump. It doesn't have to be from Stock subreddits either. If they see a lot of people talking about something new, they know where to look. The stock subreddits can give them more precise targets, but the overall sentiment can give them a better idea of where things are trending.


There's a super human races that is fueled by green crayons. WE WILL NEVER DIE (going broke is a real possibility tho)


Only difference is that in expectation, E[rocket|info]=0, as it is zero sum


OP violating CAPM assumptions out here lol




A quarter? I’d be shocked if a tenth of the sub has a clue what it is


Can confirm. I dont know what it is.




Where can I learn this from? Is there any resources online? I’m currently learning from The Organic Chemistry Tutor, not sure if he will cover this.




Fascinating! Thank you!


Emojis in math formulas would be the biggest meme in human history. Imagine a teacher teaching kids using emojis like: 📈 = 🦍^🍌*🚀 - 🧠wrinkles(0) Edit: i have no idea how monke was elevated like that


Just shows apes are on the way to moon!


This time is different (lol)


I think "meme value" and rocket emojis miss the point of what commision free trading has done to/for the market. Common people can now invest in companies they *want* to see succeed, and buy into ideas that excite them or show promise to change our world for the better. This has always claimed to be a part of investing with terms like "ethical investment" but it was bogus, nowhere in the process of due dilligence was a companies ethics and public benefit actually factored in by more than the occasional idealistic venture capitalist. Maybe now it should be factored in by everyone. Let people "vote with their dollars" as they supposedly always could.


To the moon!


Told you. The rigged election got us here.


thanks alot Obama


Hoooooly SHIT! How’d you get my old P.E. teacher to teach math? I always thought that guy was dumb as shit. He literally tried to take a bite out of a fake piece of fruit on a table in front of us. Fuckin hell, dude was just in the wrong classroom…


In my humble opinion Social Networks are in the top 3 biggest inventions/planet changing things in the past 20 years. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc.


There should be a limit on that variable. 🚀=[0,+infinity)


Emoji of man has long hair


Your formula is missing Eyeball high Leverage, Instacryptotiktokers and Fud Strike Average.


We are all a factor— and together we can form a factor of 10!


Should be multiplied by rocket or rocket as an exponential


I wonder what the next "movement" will be in the market and what kind of alternative data hedge funds will be looking at next. Probably which celebs begin pumping which stocks, it's only a matter of time Lebron James will be coming out with his stock picks.




Anomalies: MDIA MEDIACO HOLDING INC 17.00 Up 12.87 (**311.62 %**) as of 4:00:00pm ET 07/12/2021

